Not Happily Married in Hollywood: Not in Hollywood Book 2 (10 page)

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“Good to know” I replied.

“Ma’am” the officer interrupted, “can you tell me what

“We came to see Annie Davis and tell her about her son’s
funeral and see if she wanted to attend. She said she didn’t and slammed the
door on us. We went to leave and she came racing out of the house with a
baseball bat, waving it over her head and then started attacking the car.”

“At any time did you feel she was targeting you?”

“At first I was a bit concerned she might come after us, but
Travis pulled me out of the way and after that she just seemed focused on
turning the car into a piece of scrap metal.”

“Seems she succeeded” the officer murmured.

“To be perfectly honest it didn’t look much better before
she started her redecorating project” I said.

Eldridge chuckled. Once the officer was finished I walked
over to where Travis was taking photos of the car with his phone.

“Getting proof for the insurance company?” I asked.

“That and the wall of fame” he said. He could obviously see
the questioning look on my face. “These old cars are often punished for my work
so we have a wall of the results.”

“You live in a very strange world” I said.

Travis grinned. “But I’m very rarely bored.”

“You’re enjoying this” I said accusingly.

“Why, yes I believe I am” he said, “and I think my day is
just going to become more fun.” I followed the direction of his eyes to see
Griffin getting out of the car he had just pulled up in.

“Don’t aggravate him” I warned.

“Oh honey, you’re just trying to take away all of my fun.”

“You do realize that you have a demented sense of fun” I

“Never said I didn’t” Travis grinned.

I rolled my eyes. Griffin was looking over at us as he was
talking to one of the officers and I could tell that he was not happy. Whether
this was because I had once again found myself in a volatile situation or the
fact that Travis seemed to feel very comfortable in my company, I couldn’t
really tell.

“He does not look happy” said Travis, keeping a smile on his
face as he looked over at Griffin.

“I don’t know why he is even here” I mumbled. “I mean it’s
not like there is a dead body anywhere around here.”

“Oh, I think this has a bit more to do with the fact that
you are here, or he may have heard that I’m involved. Either of those
situations is pretty much guaranteed to pique his interest” Travis said as
Griffin walked towards us.

“Cooper” Griffin said his eyes on me.

“Griffin” Travis replied with the same level of gravity in
his voice.

I looked at him sharply and his eyes were still sparkling with

“Time to go home Trudie” Griffin said finally addressing me.

“Travis is going to need a lift home as well” I said
ignoring the look of censure on Griffin’s face.

There was silence for a second before Travis broke it.
“Thanks for the offer Trudie but I need to sort out the towing for my car.”

“Are you sure?” I asked and by this stage I didn’t know
whether I meant it or whether I was just putting off being in the same car with
Griffin. I could see a muscle ticking in his jaw and frankly I wasn’t too keen
to be alone with him when he let loose.

“Don’t you worry your pretty little head about me” said

 I rolled my eyes and couldn’t help the exasperated sigh
that escaped. Griffin stiffened and I stifled the impulse to throw something at

“I’ll organize a new ride and give you a call later.” He
grinned and I knew he was getting way too much satisfaction in needling

Chapter Sixteen

Sitting in the car with Griffin I
wish that I had stayed with
Travis. The tension in the car was thick and as he didn’t start talking I
wasn’t really inclined to break the silence, which made for a wonderful ride
home. When we got to the carpark of the apartment complex I quickly jumped out
of the car.

“Thanks for the ride, I’ll see you later,” I said and
quickly started heading for my apartment.

I heard Griffin grunt behind me and follow me up to my door.
I didn’t think I was going to get away with it. Once inside I dropped my bag on
the table, turned around and braced myself for the interrogation. Silence. What
the hell was I supposed to do with that? I crossed my arms.

“Okay, you’re obviously upset about something, but it’s not
up to me to try to deep read your psyche, so either tell me why your panties
are in a bunch or get the hell out of my home.”

Griffin arched an eyebrow. “Panties in a bunch?” he queried,
a slight smile playing around his lips.

“Yes” I said pointing a finger at him. “I don’t even know
why you were there, I mean there weren’t any bodies. There wasn’t even much of
a crime. According to Travis that kind of thing happens to him all the time.”

“How about the fact that you were in a volatile situation
that could have turned nasty at any time, with a person who I personally would
not trust your safety to.”

“I was perfectly safe with Travis” I said as I flopped down
on the couch. “The guy wasn’t going to let anything happen to me.”

“Why?” asked Griffin.

“Why what?” I replied.

“Why are you so sure that Cooper would keep you safe?”

“I don’t know” I said. “Despite what I would call some
questionable life choices, the guy seems to be very protective and he was
pretty determined to keep me out of a dangerous situation today.”

“What were you doing at Annie Davis’s house?” Griffin asked,
back to business again.

“The funeral is being held tomorrow” I said. “
any family that Eric had and seeing if they wanted to
go to the funeral.”

“And you naturally assumed that Annie Davis would want to go
to her son’s funeral” Griffin said sighing.

“You knew she was Eric’s mother” I said.

“Of course we knew, it came up in the investigation. To be
perfectly honest I was going out to speak to her when Ramos called me to let me
know that you were a possible assault victim at the Davis house.”

“Not me, just the car” I said.

“Yeah, well, sometimes the information that comes through on
first reports can be a little inaccurate” Griffin said wryly, and I got a
glimpse of the worry he had gone through in the tightness around his eyes.

“The only time I was worried was when she came charging out
with the bat and Travis pulled me out of the way” I said. “After that she was
so busy beating up Travis’s car that I think she kind of forgot about us and we
were left to watch. It ended up being more of a spectator sport than an actual

“And Cooper just let it happen?” questioned Griffin.

“Well yes,” I said. “I asked him if he was going to do
anything to stop her from destroying his car and he said his only option was to
shoot her. Said it would be better if we waited for the cops to come up with non-lethal
force, which they did. Stun gun took her down easy.”

I remember wouldn’t have been quite so patient with the situation” Griffin said
as he shrugged out of his jacket and sat on the couch.

Bemused at the way he was making himself comfortable in my
home I was surprised with what he had said. “Really, because Travis seems
pretty laid back to me. I can’t see him getting heated up about anything.
Seriously if he was wound tight I would have thought he’d go completely nuts
over the way that car was destroyed.”

“Maybe he’s changed over the last couple of years.”

“Ever planning on telling me about what the problem is
between the two of you?” I asked sitting down next to him. He started tucking
my hair behind my ear and playing with the strands, twirling them around his

“It’s all ancient history. I just don’t like the idea of you
being around him. He has a tendency to attract trouble. Take today for

“To be fair” I said, “he only came along to make sure that I
was safe. It is probably better that he was there because if that car hadn’t
been there to take up her attention, she may have decided to use that bat on

“I still don’t like the fact that he seems to have taken an
interest in you” Griffin sighed. “Look, I don’t want to get into it but my
relationship with Cooper is kind of complicated. I would hate to think he was
using you to get under my skin.”

I sat up straight. “Do you really think that he would do

“Honestly there was a time when I wouldn’t have thought that
at all, but things happened that made me start thinking that I didn’t know the
guy as well as I thought I did. I don’t want you to have anything to do with
him” he said abruptly.

I drew back surprised at the quick change of subject.

“You are kidding aren’t you, please tell me that you are not
stupid enough to tell me who I can and can’t work with.”

“I’m just saying that Travis Cooper is not the sort of
person that I want anywhere near you. You could have got hurt today.”

“Correction” I said angrily, “I could have got hurt if
Travis hadn’t been there. He took care of me, on my own I’d have probably
walked into that baseball bat.”

“Oh that just fills me with confidence” Griffin said
sarcastically. “You have to think before you get yourself into these situations.
I am getting tired of being called to a scene and finding you in the middle of

“I am doing my job, I’m sorry if that concerns you but I
really don’t think that you have any say in what I do” I said angrily.

At that moment my cell phone rang. Snatching it up I barked
into it. “What.”

There was silence and then I heard Adele’s voice on the

“Trudie, is that you?”

I immediately softened my tone. “Adele, I’m so sorry. I was
distracted elsewhere.”

I glared as Griffin grabbed his jacket and angrily shoved
his arms into it.

“Trudie, did Miranda speak to you yesterday?”

“Miranda spoke to me a couple of times, was there anything
in particular that you are referring to?” I queried.

“There were some photos that I wanted you to get for me.”

“The photos in the safe in your closet” I recalled. “Oh yes,
Miranda told me about them yesterday, I haven’t had a chance to get back to the
house, with the funeral details. In fact, I can’t see myself getting back there
today. Do you need them immediately or would it be okay for me to get them out
of the safe tomorrow after the funeral?”

“I guess I don’t need to get them right now but I would like
them as soon as you can get to the house” Adele said.

“If they’re important I may be able to get them today.”

“No”, said Adele, “I guess it doesn’t matter anymore,
Miranda is just encouraging me to work, to help with the trauma.”

“Okay” I said a bit mystified by the tone in her voice. “Was
there anything else you needed?”

“Everything is taken care of for tomorrow?” she asked

“It will be, I’m just organizing some final details.”

“Did you find any of Eric’s family?” she asked.

“Yes” I said hesitantly. “I found his mother. Unfortunately
I don’t think she will be able to attend the funeral.”

“Oh, well, I’m sure you did your best.”

I had to actually control myself from sighing out loud. It
would be useless to inform Adele that her little errand for me ended up with a
baseball bat being waved around and a car being destroyed. The woman truly
lived in her own world. I was beginning to find myself becoming impatient with
her. It was an unfortunate side effect of my business that you learned a little
too much about people you were impressed with from afar. I loved Adele’s books
but I have to say that I was getting a little tired of the constant neediness.
There was silence.

“Was there anything else that you needed?” I prompted

“No, nothing at all” she said and yet again I wondered what
sort of medication she was currently on.

“Adele” I said after waiting a couple more seconds for her
to continue talking. “I think you should have a lie down, maybe get some sleep
before tomorrow. It’s going to be a draining day.”

“You’re right of course” said Adele. “What would I do
without you? Although Miranda’s here, she’ll help me.”

I muttered a prayer of gratitude.

“Could you put Miranda on the phone please Adele?”

Without answering the phone was passed over.

“Trudie, is that you?” I heard Miranda’s voice.

“Yes it is, is Adele okay?” I asked.

“I think she is under a lot of strain at the moment” Miranda
said in that cool voice of hers. “I think once we’ve got through tomorrow she
can begin healing from this traumatic event.”

Getting off the phone I had to agree with Miranda. Adele had
never struck me as a particularly strong person. It seemed that Eric’s death
was only serving to highlight her need to rely on those people around her.
Turning around I found Griffin with a serious look on his face.

“I think I need to go” he said. “It looks like you are going
to be busy for the rest of the day.”

“Probably a good idea” I agreed. Griffin took a step toward
me and then stopped as if unsure as to how he should proceed.

“I don’t want you to get hurt” he said softly.

“Don’t try to give me orders” I said. “Trust me when I tell
you that will not end well.”

Griffin nodded and started heading for the door. I followed
him and he stopped abruptly and turned around.

“Please promise me that you’ll try not to put yourself in
any danger.”

I nodded. That was an easy promise to make. I always tried
to keep myself out of danger. Unfortunately it seemed that no matter how hard I
tried, I ended up in dangerous situations. His head ducked as he kissed me. The
kiss was sweet and gentle, so totally at odds with the domineering attitude he
had been using on me, and my eyes fluttered closed. His strong arms pulled me
against him and I felt my head spin as the passion was rising in me. All I
could think was I wanted to get closer. Pulling away from me he smiled as he
looked down into my flushed features.

“That is what I want” Griffin said softly as his thumb
stroked my cheek. “I want you looking at me like that, every day.”

With that he walked out the door. I closed it and leaning my
back against
I sank to the
trying desperately to control the raging fantasies going through my head. Jake
Griffin may annoy the hell out of me sometimes, but man could he kiss.

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