Read Not My Mother's Footsteps Online

Authors: Cherish Amore

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

Not My Mother's Footsteps (8 page)

BOOK: Not My Mother's Footsteps
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Chapter 19


Terrell casually walked into Riverside hospital in Newport News, he had gotten a call that his cousin Geno was in the hospital and he was in critical but stable condition. Even though Geno and Terrell hadn’t spoken in ages they still would always be there for each other. “May I help you?” the front receptionist asked Terrell once he made it to the ICU information desk.

“Yea uh, I got a call that my cousin was here” Terrell said stepping to the desk.

The receptionist looked at him as if he was stupid ‘I aint got time for this shit today’ Terrell thought as he was about to get smart. “Your cousins name sir” the nurse said firmly as she rolled her eyes.

“Oh my fault” Terrell said feeling stupid for not already saying his name. “Gen- ” he began but then remembered where he was “I mean Eugenio Loveland” he said as he cleared his throat.

The nurse began clacking away at the keys on the computer as she popped her gum loudly. “He’s in room 237” she said without looking up as she continued chewing her gum.

Terrell just shook his head and started walking in search of the room Geno was in.

“Scooter wake up” 14 year old Terrell heard his mother said.

“Hmm?” He asked as he stretched, it was Saturday morning and he wanted to sleep in, he couldn’t understand why his mom was even waking him up so early.

“I got some bad news” his mother said on the verge of tears as she sat down on the edge of his bed.

Still half asleep Terrell sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes “what’s wrong momma?” he asked.

“Baby your aunt Roberta was killed last night” she said as she could no longer hold back the tears.

Terrell felt like he had seriously took a blow to the heart, it felt like the air in the room was quickly being sucked away from him. “What?” he asked in disbelief. His Aunt Roberta was his favorite and her son Eugenio was his favorite cousin. He and Aunt Susan didn’t get along much; she was the youngest of the sisters and instead of trying to be an aunt she was trying to act his age.

“Yeah she’s gone, she was shot in the head” his mom said as she sobbed. She was truly going to miss her sister. Terrell was in total shock, how could his aunt Roberta be dead. “You gone be alright?” His mom asked him when she looked up and saw he was crying.

“Yea” Terrell said scooting down in the bed placing the covers over his head, he hated crying, and he didn’t want anyone seeing him like that.  

Terrell reached room 237 and took a deep breath from the memory he just had, he also remembered that ever since his aunt was killed, so was a part of Geno; he was never right since. Pushing the door open slowly Terrell walked into the room to find Geno laying with different tubes coming from different parts of his body. “Hello” the nurse said as she was removing the tube from Geno’s throat.

“Hey, I can come back” Terrell said as he turned to walk back out of the room; he hated hospitals, and he really hated seeing anything being done to someone.

“I am all done” the nurse said as she threw away the tubes and then washed her hands. “He is in and out of sleep because he’s highly sedated, but he is doing well” she said as she headed for the door. “Oh and you can talk to him, he just may answer you back, now that he’s got the tube out.” She said with a smile before leaving the room.

Terrell looked around the room, he was never one to be scared but what he was feeling won’t too far from it. As he walked to the bed, he watched as Geno’s chest rose and fell as he lightly snored. There were bandages covering where he had been shot. Terrell looked up at the monitor that was monitoring his blood pressure and heart, when he looked down Geno was staring at him. “Shit Geno, what the fuck!” Terrell shouted causing the nurse to rush back in the room.

“Is everything okay, in here?” she asked as she rushed to Geno’s side. “Oh you’re woke,” she said with a smile as she looked down at Geno.

“It’s cool” Terrell said with a chuckle feeling like a little bitch for the way he yelled out. The nurse slowly walked out the room and when she did Terrell turned and looked back down at Geno. “Damn fam who did this shit to you?” Terrell asked.

Geno tried to speak, but only found himself moving his lips but nothing coming out and in a lot of pain. Taking a deep breath Geno once again tried to speak “Pa-” he whispered but Terrell couldn’t hear nor understand him.

“It’s aight man, don’t even worry about it” Terrell said trying to get him to stop trying to talk since it was causing him so much pain.

Geno could feel himself drifting off to sleep, the medicine was getting the best of him but he knew he needed to tell Terrell who had done this to him. Once again taking a deep breath Geno, tried with his entire mite to get the name out   “P-” he started but stopped “P. Pac man” he finally got out.

“Pac man?” Terrell said making sure he heard him correctly. Geno’s eyes widen and seconds later, he drifted off to sleep. Terrell stood there for a little while longer, before turning and headed out the room. It was time for him to find Pac man, and figure out what the hell he knew.

Chapter 20


Terrell walked up the stairs in his house, for a second he had forgot Phoenix was even there until he heard the TV playing. Reaching the doorway he could see her sleeping peacefully, she was wrapped tightly in the covers. ‘Damn she’s beautiful’ Terrell thought as continued you looking at her, she didn’t have to try and she was everything. Terrell walked into the room, he was going to wake her so they could go get her clothes, but he didn’t have the time because she woke up in a frantic “No please don’t hurt me” she said as she backed up towards the head of the bed.

‘This is the second time she woke up all crazy acting and shit’ Terrell thought as he just watched her with a raised brow. “Aye, you good?” he asked confused.

Phoenix felt stupid, she had been hurt her entire life, and had seen some crazy shit lately, that she was afraid everyone was after her. “I’m sorry” she said as she pushed her hair behind her ear.

“You aint gotta apologize, but I do want to make sure you good. You want to talk about what happen the other night; it seems to really be bothering you.” Terrell said as he sat down on the edge of the bed.

Phoenix did want to tell Terrell what happened the other night, hell she wanted to tell anyone who would listen, but for some reason she felt now was just not the time. “Um eventually I do want to talk about it, but not right now” she said truthfully.

“Cool, well you want to go get your clothes right now?” Terrell asked standing from the bed.

‘Wow, he’s really not going to pressure me into telling him’ Phoenix thought. She really wasn’t use to someone being as nonchalant as Terrell was. “Ok” was her simple reply as she stood from the bed. Neither spoke another word they just headed downstairs so they could leave.


Renz had been still trying to get ahold of Terrell but each call he was greeted by his answering machine. “Fuck this shit, imma carry my ass over there” Renz said sounding dramatic. He knew Terrell hated for people to just pop up, but he felt like he didn’t have a choice, he wasn’t answering and he needed to follow through on his plan. “Let me call Old School ass” Renz said out loud as he leaned back into the seat.

“Hello?” Old School answered on the third ring. Renz wasn’t expecting him to answer and he was so zoned out that he didn’t even say hello. “Hello?” Old School said again.

“Oh shit, my fault” Renz finally said. “Old School you aight? I went up to the store today and I aint see you” Renz asked.

“Yea I’m good I just don’t think Imma be working at the store anymore.” Old School said.

“Shit why not?” Renz asked like he gave a damn

“ I ran into some money so I am good for a while” Old School said lying.

“Hell kinda money you ran into?” Renz asking, thinking his plan could work out easier than he expected.

“Ah just a little something” Old School said as if what he was saying was true.

Renz decided he didn’t need Old School after all, hell he just made shit easier for him “I hear that, imma let you go” Renz said but remembered even though he no longer needed Old School he still hadn’t talk to Terrell. “Oh yea you heard from Rell?” Renz asked as he started his car.

“Nah I haven’t” Old School said once again lying.

“Shit me either. But imma get at you” Renz said hanging up on Old School before he replied, he didn’t need him anymore. Renz put his seat belt on, and headed to Terrell’s house.


Terrell was sitting in the car, waiting for Phoenix to come out of her apartment, he had offered to go upstairs with her but she declined. Then he was going to visit his sister but she wasn’t home, so he just sat in the truck listening to music as he waited. His phone began to ring, and it was the same number that Fluffy had called from the other day, normally he wouldn’t answer but he needed something from her. “Yo?” he answered how he always did.

“What’s going on?” she said sexily into the receiver.

“Fuck you want Fluff?” he asked unbothered.

“You already know what I want, why we gotta keep going through this every time” she said trying entirely too hard to get him.

“Man, you tripping. I need a favor though” Terrell said ignoring her.

Fluffy didn’t care what Terrell needed the fact that he was even asking her for help was everything to her. “What you need me to do sexy, anything for you.”

Terrell couldn’t understand why she was the type of person she was, had she not lied about being pregnant and tried to trap him, they just may have worked out. “I need you to go to the hood, and find Pac man for me, and let him know I got something for him and when you find him call me” Terrell said.

“And what are you going to give me?” She asked hoping he would say sex.

“I gotta stack for you” Terrell said just as Phoenix was walking towards him with her things.

“Ion want no damn money Terrell, you know my ass aint hurting for money” Fluffy yelled into the phone.

“You ready?” Terrell asked Phoenix when she got in the car, ignoring the fact that Fluffy was screaming on him.

“Yes” Phoenix said.

Fluffy was pissed, when she heard Terrell talking to another female, and she let him know how pissed she was. “How the fuck you gonna calling me asking me to do stuff when you got a bitch with you, why don’t you have her ass do it” Fluffy said yelling into the phone. 

Terrell didn’t say a word he just disconnected the phone, he really didn’t have time to be going back and forth, plus Phoenix had just got in the car. Backing out, Terrell headed back home.

Phoenix had just gotten in the car, and she wasn’t trying to listen to Terrell’s phone conversation but she couldn’t help but to hear, and when she realized it was a female it made her jealous. ‘I’m stupid to think he wouldn’t be single anyway, that’s what I get for being so damn kind hearted and thinking people could be genuine like me” she thought as she looked out the window. Phoenix wished she could yell; ‘take me home now,’ but no matter what she still didn’t want to be alone, so she didn’t say anything.

Terrell could see the look on Phoenix face, which let him know she heard what Fluffy said on the phone and he just thought ‘I don’t have time for this shit.’ “You want to get something to eat while we out, or order when we get to the house?” He asked Phoenix never taking his eyes off the road.

“It’s up to you” Phoenix said quietly, she had put her guard back up, she felt like she couldn’t trust Terrell, because he had a girlfriend.

Terrell grew up around women so he could tell Phoenix had an attitude, what he didn’t understand was why women shut down instead of expressing themselves. “Cool, we can order something once we get to the house” he said nonchalantly.

They rode the rest of the way in silence, one not understanding the other.

Chapter 21


As soon as they got inside, Phoenix started heading upstairs “You okay?” Terrell finally asked from the bottom of the stairs.

“Yes, I just want to take a shower, Phoenix said stopping on the stairs but never turning around.

Terrell chuckled a little before he responded. “You want to order this food before you get in the shower?” he asked as he scratched behind his ear.

“Sure, whatever you want is fine with me” Phoenix said turning around smiling. She had to smile because against her will she had tears filling the bottom of her eyelids.

Terrell stare up at her for a second, though she tried to hide it he could see the tears, but what he didn’t understand was why she was about to cry. “Okay, pizza and wings cool?” he asked.

“Yes that’s fine” Phoenix said with a smile before turning and walking away.

Terrell walked away from the bottom of the stairs shaking his head.


After ordering the pizza and wings from Papa John’s Terrell, made him a drink and was about to sit down and roll him a blunt when his doorbell rang. “The fuck?” he said out loud as he walked to his door, knowing damn well it won’t the pizza man that quickly. “Yeah?” he asked Renz as soon as he opened the door and saw him standing there.

“Hell you been nigga, I been calling your ass all fucking day” Renz said with a little more aggression than Terrell liked.

“Shit my fault, I had a lot of hit to deal with” Terrell said short and sweet.

“Damn, baby boy can I come in?” Renz asked as she tried to step inside but Terrell stop him.

“Actually, I got a shorty over” Terrell said tilting his head up to the stairs.

“Oh shit baby boy, my bad” Renz said as he dapped Terrell up.

“Yea so imma holla at you later” Terrell said really getting a bad vibe from Renz, which kind of hurt him because Renz was like a brother to him.

“That’s what’s up” Renz said as he started walking back to his car.

“Hey Renz” Terrell called out to him before he got to the car and he turned around “good looking out on Old School, you were right about that nigga” Terrell said lying.

‘Damn I was tryna set that nigga up, and his ass really was fucking stealing’ Renz thought. “Of course baby boy, anything for you. So how we gonna handle that?” Renz said.

“We will talk about that later, I got shit to do tonight” Terrell said referring to Phoenix. Renz had fell into the trap of really thinking Terrell thought Old School was stealing from him, but little did he know Terrell thought he was the one stealing.

“Aight baby boy, be easy” Renz said climbing into his car and driving off.

Stepping back inside Terrell grabbed his drink and quickly downed it, he knew shit between him and Renz was not going to end well, and a little piece of his heart ached because of that.


Phoenix had just stepped out the shower, and after drying off, she rubbed herself down with lotion and then put on her Victoria Secret matching bra and panty set, followed by her tights and tank top. After brushing her teeth, she headed out the bathroom, and almost ran into Terrell as he was coming out of his room. “Shit!” she shouted as she dropped the things she was holding.

“Damn my bad” Terrell said with a smile. He didn’t mean to scare Phoenix but the look on her face was priceless.

“You scared the shit out me” Phoenix said grabbing her things. Not only did Terrell scare her, she damn near had a heart attack just by the way he looked. He now only had grey sweatpants and bedroom slippers on and his body was everything to her. He only had 3 tattoos on his body, but the way they looked were perfection, he was surely a gift from God.

“You aight?” he asked Phoenix because she was standing there with her mouth slightly open staring. Just as she was about to reply the doorbell rang. “That’s the pizza” Terrell said with a smile as he headed downstairs.
Phoenix watched as Terrell jogged down there stairs. ‘Lord give me the strength’ she thought to herself before walking into the room putting her things down. 

“You ever seen the Conjuring? Terrell asked the moment Phoenix reached the bottom of the stairs.

“No” Phoenix said, she really wanted to say she didn’t watch scary movies, but she wasn’t about to tell him that to and seem like a punk.

“You aint scared are you?” Terrell asked, Phoenix went to speak but it was pointless because Terrell spoke again “I can see your ass scared, but don’t worry I got cha, ill protect you” Terrell said with so much meaning.

Phoenix couldn’t help but smile “I really don’t watch scary movies” Phoenix admitted. “But I don’t mind watching it with you” she said sitting down on the couch.

“If you don’t want to watch it, we don’t have to” Terrell said bringing the pizza box, and sitting beside Phoenix.

“It’s cool, I don’t mind, as long as you protect me like you said you would” Phoenix said flirting unsure of what came over her.

“I told you I got cha, Phoenix, just trust me” Terrell said looking right in her eyes. He knew shit may have been moving fast, because hell he still didn’t know what happen the other night, but for some reason he didn’t care, he really just wanted to protect her.

“I trust you” Phoenix said truthfully, because she did trust him.

“Good” Terrell said before kissing her. Phoenix wanted to pull back, and say something about the girl on the phone, but something about Terrell made her deepen the kiss. His tongue was sweet, and the way there tongues danced was everything but wrong. Finally breaking the kiss, Terrell pressed his forehead against hers, “You lead, and I will follow.” He said.

Phoenix could have sworn she felt butterflies, never in her life has she been told to lead, she always was made to follow. “Okay” she simply said. Terrell was winning her over fast.

“Shit, let’s eat before it gets cold” Terrell said as he opened the box. The remainder of the night, they eat pizza and watched movies. Phoenix ending up falling asleep before Terrell, so he placed a blanket over her, careful not to disturb her, and then went to sleep himself.

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