Nova (3 page)

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Authors: Lora E. Rasmussen

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Space Opera, #Epic, #Fiction, #LGBT, #Lesbian, #(v5.0)

BOOK: Nova
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“Aye, aye, Captain.”


Cillian Station was a Vosaia construction, one of their
first fully operational stand–alone space stations. Fashioned almost a
millennia ago, it was originally built for the twin purposes of mining therum
gas and as a defense outpost. Though still directly under control of the Vosaia
Consulate, over the centuries the station had also become both a way–stop for
spacefarers and a hub for intergalactic exchange. As such, the station continued
to expand until it could house its current population of over four hundred
thousand souls of many different races. In build, Cillian Station resembled a weirdly
sleek–lined, massive snowflake with elongated points against a clear night sky.
Dozens of vessels were visible maneuvering to and away from Cillian, as well as
patrol shuttles and maintenance teams wearing skinsuits as they worked in the
vacuum of space.

“Captain, Cillian Station Communications is asking for
docking identification.”

“Thank you Lieutenant Rygel. Please identify.”

“This is the Quorum vessel,
QS Excalibur
.” The fair–haired
Communications Officer stated clearly, his fingers dancing over the projected holo–display
of his terminal.

QS Excalibur
, please state your reason for station
visit and transfer authorization codes.”

“Open the channel for me, Rygel.” Serros ordered.

“Yes, Sir. Channel open… now.”

“This is Captain Avara Serros, Quorum Shield, here on Quorum
business; authorization code SAV–thirty–three–seventy–seven–fifty–eight. Please
notify Quorum Shield Operative Major Goyan Hadarr.”

Less than a minute passed before station communications
responded with “Identity and purpose confirmed and cleared. Shield Operative
Hadarr will meet your party to board at Docking Bay 17C, Captain Serros.”

“Thank you, Station. Lieutenant Chopa, please initiate docking
cycle and bring her in.”

“Docking cycle initiated, Captain.” The
Officer responded.

Turning her head to the Ops station positioned to the left
of Navigation on the Bridge portion of the Command Deck, Serros announced, “Lieutenant
Commander Adeline, please assemble Nova Squad for debrief in the Strategy Room.
Additionally, I want all Senior Staff present.”

 “Yes, Sir.” The
Senior Operations and
Intelligence Officer nodded in response as she coolly carried out the expected

“Commander Perez, you’re with me. All right people, let’s go
meet our new addition.”

 * * * * *

“If it is indeed them, the Fosaki interest would be obvious,”
Lieutenant Commander Diana Adeline started, lustrous brown eyes intense as she
considered the scenario like a university’s top student attacking a
particularly prickly equation.

“Yes. Synthheads are practically not even biological
anymore.” Major Ca’rrakk rumbled, the casual epitaph strangely at odds with his
normally urbane mode of speech as coal–colored fur rippled in disdain.

“Yes, obviously. However,” Lieutenant Commander Adeline
began again, irritation clear as she tossed her head towards her Gorath squadmate,
kinky dark–brown hair flaring with the movement and serving to emphasize her
annoyance, “We know that the Matrix already possesses and employs all Arca
Microtech augmentations.
, they have little need to covertly gain
access to Vosaia research that they already possess the equivalent to. Which
leaves us with well–founded skepticism.”

“Major Hadarr? Perhaps you can offer some motive clarification
and insight into the purloined data?” Captain Serros asked, watching her fellow
Shield Operative closely.

Goyan Hadarr smiled faintly, her expression cool and
slightly disapproving of the apparent free–for–all brainstorming session taking
place in the Strategy Room. She was dressed entirely in well–fitted, dark brown
synth the color of Old–Terran saddle–leather. Like all Vosaia, Hadarr was
striking, with ice–white skin and pale blue markings, in her case, on her brow
and chin as well as trailing up the front and back of her neck. Her straight
hair was a natural blue–silver in hue, an asymmetrical, feminine cut framing elegant

One long leg crossed over the other as she sat back into the
chair, considering the question. “As all of you are undoubtedly aware, there
are currently nine separate Enhancements and levels of Arca Technology that an
individual can potentially permanently fuse with her biological make–up.”

Pausing as if not entirely pleased to be sharing the next morsel
of datum, the Vosaia Shield took a measured breath before adding, “What is
common knowledge, is that through a government
sponsored contract, the Vosaia company ApexArcatech has been developing a tenth
Enhancement for the past eleven years. It is an Enhancement that is currently
in the final stages of testing.”

Lieutenant Dane Rygel’s whistle split the silence that
suddenly smothered the room. Hadarr’s faint smile appeared again.

“Arca Level X?” Major Belgrum Naxos asked, onyx pupil–slits
dilating within green–blue irises.

   “There hasn’t been a new Arcatech breakthrough in over three
centuries.” Dr. Argos remarked. “The implications… are significant.”

“If obtained and the Fosaki ever decide to venture out of
their hole, it would make fighting them that much more dangerous since
synthetic enhancements are compulsory.” Lieutenant Commander Adeline
pronounced, tone thoughtful. “Even more importantly and I’d say,
likely, if the Karukai were able to gain the tech, it would potentially have a disastrous
effect upon Quorum worlds.”

Musing to herself, Captain Serros noted that, as was
typical, the team’s Ops and Intel Officer had put her finger directly on the pulse
of the issue.

“And, it seems that Vosaia Intelligence channels have just
ascertained that the Matrix does indeed already possesses the equivalent Enhancement.”
Major Hadarr proclaimed, her tone heavy with implication.

“So it’s back to the Karukai.” The typically reserved Senior
Engineering Officer, Lieutenant Commander Gareth Philips offered into the
expectant hush that had followed Hadarr’s announcement. 

this new Enhancement?” Lieutenant Naxos queried,
his pebbly, mottled red–orange skin weirdly reflecting the blue–light of the three–dimensional
holo–display of the Strategy Table’s HUD.

“I do not believe the Consulate would be pleased if such
information became public.” Major Hadarr answered.

“It could be pertinent and the information will not leave
this room.” Captain Serros stated quietly.

The space was pregnant with the Major’s pause. “Very well. It
is quite different from other Enhancements, actually. Simply put, the new Enhancement
agitates molecules, causing the detonation of objects by focusing on the weak
points of items that are electronic in nature. Its applications are expansive:
weapons, armor, shields, seals, etc.”

“Arca Level X. Seems almost redundant in some ways,
considering that, what… less than two percent of all sentients can actually
Arca Level X?” Doctor Jenna Argos asked, looking at the newcomer for the stat

“Point–zero–five percent.”

!” Lieutenant Rygel muttered.

“Not surprising, since only two–percent of all people are
physically capable of supporting the previous maximum of nine Enhancements.”
Dr. Argos remarked thoughtfully, the lyrical accent typical of the Northern portion
of her homeworld of Rylos ringing clear as she spoke. “Astonishing. Truly

“Yes.” Hadarr agreed, pale turquoise eyes shifting to Captain
Serros as she commented, “Even an Arca VII stat’s in at only six–percent.”

The Captain’s eyes narrowed slightly at her fellow Shield’s
deliberate observation as she calmly inserted, “Rarity and potency are a
dangerous combination.” Then, shifting her gaze to encapsulate the entirety of
her Senior Officers, Captain Serros stated “We all understand the stakes
people. I want us to have a tight operation plan. We’ve read the mission
dossier, Major Hadarr; can you please tell us everything you know about our
rogue STF Agent?”

“Of course, Captain Serros.” The Vosaia answered, her hands
moving with easy familiarity across the Strategy Table’s HUD controls and the
projected holo–pad keyboard of her own CPA at her forearm. A moment later, a
three–dimension holo–projection of the woman who was their objective appeared
in full detail along with relevant statistics, all of which synced with each crewman’s
own personal CPA.

Though Captain Serros had already conducted her own study of
their target, Hadarr’s information was much more complete. Not surprisingly in
a population in which the female to male ratio was five–hundred thousand to one,
their target was a woman and like all Vosaia, the would–be Arcatech research thief
had skin the color of fresh fallen snow that also featured natural blue markings.
In this case, the birthmarks were comprised of faint, whirling patterns above
her ears on her temple as well as at the start of her high cheekbones,
continuing their path to trail down the back and lateral sides of her neck. The
target possessed long, wavy, rich royal blue hair that was in this image, pulled
back into an elegant knot. Her eyes were an unusual, arresting, brilliant
violet in hue.

Serros also knew the target was reasonably young,
considering her race’s fifteen–hundred plus year life–span. Mentally shaking
her head, Captain Avara Serros thought she looked far
to be a traitor, but pushed the stray idea away like an irritating insect. The
Vosaia was a full adult who had made deliberate choices and was at an age when
most Humans without a Longevity Arcatech Enhancement would be facing their
final years of life.

“Our target is STF Agent Lieutenant K’llan Z’arr.” Major Goyan
Hadarr began, her tone deliberate, without a hint of emotion. “Her connections
are impressive, for her mother is Ry’anlyar Z’arr, one of the Vosaia’s foremost
medical researchers and doctors, and also a member of the Consulate. At age forty,
quite young for her years, K’llan Z’arr received a dual–doctorate from Thalia
University in Arca Microtech Engineering and Weapon’s Design.”

Leaning forward over the HUD, the Major issued a vague
gesture of emphasis as she continued with, “Upon graduation, Z’arr was employed
by the Vosaia Consulate to develop advanced weaponry for military application.
After, she accepted a Research and Development position with ApexArcatech,
staying with the company for sixty–three years until she applied for advanced military
training. Her scores and skills were exceedingly high and as such, she was
accepted into training by Vosaia Strategic Task Forces. After twenty–five years
and top marks, then Sargent K’llan Z’arr was given full STF Agent status and Clearance
of Level 6. Over the next several years, Z’arr very competently completed over two
dozen missions and as such, made Lieutenant.”

With her brow furrowing ever so slightly, Major Hadarr
concluded with “Then I received word that Lieutenant Z’arr is double–dealing
with an unknown party. Specifically, she fell off the grid and her Operations Manager,
Nanzai C’lann, was found dead at her dinner table one week ago. As I said
before, our current intelligence points to the unknown being a Karukai Agent.”

“Why you?” Commander Perez asked.

“Excuse me?” Hadarr inquired, her tone cool.

“Why did you get word about our little runaway?” Perez

“Ah, I see. I was one of Z’arr’s STF Trainers.”

“Doesn’t that mean our objective will recognize you then?
Will this compromise the mission?” Lieutenant Dane Rygel asked, gray–blue eyes
bright in his young–looking face.

“No. My appearance has changed a great deal from when I
trained K’llan Z’arr, and we never spent a lot of time together.” Major Hadarr
answered, her tone suggesting an almost grudging note of respect regarding the
pertinence of the Communications Officer’s query.

“Great. Any personal input you can add?” Commander Perez
asked, his
rolling lazily in his native West Kylos style of speech. Serros
could tell Marcus was enjoyed prodding their new guest, who obviously wasn’t
comfortable getting cozy with the eclectic and outspoken Nova Squad.

“Brilliant, gifted, exceptional.” Major Hadarr answered
slowly, her expression thoughtful and eyes misty with remembrance. “She is a
skilled combatant, an accomplished Weapons and Arcatech specialist and also, an
Arca IV herself. She’s rough around the edges in certain facets… idealistic and
somewhat naïve. She does not quite understand how the galaxy operates.”

“You mean she’s not cynical.” Serros remarked. “Hardly part
of the standard modality of a traitor.”

Moving her left hand through her blue–silver hair, the a–symmetrical
cut running with the motion, the Vosaia studied the Human Captain for a few
moments before answering. “Well, even the best agents can have blind spots,
can’t they, Captain? Regardless, I would doubt if her motives are wealth or
personal glory. Either way, at this stage her reasons are immaterial; her
actions are both illegal and dangerous, and so she must be stopped.”

“Motives are rarely immaterial.” Captain Avara Serros
disagreed calmly, ignoring the quiet yet implicit critique Hadarr had just
issued. “Did Z’arr express any form of dissatisfaction with the STF, the Vosaia
Consulate, Quorum?”

“No. Idealistic.”

“Was her idealism an act?” Lieutenant Rygel asked, tapping
his right hand on his crossed knee in a

“Not unless she’s been acting, pretending to be what she is
not, for the past sixty–plus years, and I do not think so.”

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