Noah (23 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Foor

BOOK: Noah
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Dinner with my
parents felt like I’d been away for months, instead of just days. At first they didn’t ask me about my trip, but after we ate, and I went outside on the porch, it was the first thing my dad wanted to know. “How was New York?”

I leaned over the railing next to him. It wasn’t uncommon for him to act like we’d never had it out. “It was fine.”

“Accordin’ to the credit card receipt, you weren’t alone, at least for part of your trip.”

I didn’t look at him when I spoke. “You know, it really bothers me that I can’t get an ounce of privacy. Does it
matter who I was with?”

“I was just curious. Did you take Perry? Your mom was disappointed that she didn’t come to the party.”

I rolled my eyes, realizing he was never going to change. No matter what I did, he’d know about. It made me want to keep Shalan a secret forever. “We broke up.”

He looked over at me. “Is there a good reason?”

“Probably not one you would want to hear.”

“Is there someone else?”

I had to be short with my dad, because the last thing I wanted to do was tell him my business. I guess, in a way, he was trying to smooth things out with me. To me, he was just trying to interfere even more in my life. “Dad, do you really want to know who I’m takin’ to bed, or are you just askin’ just to avoid what needs to be said?”

He stood up straight and crossed his arms. “Are you here for good, or do you plan on takin’ a lot more of these trips?”

I turned and leaned my back against the porch railing. Like him, I crossed my arms in front of me. “Do I have a choice?”

“You always have a choice, Noah. You just don’t like the options you’re given.” Of course I didn’t. It was his way or the highway.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” I shook my head. “You know, there’s a chance that I would have ended up workin’ this ranch my whole life anyway, but bein’ pushed into the position ain’t exactly considerate. I need space. You hoverin’ over me all the time is redundant. I can do the job without you houndin’ me. It ain’t like I don’t know what I’m doin’. You just look for things to bitch about, because I’m your son.”

“Watch your mouth, son.” He took a long breath before continuing. “You want to discuss this now?” I could tell he was irritated, but not as much as me.

If I was going to be stuck with this life, he was going to listen to me bitch about it, at least once. “I want you to know where I’m comin’ from.”

My youngest sister came into view. “That’s goin’ to have to wait. Mom said get your butts inside for dessert. Gram’s goin’ to need a ride home afterwards, Noah.” Addy held the door open, not giving us a second to hash out our concerns any more.

My grandmother was spending extra time with Bells. We knew she was worried about her, and more so what her parents were going to say when she told them that she’d decided to move to the ranch with me.

I think in some ways they always knew we’d grow up and want to live closer to each other. Summers were never enough time to spend with my best friend, girl or not. We used to count down the days until we could hang out with each other again. When we both entered into college it got even harder. Her jackass boyfriend kept her away from family get-togethers, and I was starting to feel like we were losing that bond we’d always shared.

It wasn’t until their first big blow up that I knew she still needed me just as much as I needed her. After that, we never kept anything from each other.

My gram winked at me as I walked in and sat down across from them. Bells smiled, but kept her head low. My dad had pulled her aside three times asking for details. My mom just asked me when nobody was around. I think that even though she knew she was safe, Bells felt uncomfortable being around everyone.

My sister, Christian, was playing with her phone. I snatched it out of her hand and read the message she was replying to.

Tonight. My place. Wear something black, with lace.
– Kev

She yanked the phone out of my hand and gave me this look like she could kick my ass. “Dick.”

I got close to her ear, so our parents wouldn’t hear us. “If this Kev wants to live to see another day, he’ll keep his fuckin’ hands off of you. Make sure you tell him that.”

She punched me in my stomach. “You can’t control me, Noah.”

I took her phone again, this time holding it up so she couldn’t reach it. I liked to antagonize my sisters whenever I got a chance. “Hey, Mom, did you know Chris plans to meet up with some guy tonight after dinner?”

She was carrying in a cake she’d made. “Leave her alone, Noah. She’s a grown woman.”

“What is with this family?”

My father put his hand on my shoulder. “It’s okay.
Noah and I can always give him a lesson in gun cleanin’ the next time he comes over.”

I even laughed at my dad’s joke. For once he’d been funny. My uncle would have been impressed.

“Don’t worry, Christian,” Bells cut in. “My dad tried that same crap with me. Just ignore them and they’ll finally give up.”

After that we all dropped it and ate dessert. Bells and I helped my grandmother onto the golf cart and we drove her to the main ranch house. Once we knew she was settled, we headed back to my place.

Bells plopped down on the couch and immediately turned on some ridiculous reality television show. “You got any popcorn?”

“We just ate. Isn’t that bad for your ass?”

She lifted the remote like she was going to throw it at me. “Screw you. My ass is fine.”

“If you want somethin’, you can get it yourself.” I started walking back towards my bedroom when I heard her saying something smart.

“You goin’ to go call your girlfriend?”

“There is no girlfriend.”

She began to giggle. “Noah, the walls in this house are thin. I could hear you earlier on the phone. Now, you either called some sex line, which is totally disgustin’, or you’ve got a secret girlfriend. So which is it?”

“Mind your own business, creeper.” I shut my door before I had to answer any questions. Within seconds I was sending Shalan a message. She’d be getting ready to perform with the band, and I didn’t want to bother her.

Hope your night goes well. Wish I could be there to hear those pipes. – Noah

I got a reply almost immediately.

It’s not the same without you. – Shalan

Call me tonight? – Noah

Are you sure? – Shalan

Positive. – Noah


I waited up that night to talk to Shalan, and the next night, and the one after that. Not only did we talk every night, but there were even times that we would send messages throughout the day.

After two weeks she’d settled into her new apartment and started the next venture with her new management company. It was exciting to live vicariously through her process, but most of all I enjoyed talking to her, hearing from her, and wishing she was in my arms.

My cousin made my evenings easier, even though she was going through hell. After her parents calmed down about her moving in with me, she went out and got a full-time job at one of the companies that transported our chickens when they were ready for pickup and slaughter. Bells had majored in Business and was now working the
operations department underneath  only one other person. She’d gotten the job because my grandmother conveniently knew every person in the state of Kentucky.

On the weekends we’d go out and have some drinks to unwind. I had to admit it was nice having her around. Women at the bar left me alone, because they just assumed we were a couple. Bells seemed to be the only one annoyed over it. I think she missed being in a relationship, but she also knew that it wasn’t going to happen on my watch.

After changing her phone number, the calls finally stopped. She’s closed out of all her social media sites and changed her email, just to get away from her ex. I got that it was hard, albeit it was the best decision she’d ever made.

Almost a month after meeting Shalan I’d bought a plane ticket to New York on a whim to see her. Even though we’d talked every night it still didn’t calm the craving I had to be with her again. I suppose somewhere in the back of my mind I knew something was happening between us that we were both aware of, though I was still fighting with myself over making it official. We lived two separate lives and being a couple was never going to work. I couldn’t expect her to give up her dream and live on a ranch with me. It just wasn’t meant to be, and I had to accept it, and try to have fun while it lasted.

Shalan’s apartment was in between Manhattan and Little Italy. It was just an old building that had been converted to one bedroom apartments, nothing fancy. After paying the cabby, I walked up to the door and buzzed her number. I waited, for what felt like forever, but the door never buzzed to let me in. I backed up and started to pull out my phone when I heard the door open.

There she was, standing in the doorway with the biggest smile on her face. Shalan was in my arms in less than a second, showering me with sweet kisses. I held onto her as we entered the building, and I carried her up the flight of stairs to her apartment.

With her legs still wrapped around my waist, I reached for the door and then closed it behind us after we’d entered. My hand was already up her loose shirt, feeling nothing but skin beneath my fingers. I leaned against the door and felt her dropping to her feet. She tugged on my t-shirt and pulled it over my head, taking my ball cap with it. I started unbuckling my belt, while watching her slip the shirt off. Now shirtless, she wiggled out of her shorts and was exactly how I remembered her.  She saw me eyeing her up and bit down on her lip. “Stop doing that.”

“What?” I acted innocent.

“Looking at me like you’ve never seen me before. It makes me nervous.”

I stepped forward, breaking the distance between us. “Woman, I could never forget how beautiful you are.”

She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me gently on the lips. “This is nice.”

“Standin’ naked at the door to your apartment? Am I allowed to come inside, or is this as far as I’m goin’ to get?”

She started laughing. “Well, I was a little caught up in the moment, if you hadn’t noticed.” She grabbed my hand and started walking us around. “This is the living room and kitchen. There’s a bathroom right there.” Then she stopped when we got to the last door. “And this is my bedroom, where this tour ends.”

She pulled me, walking backwards herself until we reached her bed. Shalan had hung sheets on the windows to make it darker in the room. There was no need for us to remove our clothes, since they were already gone. She turned us around and pushed me down on the mattress. I propped myself up on my elbows and felt her climbing on top of me. She straddled me, her pussy in full view. I bit down on my bottom lip and thought about the way she sounded when I made her come. “I take it you missed me.”

She shoved me down and pinned my arms. I could easily break free, but had no inkling to do so. “You wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”

“I need a kiss, darlin’.”

She leaned down and pressed her mouth to mine. As she pulled away I started to laugh. “I wasn’t talkin’ about those lips.” I freed my hands and grabbed her ass, pulling it up over my chest. Shalan looked down and watched me inching my way toward her pussy. She cupped both of her breasts and licked over her front teeth before I looked back at what I’d waited almost four weeks to have again. “I wonder how many times I can make you come in three days?”

She moaned. “Mmm, I can’t wait to find out.”



Noah wasn’t the
type of guy that was easy to talk about relationships with. What we had was definitely something, but we hadn’t labeled it. Honestly, I was too afraid to talk about it, at all. The countless hours of getting to know him more on the phone, and sending messages had left me completely infatuated with him, and as much as I wanted more, I knew our worlds were too different to try.

My life was changing, for the better of course, but with one sacrifice. Having time to spend doing my own thing was going to become difficult. The busier I got the less I knew I’d be able to have those phone calls, and
personal relationships. It scared me, knowing that I was about to be thrown into a lifestyle that I knew literally nothing about. People read the tabloids. We hear about all the negative, but was that all there was? Couldn’t someone just sing and be happy? Did it have to come with such baggage?

My mind went to Noah, and how happy I was when he was near me. This visit from him had only made it more apparent. I’d missed him, more than I cared to admit, and it scared me. All we had were our visits, and as excited as I was to be with him again, I knew it would be over sooner than later.

That made me so sad, knowing that I couldn’t keep him with me every day. I didn’t mean it in a clingy way. It was more to the point of being able to wake up and know he was next to me. It was the companionship of being together that I longed for.

After a morning of sex, we lie naked together in my bed. I’d worked a full week with a voice coach in preparation for my first real event. Monday morning I’d be flying out with a very popular band to sing backup. It wasn’t the same as having my own concert, but certainly enough to feel like my dreams were coming true. 

I nestled my body into Noah’s. “I still can’t believe you came.”

He kissed the top of my head. “You were the one who came; five times from what I can recall.”

“You know what I meant.” I giggled and smacked his chest lightly.

Noah looked me straight in the eyes. He ran his hands through my hair as he spoke. “Did you think I wouldn’t show?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess I felt like seeing you was too good to be true. I guess I’m not used to having good things happen to me.”

Noah pulled my leg over his body and sat me on top of him. I let my chest fall down over his and kissed him slowly. When I pulled away I kept my lips close and could feel his moving as he spoke, in between little pecks. “I needed to see my little rock star before she gets famous and forgets about me.”

I ran my fingers through his thick, dark hair. “That’s not possible, especially after what you just did with your tongue. What was that?”

We both laughed while I waited for an answer.

“I told you over the phone we had more to explore.”

“Yeah, but that was…My God, I don’t even know how to explain it.” Just thinking about it was making me hot and bothered, all over again.

“Stop talkin’, you’re makin’ my head grow.”

My eyes got huge and a cackle escaped my lips. “Which one?”

He rolled us over, so that he was on top. “Both.”

Being with Noah was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. It wasn’t just that he was so tentative, or that his focus was always on pleasing me. It was the way he
touched me, and more importantly, the way he looked at me.

I’d never felt so desired before, and I think he knew that. No matter what we were doing, his focus was always on me and he took the time to stop and ask for permission, as if I’d ever say no.

Noah entered me with ease since I was still aroused from our last encounter. My muscles accepted his girth, but still it was uncomfortable at first. He went slow, watching my face change from irritated to pleased, before he increased the tempo. His tongue entered my mouth and matched the way mine moved. I could feel his whiskers brushing over my cheeks as we kissed. His large hand took ahold of one of my breasts and began massaging it. Then very maneuvered, it slid down over my navel until he hit the base of my sex. I could feel the muscles in his arm working as he rubbed over my clit. My knees raised to his sides almost by themselves.

Noah noticed my adjustment and decided to make some himself. He took my already lifted knees and pushed them up until they pressed on my chest. Still inside of me, he looked down at my very stretched pussy. I felt his hand rubbing over my lips and holding them apart with one hand while he lightly slapped on my most sensitive bud, causing me to jerk each time. The more reaction he got the faster he started pumping himself inside of me again. Our bodies slapped together from me becoming so wet, and I trembled feeling overcome again by another wave of bliss.

Noah kept watching my pussy, licking his lips and touching on my clit, as he fucked me. It was too much for me to keep my eyes open. I wanted to call out his name and explode with passion.

“Come on, Shalan. I want to watch this pussy go wild.”

That was it. He could have said that he liked the color yellow and I would have gone crazy. Hearing his voice set me off and I couldn’t hold back. I cried out as he held my legs up above my head. My muscles were contracting so much that I could feel him fighting to stay inside of me.

That’s when he really went to town, vigorously pounding into me as I wallowed in bliss. My legs were freed as his body arched back, his eyes closing and loud sounds being spoken under his breath. I could feel his release inside of me, and accepted that he was completely spent.

Noah fell down and pulled me on top of him. Our bodies remained connected, yet exhausted. I kissed him then, so passionately that I had to wonder how I was going to be able to say goodbye when it was time for him to leave.

All of our late night talks had only increased my feelings. I knew I couldn’t talk about them, because there would never be an opportunity for more to happen between us. Noah and I were two friends that enjoyed spending time together. We knew we lived in two different worlds, and I had to accept that, no matter how badly I wondered what we could be.

We spent the remainder of the night in bed, tangled together. When we became famished we ate, and then went right back to sex again.

In the wee hours of the night I felt Noah moving his hands lightly over my body. He thought I was sleeping
when he placed gentle kisses on my shoulder. I kept my eyes closed, content with having his attention.

“I can’t get you out of my head, darlin’. The more I’m with you, the more I want.”

I turned and faced Noah, finding his eyes even in the dark room. “I know,” I whispered. “We have to enjoy the time we have. It’s not like we won’t talk. I mean, you are my only real friend.”

He brushed the side of my face. “Until you meet someone else.”

I saw pain in Noah’s eyes, and for maybe the first time, I knew it was about me. “Don’t say that. I’ve never connected with anyone like this.”

He let out an air-filled laugh. “Shalan, you’re about to be famous, and don’t say you’re not. I know how good you are. It’s only a matter of time before everyone hears it for themselves. There ain’t nothin’ a ranch hand like me could ever offer you. Hell, I’m probably holdin’ you back from some fancy rock star party as it is.”

“First of all, you’re not a ranch hand; at least from what you’ve told me. Secondly, I don’t fit in at those parties. I don’t even know anyone, and the people that I do recognize are hardly approachable.” It sort of hurt me to hear him say that I was basically too good to be with someone like him. Didn’t he understand that I’d be forever grateful to him?

Noah closed his eyes and looked away for a second. “It figures, I’d find someone that I enjoy this much, and I can’t even bring her home.”

This time I grabbed his face and made him look in my direction. “Noah, all you have to do is ask. I’d love to see where you live.”

This hint of a smile formed on the corner of his lips. “Consider that your invitation.”

“Fine,” I replied sarcastically, as if it were a burden.


A moment of silence was followed by him tickling the sides of my waist. I whipped around uncontrolled begging him to stop. As uncomfortable as it was, I appreciated that Noah could be serious one minute and playful the next. It was just another reason why I knew he was special.

He finally stopped to let me catch my breath. “So when did you want to come to the ranch?”

I shrugged. “I can probably come in two weeks. I’ve got to do this tour fill-in for one week and then I know I will at least have a weekend to spare. How does that sound?”

“A weekend is never enough time, woman. We’re talkin’ hundreds of acres. There’s five houses on the property. We’ve got thirteen pole buildings. I need to take you horseback ridin’.”

I cut him off. “You have horses?”

“Yes. It’s a ranch. How do you think we gather the cattle?”

I felt like an idiot. “I never thought about it.”

He started laughing. “I’m kiddin’. Sure, we can do it
the old fashioned way. Nowadays we use the ATV’s. It’s easier and works a little faster. Now my daddy still messes around with the horses. The ones I was talkin’ about are strictly for ridin’.”

“I’ve never ridden a horse,” I confessed.

Honestly, I’d always been afraid of horses. They were so big, and I felt like I was going to die if I ever fell off.

He ran the back of his hand between my breasts. I inhaled and closed my eyes, getting turned on again from a single touch. “It’s goin’ to take me a good week to show you every inch.”

I snickered and opened my eyes. “Are we talking about land or something entirely different?”

“Listen to you, gettin’ all dirty. You’re so damn sexy, woman. That’s why I can’t get enough.” He pinned my arms down over the sheets. “What am I goin’ to do with you?”

I don’t know why, but for some reason all I wanted to do was say ‘love me’, even though I knew it wasn’t possible. The idea of that popping in my head immediately caused me to flush. I felt embarrassed and he would never know why. “I guess you’re going to have to ravage me until I can’t move a single muscle on my body.”

He leaned down and kissed me so beautifully, that sounds escaped me from somewhere inside. I was falling for this man, this perfect man that I knew I wouldn’t ever be able to keep.

As painful as that reality was, I knew I had to savor every single moment I got with him. When my schedule became too hectic he’d move on to someone new, and I’d just be another notch in his bedpost.

I hated that.



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