NorthernPassion (6 page)

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Authors: Cynnamon Foster

BOOK: NorthernPassion
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The man was back to normal now. “Hell, lovely? I wouldn’t
know anything about that. Before we moved here, I’d never been outside the
United States. I’m still discovering Paris and haven’t had much need to go farther.
At least not yet. This neighborhood here is like little America. Almost all of
us on this block are ex-pats. Martin and his wife and her family are kind of
fancy. They travel all over Europe all the time.”

Desiree smiled. “Do they?” She’d learned, if you just
listen, people will tell you everything you wanted to know.

Boobilicious almost lost her balance in-between her drunken
nods. “Oh yes. They were the first among us to come over and then they started
their businesses and before you knew it, we were all here together.”

, Desiree thought. That meant Martin and his wife
could be at the center of a lot of things if people followed them across
oceans. “Did you tell me your name?”

Her husband interrupted her. He rolled his eyes. “I’m sorry,
we didn’t. But we usually use first names here. Please excuse my wife. The wine
goes right to her head. I’m Stan and she’s Kimberly. Can I get you something to
drink, Mrs. Comfort?”

She nodded. So, they knew her last name, but from the speed
with which the subject was changed, she was to know nothing about them. Had she
touched on a sore spot? “So nice to meet you, Stan. I will take a drink.”
Desiree flashed a smile. “And my husband if you can find him.” The crowd had
grown thicker in the few minutes they were talking but Sam was nowhere in sight.

Stan took Desiree’s hand and kissed it on the back. “My
pleasure. This won’t take long.” He turned to his wife. “And Kim, please keep
your hands off our new neighbor, okay? She doesn’t seem quite ready for all
that friendliness yet.”

Kim guffawed, her chest heaving with each laugh. “Oh honey,”
she said. “You are so silly.” She was clearly completely lost in an alcohol
fog. She covered her mouth with her hand.

By now Desiree was more comfortable with Kim’s state of
undress but forced herself to glance around the room to avoid looking at the
woman’s huge breasts. From the looks of things, Kim was on the verge of a
wardrobe malfunction and she might see nipple any second.

Kim didn’t seem to notice. She huddled up close to Desiree,
putting her arm around her new friend’s waist. Desiree took a deep breath and
tried to squash the urge to get away from her, her large breasts and her breath
heavy with vodka.

“We are going to be great friends,” Kim said. “I can tell
things like that. Boobs like these make you somewhat of a fortune teller.” She
laughed. “Don’t tell the hubby. He doesn’t know.” Kim laughed again, hugging
Desiree this time as she did.

“Are we now?” Desiree talked through her forced smile. She
hadn’t planned on having anyone this close to her tonight, but she could take
anything to get the job done. She could and she would, but Sam was going to
have to pay for leaving her alone like this.

Desiree continued to mingle with the other guests and she
met quite a few couples, none quite as friendly or as animated as Kim and her
husband had been. Nobody seemed to be there without a spouse or significant
other. Like Noah and the ark, everyone had come in pairs. Desiree tried to pick
out the significance, but had no time to think it over. Everyone else in the room
seemed to know one another. She was the only stranger and everyone appeared
quite eager to meet her. They took turns introducing themselves and were
careful to only come over in groups of two or four. None of them used their
last names. It was eerily orderly for a cocktail party. Desiree was overwhelmed
with names by the time Sam resurfaced.

Geneva was still on his arm looking even more inebriated
than she had when she let them in. Sam’s shirt looked wrinkled and he had sweat
on his brow. Desiree narrowed her eyes as they came toward her. Geneva could
hardly stand.

She raised her eyebrows and tried to keep her face calm even
though she was eager to see what he had uncovered.

“There you are,” Sam said. He smiled as the remnants of
laughter danced on his face.

Their gazes locked. “Right where you left me.” Desiree
didn’t have to tell him how annoyed she was. It clearly showed on her face.

“This man of yours is something else.” Geneva’s words
slurred. “You are quite the lucky girl.”

“You seem happy. What’d I miss?” Desiree looked from Sam to
GG and then back to Sam again. Just what in the hell was going on?

“Oh nothing. We just spent some time chatting and getting to
know one another.” Geneva grinned.

“And how did that go?”

Geneva laughed and Sam had to steady her on her feet. “Quite
well, I would say. What do you think, Sam?” She ran her hand down his forearm
in a way too familiar for Desiree’s tastes. She glimpsed a darkness on the
inside of Geneva’s arm.

“It was interesting.”

Was that code for “I have a lot to tell you”?

Geneva continued. “I introduced him to my husband, Martin.
He’s quite eager to meet you too.”

Desiree raised her eyebrows but she was sure she and Sam
would have some time to debrief later. “Really? What did you two tell him about

“We didn’t have to tell him anything. He spied you as soon
as you two came in.” Geneva put her hand on Desiree’s arm. Just like everyone
else. Leaning in to whisper in her ear, “You’re hard to miss, Comfort. You are
just scrumptious looking.”

Scrumptious? She hadn’t quite ever been described like that
before. Desiree blinked but didn’t move. For the second time in the space of
two hours, she thought a woman had hit on her. She waited for Geneva to pull
away, then looked carefully around the room. What had she meant by hard to
miss? Had Martin Jenilham been watching her from somewhere the whole time? “Well,
I think that was a compliment. Thank you.” Her gaze finally landed on her
target and locked with those of a dark-haired, very handsome man who made no
apologies for his stares. He looked right past the woman who stood in front of
him making conversation and locked his gaze on Desiree.

He raised his glass to her, but made no moves to come in
their direction. Desiree nodded in response. “Is that Martin?” she asked.

Both Sam and GG were already looking in that direction so
they didn’t even have to turn. Geneva giggled. “That’s my man. Isn’t he
handsome?” She waved at him and giggled.

Sam and Desiree exchanged glances and Desiree swallowed
hard. Even across the room, Martin’s charisma was impossible to ignore. “He’s

Geneva put the glass she was carrying down on a small table.
“I will leave you two to meet all of our friends. I need to go put my lips on
him. You understand, right? Have some fun.”

They turned and watched as she sauntered across the large
room, touching everyone in her path and using them for balance. She made her
way across the room gingerly. All the while, Desiree was acutely aware of
Martin’s stares.

“Well,” she said, “I think I’ve met everyone here except
Martin.” Desiree kept looking in Martin’s direction as she talked to Sam.

“And I think Martin and Geneva are the only two I met.”
Annoyance practically seeped from Sam’s pores. “Are you going to keep staring
at him like that?”

“Really, Sam? If I didn’t know better, I’d mistake that for
jealousy. I thought she said she was introducing you to people?”

Sam shook his head. “No, we were holed up in a room in the
back. I felt as if I was getting the third degree. They had a lot of questions
about why we moved here and what we did for fun. I’m convinced they already
knew some of the answers.”

“Or at least the answers we want them to know.”

Sam nodded. “True. And I have a feeling you will be meeting
Martin soon. He’s eating you up from over there, even with his wife and
everyone else hanging all over him.”

Even without turning her head back in that direction,
Desiree could still feel the man’s eyes boring into her. Sam raised his glass
this time and Martin responded.

A shudder ran down Desiree’s spine.

“Go get him, tiger,” Sam said. “If he likes you, we could be
way ahead.”

She tried hard to keep her composure, but Desiree was
crestfallen. She wanted Sam to act more like a husband than a colleague. She
swallowed her pride. “You’re right,” she said. “I’ll get him before he gets me.”

Chapter Seven

Don’t Hate the Player


Martin lay in bed as he waited for Geneva to join him. He
tried to read the newspaper, but for some reason, the
New York Times
could not hold his attention. It was becoming increasingly hard to be concerned
with things that seemed too far from his reality. They’d been in France for
almost two years now and in Martin’s head, he was becoming a real Frenchman.
He’d come to appreciate the French way of life, the love of adventure and
women, even if he did live inside a gated conclave of mostly American society,
removed from the city.

He found himself thinking of Kimberly and then of the new
woman, Desiree. He could hardly wait to get his hands on her. More often now,
he thought about running his hands through her ringlets, pleasuring her and
then fucking her in the mouth. His dick thickened. He touched himself, then
called out to his wife. “GG, are you coming?”

She poked her head out of the bathroom and smiled. “One

Martin took a deep breath. Geneva was the most beautiful
woman he knew and he loved her, despite her idiosyncrasies. Most of all, he
loved that they shared a love of sex. The sheer black nightgown she was
wearing, he loved that too. He stroked himself in anticipation. Geneva was sexy
and loving and smart. He just wished she were more adventurous. Under his
tutelage, she was getting there, coming out of her shell, so to speak.

Martin was so into his fantasy, it took him a moment to
notice Geneva was now standing by the bed, watching him, her hands on her hips.
“I hope you’re thinking of me,” she said.

His eyes snapped open. “I’m always thinking of you.” A
sheepish grin spread across his face. That was mostly the truth. He had been
thinking of his wife. It didn’t really matter that he’d also been thinking of
those two other women. All of them together. At the same time.

“Looks as if you were doing more than thinking.” She
narrowed her eyes.

He couldn’t tell if she was turned on, or perturbed. It
wasn’t the first time she’d seen him masturbate. “I was just warming up for
you.” That was the truth too. Maybe she would return the favor and masturbate
in front of him too. He loved the faces she made when she did that.

Geneva’s face had a look of disbelief, but she slipped into
bed next to him anyway. She didn’t bother to remove her nightgown. The sheer
negligee was short and stopped mid-thigh and it was clear she hadn’t bothered
to wear any panties underneath it, just how Martin liked it.

“Sure you were,” she said as she dipped down under the

Martin was human and he knew his wife knew that. It was no
secret he thought of other women the same way she sometimes fantasized about
other men. “But I’m going to finish for you.”

Martin tensed as his wife slid her body along his, stopping
just as her head was opposite his cock. He clutched the sheets as he felt her
grab hold of his dick at the base and guide it into her warm mouth. Geneva
sucked, gently at first, moving her hand in rhythm with her mouth. He moaned as
her movements became more intense and her sucking motion became deeper, moving
him to his core.

“Goodness, Geneva. You are very good at this.”


She was too busy to answer. Instead she used her tongue on
the underside of his shaft, never stopping the kneading motion, fingering his
balls at the same time, enjoying the rolling feeling they made in her hands.
Geneva relaxed her throat and attempted to take her husband all the way inside
her mouth. He’d taught her well.

When they’d first married, she’d been a novice, but over the
years, she’d taken the time to find out what pleased her husband. Geneva was a
very good student. She paused a minute. “You like?”

“Of course I do,
. You are my dream.”

She winked and smiled at the man writhing beneath her, not
releasing his rod from her grasp. He thought it was all about him, but Geneva
recognized the power she had at that moment. “Good,” she said, resuming her
sucking with a vengeance. It was no mistake she was his dream. She’d planned it
that way. Geneva was determined to give her man a blowjob he would not forget.

She licked and kneaded and sucked at him until Martin was
constantly moaning. “Oh my. Please,” he begged and Geneva loved it. His hands
were on the back of her head, holding her in place and pushing her away at the
same time. She held on tight, ignoring his pleas. Martin arched his back and
shuddered, his body convulsing as spurts of hot cum shot into Geneva’s mouth.
She held on tighter and received every bit her husband had to offer.

He was spent when she finally released him. Geneva wiped her
lips with the back of her hand, not wanting to lose a drop. She fell back on
the bed.

“It’s my turn,” Martin said.

“Nope,” she said. “That one was for you.” She snuggled in
closer to her husband, laying her head on his muscular shoulder.

He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. “You are
a wicked, wicked, woman.”

She grinned. “Am I? I just think you are a lucky, lucky man
and you’d better not ever forget it. There won’t be many who can suck your dick
the way I can.”

“Don’t worry about that.” They were silent for a bit as they
snuggled and Geneva listened as her husband’s breath settled down into a rhythm
that said he was near sleep. Sex excited her and left her wide awake, but
Martin may as well have taken a tranquilizer. He was most at peace at this time
and she didn’t want to miss her window. Geneva knew Martin was most truthful at
the point where he was sexually sated and the point didn’t last long. He’d be
back at attention in a few hours.

“Martin? You awake?” She asked the question although she
already knew the answer. He was somewhere in-between wake and sleep, but would
never admit to it.

“Of course I’m awake.”

“You snore well while awake.” She rubbed her free hand over
his chest, enjoying the hardness, then tweaked his nipples a bit. He really
enjoyed that and she knew it.

“Ummm. That’s good,” he said. “Don’t start anything you
can’t finish.”

“Oh I’ll finish.” She paused. “What did you think of the new
couple we invited to the party? The Comforts?”

“You mean Sam and Desiree? They seemed okay. Very attractive
pair.” Martin yawned.

She nodded. “I thought so too. I talked to Sam for quite a
bit. I like him. I think you should invite them to the Passion Club.”

Martin stiffened. “Last time you were interested in someone,
it didn’t turn out to be so good. Remember the rules.”

Geneva’s nose stung. She still had a hard time with her
lover’s death. She missed him. “I know. I messed up, but I’m trying to move on.”
She paused, then continued, “I say, invite this new couple. Maybe they will
take my mind off things. Give me something new to do.”


“You mean someone, right?” Martin wanted to divert his
wife’s attention. He’d mentioned her old partner before he’d thought it
through. This turn of events was almost too good to be true. He hadn’t had a
chance to talk with Desiree at the party, but she’d certainly been scrumptious
looking from across the room. Her husband had been quite charming for the few
minutes they’d talked and Martin knew the man was in for quite a treat. Geneva
was as eager to get the fresh meat in as he was. He’d thought he might have to
fight her like Leesa and Kimberly.

“Maybe. But you know the others might be difficult. I know
they like to ease people in and all.”

“By others, you mean Leesa and Kimberly, I presume?”

Geneva nodded. “That’s who I meant. They are your good
buddies, right? You think I don’t notice how they are with you? Especially
Kimberly. She gets all gooey-eyed every time you walk into a room.”

“No, she doesn’t.”

“Um, hmm.” She kissed him. “A woman always knows. I saw her
at the party. She was all up under you like she couldn’t breathe if you got too
far away. Methinks you doth protest too much.”

Martin grinned sheepishly. “You know I love it when you pull
out the Shakespeare on me.”

“Yeah, yeah. Just as long as you remember the rules and
don’t get too attached to her. There is only one queen in this castle and a
concubine is just that, a concubine. You remember that and make sure she
remembers too.”

He ran his hand over his wife’s hair, letting his fingers
linger in the ringlets. His mind raced. With Geneva on board, the others could
only protest so much. “I know the rules, Bella. I made them up.” He paused. “If
you want the Comforts to be invited in, I will make it happen. I’ll have Leesa
prepare a packet and send it to them right away. They can be on the menu the
next time we meet.” He kissed her, enjoying the sweet taste on her lips. “Will
that make you happy?”

Geneva fought to suppress a grin. “Yes, it will. Thank you.
The gifts you give me sometimes—”

“You deserve them. You are too good to me.”

“I know. You just don’t forget that. And just because we do
this couples-sharing business, don’t you forget where home base is. People get
things twisted sometimes. You keep Kimberly at arm’s length.” She hit his chest

He kissed her again. “You don’t worry about her. I can
handle it.” He paused a bit, remembering just how much and why he’d fallen in
love with Geneva. “You’re the only one for me. Kimberly could only ever be just
a dalliance in our lives, okay?”

“Like I said, make sure she knows that too.”

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