Noble Love (The Nobles of Sweet Rapids #1) (6 page)

BOOK: Noble Love (The Nobles of Sweet Rapids #1)
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Chapter 10


essa was sitting in the office at the bakery, jotting down some new dessert ideas when the phone rang.

"Everetts," she said, once she picked up the phone.

"I was hoping you'd answer."

"Isaiah!" she chimed. Clearing her throat, and tamping down her excitement at hearing his voice, she asked, "How are you?"

"I'm great," he answered. "How are you? I hope you're not too upset with me for not calling sooner."

"I thought I may have run you off with that kiss," she teased, leaning back in her chair.

His chuckle warmed her, even over the phone. "Not a chance, you're not getting rid of me that easily. I had dinner with my parents and we discussed the documentary idea."

"How'd that go?" she asked.

"They're on board," he said. His zealousness was palpable. "I wanted to call you right away and tell you, and that's when I realized–"

"You never got my number."

"A regrettable oversight on my part," he said.

"Write this down," Tessa said, and then gave Isaiah her phone number. "Now you can reach me any time."

"You may regret that at two in the morning when I can't sleep, because I'm working on something and it's not right."

"I've had my fair share of sleepless nights over creative troubles, so I understand. But yeah, you still may get cussed out."

"Oh!" Isaiah laughed. "I see you're already reneging on your 'call me anytime' offer. Don't worry gorgeous, I won't interrupt your beauty rest."

"That's much appreciated, thank you."

"Hey," he said. "Do you like jazz?"

"Who doesn't?"

"I've got tickets and backstage passes to Laurel Hunter's show in Reno this weekend."

Tessa sat up in her chair. "Laurel Hunter? Are you for real?"

"Yeah, I worked on her last album with her and when I told her I was coming home for a while, she hooked me up with some tickets to the jazz festival she's performing at. I originally planned on giving them away, but if you're interested–"

"Yes!" she said quickly, cutting him off. "I'd love to go. I love her music. And her husband's books too."

"I'm sure Rowan will be there as well, he doesn't let that woman out of his sight."

Tessa had seen Rowan and Laurel on the cover of the tabloid newspapers and entertainment magazines at the stores and the two always look incredibly in love. What it must feel like to have a man look at a woman the way Rowan looked at Laurel, she thought to herself.

"So I'll pick you up around seven to drive over to Reno, is that good for you?" Reno was about half an hour's drive from Sweet Rapids.

"That sounds good."

"All right, I'll see you Saturday evening."

"See you, Saturday."

As she placed the phone back on the receiver, she couldn't hide the huge grin on her face as she tried to get back to work.

"Am I to assume a certain Noble man is responsible for putting that smile on my daughter's face?"

Tessa's head shot up to meet her mother's curious gaze. "Mama, what are you doing here?"

"Same thing I'm always doing, making sure everything around here is running on a tight ship."

Tessa prayed this wasn't leading to another argument.

"You know it is, Mama."

Janet shrugged and smiled. "Yes, I know. My babies are doing a great job, so great they can't wait to get rid of me so they can take over and do God knows what with this place."

Tessa felt the heat rising up her neck instantly. She opened her mouth to speak, but Janet held up her hand. "Back to my original question."

"And what was that?" Tessa asked, pretending to forget.

"You know exactly what I asked you girl. Is that Noble boy that's in town the one who's got you smiling like that? Which one is it?"

"Isaiah," Tessa answered.

"Mmmhmm, that's the one. I saw him come in here before we opened 'bout a week or so ago when Dana was out sick. And Marva Lipton said she saw you with him at that hippie juice place and then
right outside the bakery looking awfully cozy eating sharing a meal."

Marva Lipton owned a specialty shop on Main Street, across the street from Everetts’.

"Mrs. Lipton needs to mind her own business," Tessa mumbled. "Yes, Mama. Isaiah and I have spent a little time together. We happen to enjoy each other's company."

"Will you be enjoying his company again any time soon?" Janet asked, a grin on her face as well.

"As a matter of fact," Tessa said, swaying in her seat. "We have a date this weekend. He's taking me to see Laurel Hunter in concert. He's even got backstage passes."

"That sounds fun!" Janet said. Her gaze grew distant and she sighed. "I haven't gone to a concert in ages."

"You and daddy should go to one some time."

Janet blinked, and the dreamy look on her face disappeared. "Oh child," she said, waving her hand. "I'm too old for things like that."

"You're never too old to do things with someone you love, Mama."

Janet sat in deep thought for a moment. "Your father did mention wanting to go out recently. But the bakery–"

"Is in good hands, Mama," Tessa insisted. "Dana and I got this."

Janet opened her mouth to argue, but Tessa cut off what she knew her mother was about to say, "And this isn't about us changing or adding things, or wanting to take over the business ourselves so you can retire. That's another argument for another day. This is simply about you and daddy going out and enjoying each other's company."

"Just like you want to enjoy Isaiah Noble's company?" Janet asked.

His company and so much more,
Tessa thought, but wouldn't dare say out loud to her mother.

"You and daddy deserve a night out together," Tessa said instead.

"Okay," Janet finally said, standing. "I'm going to tell your father to plan something. We're going out."

"Enjoy your date," Tessa said as Janet left the office.

"And you enjoy yours too!"



Isaiah stepped out of his car and smoothed down the front of his suit jacket, before reaching back in the car and to grab the fresh flowers he'd picked up on the way to Tessa's house. He slammed the door shut and headed up the walkway to Tessa's house. It was a nice little bungalow style home; it fit her personality perfectly, he thought as he rang the doorbell.

When she opened the door, she literally took his breath away. She looked up into his eyes with that smile that always seem to warm his body. She had on a small amount of makeup, and her normally curly hair was blown out straight and hung down past her shoulders in large waves that framed her pretty face.

She looked elegant in a wide legged white jumpsuit with a V-neck that showed just a hint of cleavage. It wasn't too much, but it teased him just enough to make him imagine what it would feel like to palm her large breasts before taking them into his mouth.

"Hello, Isaiah," she said, grinning at him eagerly.

"Good evening, Tess," he said, leaning down to kiss her cheek. He held the flowers out to her as he added, "You look absolutely ravishing."

"Thank you," she said, taking the flowers. "These are beautiful."

"Oriental Lilies," he said.

He watched Tessa as she took a deep inhale of the flowers. "Thank you, Isaiah," she said. "Let me put them in a vase of water, and then I'll be ready to go. Come in."

He crossed the threshold into her house and looked around as Tessa went to the kitchen. It was an open floor plan, so he could see her as she moved around her kitchen searching for a vase. She'd decorated the living and dining rooms, as well as the kitchen with a modern, yet comfortable look.

"Your home is nice," he called out to her as she filled the vase she'd finally found with water.

"Thank you," she said, placing the lilies into the water. She sat the vase in the center of the island and then returned to the living room. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, we don't want to be late for the show," he said, palming her lower back as he led her to the front door. But as soon as he touched her, he realized they could miss the entire concert for all he cared and he wouldn't give one damn.

"No, we don't," Tessa agreed.

He opened the door and followed her out and then waited for her to lock the door. They walked down the stairs and he opened the passenger side of the car for her and watched as she got comfortable on the plush leather seat. He shut the door, and hurried to the other side of the car and got in.

Once they were all set, he started the car and headed for Reno.

Chapter 11


t feels like yesterday when I was strolling this campus," Tessa said as they sat down in their seats in Nightingale Concert Hall at the University of Reno where Laurel Hunter, along with the other musicians in the festival, would be performing all weekend.

"So you went here too?" Isaiah asked, resting his arm across the back of her seat. She enjoyed the closeness and the warmth his body emanated.

She nodded. "Yes, but obviously not the same time as you, Mr. Graduated-High-School-At-Fifteen."

Isaiah looked away and Tessa was surprised to see his cheeks tint ever so slightly. Rubbing his bearded jaw, he modestly murmured, "Yeah, well..."

"What was it like going to college so young, it had to be hard?"

Isaiah shrugged. "Not really, actually. I've always loved to learn, so it wasn't hard. I just...understood everything. And it wasn't that bad since I was with my siblings and we took a lot of the classes online. So it's not like we had to be the awkward younger kids. But the few times we did have to come on campus, everyone knew us as the 'Noble Quads' and they were pretty cool about us being here. We were like everyone's younger siblings. They looked out for us."

"That's cool," Tessa said, grinning. "I heard you all went your separate ways when you turned eighteen, went to different colleges for your master's degrees."

Isaiah nodded. "My dad was pretty pissed. He seemed to have a plan all mapped out for the four of us, but we wanted to see what life was like as individuals. We all had our own passions and we wanted to explore them."

"And yours was music."

"The only saving grace with my father. 'At least he'll be putting some of his talent and his degree to good use'," Isaiah grumbled in an imitation of his father, that made her snicker.

"You majored in music?"

"Yeah," he said. "Ian was actually a double major, culinary science and chemistry. He loved cooking and blowing things up."

"What about your sisters?" she asked, intrigued.

"Izzy studied fashion, of course, and Ivy communications. We all minored in business at my father's insistence. His way of making sure we kept one foot in the door of Noble Naturals."

"Still, he must be proud of you all," she said. "You're all doing so well. I watch
of Ivy's vlogs of her travels. I get so jealous, especially of when she was in Bora Bora. And Isabella, she's rocking the fashion world! I love that her clothes are at affordable prices that
people can purchase. And I would love to dine at Ian’s restaurant. I’ve heard a few people rave about Ian’s gourmet burgers. We would have watch parties when he was on that cooking competition show and were so excited when he won. And then there's you..."

Isaiah turned to get a better look at her. "Me?" he asked, brushing his fingers lightly against her shoulder that peeked through the slit of the fluttery cap sleeve. "What about me?"

"The music you're producing with some of the hottest musicians out right now is great. The videos you've directed are innovative and sexy. And your short film–"

"You've seen my short film?"

Tessa leaned back and gave him a strange look. "Of
, I've seen it. Your dad held a huge showing at the theater on Main. You didn't know?"

Isaiah's face was covered in genuine shock. "No," he said quietly. "I had no clue."

Tessa's lip tilted up. "Told you he was proud of you."

"I guess more than I realized," he murmured.

"Good evening, ladies and gentleman and welcome to night two of the Reno Jazz Festival!"

Tessa had been so caught up in her conversation with Isaiah that she hadn't even noticed the announcer come on stage. She turned in her seat to get a better view of the stage.

"I hope you're ready for tonight's guest! She's been a regular at our festival for several years now, but you've always seen her alter ego, Sapphire Woods. Well tonight it's...just Laurel, which is the name of her upcoming album that will be hitting stores in a few months. So everyone put your hands together for the one...the only...Laurel Hunter!!!"

The applause in the concert hall was deafening as everyone clapped, cheered and whistled for Laurel. As usual, she came out on stage, looking glamorous and ready to perform.

"How's everyone doin' tonight?" she shouted into her glittery microphone. The crowd responded with more applause and then the smooth sounds of the grand piano began, along with the beat of the drums and Laurel dove right in to her first song.


Two hours later, while everyone was clamoring for the exit, Isaiah had Tessa's hand held tightly in his as they threaded their way against the current of the crowd toward the stage. At the edge of the stage was a woman standing, tapping her stiletto heel as she typed on her phone with expert speed.

"Another great show, Michelle," Isaiah said to Laurel Hunter's manager and best friend.

Michelle Drake looked up at Isaiah and gave him a curt nod. "Isaiah, always a pleasure," she murmured.

Isaiah made the brief introduction of Tessa to Michelle. She paused her typing, reached out and shook Tessa's hand, before turning on her heels and heading backstage. "The Hunters are waiting for you."

Isaiah squeezed Tessa's hand and pulled her along with him as he followed Michelle.

Michelle stopped in front of a dressing room door, knocked and then opened it. "Lolo," she said, referring to Laurel by her nickname. "Isaiah is here."

Michelle moved to the side to let Isaiah and Tessa enter. Laurel was sitting on the couch with her husband, Rowan.

"Isaiah," she shouted, hopping up from the couch. She pulled him into a warm embrace. "I was so excited when you let me know you were coming! And who is this?"

She turned eager eyes on to Tessa, who'd been standing slightly behind Isaiah. He pulled her forward for introductions. "Laurel Hunter, this is my companion for the evening, Tessa Everett. Her family runs the bakery in my hometown I told you about. Tess, this is Laurel Hunter."

Tessa reached her hand out to Laurel. "It's an pleasure to meet you," she said, when Laurel took her hand. "I'm a huge fan, of both of you." She looked over to Rowan, who'd stood and joined Laurel by her side.

"Oh," Laurel said, palming her cheek. "I've been incredibly rude. Tessa, this is my husband Rowan Hunter."

Rowan extended his hand to Tessa first. "Nice to meet you," he said, shaking her hand. He then turned to Isaiah. "It's good to see you again, man."

They shook hands briefly before moving into a brotherly hug.

"Good to see you too, man," Isaiah said.

"Your performance was amazing tonight," Tessa gushed to Laurel. "Especially when you took over on the piano!"

"I love her on the piano too," Rowan said, wrapping an arm around Laurel's waist. Her cheeks flushed and she leaned into Rowan's body as he sweetly kissed her on the forehead.

"I have every one of your Sapphire Woods’ albums," Tessa went on. "And I can't wait for your new release."

"Me neither," Laurel said. "I had such a great time recording this album. Especially the track that has Isaiah playing the violin.."

"Really?" Tessa said, both surprised and impressed. Her eyes landed on Isaiah, and he tried to shrug off the attention.

"Oh yeah," Laurel went on. "We had a great time."

"It sounds really good," Rowan agreed.

Rowan had sat in on a lot of his wife's recording sessions while Isaiah worked with her, usually working on his next novel.

"The videos are going to be great too. We're scheduled to release the first one in the next few weeks."

"That's great," Isaiah said, smiling. "We're not going to keep you guys. I know you're ready to wind down for the night. We just wanted to drop in and say hello."

"You're always welcome," Laurel said, giving Tessa a parting hug. She turned and gave Isaiah a final hug as well and said, "You let those sibling of yours know that I'd still love to do a jam session with them as well. Especially Ivy with her bass and Izzy her harp."

Isaiah chuckled as he stepped back. "I'll let them all know, but they'll all argue that they haven't played in ages."

"With the raw talent you all have, that doesn't even matter," Laurel said with a wave of her hand. She turned to Tessa. "It was so nice meeting you, and we're going to have to make a trip to Sweet Rapids to visit your bakery. Isaiah's
raving about. He claims they're better than any of those overpriced places in L.A."

Tessa looked up at Isaiah with a smile. He could tell she was surprised to learn he talked about her family's bakery with such enthusiasm.

"We sure are better," she said, proudly poking her chest out.

"Maybe one day you'll give those other bakeries a run for their money," Laurel inferred.

Isaiah noticed Tessa's shoulders seemed to droop slightly after Laurel's remark. "Maybe," she said with what he gathered was a hopeless tone.

Isaiah took Tessa's hand in his and led her out of the dressing room. She was quiet on the walk to the car, but he could feel her excitement just waiting to bubble over.

"I hope you enjoyed yourself," he finally said, when they reached the car.

And that was when Tessa burst. "Are you
?" she shouted, causing some of the parking lot stragglers to look their way. "I was in the presence of modern day jazz greatness! I got a hug from Laurel Hunter."

"I'll take that as a yes," Isaiah said, his lip quirking upward.

"Oh, Isaiah. Tonight was wonderful. Thank you for inviting me."

He took a step closer to her, pressing his body against hers. Sliding one hand around her waist, he lowered his head to hers and said, "There's no one else I'd rather have attended with."

And then he closed the distance between their lips.


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