Obsessed (7 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Obsessed
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Renn scowled in Liana’s vision, as though he had heard her thoughts. Something flashed at his side, a glitter, somehow familiar, but she couldn’t quite place what it was. The knowledge came to her that Renn, like Jalen, was somehow linked to Aric.

Before she had opportunity to explore this realization, the man turned to the sky and she saw ominous winged beasts approaching.

Ice sliced through her veins. It was the irani. Searching for her.

The cliff disappeared, and a new vision took place.

This time it was Ranelle that she saw. Fear gripped Liana’s heart as she realized her halia was chained to a wall, her clothing in shreds. Ranelle’s arms were bound overhead, her large breasts partially exposed through the tattered garment, her feet bare.

Tears came to Liana as she saw her friend’s tired, dirt-streaked face. Her halia’s eyes were closed, as though she slept, but then Liana heard hinges squeaking.

Ranelle’s eyelids flew open.

A massive figure approached Ranelle from the shadows.

And then Liana heard a scream.

* * * * *

A piercing shriek woke Aric. He bolted to his feet and saw Liana screaming in the midst of the Bewitching Pool. In one fluid movement he snatched his dagger from where it lay beside his breeches, and then he plunged into the pool, reaching Liana within seconds.

He caught her around the waist and grasped her naked body to his, holding his dagger at the ready in his free hand. Aric attempted to locate what had frightened his woman, his gaze searching the pool that now glowed with an uncanny green light.

“What is it?” he demanded, seeing nothing in the waters, but refusing to lower his guard.

Liana stiffened, her scream dying in her throat. He glanced down at her beautiful face and saw that her sea green eyes were glazed, unfocused.

She had been in a trance. The knot in his gut lessened a bit, his fear for her subsiding with the knowledge she had not been attacked. Yet concern still gripped him as he wondered what had caused her to scream.

The glow faded from the pool until the waters were crystal blue once again. Slowly Liana’s body relaxed, and the light came back into her eyes. She blinked and tears began spilling down her cheeks.

“Do not cry, sweet one.” Aric drew Liana against him, careful to keep the dagger away from her fair skin as he held her. “Nothing will happen to you as long as I shall live. I promise.”

Sobs wracked her slender body as she wrapped her arms around his waist and clung to him. A sense of helplessness washed through him and he almost wished that there had been some beast for him to slay, something that he could dispatch of to ease whatever troubled her heart and mind.

As her breathing calmed, it occurred to him how terrified he had been. Not of any creature. He had been frightened to lose her. He had been ready to slay man or beast, or an army if he need be, just to protect his woman.

Ah, gods.
He sighed as he moved his gaze toward the heavens that were obscured by the thick canopy above. He had thought of her as his woman from the moment he had flown to her rescue—and he had vowed to protect her as long as he lived.

Just as he had long ago vowed to protect his people.

Aric knew not what to do with his feelings for the Tanzinite maid. The only thing left for him to do was to seek counsel with Dair’s wisest beings, and make his decision at that time. But he must hurry and hear their advice before moonchange—for at moonchange he would be relegated to his nordai form.

For now he would do what he could to cherish and protect Liana.

He moved his mouth close to her delicately pointed ear and murmured, “What did you see, zjenni?”

She shuddered and tipped her tear-streaked face up to his. “Ranelle. My heart-sister. She…” Choking on another sob, Liana paused and then continued, “She was held captive. I—I think the Sorcerer had her.”

“The gishla?” Aric asked, a new, unexplained rage boiling up within him.

“Yes,” Liana whispered. “My visions are usually of future events, but not always.” Her voice rose as her words tumbled from her lips in a rush. “I must find her to keep this from happening. I must help her at once!”

Although Aric felt an intense desire to rescue the gishla, he shook his head. “No. It is not possible.”

Liana’s pale cheeks reddened and she tried to push away from Aric, but he refused to release her. “It is my fault the Sorcerer will try to take Ranelle. If I have to, I will trade my life for hers!”

Aric clenched his jaw and his grip tightened on Liana. “I will die before I see you mated with Zanden.”

She stilled. “So I am naught but your duty?”

“No. My—” Aric stopped himself. He had almost said,
My love

Gritting his teeth, he released his hold on her. He took her by the hand and drew her toward the shore. “Come. We need food, and then we can discuss what you saw while in the Bewitching Pool.”


Chapter Five


When Liana felt somewhat calmer, and their bellies were full of journey cakes, cheese, and dried apples, Aric bade her to join him on a log beside the smoldering fire. The afternoon sun cast long shadows across the clearing, and squirrels chattered overhead in the pines.

The grass felt cool beneath Liana’s bare feet as she walked toward Aric. Baethel whickered as he grazed on the opposite side of the meadow, shaking his head at a swarm of pink and purple butterflies floating by. In the distance the river sounded louder than ever before, rushing through the forest just as blood roared through her veins when she neared the man she had once called stranger.

Aric had dressed in his tunic and breeches, and she had a blanket wrapped around her with a rope cinched about her waist. The blanket was so large on her that she felt as if she were clothed in a tent from a sideshow. He had insisted she cover herself in more than her sheer costume, and she knew it was because he feared he wouldn’t be able to rein in his lust if she remained naked, or even semi-naked, in his presence.

She seriously considered taking the blanket off, just to torture the man.

With a sigh she settled beside him on the log, and braced her palms against the rough bark. Aric’s musky male scent filled her senses, making her long for him more than ever. Once she tasted all of him, once he filled her, would she be satisfied? Or would she crave him even more?

“Before your vision of the gishla, what did you see?” Aric asked, his deep voice jolting Liana from her carnal thoughts. His eyes flicked from her to the fire, as though he dared not gaze upon her too long.

Heat rose to her cheeks at the memory of her first vision. “I—I saw my friend Tierra.”

Aric’s eyes met Liana’s “Was she well?”

“Yes.” She grew warmer yet as he cocked his brow. “Tierra was enjoying the pleasures of—of a woman.”

He smiled and looked at her in a sensual way that made her nipples harden and her body ache for him. “Have you experienced such with a female?” he asked, his voice a husky murmur.

Her eyes widened and her face burned as hot as the cooking fire. “I—I of course not.”

If she did not count having an orgasm while watching Tierra and the woman.

Aric captured Liana’s chin in his hand, and she caught her breath at the feel of his fingers against her skin. “In some cultures, it is normal for women to enjoy each other in every way. It is considered an extension of their friendship.”

Liana barely dared to breathe. She desired for him to kiss her so badly she ached with it. “Friendship?”

He nodded, his face mere fractions from hers. “In the Elvin Kingdom, sensuality between those of both sexes is as natural as the air we breathe. And often expected as a matter of ritual or ceremony.”

“It is?” Liana’s nipples tightened at the husky sound of Aric’s voice, the smell of him and the warmth of his nearness.

He smiled. “Amongst my own people, it is common for men and women to enjoy multiple partners of either sex until they are mated.”

“Who are your people?” she whispered.

Aric closed his eyes and inhaled, as though scenting her, imprinting her upon his memory. When he opened his eyes again, he released her chin and leaned forward on the log, facing the fire, his hands clasped between his knees.

Disappointment slid through Liana. She studied her lap and picked at a loose thread on her makeshift clothing as she thought how she would never understand this man. He wanted her, yet he would not touch her. He shut her out, refusing to share anything of his personal life. What was it about him that made her want him so, when all he did was frustrate her?

Liana was tempted to put her hand to his forehead and see what her Seer’s sight might tell her, but she reined in the urge. She was almost afraid of what she would learn.

“Tell me what else you saw,” he said as he focused intently on the flames.

An errant strand of Liana’s hair moved toward Aric. She quickly pushed it over her shoulder and swallowed. “A man named Jalen.”

Aric’s head snapped up and he suddenly became alert and predatory again. “Continue,” he commanded.

Glaring at his demanding tone, Liana raised her chin.

With a sigh of frustration, Aric combed his thick black hair back with his hand. “Please, zjenni. I wish only to know how my brother-at-arms fares.”

Liana was surprised to realize that Aric knew Jalen. “He, too, is well.” Liana cocked her head as she pictured the man. “Jalen searches for someone, and the wolf Toen is with him. They follow a woman’s trail along the south shore.”

“A woman.” Aric’s voice grew hard. “Who?”

“I am unsure—but it may be Ranelle or Tierra.” Liana’s eyes widened as she made the mental connection. “Jalen must be going after Ranelle. I saw her in an earlier vision, racing along the sands. He’s following her trail, headed in the direction of the Sorcerer’s fortress!”

Aric rubbed his face with both hands, then sighed as his gaze met Liana’s. “It is good. Now you need not worry for your heart-sister’s wellbeing. Jalen shall rescue her more quickly than any man or being could. And with Toen’s assistance, I have no doubt it will not be long before she is safe.”

Relief flooded Liana. She threw her arms around Aric’s neck and he stiffened. “Thank you,” she whispered against his lips.

And since he made no move to kiss her, she kissed him.

Liana brushed her mouth over Aric’s, tasting the breath he exhaled, wanting everything he could give her. He groaned as she traced his bottom lip with her tongue, and as his mouth opened, she pounced on the opportunity to slide into his warm recesses.

Aric all but roared, and returned her kiss, as though ravenous. Their mouths became frenzied and Liana grew dizzy, drunk with his masculine smell and intoxicated by the taste of him. Her hair caressed Aric, wrapping itself around the hands he now had buried in its strands.

The world spun around Liana, and the next thing she knew they had toppled off the log, their bodies rolling across the soft grass of the clearing. When they came to a stop, Liana found herself sitting astride Aric, her hair tangled around his wrists, binding him to her. Through his clothing she could feel his huge cock, and she could think of nothing more than having it deep within her.

“Zjenni,” he murmured as his mouth mated with hers. “Gods, how I want you. I have wanted you since the first moment I laid eyes upon you.”

“Then take me.” She moved her lips to his throat, tasting his salty male skin with feather strokes of her tongue. “I am yours, Aric.”

“I—we cannot.” His voice came out in a strangled sound as her hands found the ties to his breeches. He tried to stop her from opening them, but his wrists were still bound by her tresses. “Liana. Stop. I do not wish to hurt you.”

“You shan’t.” She all but purred as she found her prize, grasping his cock in her palm. Aric gasped as she flicked the head of his staff with her tongue. A pearl of his seed beaded at the top. “I love your taste,” she murmured as she licked the semen from his cock.

“Gods.” Aric strained at the hair binding him, but she could tell he took care not to pull too hard, that he was afraid to hurt her.

He need not have worried, for no amount of pressure on her hair would ever harm her, although she did not feel inclined to share that information with him at the moment. She rather liked having him bound. A sort of sweet revenge for his having tied her when he took her from Fiorn.

Liana undid the rope secured around her waist and tossed it aside. The blanket slid from her body and it quickly joined the rope. She was completely naked astride him, her hair still binding his wrists.

“I want your cock inside me,” she demanded as moved lower on his body and slid her mouth over his staff. “Now.”

“I—we—you do not understand.” He groaned as she straightened and rubbed the soft curls of her mound, and then her wet folds against his throbbing shaft.

“I understand that I want you, and you want me.” Liana leaned over him, dragging her nipples over his chest, the feel of his cock between her thighs nearly driving her mad. “Or was it a lie?”

His black eyes were focused on her nipples as she rose up and brought them close to his face. “With this rigid cock between your thighs you know how much I desire to be inside you. How much I want to fuck you.”

Liana placed her hands on her breasts, cupping them, and then began tweaking her nipples the way she had watched Tierra touching her own in the vision. A savage growl rolled from Aric’s throat, and as Liana ground herself against his cock and pulled at her nipples, he looked as though he wanted to ravish her. She pressed herself forward so that one breast brushed his lips.

“Taste me,” she begged, and at the same time allowed her tresses to release Aric’s wrists.

He fisted his hands higher in her hair, forcing her down so that her nipple was fully in his mouth. Liana moaned as he suckled first one and then the other. His tongue and teeth tortured and teased her, made her so hot she thought she might burst into flame. The ache within her body grew tighter and tighter yet, and she knew she had to have him deep inside her.

Her knees pressed into the soft forest ground as she raised her hips and grasped Aric’s cock with one hand. She placed the tip against the entrance to her core.

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