Nothing Special 03 - Here Comes Trouble (14 page)

BOOK: Nothing Special 03 - Here Comes Trouble
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Green was standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for him. When he looked up, he was surprised to see the look of feral hunger glowing in Green’s midnight eyes. He slowed his descent and eyed him back the same way. Green had on a pair of khaki cargo pants with tan Timberland boots and a black collared Polo shirt. Ruxs knew that his badge was underneath his shirt along with his gun, and a knife was shoved down in his boot. But his favorite thing about him was Green’s hair. It was spiked all over, looking like he’d tried to tame it, but gave up. They looked like such opposites, with his own black jeans and his brand new black AC/DC T-shirt stretched tight across his broad chest. His badge hung around his neck. He had his leather coat in his hand, pulling it on before he got to the bottom of the stairs.

“You ready?” Ruxs looked down at Green since he was standing on the first step, Green not moving to let him step down.

Green put his hands around his waist. “Kiss me.”

Ruxs didn’t hesitate. He dropped his head and pressed his mouth to Green’s. They held their lips together for just a second before Green tilted slightly and licked his tongue out, teasing the opening of his mouth. Ruxs returned the gesture, quickly amping up the passion by shoving his tongue into that sweet cavern, desperate for another taste. He was unsure how Green would treat him now that they weren’t behind closed bedroom doors. He wasn’t disappointed and he used his kiss to show it. To show Green that fuck yeah, he wanted to touch him in and out of the confinement of darkness.

He felt a fist clench the back of his shirt, pulling him into a solid chest. Ruxs brought his hand up and dug it into all that soft, unruly hair and tugged until Green’s head was all the way back and he was surrendering to his kiss. He used his chest to nudge Green back so he could come down the final step. When he was level with his partner he brought his other arm around his back, immediately going for that gorgeous ass. He gave it a good, hard squeezed before running his thumb down the crease. Green moaned inside their kiss, pushing his ass back into his hand.

“Horny fucker,” Ruxs hissed back.

“You started it.” Green moaned, worming his hand between them to cup Ruxs’ swelling dick.

“Ahhh, fuck. We gotta stop. Work. Need to go to work,” Ruxs said breathlessly.

He felt like a king. Green was looking at him like he could throw him on the cold floor right now and spread his legs wide for him, all he had to do was say to. Ruxs slapped his ass hard and Green moaned like the hot slut he was. A woman probably would’ve complained about him slapping their ass that hard, but his man begged for more.
Holy shit!
Ruxs was beyond excited. He couldn’t wait to get back home to explore more. “What do you have planned to do tonight?” Ruxs said on a huff. Burying his nose in that stimulating scent at the base of Green’s neck.

“I plan to do you tonight,” Green said back with complete seriousness. “So let’s go get this shit over with.”

Ruxs reluctantly let Green go, both of them groaning at their hard cocks, and walked out the door.

Such Naughty Boys

Green let Ruxs drive his truck to the warehouse since he sucked at taking clear pictures. The IT detectives practically ripped his head off when they had to clear up the blurry and distorted images.

“You need to take this thing in to Furi. It needs an alignment or something. The steering wheel is pulling to the left.” Ruxs complained as he merged onto 85.

“Just drive,” Green said without bothering to lookup from tinkering with the camera scope. 

Ruxs shrugged. “Fine. It’s your truck.

“Thank you.”

Once he was satisfied with the camera, he set it down between his legs and sat back for the rest of the ride. He wanted to ask Ruxs some more questions but he also didn’t want his partner over-thinking things… like he often did. He turned from looking out the window and focused his concentration on the handsome man sitting beside him. Ruxs had on his dark shades, so he couldn’t see those pretty pale green eyes that he’d come to love. The faint red mark on his cheek from the fight yesterday looked slightly bluish now.

When he’d finally understood what had been bothering his partner he’d wanted to jump for joy. He’d wasted no time sending his date on her way. She was nice enough but she was no Armin Mark Ruxsberg. He could understand Ruxs’ hesitancy to come out and tell him he’d been catching feelings for him. Not too many people knew he was bi. He’d only indulged in college and while he was a cop in uniform with a few hookups. But once he’d been promoted to detective, he worked doubly hard to climb up the ranks, so his social life took a backseat for a while. Then joining up with God and Day really left him with a zero chance at finding any type of female or male companionship until he proved himself worthy of being on their team. When he was paired with Ruxs, he didn’t even realize that he wasn’t dating much, since he loved spending time with his partner. Now it was looking like he could have his cake and eat it too.

“What are you thinking about so hard over there?” Ruxs was looking at him with a concerned expression.

“I’m thinking about how lucky I am.” Green wasted no time putting his friend’s mind at ease. He knew Ruxs was struggling with this; he needed to let him know that he was happy with this upgrade in their relationship – so to speak – and he wanted to explore this further.

Ruxs raised one dark eyebrow. “Lucky?”

Green stroked Ruxs’ stubble with the back of his hand. “Yes. Lucky because I never thought I’d be able to have you like I wanted you. Don’t get me wrong, I would’ve taken you anyway I could, but this is so much better.” Green winked. “Now I don’t have to cop a cheap feel when I’m massaging you anymore.”

Ruxs laughed hard. “What?”

“Don’t act like you didn’t know. I rubbed you a tad bit differently than I rubbed Day or Ro’s shoulders. Did you ever see me massaging their chests?”

Ruxs was looking at him with a shocked expression. Green shook his head and put the camera up to his eye, taking pictures of the warehouse from the interstate right before Ruxs took the off-ramp. “Make a circle around it so I can get some shots of the back, then pull into the parking lot over there.” Green pointed a block up from the warehouse.

Ruxs drove slowly around the building, then pulled into the almost empty lot and shut off the engine. Green took several more photos of the warehouse’s entrance before putting the camera back between his feet. “It looks in good condition. A good front. They got several trucks, the structure is well-maintained. Wouldn’t raise any suspicion that this is a basic shipping facility.”

Ruxs nodded his head, agreeing with him. After a few minutes of silence, both of them with their eyes trained on the building; watching for any activity, the radio in his truck beeped and Ro’s voice filled the large cab. “Green come back.”

“Green. Go ahead Ro.”

“Is Ruxs with you?”


“I got the information you asked me for.”

Green looked at his partner. Ruxs nodded his head once, telling him it was okay, he wanted to hear this.

“Go ahead Ro,” Green answered.

“His mom was processed at the GDC at 6:22 this morning. The DA on the case is Henderson. She’s charged with possession and two counts of assault, one of them for assaulting an officer.”

Green saw Ruxs run his hand over his short hair like he was frustrated.

Ro continued, “The dealer that he busted, Jacob? Turns out he had a warrant issued by his PO a few weeks ago. He has an arraignment tomorrow at nine. ”

Green clicked the mic. “Thanks, Ro. Out.”

“10-4. Out.”

Green knew Ruxs’ every mannerism. His knee bounced nervously while he pinched the bridge of his nose. His eyes shut tight. “Talk to me Ruxs.”

“I can’t imagine her sitting in jail for who knows how long. Maybe if I told the DA I don’t want to press charges and I was there as her son, not as a cop, maybe he’ll…”

Green cut him off. “Fuck that. I know what you’re thinking about doing. You need to let her take her punishment. I know she’s your mom and all. But look what she did to you. I can’t condone it, I can’t take it. Seeing her hurt you makes me want to rip her fuckin’ head off, Mark!”

Ruxs turned to face him. “Chris, she needs help. She’s an addict. She needs treatment.”

“I know she does, babe. Being in jail assures that she will get clean. It will be hard, but at least you’ll know she’s not using.”

Ruxs turned back to staring out the window. Green ached for him. He had no clue what it was like to have a mother like that. His own mom damn near worshipped him. There was nothing she wouldn’t do for him. He couldn’t imagine the turmoil that was plaguing his best friend. He wanted to help so bad; he just didn’t know how yet. But he’d think of something.

“Hey. Com’ere,” Green said softly.

Ruxs looked at him, his brow was creased with frustration and his arm flexed against the steering wheel. Green leaned over and placed a soft kiss in the corner of his mouth. Ruxs didn’t respond. His head was hanging low and his shoulders were rigid. He cupped that strong jaw and pulled Ruxs in closer. He placed another kiss on his cheek, working his way to his pretty mouth. “Kiss me back, Mark.” Ruxs finally reciprocated. He opened for him, slipping his tongue into his mouth, moaning at the tenderness. He tried to put as much emotion into their kiss as he could. When Ruxs finally pulled back, resting his forehead against his, Green rubbed his jaw tenderly. “I’ll see what I can do, okay? Just let me handle it for you. Will you do that? Trust me to handle it?”

“I can’t deal with this anymore, Chris.” Ruxs looked so heartbroken and it was killing him.

“I know. Just let me handle it. You trust me, don’t you?”

Ruxs nodded his head yes.

“Good,” Green whispered, chewing on Ruxs’ plump bottom lip. He felt him squirm in his seat, before pushing his palm down on his cock. Green took his other hand and undid Ruxs’ belt buckle, unbuttoned his pants and slowly lowered his zipper.

“What are you doing?” Ruxs ground out.

“Shhh. Lift up.” Green smiled devilishly. “I’m gonna help you relax.”

Ruxs was already panting heavily as he rose up and let Green push his pants just below his balls.  Green pulled the lever to push the seat all the way back and quickly buried his nose in the thick patch of hair at the base of Ruxs’ dick. He took a long inhale, breathing in his manly scent before closing his mouth over the thick head, sucking gently at first. Even though they were high enough off the ground that if a car drove onto the lot, they wouldn’t be able to see him, he still wanted to get Ruxs off fast. He moaned around the thick girth, taking it all the way to the back of his throat.

“Oh fuck.” Ruxs groaned. He cupped the back of Green’s head, simply holding him, not guiding him. “Damn, you’re too fuckin’ good at this.”

Green grinned with his mouth full, and dragged his teeth up the vein on the underside of Ruxs’ cock. He pulled off with a pop and licked hungrily at the full cap, sticking his tongue in the slit, searching for a treat. After he was quickly rewarded with a large dollop of precome, he held it on his tongue and rose up to kiss Ruxs again. He pushed his tongue in deep, sharing the taste with him. “Mmm. You like it, don’t you? Like tasting yourself on my tongue.” Green moaned, pushing his tongue back in again. Ruxs held him to his face, sucking and biting at his tongue until Green had to pry his mouth away. He went back down on him, sucking enthusiastically.

Ruxs had his head tilted back against the headrest. Green mumbled around the head. “Keep your eyes on the building, crazy.” Ruxs grinned, picking his head back up. As soon as he did he held Green’s head down.

“Shit, shit, shit. Don’t get up,” he murmured. “It’s fuckin’ Michaels, pulling up in his cruiser. How the hell does he always find us?”

Green chuckled, keeping his head in Ruxs’ lap. He heard the car pull up beside them. Ruxs lowered the window.

“Hey, Ruxs. What’s going on, man?”

Green could hear Michaels’ young, eager tone. Ruxs still had his hand pressed firmly to the back of his head, like Green would really sit up right now. He didn’t want to look that unprofessional in front of another officer. Especially one that admired them so much.

“Just doing a little recon. Getting ready to head out.” Ruxs moved like he was putting up the window but froze when Michaels kept talking.

“Oh, yeah? Recon on what?”

Ruxs turned his head so Michaels couldn’t see his lips, muttering, “Damn this guy.”

“Just answer him so he’ll go, idiot,” Green whispered harshly.

“God got us checking out the property across the street. So you better get going so they don’t see a cruiser over here and get suspicious.”

“Yeah. That makes sense. Where’s Green?”

“He’s um, um.”

Green pinched Ruxs’ thigh. “Say I’m home sick.”

Ruxs jumped slightly, finally catching on. “He’s home sick today. He got the clap.”

Green could hear Michaels’ gasp. “Damn. He don’t know how to wrap up. What the hell?”

“Yeah what the fuckin’ hell?” Green gritted through clenched teeth.

Ruxs kept playing it up. “Yeah man. It’s sad. He’s burning like hell. Couldn’t barely stand to piss yesterday.” Ruxs laughed while pushing Green’s head down harder.
Since you want to play. Then let’s play.

Ruxs was having fun messing with his partner. But he knew Michaels looked up to Green. Ruxs was actually a little suspicious that the guy might have a slight man crush on Green. The man was constantly popping up on them and giving Green these long stares. Personally it made him sick. Maybe Michaels would be a little hesitant now that he thought Green had gonorrhea.

“That’s a real bummer man.” Michaels shook his head sadly.

“Tell me about…” Ruxs jerked hard. “Fuck!”

“What’s the matter?” Michaels looked at him with concern.

Ruxs turned his head away from Michaels. “Stop, stop, stop.” He tried to hold Green’s head down but he was fighting him. His entire dick was sucked deep inside Green’s mouth, while he swallowed repeatedly around his sensitive head. Ruxs slammed his eyes shut as Green yanked on his balls, making him jerk again.

“Hey. Ruxs. You alright, man?”

Ruxs turned back to face the nosy officer, trying to keep his eyes from crossing. His voice was shaky when he spoke. “Yeah. I’m good. I just get um, um, um.”
Oh my fucking god.
“Um, I get headaches sometimes and one just came on. So I’m gonna get out of here.”

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