North Pole City Tales 02 - The Heart of Frost (12 page)

BOOK: North Pole City Tales 02 - The Heart of Frost
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Suddenly Jack broke their kiss, his expression scandalized. “You set me on fire!”

“Yes, darling, but only because I love you.”


“I don’t know.” Rudy held his hand up, watching mesmerized as he summoned the red glow, which gave way to subtle flames. Where had it come from? Was this what Kringle had been referring to? Was it possible the Spirit of Christmas had known Rudy carried this inside him all along?

“Is it safe?” a tiny voice called out, and Rudy couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Yes. Our Jack is back.”

Everyone came running, though they all slowed when they got close, Tim and Noel edging nearer one step at a time. Noel peered at Jack with uncertainty.

“Is it really you?”

“It is, Grumpy-pants.”

Tim and Noel launched themselves at Jack, who despite his surprise, quickly gave in to their affection and hugged them close. Rudy could imagine how very frightened they’d been. It was easy for him to forget he wasn’t the only one whose life Jack had touched. Vixen approached Rudy to whisper hoarsely at him.

“Are you certain he’s back to normal?”

Jack released Tim and Noel before walking over to put his hand on Vixen’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze that made the Rein Dear wince. “If you hurt my cousin, I’ll turn you into a snow cone.”

“I would say that’s a yes,” Rudy replied with a grin. Poor Vale. If he truly had his heart set on Vixen, he was in for a challenge. There were stark differences between Rudy and Jack, but between Vale and Vixen? It was like comparing the moon to the sun, and much like the sun, those who got too close to Vixen usually ended up getting burned. Something told him they were all in for a difficult time if Vale insisted on attempting to court Rudy’s vexing Rein Dear brother.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Hollis carefully approach him. His head was lowered and his voice quiet when he reached Rudy.

“I’m so sorry, Rudy. I truly never meant….”

“What’s going on?” Jack asked, frowning at his cousin.

Rudy looked from Jack to Hollis, and poor Vale, who looked on the verge of blacking out. Hollis squared his shoulders and turned to face his cousin.

“Jack, I—”

“Hollis came to apologize to me for the trouble he caused by telling you about my argument with Fig.” Everyone’s stupefied gaze landed on Rudy. He gave them all a pointed look, and even Noel, who was usually the most outspoken of all of them, took Tim’s hand in his and nodded his understanding.

“Oh.” Jack gave his cousin a glower but said nothing else about it. He did, however, address Rudy, his expression softening. “I know you probably didn’t want to worry me, but promise me you won’t keep such things to yourself. We’ll work through them together.”

Rudy knew Jack was right. He had wanted to spare his lover the worry, but it was something they should have discussed together. Even if nothing would have come of the incident, Rudy should have trusted in his Jack to be there with him through the nasty ordeal. “I promise to trust in you, in us, during the bad as well, and not only the good. May I have a word with your cousin?”

Jack nodded, and Hollis nervously followed Rudy while Tim drew Jack’s attention with his excitement at having gotten to see Mayor Kringle again. Rudy made certain Jack was occupied by their friends, and that he stood out of earshot, before addressing Hollis.

“I know I promised him I wouldn’t keep secrets, but I believe this should be the final one. I know you love him, and he you. It would break his heart to remember your betrayal. However, I know you only had his best interests at heart, despite your absolutely asinine behavior. I’m willing to put this behind us.”

Hollis gaped at him. “You… you would do that for me?”

“No, I would do that for
. Quite frankly, I have a fierce urge to give you a nice shiner, but that wouldn’t help matters any. Your behavior was undignified and shameful. If you ever try anything so foolish again, I swear I will stand back and let him turn you into an icicle. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes,” Hollis replied dejectedly. “I really am so sorry, Rudy. I truly never meant to hurt you. I got so wrapped up in my own miserable plot that I failed to think about the consequences of my actions. He does love you so fiercely. I didn’t stop to think what I was attempting to take from him for my own selfish reasons. You’re a good elf, much better than I. I know now, what he sees in you.”

Rudy nodded, believing Hollis’ words. He knew how impulsive the young toy soldier was. Jack was always jumping in to keep the silly elf from hurting himself with his own ridiculous ideas. Rudy hoped this would serve as a lesson to him. “You should probably try to find Fig and make certain he doesn’t come anywhere near Jack.”

“If I can find him, I’ll make certain he knows to keep this matter to himself. Frankly, he would be an idiot not to. Jack already dislikes him for what he said to you, much less for going along with my insipid plans.”

In agreement, they both walked back to the others, and once there, Jack turned to him, his expression troubled.

“Why am I out here? What happened?”

“My plane malfunctioned, and I was badly hurt,” Rudy replied, trying to stick to the truth as much as possible. “It was my own fault. Anyway, I’m afraid the whole ordeal was too much for your heart.”

Jack swallowed hard, his hand going to his chest. “It happened again?”

“Yes. Which is why I ended up setting you on fire. Sort of.”

Jack was at his side immediately, his hands taking Rudy’s. “What about you? Are you all right? Are you in pain? Should you be resting?”

Rudy chuckled at his lover’s sweet ramblings. “I’m fine, darling. Kringle healed me, but I would very much like to get you home and forget this whole blasted affair ever happened.” Rudy was about to lead Jack away when a bluster of harsh winds surrounded them, and the King of Frost appeared before them.

“Father? What are you doing here?”

“Rudy sent word.”

Rudy sent word many moons ago,
Rudy grumbled to himself. Well, better late than never, he supposed.

“I was observing from close by.” The Frost King cast Rudy a knowing glance, and Rudy wondered if the king was about to expose the truth. Could the Frost King truly be so cruel to his own son? Did he wish to rid himself of Rudy so badly he would break Jack’s heart by revealing his cousin’s actions? Jack wouldn’t be the only one left heartbroken. What of Vale or their father? What of the scandal it would cause among the toy soldiers?

The King of Frost turned to Rudy with a guarded smile. “I’m glad to see you’ve recovered. I suppose I owe you thanks for returning my son to me.” He bowed his head, surprising everyone, though Jack looked the most startled of all. However, that wasn’t the most shocking thing to occur on this field, it seemed. The Frost King turned to Jack. “I did not interfere as I wanted to see what Kringle kept yammering on about. He insisted this Christmas elf was special. I now see he was correct. You have my blessing.”

Jack was left speechless, so Rudy decided to step in. “Thank you, your majesty. May I ask a favor?”

The king looked at him with amusement. “You may.”

“You suffered a great loss, yet you never lost yourself. I thought perhaps… you might teach Jack.” Both the King of Frost and Jack stared at him. He turned to Jack and smiled gently, hoping his lover understood his intentions. “Jack, you can’t lose yourself because of me. There are so many who count on you, who look to you for strength. Whatever happens to me, you must continue to be the Jack I fell in love with. You must live on to be the great Prince of Frost. I love you and will continue to love you until my dying breath, but should that final breath ever slip past my lips, you must promise me you will not lose your heart to the bitter cold we have fought so hard to keep at bay.”

Jack’s eyes filled with unshed tears, and although Rudy had prepared himself for an argument, Jack surprised him by turning to his father, his voice hesitant when he spoke.

“Will you teach me?”

A glorious smile spread across the Frost King’s face, making him appear younger and friendlier than Rudy had ever seen him. “Of course I will.” Before everyone’s eyes, he pulled his son into a fierce embrace. “I’m so proud of you.”

Rudy couldn’t keep his heart from swelling in his chest. His gaze shifted down to the snow, and he saw the tiny gold button laying there. When he met Hollis’ gaze, he discreetly gestured toward the troublesome object. It would be in all their best interests that the item be returned to the Mouse King’s uniform, and as everyone broke off into cheerful chatter, Hollis swiped up the button and put it in his pocket. There was no guarantee Jack wouldn’t stumble upon the truth one day, but Rudy would guard their secret well as long as he could.

He loved Jack, and would make whatever sacrifices were necessary for his happiness. There might be those who believed he should be forthright with his lover in all matters, but bringing his lover unnecessary heartache was more than Rudy could bear. Jack had faced enough hardship in his life. The loss of his mother, the unfeeling years that came after, the distance between him and his father, the scandal of his relationship with Rudy, nearly losing Rudy for good…. There was no need for Jack to lose someone else he cared for. Hollis and Vale meant the world to Jack, and he meant the world to them. Rudy wouldn’t hold the young elf’s mistake against him, unless he proved not to have learned his lesson. By the way Hollis smiled at him, Rudy knew he’d done the right thing, and perhaps he had even gained a friend.

Jack walked up to Rudy and put his arms around him, pulling him close. “Thank you for taking such good care of me.”

“I love you, Jack,” Rudy said, reaching up to give his lover a sweet kiss.

Jack might be the Prince of Frost, fierce and powerful, but underneath it all was a fragile heart, one in need of Rudy’s protection. For as long as he remained on this earth, he would love Jack and do his best to keep him safe.

“Have you thought about what you would like for Christmas?” Jack asked softly, his lips raining kisses across Rudy’s face. With a smile, Rudy put his hand to Jack’s heart.

“I already have the greatest Christmas gift I could ever hope for.” And one he intended to cherish for a long time coming.


About the Author

is an author by day and artist by night. Always quick to succumb to the whispers of her wayward muse, no star is out of reach when following her passion. From historical to fantasy, contemporary to science fiction, there’s bound to be plenty of mischief for her heroes to find themselves in, and plenty of romance, too!

Currently residing in South Florida, Charlie looks forward to migrating to a land where the weather includes seasons other than hot, hotter, and, boy, it’s hot! When she isn’t writing, she can usually be found reading, drawing, or watching movies. She runs on coffee, thrives on music, and loves to hear from readers.



E-mail: [email protected]


Twitter: @charliecochet

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