Nude Awakening (8 page)

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Authors: Victor L. Martin

Tags: #Fiction & Literature

BOOK: Nude Awakening
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“Didn’t you want me to call my friend Chyna about what we talked about last night?”

“Oh yeah!” He sat up. “What time is it?”

Cindy picked up his yellow diamond encrusted watch from the mass of jewelry on the nightstand by the bed. “One-twenty.”

“Damn, I was knocked out, yo!” He rubbed his stiff neck.

“Good pussy tends to do that to a man.” She smiled.

Without asking, he took the wine cooler from her then drank half of it. “Shit too damn sweet!” He frowned, giving it back.

She finished the rest then slid back in the bed. “Now tell me again what you want me to tell Chyna,” she said, lying next to him.

“Just tell . . .”


“Yeah. Um, say I got somebody for them to meet and the rest will just fall in place.”

“I’ll see if she’ll do it. She be on some bullshit, but she’s my girl.”

Swagga again reached down to play in her pussy. “Damn, you stay wet!”

“Only ‘cause of you.” She played on his ego, opening her legs. She rubbed his face as he pushed two fingers inside her. Pulling his face toward hers, she circled her tongue around his lips then into his mouth.

The sex was rushed and Cindy was rarely pushed to a climax. She faked it as he pounded her from the back while spanking and rubbing her ass. He had enough dick to please her, but his skills of throwing the dick were lacking.

In the shower, she asked him who Trevon was and why he wanted Chyna to hook up with him.

“Don’t worry ‘bout all that,” he said, scrubbing his dick. “Just make the call and see if they will do it. Better yet, if they say yeah . . . give ‘em my number.”

Cindy said fine and inwardly thought it was silly of him to refuse to refer to Chyna as ‘she’ or ‘her.’ She knew Swagga was up to some bullshit and had a feeling that this Trevon guy would be the recipient of it.

Swagga was immersed in his thoughts as Yaffa drove the Bentley GT back to Fort Lauderdale. He was unable to get over Kandi. He was used to having things his way. Money took care of everything. Cindy was in line. He knew for a fact she was not fucking around on him. He had tried to run the same game on Kandi, but she was not having it. It was simple; he wanted what he could not have. Swagga hated to lose. When he thought of Trevon having the pleasure of being with Kandi, it got under his skin. Maybe she’s just tryin’ to make a nigga jealous? He continued to flip his jealous thoughts around. Swagga wondered if Kandi had told anyone about that night he proposed to her and gave her a chunky diamond ring. She had said yes through real tears. Deep down through all the bullshit, he knew she was the only woman that genuinely loved him through all his drama and not for his money. When he told a few of his friends, he was clowned.

“Nigga! You musta been on the Kush fo’ real!”

“Man, how you gonna marry a bitch dat eat dick for a livin’?”

Swagga was dissed hard by his crew and a few other known rappers. To save his street reputation, he made a move to erase his sucka for love status by hooking up with Deja Pink. He purposefully allowed the sex tape to leak. Kandi was crushed when she found out about it. Swagga could not be viewed as a sucka for love, so he fronted as if he did not give a fuck. Behind closed doors, he was heartbroken to have loved and lost. His mind was made up. Somehow, he would get this Trevon bama out of the picture and find a way to get Kandi back. Once that was done, he would cut all the side bitches off, including the two baby momma’s he was fucking and just focus on loving Kandi. Fuck what people gon’ say!





Sunset Island, Miami Beach


Janelle lay out by the pool with her pit bull reading a paperback novel when Jurnee sashayed toward her. She lowered the book by Ne Ne Capri, The Pussy Trap, then rubbed the hackles down on the dog’s thick neck.

“How did it go?” Janelle asked as Jurnee slid a chair beside her.

“Wild,” Jurnee replied, sitting her brown gator purse on her lap. “Trevon will need to tighten up on his oral skills, but I think he’ll work out.”

“Was it tempting?” Janelle sat up from the chaise lounge to adjust her yellow triangle bikini top.

“Girl, you better be glad I’m a professional, because it was a challenge not to jump on that dick!” Jurnee stated, telling the truth.

“How did Kandi do?” Janelle asked, grinning at Jurnee’s comment.

“She sucked his soul out. Their chemistry was . . . Wow! They both wanted to do it so bad that they became frustrated. When you do let him fuck Kandi, I will envy her because Trevon is going to go wild!”

Janelle smiled. “I want their attraction and lust to pour into the camera. I will let Kandi be with him in his debut film. Where is Kandi anyway? I thought she went with you to get fancy.”

“I dropped her off. She’s home.”

Janelle looked down at her pedicured toes. “There is something unique about Trevon that I can’t put my finger on right now.”

“Why do you say that?”

“I think he—I don’t know, but he just seems different. I just get these vibes from him.”

Jurnee looked down at the sharp crease lines on her Carolina blue slacks.

“Got an idea on how the theme will be for the film?” Jurnee asked.

Janelle sat back, crossing her ankles as the sun heated her oily skin. “A coming home from prison theme will work. That’s the idea I want to run with for the first film.”

“Any anal?”

“Not yet. We’ll just stick with oral sex and full penetration. For his first anal film, I might pair him with Black Pearl.”

“Good idea because she needs to bring up her DVD sales.”

Janelle turned her wrist up to check the time. 3:40 p.m. “I want to start on his first film within two weeks. Get the production team together and make sure there will be no delays.”

“What about the filming location?” Jurnee wanted to know.

Janelle bit her bottom lip. “Um, we’ll rent an apartment and just try to keep it as authentic as possible.”

“I have a suggestion. Remember that married couple in Opa Locka? They have a three-bedroom home they are willing to rent. Times are hard and this isn’t a new thing. People are desperate for money.”

“You’re right,” Janelle agreed. “See if they are still open to it. If so, make sure we will have full time security during the length of the filming.”

“I’ll get on it first thing Monday morning.” Jurnee reached inside her purse.

“Also, get with Temica in accounting and make sure she has the advance check for Trevon ready for my signature. I know we have thirty days to pay him part of his advance, but he really needs the money. Make sure it’s ready and on my desk by the end of business hours on Monday.” Janelle smiled when she saw Jurnee typing the notes into her Blackberry. When it came to being on point and professional, Jurnee was one she could depend on.

“Anything else?” Jurnee asked, looking up.

“Yes. Let Trevon know that I want his dick to be completely shaven before we film. Now, tell me all the juicy details about last night.”

“Gurl, let me tell you!” Jurnee rubbed her neck. “Trevon has the nicest black ass! I even kissed it. You know I tried to lick his ass, but he tensed up on me.”

Janelle laughed. “The man has been in prison since he was eighteen. Your nasty butt trying to break him in too soon.”

Jurnee had not thought about that fact. “Damn! Really, it’s like he’s still eighteen when it comes to sex. Think he’ll be down to letting someone suck his dick with a finger up his ass?”

“I seriously doubt it. I will give him the same respect as I do with the women. If he doesn’t feel comfortable, the camera stops.”

“I agree,” Jurnee said seriously. “But back to last night. OMG—that dick! Gurl, I know I sucked on it for ten minutes nonstop. Mmm, I can still feel and taste him in my mouth.” Jurnee closed her eyes, reminiscing.

“Calm down, bitch.” Janelle laughed.

“And yes, I swallowed . . . All of it. Kandi did her thang, too. She had his eyes rolling and he ate both of us out. Overall, his body is so fucking hot! No lie, Janelle. I’ve seen many naked men and plenty of big dicks, but Trevon has it all! The looks, the body. Mmm, his chest, shoulders and arms, his legs and that sweet dick. My pussy was dripping! When we put him to sleep, I made Kandi dick me down with a strap on. I just needed something in me!”

“What’s up with you and—”

“He got too emotional,” Jurnee blurted. She did not want to speak on her former male friend. “Started trying to keep tabs on me, so his ass had to go.”

“But he was cute.”

Jurnee rolled her eyes. “You want his number?”

“I said he was cute. Did not say I want to fuck him. You know I don’t do the white milk.”

“People change.” Jurnee shrugged.

“They do. But not my preference for dick,” Janelle explained. “The only thing the white man can do for me is business.”

“Speaking of men. What’s up with you and Victor?”

Janelle looked at her nails. “He called me last night.”


“We talked about some things.”

“What things?”

Janelle looked off toward the pool. “He um . . .”

“Spill it.”

“He—he asked me to marry him.”

Jurnee gasped. “For real! Are you for real, gurl?”

Janelle nodded. “I let him hit it raw when he came to visit me last week.”

“Damn that! What did you say? Yes or no?”

“Girl, I said yes!”

“Ooohhh, you lucky bitch you.”

“Ain’t I!”The two friends gave each other a high-five. Jurnee was happy for Janelle to have found true love. Deep down, Jurnee wished she could find someone, but she allowed her past as a porn star to create doubt that a man could love and most importantly, respect her. She had no problem finding a man to cater to her sexual needs, but when it came to emotions, she would run. The day she learned to focus on today and not the past, would be the day she could balance her life.

“I’m not a star, somebody lied, I got a pistol in the car, a .45…”

Rick Ross blared from the Escalade as Trevon cruised slowly through his old neighborhood in Liberty City. He had moments ago checked out of the boarding home and left his old clothes behind for donation. The hood still looked the same to him. The only pointless change was the size of the rims the D-Boys were stunting on. Bums were still on the corners, trash bins were overloaded with dirty diapers, and numerous brass shell casings littered the ground. Mangy, rail thin dogs roamed in packs while ducking the rocks thrown at them by bored kids. Young mothers walking with kids with no fathers. It all looked the same. Trevon shook his head when he stopped at the corner he once sold drugs on. A young looking boy with long dreads and gold teeth glared at Trevon while sitting on the hood of a Lemon Heads themed 2011 roofless Dodge Charger. It was his block now. Trevon ignored the look, sad that the teen was caught up in the cycle.

Trevon did not wish to return to this life. He wanted out. Leaving the hood, he swore he would not take his freedom for granted. He looked back in the rearview mirror as he left Liberty City and the boarding home behind.

“Shit gotta change,” he said, looking ahead.

He was still riding around twenty minutes later when Kandi sent him a text. At a stoplight, he tried to open the text to read it, but was unable to do it. Giving up, he hit the button to call her.

“Hey, what’s up? I got your text,” he said when she answered.

“Why didn’t you text me back so we could instant message each other?”

“That shit is wack. I’d rather talk to you.”

“Whateva.” She laughed. “You just don’t know how to work that phone yet.”

Trevon smiled. “Okay, you’re right.”

“You’re hopeless, Smooch. Anyway, I’m home now and I was wondering if you would like to go to a movie? I figured we could catch one together, if you want to.”

Trevon slowed to turn off the avenue. “What time are you trying to go?”

“Are you done with whatever you had to do?”

“Yeah. Saw my P.O. and I checked out of the boarding home.”

“Well, we can catch the six o’clock show if you want to?”

Trevon saw no reason not to take her up on the offer. “Yo, is this a date?”

“Boy, just get here and stop talking silly. You’re going to be staying with me, so we might as well spend some time together.”

“I like your hair.” Trevon commented on Kandi’s new look.

“Thanks, Smooch.” Kandi touched her small spiral, springy curls and new color. Jet-black. She relaxed in the passenger seat of the Escalade as Trevon drove.

“Why did you cut your hair?” he asked, turning the music down.

She turned in the seat. “You trying to be funny or something?”

“Funny? What’s funny about me asking you about that?”

“I had weave in my head, boy. Couldn’t you tell?”


She punched his arm then told him to shut up. The two were opening up to each other with no reservation. At the Omni Mall, they walked together holding hands. Kandi drew all types of looks as her ass poked out the custom made black denim jeans. Because of Trevon, the men kept their comments silent.

In the dark theater, they took their seats two minutes before the movie began. As the movie played, he pulled his attention from the screen and thought about his personal life. He wanted to have kids one day. It would be a one handed juggle to have a girlfriend and do porn at the same time. Damn. I need this job, but at the same time, I’d like to settle down with one woman and just chill. I’ll do these six films, stack my money and then try to find a new hustle.

“This movie is stupid!” Kandi muttered. “I knew we should’ve gone to see that other movie.”


“Don’t shhhh me!”

Trevon smiled in the dark, then leaned over to kiss her cheek. Knowing what he was about to do, she turned her face. Their lips met. Instantly, their lips parted and their tongues darted out. Kandi raised her hand to his face and twirled her tongue over and around his. Turning slightly in the seat, he lowered a hand on her thigh and rubbed it. No one was behind them so they acted freely on their lust.

“Pull it out,” she spoke against his lips. When he did not act fast enough, she moved her hand to his crotch.

Trevon moaned from her touch while sucking on her tongue. She jerked his belt loose, shoving a hand down his pants. He was already solid when she wrapped her grip around him. He winced when she pulled it out roughly.

“Sorry,” she mumbled against his full lips.

Trevon felt his legs turn mushy as her hand slid up and down his dick.

Kandi showed her boldness even more by pulling up her shirt to expose her left titty for him to lick.

“Mmmm. Suck my titty, Daddy.” She kept pumping his dick as his mouth blew, sucked and licked her swollen nipple. She looked around. No one was paying them any attention.

Trevon rubbed and molded her breast. When Kandi had enough of the tease, she pushed his mouth away then leaned over the armrest to lick the pre-cum off the tip of his throbbing masterpiece. Trevon gripped one armrest then laid his other hand on her shoulder. Before he took his next breath, Kandi stole it by lowering her glossy lips down his pole. Up and down, her head bobbed. Slow and softly.

“LaToria,” he groaned, lifting his ass off the seat.

She gripped and squeezed the bottom half while licking the rest as if it were coated with honey. Her luscious lips sent chills up his stiff spine. He had never done anything sexual in a public place. He looked down at the back of her head bobbing in the dim flickering light. Any second now, he knew he would reach his climax. Kandi sensed it also, slurping and sucking him with a smooth up and down pace. He was closing his eyes when he caught the glimmer of light over his shoulder. Looking back, he saw a female theater employee strolling down the aisle with a small flashlight.

“. . . Comin’. . .” he gasped, squeezing her shoulder.

Kandi reached down to rub his balls while moaning. “No . . . coming. Stop! . . . ahhhh. Somebody coming.” She kept sucking. “Stop!” he moaned. “Some —somebody coming!”

Finally understanding, she sat up quickly but kept a tight grip at the base of his wet throbbing penis. She wiped her mouth, grinning.

Trevon sat motionless with his hands gripping the armrest. The woman with the flashlight walked by with the light held toward the ground. When she reached the front, Kandi quickly lowered her lips back on his dick.

“You tr-trippin’,” he stuttered as she sucked him rapidly up and down before sitting back up. The thrill of being seen or caught pushed Kandi to commit her wild freaky acts. A small smirk spread on her face as the woman turned to head back out. She was seven rows from Trevon and Kandi when a lone man motioned her to stop her. The few minutes of the two talking, broke the spell between Trevon and Kandi.

“Why didn’t you stop when I said someone was coming?” he asked, fixing his clothes.

“I thought you said you were cumming.” She giggled.

“Yeah, right. You just crazy as hell. We could’ve gotten an indecent exposure charge or something.”

She rolled her eyes. “Smooch, relax.”

Trevon realized that sex was like a drug to LaToria. Might as well call her Kandi because her freaky nature is turned on twenty-four fucking seven! Not that I mind. What I really want is a shot of that pussy! Gotta wait. Gotta wait. Gotta wait.

Kandi complained tirelessly about how dull the movie was. Trevon had reached his patience with her and suggested they leave. It seemed normal that their hands met as they walked around the mall. Being spontaneous, he stopped at a flower kiosk and bought her six white roses.

“Who are those for?” Kandi asked him.

“They’re for you.”

Kandi did not know how to react. She never had such a gift given to her. Seeing the flat look on her face, he led her to a bench to sit down.

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