O'Brien's Lady (11 page)

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Authors: Marsha Doss

Tags: #horses, #farm, #love story, #romance, #marsha doss, #o'brien, #o'brien's lady, #doss

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As they settled back into the cushions of the limousine, Sonny turned to Pierre.

"You shouldn't be buying me these presents."

"You never minded before, Sondra," he answered with a puzzled look on his face.

He was right.

She had never objected before today because she had accepted the gifts in the light hearted spirit in which they were given. But now, she could not dispel that creeping feeling of guilt. It did not seem fair to accept presents from one man when her mind was on another.

Michael again. He was invading her privacy and making life difficult as well as distressing. There was not a part of her that could forget him, even for an afternoon.

Pierre made a quick stop at his hotel for a change of clothing. The ornate suite was decorated in heavy Louis XV furnishing and oil painting reminiscent of the Renaissance. Sonny marveled at how much he belonged in these surroundings.

"I won't be long," he said as he disappeared behind the double door entry to the bedroom. Sonny walked over to the tall narrow windows and looked down at the busy intersection below. She wondered how comfortable she would be escorting Michael to his hotel room.

When Pierre reappeared, he wore a black tuxedo with royal blue satin lapels and matching shirt. His flamboyancy overwhelmed her. A few months ago, she would hardly have noticed.

They dined in a exquisite restaurant adorned with crystal chandeliers and red velvet chairs. As Sonny sipped slowly on a glass of white wine, she wished for a taste of Margarita.

"You seem pre-occupied this evening," Pierre noticed.

"A little tired, that's all. I haven't been out this late since I left Paris."

"I find that hard to believe," Pierre said, shaking his head.

" I do too. But it's true."

"Tell me, Sondra, will you come back with me?"

That was the one question Sonny was unprepared to answer. She had explained her situation in detail to him, but now that she was training Midnight, she would not leave if she could. Staying another three

months would be necessary and by that time she would be ready to leave the chestnut colt,

"You know I have to abide by the terms of my father's will."

"I miss you. Life will not be the same until you return." Pierre reached across the table to touch her with his long, tapered fingers. "I will persuade you to come back with me," he said simply.

"I can't, Pierre."

"I am sure this Michael can handle things without you."

"It's not the farm exactly… it's Midnight. He needs me."

Sonny wanted so much for Pierre to understand how she felt, but looking into his troubled eyes she knew that he did not. The camaraderie that was formed between horse and owner was something he had not experienced and she could never put that into words.

It was a feeling of commitment that came with the territory.

"Ah, yes…Midnight, the magical colt who had stolen you away from me. When can I be properly introduced to this rival?"

"As soon as possible," Sonny agreed happily. Pierre smiled affectionately at Sonny, noticing

the fire and determination that burned in her blue eyes. There was more here than was rising to the surface and he was certain he would have to be very careful. He now had a fighting Irishman and a beautiful horse to contend with. The sooner she left Pinebrook, the better off they both would be.

Sonny was exhausted by the time she returned home. It had been good to see Pierre again and to talk and make plans for his designs. But, it had not been as stimulating as an early morning ride on horse-back with the fingers of the wind caressing her hair nor had it filled her with the warm exultation of a foal trying to stand on new legs. The sky had been filled with stars tonight, but surely they weren't the same ones she and Michael had seen only last week The full moon that had one night illuminated the darkness now seemed small and far away. Her existence, which had been filled with sweat and hard work and raw emotions, now seemed bland by comparison. What on earth had been happening to her these past three months.

What indeed.



"Get up I"

Sonny felt the sudden chill as Michael pulled the thick comforter from her bed. Bolting up, she grabbed the sheet and pulled it to her neck.

"Michael what are you doing in my bedroom?"

He stood at the foot of the bed with the comforter held securely in his large hands. The features on his face were tight and the expression in his dark eyes was like that of a predator.

"If you think for one minute that you can just come in here anytime, you are wrong."

"You're late. There's work to be done" Michael said

"I am half owner of this farm, and if I choose to sleep in a little later there is nothing you can say or do about it." She looked up into his face and she found herself filling with seething indignation. Michael watched her with and uncompromising expression.

"Get dressed." He reached for the jeans and shirt that were thrown onto the chair by her bed, throwing them at her. "I'll get dressed when I feel like it. Now get out of my bedroom"

Michael dropped the comforter to the floor and walked over to the chair by her bed, grabbed the jeans and shirt and threw them at her.

Sonny had regained her composure and was now fully awake. She seethed with indignation as Michael watched her with an uncompromising expression.

"I'll get dressed when I am ready, Michael!" She had not loosened her grip on the sheet and she now wondered why she was so nervous. Just having him at her side was filling her mind with thoughts that should not be there. This man had entered her private space and was demanding that she come down to the stables and work. Imagine, she, who was the true heiress to the farm and he was telling her,..no, demanding that she do whatever he wanted. She would not let her pesky feelings get in the way,

After all, it was time she take a stand.

"Do I have to dress you myself?" he asked,

"You need to go. Your actions will greatly dictate my decision at the end of the six months."

Michael's mouth was set and he looked at her with such disdain that it made her shiver. Life would have been so much easier if her father had not written that will. She would have been here, signed the papers and put the farm up for sale. In fact she would already have been in Paris, back to her normal life.

"You won't make it to the end, Sonny. You don't have what it takes to run this place. How can you when you spend all day doing whatever it was you did in San Francisco "

"You're jealous, aren't you Michael, Pierre has a career, and he is one of the most influential newcomers to the fashion scene."

"I don't have a so-called career. What I have is a fulfilling life that is shared with some of the most remarkable animals on the face of this Earth.

"Life doesn't have to be all about horses. You are just like my father. They are the most important things to you."

Michael backed away from her bed, and started for the door. Suddenly, he turned back. The darkness was gone from his eyes and he looked at her with remorse. "Maybe I am just a hired hand, Sonny, but when i take a woman to dinner, I don't need a limo or a fancy suit, or fingernails that shine with polish.

Sonny realized now that Michael was upset because Pierre had taken her away, just when he had been enjoying telling her what to do and where to go. He was losing control over her. And that is something that should make her feel good. Why didn't she feel like she was winning this battle with the arrogant Irishman.

Michael saw the look on Sonny's face and for a moment his knees felt week. She had lost her anger. Those large eyes were softening, and he knew that he should leave before his emotions took over and he did something he would regret. He moved slowly to the bed, and he reached down, grasping both her shoulders and pulling him closer.

Before Sonny could react, she was just inches from his face, and his kissed her on the lips. She felt the raw emotion in him. Sonny's mind was whirling about, and this moment could go on forever.

For the instant she felt safe in Michaels arms. But, she could not succumb to this kiss that held such promise. Her heart was full of unspoken words and love that only Michael could unleash.

The ringing of her cell phone startled her and she broke away, reaching for it.

She listened for a moment, then put it back on the table. "Will needs you come back down" she said, her words coming slowly. "He has to leave"

Michael's broad chest rose and fell with breathing that seemed heavy, He looked at her through dark eyes filled with passion, He suddenly cupped her face in his rough hands and kissed her lightly on the tip of her nose.

"Michael..,stop" she protested weakly.

"I never take what doesn't belong to me" he said softly.

Sonny had expected him to pursue the intense kiss that had experienced just moments before.

Instead, he picked up the comforter and laid it on her bed. Her heart was beating unevenly and she watched him walk away. The room felt cold now and empty. Michael had left was a resigned look in his eyes that she had never before seen. That frightened her and she wondered why. She was anxious to get her life back together and very little was left on her contract. Why didn't that thought ease her mind? What was it about Michael that filled her head with indecision and confusion?

Michael could still feel the softness of her skin and her mouth. Those moments had made everything about their arranged time together feel unimportant. She was filled with the same passion and attraction that he felt, and in any other circumstance with any other woman, he would have pursued the opportunity. Sonny was different. There was no mistaking that she wanted him as much as he wanted her, but not for the moment. He needed to feel her love and that was something that was not going to happen. Pierre was in town and he had lost her to the Frenchman.

When Michael reach the barns, his father walked over and then smiled, a little twinkle in his eyes.

"So, how are things going with you two?" he asked.

"I'll be glad when it is over and she leaves".

"You were taught not to lie to your father, son/'

"This situation is near to impossible, Dad. She has her own life and we can't expect her to step in and make ours her home. It will never happen/'

"Horsemen learn to be steadfast, No hurdle is to big, and maybe there are down times here and there, but it always works out for the best."

"So, you realize we will be forced to come up with the money to buy her out?"

"Now, did I say that?" Will smiled, then walked past Michael, whistling a familiar tune.

Will O'Brien was a quiet man, going about his work with a steadiness that Michael had always admired.

He knew his father had not taken this arrangement with much seriousness. Will had said many times that watching Sonny grow into her boots was something short of a miracle. Even he had thought that her interest were elsewhere and that she might possibly give up early. Michael had seen those same moments his father had and knew that beneath that stubborn, spoiled exterior there beat a kind heart.

For some reason, over the years, Michael had never questioned J.B Mead about his choice of keeping Sonny away at school. He only knew that he looked forward to some holidays and summer vacation when she returned. Even though she was aloof and not willing to come down to the stalls, he would find her watching from afar. She had been a vision that filled his mind. Although he was four years older, he felt she could be pretty remarkable, if she could ever realize just what a wonderful world the Thoroughbreds provided.

Sonny had been given the opportunity to learn, and there were moments of great triumph and joy when he saw it in her face. The way she cared for Lady and Midnight were the most endearing thought that prevailed. Prevailed in his heart while his mind told him this was a bad situation and nothing good would come.

Sonny stepped into her jeans, still trying to steady her trembling hands. She knew Michael would be waiting for her, hoping to see some sign of his impact upon her earlier. He would be waiting to give her the most tiring thing he could find. Anything to make her feel uncomfortable. She was determined to not have him gloating, about waking her so abruptly.

Her late night with Pierre had been exhausting. Stepping back into the cra2ily busy world she had left was almost too much for her, In Pierre's world shopping, seeing people and being seen was at the top of the list. Appearance was everything to him, Now, she felt almost out of place wearing heels, primping in front of the mirror, wearing more make-up and spending too much time on her hair.

She felt comfortable in jeans and boots, and now it would be good to get back down to the ring to photograph Graceful Lady and the sweet Jove between the two animals. Midnight was growing stronger each and every day and responded eagerly to her gentle voice and was responsive to her touch that each day was exciting in its own way.

Sonny pulled her long hair back with a rubber band, tucked her blue plaid shirt in at the waist and slipped on her boots. She glanced over at the clock and was surprised that it was already ten o'clock.

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