"Non-Germans" Under the Third Reich (191 page)

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Authors: Diemut Majer

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See the instruction of June 7, 1940, issued by the
Mitteilungsblatt HTO
1940, no. 4, 15, reproduced in
Doc. Occ
. 5:212 f.), in which Himmler once again sets out all the instructions important for the work of the trustee offices, with the emphatic request to avoid duplication among the authorities and organizations involved and to mutually inform and support one another on an ongoing basis. In order to obtain “uniform cooperation,” the liaison chief of the Main Trustee Office East with the RFSSuChddtPol was designated
for the Strengthening of German Nationhood (second instruction of the Main Trustee Office East of February 17, 1941, reproduced in
Doc. Occ
. 5:197 f.); instruction of April 4, 1941, by the
-SS/RKF (reproduced in
Doc. Occ
. 5:214 f.). In spite of this, one office often did not know what the other was doing. See, for example, the RFSS/RKF decree of April 10, 1940 (Nuremberg doc. NG-1833, microfilm), which instructed the offices of the SIPO and SD to report objects from the former Polish state or from private Polish collections that it had confiscated or made secure only to the Main Trustee Office East Berlin and not to the subordinate trustee offices.

Instruction of June 7, 1940, by the
-SS/RKF, sec. 5 (
Mitteilungsblatt HTO
1940, no. 4, 15, reproduced in
Doc. Occ
. 5:212 f.).

Decree of February 12, 1940, secs. 3 and 4 (
. I 355); so-called Polish Assets Decree of September 17, 1940, sec. 4 (
. I 1270).

Decree of August 26, 1941, on the correct treatment of the rights entered in the land registers of the German Reich for the former Polish state, sec. 1 (
. I 533).

Instruction of June 12, 1940, on the Main Trustee Office East, sec. 2, Buchst. a and b (
1940, no. 319, reproduced in
Doc. Occ
. 5:190 ff.).

Statement under oath by lawyer Edgar Hoffmann on the activity of the Main Trustee Office East (Nuremberg doc. NO-5125).

Main Trustee Office East instruction of May 27, 1940, on the handling of land in the Annexed Eastern Territories (instruction no. 4) (
1940, no. 122, reproduced in
Doc. Occ
. 5:199 f.).

Testimony of an official of the Reich Ministry of Finance, April 25, 1941 (quoted by Łuczak,
Dyskryminacja Polaków
, 199 f.).

Unpublished decree by the
-SS dated November 10, 1939 (Nuremberg doc. PS-17075;
Doc. Occ
. 5:205 ff.), sec. 2, and unpublished urgent circular of December 16, 1939, by the RFSSuChddtPol (reproduced in
Doc. Occ
. 5:207 f.). Unpublished decree by the
-SS of November 10, 1939, regarding cooperation of the offices of the
-SS with the Main Trustee Office East, sec. 4 (reproduced in
Doc. Occ
. 5:205).

Nuremberg doc. NG-1911.

Part One. Section 2. C. III. Civil Service Law

Note (undated and unsigned) from the offices of the Reich governor of Posen (Pozna
) (State Archive Pozna
835, Bl. 4).

See the letter of April 7, 1941, from the district president of Posen to the
of the district and to the Oberbürgermeister of Posen, reproduced in Łuczak,
Dyskryminacja Polaków
(1966), 303 ff. For example, the head of the Civil Administration Posen, Greiser, ordered as early as October 25, 1939, that Poles in the administration should be replaced as soon as possible by ethnic Germans; if this was not possible, they should be left with only 60% of their salaries after taxes, the rest being used “to reconstruct the province” (quoted on 284 f.). In 1942 the basic maximum wage for Poles was set at 80% of that of Germans.

See transcription of a special committee meeting in Posen on December 11, 1942 (ZS, file 47, 253), in which the guidelines for public office issued on December 7, 1942, by the Reich trustee for the Warthegau were announced.

Letter of April 7, 1941, from the district president of Posen to the
of the district (reproduced in Łuczak,
Diskriminierung der Polen
, 303 ff.).

Published in a circular dated March 21, 1941, from the district president of Hohensalza (Inowrocław) to all school directors and inspectors (II, 2 B: 135/41/II 4/II 104; State Archive Pozna
, 1939–44, 106).

Decree of November 10, 1941 (BA R 22/4466).

Decree of June 27, 1941, to the
and prosecutors-general in Danzig (Gda
sk) and Posen; quoted in a letter from the prosecutor-general of Kattowitz (Katowice) to the Reich Ministry of the Interior (BA R 22/4466).

Decree of August 30, 1941, by the Reich governor of Posen to the district presidents in Posen, Hohensalza, Łód
, etc. (State Archive Pozna
742, Bl. 3 and 4): “The Supreme Authorities of the Reich were requested to take the necessary action in their respective provinces.”

Decree of November 10, 1941 (BA R 22/4466).

Decree of August 30, 1941, by the Reich governor of Posen, in which all department chiefs were requested to obtain statements to this effect from the officials and other employees under their authority (State Archive Pozna
742, Bl. 3 and 4).

See the letter of July 27, 1941, from the prosecutor-general of Kattowitz to the Reich minister of justice, suggesting that the Reich minister of justice’s decree of June 27 be extended to officials who had
worked in Upper Silesia. The Reich minister of justice expressed his agreement in a letter dated August 9, 1941, “if this were necessary” (BA R 22/4466).

Part One. Section 2. C. IV. Professional and Labor Law

See the Directive of July 15, 1941, on Jewish Camps in the
Posen (Pozna
) (ZS Posen, film 5/753–755; working day anything up to fourteen hours). Notification dated August 13, 1940, by the
of Plozk (Płock) (administrative district Zichenau) on the erection of a Jewish camp for the purpose of “complete separation” from the Poles (Institute for Western Studies, Pozna

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