Obsessed (13 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Obsessed
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Aric groaned again. “Not for another two days. And if you continue moving in such a manner, I shall spill my seed in my breeches.”

Liana laughed, the sound like chimes in the breeze. “Maybe when we stop for nourishment, I will suck your cock. I will lick and suck you ’til your seed spills down my throat.”

Lust stormed Aric’s being. “You are killing me, woman.” He released Baethel’s reins and moved his hands to Liana’s breasts and began toying with her nipples through the soft cloth.

She gasped and arched her back, pressing her breasts even harder into his palms. “The Elves…”

Aric nipped at her neck while he slid one hand into the opening of her sleeveless gown and captured her breast. “You must be taught a lesson, wench. If I could, I would fuck you on this horse, witnesses be damned.”

Liana moaned and pressed tighter against his chest. “But…the Elves will see…”

“They have fallen back to allow us some privacy.” Aric trailed his tongue to the point of her ear as he forced her gown up to the top of her thighs. “Though I dare say you are such a lusty wench you might enjoy being watched.”

The Elves had all but vanished from sight, melding into the forest. Aric slipped his fingers into Liana’s soft curls, yet did not dip them into her folds. She squirmed and moaned, but he teased her, moving his fingers across her belly, down her thighs and up, only lightly caressing where she wanted to be touched most.

“Aric…please,” she begged. “Make me come.”

“Remember when I took you from your village?” Aric trailed his lips through Liana’s hair as he moved his fingers from one nipple to the other. “Your hands were bound and you laid across my lap, and at my mercy. I slid my fingers into you and brought you to orgasm many times.”

Liana clenched her hands on Aric’s thighs as she twisted in his embrace. “Stop torturing me so.”

“Your naked buttocks were so beautiful in the moonlight.” Aric lightly ran a finger down the folds between her thighs as he licked the bare skin at her shoulder. “How I wanted to sheath my cock in you and fuck you ’til you screamed.”

“I wanted you then.” Liana trembled and she placed her hand on his beneath her gown and pressed his palm between her thighs. “I wanted you the moment I first saw you in the tavern.”

Aric shuddered as he thrust his fingers into Liana’s core. “When I watched you from the window, when you were pleasuring yourself, were you thinking of me?”

“Yes. I imagined you touching me and licking me.” She moved her hips against his hand, rubbing hard against his cock with every movement she made. “Gods how I want you inside me.”

Liana’s fingers dug into his thighs as he stroked her clit. “Come for me, zjenni,” Aric murmured as he nuzzled her ear and increased the motion of his hand.

With a small cry, she reached her climax, her body pulsating with her release. Aric gritted his teeth against his own lust as he continued stroking Liana, and her body quaking as endless waves of her orgasm continued on. She begged him to stop but he was relentless until she came again. And then again.

* * * * *

Wide-awake, Liana lay between her blankets staring up at the slanted ceiling of her tent, a single candle casting shadows on the canvas walls. She folded her arms across her chest. “Damn Elves,” she grumbled.

“I heard that,” Damianne said as she lifted the tent flap and practically glided through the opening with Elvin grace.

Heat rose to Liana’s cheeks. “I do not see why Aric and I are not allowed to be with one another at night.”

The beautiful Elvin woman smiled as she knelt and began unraveling her braided black tresses. Her amethyst eyes glittered, reminding Liana of Queen Yanea. “King Aric must not spill any of his seed in your womb, and we dare not take any chances.”

Liana groaned and covered her face with the light blanket, sure she was as brilliant red as one could possibly be. How could these Elves speak so easily of sex? In Fiorn only the whores and men did, but even then it was as though such pleasures were filthy, rather than as wondrous as what she had shared with Aric.

A light tug on the blanket, and Damianne pulled it away. She leaned forward so that her generous cleavage showed, her pale breasts straining against her vest, and her impish smile was mere inches from Liana. “There is naught wrong with sharing such pleasures with another woman while you wait to be with King Aric once again.”

“Damianne.” Liana covered her burning cheeks with her hands. “It may be common amongst the Elves, but it is not something I am comfortable with. It would be cheating on Aric.”

The Elvin woman laughed, and the symbol on her forehead glimmered. “You and the King make a fine pair indeed.” Damianne moved her mouth to Liana’s ear and brushed her lips against the tip. “Aye, he was fit to be tied when he was told of the preparations.”

Liana shivered from the sensual contact, and then Damianne backed away. She moved to the door of the tent and looked over her shoulder, giving a wicked grin as she added, “Ah, but the King’s seed tastes fine indeed.”

“What?” Liana sat bolt upright, shouting at the closed tent flap, as Damianne had already vanished into the night. “Damn Elves!”

She grabbed the gown she had worn earlier, balled it up and threw it at the tent flap—and hit Angelei full in the face as she entered.

Angelei snapped the gown back to Liana so fast that it landed on Liana’s head, covering her face. “My apologies,” Liana muttered, her voice muffled as she pulled the gown off her head and then looked up into Angelei’s lovely face.

“Do not let my twin’s shameless humor bother you, Liana.” Angelei sat cross-legged beside Liana, holding an emerald green jar and a wooden spoon in her hands.

Liana narrowed her gaze and scooted farther away on her makeshift bed. “You do not expect me to swallow any more of that potion.”

“Nay.” Angelei grinned and shook her head, her honey-brown hair falling over her shoulders, glimmering in the candlelight. “As much as I enjoyed your preparations, this is not orlai.”

It took all Liana could not to groan in embarrassment at the memory of how wanton she had been under the influence of the orlai. “Well, then. What is it?”

“‘Tis a gift from Tirnac and me.” Angelei leaned closer and whispered, “It will allow you and King Aric to, ah, enjoy each other while you are forced to keep separate quarters.”

Liana frowned. It had to be some kind of Elvin trick.

“Trust me.” Angelei removed the lid from the pot and placed it on the blanket beside Liana. She dipped the spoon into the mixture and held it up to Liana’s lips. “The King has already taken his dose.”

“I…” Liana looked from the purple mixture on the spoon to Angelei.

Angelei gave her a solemn look. “You have my word as Yanea’s daughter.”

Liana’s jaw dropped. “You are—”

The Elvin woman slipped the spoon into Liana’s mouth so fast that she did not have time to think. She swallowed reflexively, almost choking on the thick mixture that tasted of honey and almonds. Angelei put the lid back on the jar and laughed when Liana glared at her.

Liana muttered, “That was a dirty trick.”

“Aye.” Angelei took the jar and spoon, slipped out the tent flap and said as she went, “But you shall thank me.”

Glaring at the vacant doorway, Liana wrapped her arms around her knees and hugged herself. “Right. I will thank you, my—”

Aric’s voice broke into her thoughts, rendering Liana speechless.

Aric, speaking to her in thought?

Liana. Close your eyes.
It was Aric, his tone, so strong and deep that it thrilled her to her woman’s core.

Liana lowered her eyelids—and she saw him in his tent. It was if she was there with him, in spirit form. He wore only his breeches and sat upon a blanket, candlelight flickering across his massive chest. His eyes were closed as he rested one arm on one upraised knee, and he raked his other hand through his thick black hair.

So much longing and desire filled Liana that it was all she could do not to scramble through the doorway of her tent, past the Elvin guard and straight into Aric’s arms.
I see you, Aric. I want to touch you.

And I see you, my beautiful one
. Aric sighed, passion filling his voice.
Let me view all of you.

Liana gasped and opened her eyes, and her vision of Aric vanished. She shut them again and saw him, his smile devastatingly sensual.

Take off your gown,
he murmured, the corner of his mouth turning up as though amused by her surprise.

Her hands trembled as she pulled at the front laces of her gown. Slowly, she let the garment slip around her shoulders, over her breasts and taught nipples to her waist.

Aric tipped his head back and groaned.
Remove it completely.

She lightly bit her bottom lip as she stood and let the fabric drop to the floor of her tent, leaving her completely naked.

Touch your breasts,
he commanded, the muscles in his biceps flexing as though he held himself back from reaching for her in his vision.

Liana eased her palms up the curve of her waist to cup her breasts. A moan escaped her lips as she lightly brushed the pads of her fingers over her nipples.
I want to see you naked,
she told him.

With his eyes still closed, Aric stood and stripped off his breeches. His cock sprung free, at its full, thick length.

I would like nothing better than to lick your body and taste the salt of your skin.
Her hair caressed her naked buttocks as she plucked and tweaked her nipples, imagining Aric’s hands were upon her
. I want to slide my lips over your shaft. And when you come, I will swallow every drop of your seed.

I need you, zjenni.
His groan rumbled from deep within his chest.
I want to drive my cock into you.

Take yourself in hand.
Liana eased her palm down her belly and into the folds below.
Let me see your pleasure.

I can smell your rich fragrance.
Aric wrapped his fingers around his cock and worked his hand from tip to base and back.
I imagine myself sliding inside your wetness, plunging deep within you and fucking you while you scream for more.

Liana trembled as she stroked her swollen clit with one hand and caressed one nipple with her other
. Your cock fills me, makes me feel complete.
Her belly tightened as the erotic sensations built up within her.
Harder and harder you thrust into me.

The muscles of Aric’s stomach and chest were clearly defined as his hand worked his cock.
Lord Ir, you are incredible.

Her breathing grew shallow as she increased the intensity of her strokes
. I—I am so close. Come with me, Aric.

Now, zjenni.
Aric’s muscles tensed.

Liana cried out as her orgasm hit her, at the same moment she heard Aric’s shout in her mind and saw his semen spill onto the floor of his tent. She dropped to her knees, her eyes still squeezed shut, and continued moving her fingers, her body quaking with countless aftershocks.

Ah, Liana,
Aric murmured as he milked the last of his fluid from his body
. I cannot wait until we can be as one.

* * * * *

While they rode Baethel toward Phoenicia, Liana shivered beneath Aric’s cloak as a cool wind swept from the north, carrying the scent of rain. It was early evening, and soon it would be dark. She leaned back against Aric’s chest, as though his warmth might ease the chill of fear that had crept into her heart.

Her tresses stirred restlessly beneath the cloak. She sensed tension within Aric, and knew he felt something amiss, too. The small group had left the D’euan Forest not long ago, and now rode upon a stretch of barren plain. They were but hours from reaching Phoenicia.

Before them a mountain rose so high its peak was shrouded in the clouds—and at its summit thrived Phoenicia, Aric’s kingdom. Soon to be their kingdom, providing they arrived safely. Aric’s brother Renn and the Nordain warriors should have been waiting for Aric’s party when they left the D’euan Forest, yet there was naught but the distant rumble of thunder of the approaching storm. Elvin scouts had run ahead into the Phoenician Forest, but as of yet had not reappeared.

Once again Liana thought about the vision she’d had at the pool of Renn, and how she had thought he might be the Sorcerer. Could Aric’s brother be one of the Nordain in league with Zanden?

Liana looked over her shoulder at Aric, a knot of concern growing tight in her belly. “I sense something…is not quite right.”

“Can you wield a weapon?” Aric’s voice was almost a growl, tension roiling from him like the oncoming storm. “If need be, could you protect yourself?”

The knot inside Liana rose into her throat. “I—I have never done more than slice cheese with a knife.”

 “I should have prepared you.” Aric slid a dagger out of its sheath and handed it by the hilt to Liana, its ruby glinting in the sunlight. “There may be nothing to be concerned about, but I want you to have this. Keep it hidden within the cloak, and if man or beast comes too close, ram it into his flesh with all your might.”

As she grasped the hilt, Liana trembled so badly she feared she might drop the weapon. She eased it into the folds of the cloak, her heart beating as though it would burst from her chest.

For the first time she realized the Elves were now all armed, their bows and swords at the ready and their expressions serious as their gazes roamed the sky and forest.

Liana’s hair went still and her eyes widened and she sensed the approach. “Oh, my gods. The Sorcerer is coming!”


Chapter Ten


“Damn!” Fury burned Aric’s gut as shrieks from oncoming irani rent the air.

Through a gap in the clouds, he could see the moon rising—and that it had turned the lightest shade of lavender.

Moonchange was but hours away.

By the gods.

The Sorcerer’s beasts drew closer, and most surely Zanden flew with them. Aric and the Elvin warriors were still a furlong from the safety of the forest and would not have time to reach its protective confines as he had hoped. They would be forced to fight in the open, where they were most vulnerable to attack.

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