“Almost eighty bucks a head.”
“Eighty dollars a head?” Davis' eyes bugged out in disbelief.
“Yes, sir.” Jack shifted his hat to his other hand.
“That's unbelievable. Why, cattle here fetch only twenty or thirty dollars a head.”
“Mr. Rosencroft asked for my secrets, and while I can't tell you all of them I can tell you the most important one: deliver eighteen hundred and eighty head to the rail cars and have them all accepted.”
“No cutback?”
Davis let out a low whistle. “You obviously know the cattle business, Jack. When will you need this money?”
“In the next thirty days, if I can manage it all.”
“Perfect. Do you own a ranch?”
“My wife does. It's fixing to get much larger.”
Davis nodded. “Allan, get all the particulars on this loan and have it on my desk in the morning. I want the loan committee to approve it immediately so Jack will know exactly what he can buy.”
They shook hands. Davis left and Mr. Rosencroft began asking questions and copied down the receipt details. Their business finished, Jack and his man walked out of the Texas Ranchers and Merchants Bank into the too-bright, hot afternoon sun.
“Whew. That was easy.” Jangles reset his hat on his head. “I can't wait to tell the boys.”
“A lot easier than I expected,” Jack said.
“Man. We walked in there like lepers, but before we knew it, it was Jangles, Jack and
They both chuckled and crossed the busy street. They were three blocks from Sloane's Livery, where their horses were resting.
“Let's get some lunch.”
“I think we earned it,” Jangles said.
Jack caught him by the sleeve to stop him, motioning to two men across the street. “Isn't that Sawyer's men?”
Jangles followed his gaze. “Yeah, that's Dyke and Freeman alright.”
“I wonder what they're up to. Probably no good.”
“No telling, but it's probably underhanded,” Jangles agreed. “Well, they heeded our warning and left town, so maybe we'll let it slide this one time.”
As they were mulling it over, a newsboy shouted, “Read all about it! Rich New York banker's ranch headquarters attacked and burned down by Kiowa-Comanches! Read all about it!”
“Here, kid, give me a copy.” Jack handed him a dime.
“Is that where we were when we were coming back from the Lerner rescue?”
Jack nodded. He'd warned Hardy to watch out for them, but he wouldn't listen.
Chapter 31
Jack wired Lucy to spread the word that they would be at the Cattleman's Bank in San Antonio in ten days to disperse the money. Those who couldn't come he would pay at the schoolhouse at a later time. He climbed into the chuck wagon on top of the bedrolls, and while Ralph drove south he caught up on his sleep.
Waking up drenched in sweat, he made his way forward until he was standing behind the spring seat.
“Whew, it's hot in this wagon.”
“Hot anywhere in Texas in June. But we're making good time,” Ralph said.
“Nothing out of the ordinary?”
“Not so far.”
“I saw those two who used to work for Sawyer slinking around in Fort Worth.”
“Not the most solid of citizens,” Ralph said. “The boys told me about them beating you up.”
Jack swung around and climbed on the seat beside Ralph, his dusty boots planted on the dashboard. “The boys and I got them good at one point, but I'd like to give them another hammering. I'm sure they're earning it somehow.”
Ralph chuckled.
“I've tussled with so many of their kind lately, it's starting to make me sound like some vengeful devil.”
“Aw, hell, the world's a better place without 'em.”
“I guess you're right.” They rode along peacefully for a time while Jack looked out at the prairie.
“We'll be in San Antonio way ahead of time,” Jack said.
Ralph nodded. “I know a señorita that I'd like to go see.”
“Rent a rig to go see her. I'll pay for it.”
“Thanks, boss. I'll take you up on it. Bet you been missing that wife, huh?”
Jack agreed, but at least he'd had fine memories of his time with her to carry him through the last few months. To know she was coming for him at the bank was enough to make his stomach churn with excitement.
They stopped near New Braunfels and camped for the night on the river before heading in to San Antonio. Everyone took baths and washed their clothing, wanting to look presentable for their women.
“You going to make another drive this summer, Captain Jack?” Either asked.
“I'm thinking on it.”
“Me and my brother, Hank, would sure like to go back with you.”
“That's good to hear. I'll let you know when I have more details.”
His clothes drying on some bushes, he sat in the shade wearing only his underwear.
Luke walked by, chewing on a grass stem.
“How's you doing, son? How'd you like your first cattle-driving experience?” Jack asked.
“It was interesting. But I'm looking forward to sleeping in a bed.”
Jack chuckled. “You glad to be getting back home?”
“Yeah, I reckon I've seen Kansas. From now on I'm staying here in Texas.”
“I'm thinking about going back in a short while.”
“I heard, but to tell you the truth I'd rather stay behind next time. I know you'll need a point man without Shanks, but I've seen all that I wanted to. I think I'm meant to be a rancher, not a driver.”
“No shame in that. But you're absolutely sure? I know you'd make a great point man.”
Luke chewed his grass stem. “I'm sure. I'll work Texas for you.”
“Alright, but you made a good hand.”
“I never wanted anyone to say I was just getting by as the boss's son.”
“You did good at that.”
“Reckon Maw will be there when we get there?”
“I hope so.”
“So do I, Dad. So do I.”
Chapter 32
At the north edge of San Antonio, Jack rented a pasture for the remuda and Estefan stayed with the herd. They left the mules and chuck wagon there so the boys would have a place to come back to when they were tired of running around in the city. Ralph drove off in his rented rig to see his lady while the rest of the crew headed for the saloons. Jack excused himself.
He had rented a room at the Palace Hotel, where he planned to meet Lucy the next day. He climbed the stairs wearily, sprawled out across the bed and slept till dawn. Eager for a shave and a haircut, he went downstairs and asked the desk clerk if any shops were open early. The clerk recommended a barber shop one door over.
“John will already be up and ready for business,” he said.
Jack thanked him and left. Almost everything around Alamo Square was still closed. He walked up to the door of the shop marked BARBER and knocked. Soon a face appeared beneath the raised shade and the door swung open.
“Good morning, sir. Come right in,” the barber said cheerily.
“The clerk at the Palace Hotel sent me.”
“That's one fine lad, sir.” He turned the chair around for Jack to sit. “My name's John.”
“Mine's Jack. I need a haircut and a shave, although you could probably tell by just looking at me.”
The barber chuckled. “I can handle it.” He slung the black sheet over his chest and pinned it behind his neck. “You must have been riding a long ways.”
“I've been to Kansas and back.”
“That's quite a long ways.”
“No kidding.” Jack sat patiently while the barber lathered him up, until he noticed through the front glass window two familiar men standing outside on the sidewalk beside each other. It was Dyke and Freeman. Both men were looking around as if they were surveying the scene; then Dyke reached for the door handle. Jack lowered the barber's hand from his face, motioned to the window outside, and eased his Colt into his lap. When they burst through the door with their guns drawn, the barber drew back.
Jack flew from his seat and shot Dyke. He fell onto Freeman, who blasted a hole in the ceiling while Jack shot him in the side.
Black gunpowder smoke clouded the air, burning Jack's eyes so badly that he and John stumbled outside, coughing, to get a breath of air.
“Whew. Who were they?” John asked.
“Two hired gunnies that work for a man named Sawyer.”
“What's going on here?” the night marshal ran up and asked John.
“There's two men in there on the floor. They busted into my shop with their guns drawn to rob us, I guess. Jack here shot them.”
“Damn, don't you know that San Antonio's not a shooting gallery?” the perturbed marshal said to Jack.
John sounded upset when he replied, “Way I saw it, Les, he saved my life.”
“They dead?”
“Damned if we know. Smoke got too thick inside for us to even breathe in there.”
“Aw, hell. I'll go see.” Gun in one hand, he used a handkerchief over his nose to keep the bitter smoke out of his lungs. He returned shortly, coughing too. “They're both dead or dying. Who are they?”
“One's named Dyke and one's named Freeman. They live up at Shedville, or did, and worked for a man named Hiram Sawyer.”
“I guess I could contact him and see what this was all about,” the marshal said, still coughing.
Opening all the windows and doors and waving a sheet to waft the gun smoke outside, John and Jack tried their best to clean out the place. When they were finished, John went back to shaving Jack's beard while the marshal and his men removed the bodies.
“Why did they want you?” John asked, still a little shaken up. Jack told him his history with Sawyer while John shook his head in disbelief.
“He hired them two to get to you?”
“Someone had to do the dirty part,” Jack said. “I just figured they'd have learned the lesson when we burned down the saloon and chased them out of town.”
“Well, I don't rightly know that their kind ever does learn,” John said, shaving Jack's right cheek with a straight edge. Sloshing the blade in a pan of hot water, he shaved another strip along his cheek.
“So, what are you doing in San Antonio?”
“Waiting for my wife and my new baby on my way home from cattle herding.” As he said the words out loud he realized he still didn't know whether he had a son or daughter. Though he wanted to have some alone time with Lucy, he was sure glad to be meeting his new child.
They spoke pleasantly about Jack's time in Kansas, and after John finished the shave and haircut Jack stood up to pay. John smiled and said, “It's on the house,” but Jack slipped the money into his barber apron, shook his hand and left.
Jack spent the rest of the morning eagerly awaiting Lucy's arrival. After a quick breakfast with some of the other hotel guests in the dining room, he settled himself in the lobby with a newspaper to wait for Lucy.
Suddenly Lucy swept into the hotel lobby, the baby wrapped in a blanket in her arms. He flew out of his seat, his stomach churning with excitement as he gave her a full, long kiss on the mouth. When he pulled away from her, she placed the baby in his arms.
“Jack Starr, meet your new son, Dallas Starr,” she said.
Short of breath, he rocked the little fellow in his arms. He was a proud father.
“Is Luke here?” she asked as she looked around the lobby.
“He's off with the other hands, but he's healthy and excited to see you. And I warn you, he's grown up a lot. Knows exactly what he wants in life.”
As they went upstairs to their room, Lucy said, “Jack, I've been so worried about you. Sawyer's herd was stolen by a gang, and many folks have lost everything. The ones who went with you are mighty glad they did.”
Jack narrowed his eyes in suspicion. “Who said the herd was stolen?” He shifted Dallas between his arms.
“I'm not sure who found out first, but the word was Sawyer and his drivers were jumped and the entire herd was stolen.”
“We'll see about that. I'll send a few telegrams.”
“What do you mean?”
“I think it might be a scam.”
Lucy's eyes widened. “You don't really think so, do you, Jack? But how will you find out? Who will you wire?”
“A lawman named Earp and a couple of cattle buyers I met, along with the Kansas Brand Inspectors.”
“What good will it do?” she asked, taking the baby.
“We might get their money back for them if it's a hoax. We just have to hope we can get to Sawyer.”
After he settled them in the room, he went to the telegraph office and sent ten dollars' worth of wires. Amazing how he could ask questions of people a thousand miles away and get an answer back in a few hours.
“Where shall I send your replies?” the operator asked.
“I'm staying at the Palace Hotel,” Jack said.
“I'll send you the wires as soon as they arrive.”
He gave the man two bits as a tip. “Well, thanks, Mr. Starr!” the man said, shocked at his generosity.
Back at the hotel, he tossed off his hat and settled into the bed with Lucy and the baby. “You get it all done?”
“Almost, but the rest can wait. I need to spend some time with my wife.”
He took her in his arms and held her like they were slow dancing as the hot wind swept the room. It was stifling, but he didn't care. He didn't care about a damn thing except his wife and his tiny son nestled between them.