Obsessed (42 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Obsessed
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But it was the second time she had bested Renn, and the thought did not sit well with him.

Feymir whickered as Renn quickly rolled up the blanket and tied it behind the saddle. He snatched Tierra’s pack from the ground and paused. Her perfume of honeysuckle and woman’s musk still lingered on the pack and floated in the air…as though she remained close.

The corner of his mouth turned up as he raised his face and caught her scent on the breeze. The wench was hiding nearby.

Renn fastened her pack to the saddle, then scooped his clothing from the ground. He considered putting them on, but now that he realized Tierra had not truly left, he was inclined to remain as he was.

All the better to fuck her.

He shoved his clothing into one saddlebag, then removed a long leather strap. He checked to make sure it had no weaknesses and he smiled.

This time the wench was not getting away.


Tierra’s heart pounded. Everything was far too quiet. Even the birds had gone still, and she no longer heard Feymir’s snorts or Renn’s grumblings. Only the river’s distant roar and the sound of wind rushing through leaves met her ears.

Shifting on the tree’s moss-covered and surprisingly comfortable arms, she settled so that she was lying on her back, wanting to ensure that her red hair couldn’t be seen from below. She was not ready for the warrior to find her. Let the bastard hunt for a while. Let him think he had lost her.

A twinge of concern tightened her belly. What if he did go on without her? If he truly knew where her heart-sisters were being kept, then she needed to remain close to him. She couldn’t let him leave without her.

Abruptly she sat up—and gasped as she found herself face to face with her warrior.

Her very angry and very naked warrior who brought himself onto the tree’s natural platform in a flash.

Before she had a chance to react, he snatched her wrists and bound them with a thin leather strap. “I intend to take no chances, wench,” he growled as he secured them in her lap. “You shall not be using your magic against me again.”

Damselflies crowded Tierra’s belly and her heart beat even faster at the furious yet lust-filled expression on Renn’s scarred face, and the silver flames in his eyes. Her gaze dropped to his cock…it thrust toward her, hard and long.

She licked her lips as her eyes met his again, and she raised her chin. “Untie me.”

“You require punishment.” His voice was husky, aroused, as he slowly reached up and caressed her nipple through the soft fabric of her tunic. “Much…punishment.”

A moan of pure desire escaped her lips and she leaned into his palm. The sensation of his hand through her clothing was almost more than she could bear. What would it feel like to have his naked flesh pressed to hers? Would she be able to take such exquisite pleasure?

She pulled against her bonds, her gaze meeting his. “Free me, so that I might touch you.”

He shook his head and continued to toy with her nipple. “I do not intend to let you go, denai. Ever.”

Ever? Tierra swallowed past the suffocating feeling the thought forced upon her. For too long she had been kept a virtual prisoner, knowing that the Sorcerer would one day claim her and her halias. Now they were free and she intended to remain so. All she had to do was find Ranelle and Liana, and they would all escape.

Tierra pushed the thoughts away, concentrating instead on this fine specimen of male flesh before her and the way he was touching her. She might never again have the opportunity to fuck a man like this one. At this moment she needed him too badly to think about anything but having his cock deep inside her.

Renn brought his other hand up and caressed both nipples with his thumbs, his expression almost fevered. “I must see all of you.”

Her skin flushed, his touch making her wild for him. “My tunic—”

Before she had an opportunity to finish, he clenched her tunic with both his hands. She heard the sound of cloth tearing, and then he ripped it completely open.

Tierra cried out in surprise, but her exposed nipples tightened under his careful scrutiny. “You—you ruined my tunic.”

His gaze remained fixed on her breasts. “You have no need for it.”

She had no chance to respond to his arrogant reply. His large hands moved to her breasts and she trembled at his possessive touch. Gods above, he was going to drive her mad from the feel of his callused fingers scraping against the silken skin of her breasts and the raspberries of her nipples.

He lowered his head, flicking his tongue all around the pale flesh of her breasts, staying clear of her nipples. Her core tingled and flooded with moisture.

“From this point forward, you do as I say,” he murmured. “And only as I allow.”

“You bastard…” She grasped for his cock with her bound hands, wrapping her fingers around his hard shaft, needing to feel it again. “You are not my master.”

“Yes, denai, I am.” Renn’s hands roved over her bared skin, caressing her waist, her belly, her arms. His tongue laved her nipple and she went wild from the feel of it, a choked cry spilling from her lips. He moved his mouth to her other breast and bit her nipple. “You belong to me now.”

“Never.” Her refusal sounded weak even to her own ears, and she added, “I belong to no man.”

He grabbed her wrists, forcing her to release his cock, then eased her back to lie upon the tree’s wide arms and the blue moss bed. “No man but me.”

“Ha,” she said as he knelt at her feet.

In a quick movement he yanked off her brogans, then tore away her breeches, yet in a manner that he managed to not hurt her.

“Damn you.” She gritted her teeth and struggled to kick him away, just on principle. If she had succeeded, she would have been disappointed.

Renn merely smiled and straddled her, trapping her slender legs beneath him, his cock pressing against her mound, his muscled ass against her thighs. He ripped each sleeve of her garment then tossed aside the worthless cloth, leaving her entirely naked. Cool wind brushed her flesh. She felt raw and exposed and so incredibly wanton.

The flex of Renn’s muscles, the power in his body, mesmerized Tierra, no matter how angry she was that he had shredded her clothing. A part of her wanted to reject his manhandling, but another part enjoyed the erotic play. The thrill of being chased and then caught by her mighty warrior.

His expression was savagely sensual as he studied her naked form, pausing to rest on the red curls at her apex. With one finger he stroked the curls and smiled. “You are soaked with your juices. You desire me to fuck you, to drive my cock into your tight core.”

Tierra brought her bound hands to his cock, brushing it with her fingertips as she watched his eyes. He pretended disinterest, but the desire in his gaze intensified.

“Take me now.” She raised her hips, pressed her mound against his teasing finger and moaned. Her body was burning and she couldn’t stop from writhing beneath him.

“In the land I hail from, I am referred to as ‘my Lord.’” He took both her nipples and rolled them between his thumb and forefinger. “You are to refer to me as such if you do not wish to be punished.”

Tierra shook her head. “I will not.”

He pinched her nipples harder and she gasped from the erotic sensation. “I command you, wench.”

When she refused again, he slid one hand into her mass of fiery red hair. His smile was feral as he lowered his head and brushed his lips over hers. “You will scream it before I am through with you.”

Renn gently nipped at Tierra’s bottom lip, small sensual bites that made her tremble with wanting for him. She parted her lips, wanting to taste him again, wanting to feel his tongue within her mouth.

Tierra moaned as his tongue explored her, his breath mingling with hers. The world seemed to tilt and spin and she became completely lost in his kiss. His stubbled face chafed her lips, her mouth, her cheeks. The kiss lasted forever, then ended too soon when he moved his lips to her neck. She struggled to catch her breath, wishing he would free her so that she could clench her fingers in his hair and draw him closer.

He flicked his tongue down her skin to the hollow of her throat, and on to the curve of her breasts. “What would you have me do now?”

“My nipples.” Tierra sucked in her breath. “Lick them.”

Renn trailed his tongue everywhere but those taut nubs that were aching for him. “And what must you do?”

The bastard was going to make her say it. She bit her tongue, not wanting to give in, but desiring his touch too badly. “Please suck my nipples,” she paused before adding, “my Lord.”

His smile was wholly sensual, erotically male. “Very good, wench.”

Tierra wanted to slap him, but her hands were still bound. And then he captured her first nipple between his teeth and she cried out, arching her back and thrusting her breast more firmly into his mouth.

“So sweet.” The thrum of his voice vibrated through her, straight to her core. “Chocolatyl and raspberry wine.”

Renn smiled as he kissed a trail down Tierra’s belly and she squirmed beneath him. The maid wanted him as badly as he wanted her. After what she had put him through, he would enjoy making her play this erotic game of Lord and wench. He would delight in having her beg.

“I cannot wait.” Her voice was husky, her eyes heavy-lidded with desire. “I need you now.”

“Yes…?” he prompted her as he reared back and knelt between her thighs on the bluewood tree’s fine moss.

“Please…my Lord.” She actually looked contrite as she widened her legs. “Fuck me.”

Gods but he almost groaned aloud. Almost gave in to her request. It was as though his cock was a divining rod, pulling him towards her hot center.

He took a deep breath and reined back his lust. “When I am ready, wench.” Fighting for every last bit of control, he scooted down ’til his face was above her mound.

“Bastard,” she moaned as Renn nuzzled the soft fiery red hair on her mound. The sweet scent of her woman’s musk made his cock so hard he feared he’d burst and spill his seed upon the bluewood tree instead of within her womb.

He took his time, trailing kisses and light flicks of his tongue across her mound, to the juncture of her thighs. Tierra cried out.

“What would you like now?” he asked as he slowly kissed the inside of her thigh.

“Touch me…my Lord.” The way she said it this time told him it aroused her to play this game, too. If it had not, Renn would have stopped it and changed his tune.

In truth, he wanted to tease and arouse her, not upset her.

Perhaps I am losing my mind. No female should affect me like this. Even one so…incredibly desirable…

Renn flicked his tongue along the inside of her knee, a slow and teasing stroke. “Where would you have me touch?”

“My clit.” Tierra’s voice trembled as he moved closer to her mound. She grasped at his hair with her bound hands. “Please lick my clit, my Lord.”

“Good, wench.” Renn rumbled his approval and dove for the silky flesh.

The moment his tongue laved the tight nub, Tierra gasped and thrust her folds against his mouth. “Yes, my Lord. Yes!”

Gods but her taste was finer than he had imagined. A sweet elixir that threatened to intoxicate him. He swirled his tongue around her swollen folds, teasing the taut nub and then leaving it to dip his tongue into her hot channel. As her thighs began to tremble, it was all he could do to remember the game and stop before she climaxed.

When he raised his head to look at Tierra, her eyes were glazed, her breathing shallow. “Don’t stop, my Lord. I am so close.”

“I wish to fuck you now.” He rose up so that his hands were at either side of her head, his cock against her belly. “Would that please you, wench?”

She nodded. Her emerald eyes were dreamy with excitement, but Renn still saw a flash. A bit of fire that told him someday, somehow, she would make him pay for his teasing.

The thought nearly made him spill again.

“Answer me out loud,” he instructed. “I want to hear the words.”

Raising her bound hands, she brushed her fingertips along his chest. “Please.” Tierra’s voice was naught but a gasp.

Renn reached for his cock with one hand, placed it against her clit and rubbed the nub. “Please…what?”

A sheen of sweat coated her body, and she trembled from the force of her need. “Please fuck me, my Lord.”

“You are mine, denai.” Renn moved the head of his cock to her tight core. “I will be the only man to possess you. Ever.”

He stilled as his own words shocked him nearly speechless. By the gods, if he took Tierra now, would he ever be able to let her go?


Chapter Five


As Renn stared down at Tierra, ready to claim her maidenhead, he knew with absolute certainty that he would never allow this maid to leave his side. Gods knew he never believed he could desire a woman like he did this one.

As though she had been created just for him. His match. A female who could give him as good as he gave. Who challenged him and left him wanting more.

He nearly growled his possession aloud, feeling an overpowering urge to change to bird form, pump his wings and mate-cry for all to hear.

Tierra was his woman.

“Please, my Lord.” She reached for his chest again with her bound hands, her face flushed, her eyes dark with passion. “I need to feel you inside me.”

Inhaling her sweet honeysuckle perfume and the scent of her juices, Renn fought back the incredible desire to thrust his cock into her. The desire to make her his in one fast, deep stroke.

No, if he gave into his lust he might hurt her. And he would never harm his sweet innocent in any way.

Instead, he lowered his head and brushed his lips over hers, tasting her breath, her unique flavor. Tierra moaned into his mouth as he gently bit her bottom lip. In return she nipped at him, taking the flesh between her teeth and flicking her tongue against it.

Renn’s arms trembled with the force of holding himself back, wanting to give her as much pleasure as possible. He plunged his tongue deep into her mouth and she took him with another greedy moan.

When he pulled away, she said, “Now. Please, my Lord.”

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