Not Planning on You (24 page)

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Authors: Sydney Landon

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Women, #General

BOOK: Not Planning on You
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Suzy reached down to where their bodies were joined and cupped Gray’s balls as he pumped into her. She smiled as a growl erupted from his throat. She stroked his tight sack and trailed her nails lightly up his inner thigh before returning to his cock. She gripped the base and held it firmly as he plunged into her.


Whispering in her ear, Gray said, “You want to play, huh? Let’s see how you like this then.” With those teasing words, Gray’s hand came around her and settled briefly over the hand that held his cock. He shifted above that until he was rubbing her nub. Suzy threw her head back and an explosion started building inside of her. Holding Gray’s erection in her hands as he slid in and out of her, coupled with Gray’s hand stroking her clit, was just too much. She was having a sensory overload and her body was helpless to stop the orgasm that was starting to rip through her. Her inner muscles clenched and Gray pumped his hips harder against her, lifting her almost off of his lap. Suzy screamed as her body seemed to crest one orgasm only to start another. Never had she felt anything like this. Gray’s finger against her sensitive nub was now almost torture and Suzy put her hand over his, stilling his movement. When she reached down to cup his balls, his threw his head back and shouted her name, as he found his own release.


When a knock sounded at the door, they both froze. “Um, Suzy, is everything alright?”


“Oh shit,” Suzy grabbed for the cover as she head Nick’s concerned voice from the other side of the door.


Gray chuckled. “Everything’s fine, bro, thanks for checking.”


Suzy heard laughter from the other side of the door but thankfully Nick didn’t ask any other questions. “I bet your brother thought I was having a hell of a dream in here.” Leaning back in Gray’s arms, she sighed. “Now I’ll have to look at his smirking face over breakfast tomorrow. Great!”


Raising his eyebrow, Gray asked, “Are you complaining?”


Suzy wiggled her bottom against him. “No way, slick, I could get used to waking up to that.”


Gray hugged her to his chest suddenly serious. “Get used to it then, baby, I plan to do that for the rest of our lives. Just hang in there with me.”


Suzy laid her arms over his and closed her eyes. Here in the circle of his arms, with his breath on her neck and the feel of his heart beating, she felt there was nothing that could ever tear them apart. Gray was home to her and she vowed to do her best to help him handle the situation with
. Even though it tore her apart to think of someone else giving Gray a child first, she knew that to have a future with him, she must also accept his past and fully embrace his child. Overcome with the love she had for this man, she whispered, “I love you.”


Gray released the breath he’d been holding, and hugged Suzy closer. “I love you too, baby, more than you will ever know.”


“I can’t believe you drove all this way. You must be so tired.”


“Yeah, I am. I’m heading back to Charleston early in the morning. I told Jason since I planned to be there for a few days, that I’d handle a few issues we have at
while I am there. I have a meeting at ten so I need to be on the road by seven or so.”


It was almost four by that time, so they quickly showered and curled around each other in bed. Gray woke her a few hours later with a long drugging kiss. He was already dressed and looked so gorgeous and sexy that Suzy wanted to pull him back in the bed and devour him. After he was gone, she dozed for another half hour before rousing herself to dress for her first day back at work. There was something comforting and exciting about getting back into her normal routine.


Suzy dressed for comfort in a short black skirt with a white silk tank and a long silver necklace. She slid on a low-heeled flat shoe, and decided to leave her hair loose. God she missed high-heels. Ugh.






When Suzy walked into the kitchen, Nick and Beth were sitting at the table having pancakes and bacon. As she walked towards them, Nick snickered and said, “Look, princess, here comes your sister doing the walk of shame.”


From the grin on Beth’s face, she could tell that Nick had filled her in on her late night visitor. Nick laughed when she flipped him a hand gesture as she settled into her seat. Beth poured her a cup of coffee and handed her a plate. Suzy’s eyes rolled in bliss as she poured syrup over the pancakes. “This looks great, sis, I’m glad you were feeling ambitious this morning.”


“That would be me, babe, unlike some of us, I rolled myself out of bed at a reasonable hour this morning so I could fix breakfast for you lovely ladies.”


With a chuckle, Suzy said, “Pouring it on there a little thick this morning aren’t
? But hey whatever the reason, I’m glad, this is great. I can’t believe you and Gray can cook like this.”


“I know my brother seemed to be cooking something up last night too, say around two?”


Suzy choked on her coffee and Beth patted her on the back. “You’re a pervert Nick, has anyone ever told you that?”


“Ah, yes they have, but only in the most complimentary of terms.”


Suzy had to give it to the man, he didn’t lack for confidence. She could see how women would throw themselves at him on a regular basis. It was hard to believe that he’d been content to play house here for several weeks without as much as a date. Maybe he was having a lunchtime quickie or something.


When everyone had finished breakfast, Nick insisted on driving them to the office in his van. Suzy couldn’t help it, she still had to chuckle every time he hit the button to open the sliding side door for her. Maybe Nick’s inner soccer mom had been dying to get out for a while.

Chapter Nineteen



Suzy couldn’t contain the sigh of contentment she felt when she walked or hobbled back in the door at
International. She hadn’t realized how much she’d missed being here until she stepped out of the elevator and saw all of the familiar faces. Nick had continued on up to his floor while she and Beth were now walking towards the reception area and a smiling Ella. Suzy still couldn’t get over the transformation there. Ella really was beautiful now, and her personality seemed to have changed as well.


She’d frankly found Ella annoying and tried to avoid her. Now that people were finally seeing her, Ella seemed to have lost the need to constantly seek attention and approval. Her sister had done a good thing there. Suzy smiled warmly at her and said, “Good morning Ella.”


With a shy smile, Ella said, “Good morning Ms. Denton, it’s so good to have you back.”


“Please Ella, call me Suzy. I think we are past all of the formalities now. I’ll even try to curb my four-letter words in front of you today.”


…That’s ok,

Suzy, I’ve gotten used to that here. This is a very colorful place to work.”


“Colorful huh?
Yeah, I like that.”


Beth followed her down the hall to her office and Suzy was surprised to see how organized everything was. Her desk was always rather like organized chaos. She assumed it was Beth who had neatly stacked messages on one corner, put her files in alphabetical order on the other corner and set a status update on all of their current projects in the center.


“Wow sis, did you do all of this?”


“Um, yes, I hope you don’t mind that I decided to straighten your desk some. I thought it might be easier for you to find things.” Then rolling her eyes, Beth said, “I know you’re a little anal about your paperwork so if you want to put it back the way it was, I can do that.”


   Suzy couldn’t contain her laughter. “Did you just call me anal? Beth Denton, I know you didn’t use that dirty mouth when you were teaching.”


   “Like Ella says, this place rubs off on you. Now master what do you want to start on today?”






They worked steadily through the morning returning calls and placing orders for an upcoming training conference. The first hour she was in her office, it seemed that everyone in the building had dropped by with their well wishes. Claire and Jason had stopped by a short while ago and she’d made plans for lunch with her. Claire looked even bigger than when she’d seen her last week. Suzy was afraid she was going to explode at any moment. Jason followed her around like a mother hen, obviously worried out of his mind about her. She didn’t know how the poor man would make it until the baby was born; he looked like he was close to a nervous breakdown now.


Gray called just before she was leaving for lunch and her heart skipped a beat when she heard his sexy voice on the phone. “Hey, baby, how is your first day back?”


“Hi yourself, you sexy man.
My day has been great so far. Did you make it back in time for your meeting this morning without breaking too many laws?”


“I cut it a little close, but I made it.” Then lowering his voice to that sexy rumble that she loved so well, he said, “Last night was mind blowing. You blow me away baby. Every time I take you, I just want you that much more. There seems to be no relief from wanting you, even after last night, I ache for you.”


What girl could hold out against something like that? Suzy felt her body key up, nearly purring in pleasure at his words. “I know how you feel, slick, I can think of at least a dozen things I’d like to do on this desk right now and none of them involves work.”


god, don’t even go there baby. I really don’t want to go to my lunch meeting with an erection; they frown on stuff like that.
, what’s the rest of your day like?”


“Just finishing up some things for a few events, how about you?”


“The lunch meeting that I mentioned and then this evening, well, um, I’m having dinner with


Suzy held the phone, but couldn’t seem to force herself to say anything.
Dinner with
, really?
You better get used to it, if this is his baby,
will always be there.




“Uh huh, I’m here.”

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