Now We Are Six (3 page)

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Authors: A. A. Milne

BOOK: Now We Are Six
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Binker—what I call him—is a secret of my own,

And Binker is the reason why I never feel alone.

Playing in the nursery, sitting on the stair,

Whatever I am busy at, Binker will be there.

Oh, Daddy is clever, he’s a clever sort of man,

And Mummy is the best since the world began,

And Nanny is Nanny, and I call her Nan—

But they can’t



Binker’s always talking, ’cos I’m teaching him to speak:

He sometimes likes to do it in a funny sort of squeak,

And he sometimes likes to do it in a hoodling sort of roar…

And I have to do it for him ’cos his throat is rather sore.

Oh, Daddy is clever, he’s a clever sort of man,

And Mummy knows all that anybody can,

And Nanny is Nanny, and I call her Nan—

But they don’t



Binker’s brave as lions when we’re running in the park;

Binker’s brave as tigers when we’re lying in the dark;

Binker’s brave as elephants. He never, never cries…

Except (like other people) when the soap gets in his eyes.

Oh, Daddy is Daddy, he’s a Daddy sort of man,

And Mummy is as Mummy as anybody can,

And Nanny is Nanny, and I call her Nan…

But they’re not



Binker isn’t greedy, but he does like things to eat,

So I have to say to people when they’re giving me a sweet,

“Oh, Binker wants a chocolate, so could you give me two?”

And then I eat it for him, ’cos his teeth are rather new.

Well, I’m very fond of Daddy, but he hasn’t time to play,

And I’m very fond of Mummy, but she sometimes goes away,

And I’m often cross with Nanny when she wants to brush my hair…

But Binker’s always Binker, and is certain to be there.

Cherry Stones

Tinker, Tailor

Soldier, Sailor

Rich Man, Poor Man

Ploughboy, Thief—

And what about a Cowboy,

Policeman, Jailer,


Or Pirate Chief?

What about a Postman—or a Keeper at the Zoo?

What about the Circus Man who lets the people through?

And the man who takes the pennies for the round-abouts and swings,

Or the man who plays the organ, and the other man who sings?

What about a Conjuror with rabbits in his pockets?

What about a Rocket Man who’s always making rockets?

Oh, there’s such a lot of things to do and such a lot to be

That there’s always lots of cherries on my little cherry-tree!

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