Norse Goddess Magic (28 page)

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Authors: Alice Karlsdóttir

Tags: #Spirituality/New Age

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About the Author

has been involved in the Germanic
Heathen revival since 1974, both as a student of Scandinavian
and Northern European mythology and folklore and as a practicing
Norse Pagan (Asatru). She is a master in the Rune Gild, an
initiatic organization for the teaching and research of runelore
and runework, and has been a priestess in several kindreds.
She has contributed articles to a number of publications, including
, as well as given workshops and presentations on runes, tranceworking,
and ritual at various festivals. She lives in Houston, Texas.

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Copyright © 2003, 2015 by Alice Karlsdóttir

Originally published in 2003 by Runa-Raven Press under the title
Magic of the Norse Goddesses: Mythology, Ritual, Tranceworking

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or
utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
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without permission in writing from the publisher.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Karlsdóttir, Alice.

[Magic of the Norse goddesses]

Norse goddess magic : trancework, mythology, and ritual /
Alice Karlsdóttir.

    pages cm

    Originally published under the title: Magic
of the Norse goddesses : mythology, ritual, tranceworking. Smithville, Tex. :
Runa-Raven Press, 2003.

    Includes bibliographical references and

    Summary: “A practical guide to the magic of
the feminine side of the Norse pantheon” — Provided by publisher.

    print ISBN 978-1-62055-407-4

    ebook ISBN 978-1-62055-408-1

    1. Goddesses, Norse. 2. Mythology, Norse. 3.
Trance. I. Title.

    BL863.K37 2015



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