Oceans of Red Volume One

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Authors: Willow Cross

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Oceans of Red

Volume One

Rise of the Demons


Willow Cross


Copyright 2011 Willow Cross

All Rights Reserved



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For my brood of Irish hooligans. I see Remy, Shane, and Greg in each of you.  I love you.




Oceans of Red

Chapter One


December 21, 2012

3:33 am


The walls of the ancient adobe church shuddered as the first tremor hit.  Cloaked figures, knowing they would likely die during the event about to transpire, remained on their knees and continued chanting.  Candlelight flickered casting odd shadows on the walls.  Within seconds, another tremor shook the floor beneath them.  The priests lurched forward.  Now, prostrate on the floor, their voices rose in unison as they beseeched God in all his infinite glory to hold fast the seal. 

Centered in the tile floor of the room, a mosaic of the virgin mother holding her babe covered the ancient site.  They knew the decoration held no power.  What was beneath held evil in check.  The seal, if broken, would mean t
he end of everything just as the prophecies foretold.

Bits of adobe fell from the walls
, joined by small chunks of tile from the ceiling.  A loud boom echoed through the structure.  Cracks and fissures made their way across the entire span of the floor.  Pieces of the mosaic popped and flew into the air.  Their voices did not falter as the dirt under the place where the mosaic had been, dropped and caved in.  Dark smoke erupted from the gaping hole blanketing the room.  As the quake intensified, the smoke pushed against the ceiling until it blew up and out in small pieces.

The two heavy entryway doors flew back with a crash.  One priest, still praying, glanced over his shoulder.  His voice caught in his throat. 

A young girl, not more than twenty, hovered in the doorway.  Her vacant eyes stared straight ahead.  Wind whipped long tendrils of blond hair around her slender body as she floated forward.

“We must leave
, brothers.  It is too late.  We have lost,” he yelled over the raging wind.

Several priests came to their knees while others continued yelling supplications. 

The darkness swirled around the woman, engulfing her.  Although they knew what was happening, most remained stationary, watching the horrifying event.  A noise akin to thousands of wings flapping overpowered the sounds of breaking glass, wind, and falling adobe.  Then silence came.  The darkness evaporated and only the young woman remained.

She smiled.  An u
nearthly glow surrounded her.  Her rich seductive voice called out to them, “Be not afraid.  I have come to free you.  Serve me and live forever in peace and joy.”

The men stumbled to their feet each uttering oaths to God
for intervention.  Many held the large silver crosses hanging from their necks in front of them.  Some cried as they kissed the archaic symbols while others searched for a way out.

, no takers?  It’s a good deal.  You’ve lost and I’ve won.  Serve me.”

The only white robed priest spat on the ground.  “Abomination.  Lucifer!  You have no place here!”

“Lucifer?” she laughed.  “You wish it were that easy.”  The smile left her face and her eyes began to pulsate with red light.  “On your knees.”

“Never,” many whispered.

The beautiful woman tilted her head to the side as if surprised.  “So be it.  Come.” 

Another dark mass erupted from the hole.  Swaths of black separated from the main column to encircle each priest.  Only a few had time to pull the crosses apart and thrust the blades hidden within into their hearts.  Those that failed felt a weightlessness surround them as their bodies levitated from the floor.  Dangling just above the ground, they kicked and pawed at the air as the oily smoke poured into their mouths.  Soon the gagging sounds from those afflicted subsided. 

The men dropped to their knees as each pair of glowing red eyes locked on their leader’s face.

Her lips twisted into another smile as she
slowly ran a hand across her cheek and down her neck.  “This one is very nice, don’t you agree?”

, Master,” they answered in unison.

“Swear your allegiance to me.”

“We are yours, do what you will,” they answered.

“Good.  That’s more like it.”  With a flick of her hand she dismissed them.  “You know the plan.  Go forth and conquer.”

“Yes, Master.”




August 14, 2015

10:57 pm


Eight sets of red glittered in the darkness.  Remy slowly brought the sword around in an arc above her head.  “Four.  You copy?” 

A voice answered from the tiny earpiece, “Copy that.  We need one, Rem.  Think you can handle that?”

Her neck popped as she rolled her head.  First to the left, and then to the right.  Pushing her shoulders back, she
released the last bit of pent up tension in her muscles.  The only sound breaching the unnatural silence filling the dark city streets was the rasp of her leather jumpsuit as she repositioned her body.  Knees slightly bent and sword ready, her eyes remained focused on the approaching men.  “Again?”

“Sorry, boss says we need more intel.”

“Just freaking wonderful.”

A dark parking lot wasn’t the best place to fight demons.  Too many vehicles to hide behind.  Her head jerked to the left as one blurred and separated from the others.  His movement so fast, she nearly missed it.  “Think I found the leader.  He might take off before I can kill the other three.”

“Copy that.  Do what you can.  Go for Kangaroo Alpha.”

faint smile appeared on her lips.  Her father had the weirdest sense of humor.  Kangaroo Alpha stood for kick ass.  Even when the odds were against them, he made jokes.

The light above her flickered.  Although she preferred to fight in the dark, that one light would allow her to see the faces of her attackers.  She remained adamant about seeing faces.  If she ended up killing a friend
, or relative, she wanted to know.  That was just one more grudge she could hold against them, and she craved the hate.  Hate added to strength, and she’d need it.

The three in front crouched and waited.  Whispers began echoing in her mind. “
Come with us, Remy.  You will be happy with us.  The Master can give you everything you’ve ever dreamed of.”

It was always the same line of bullshit with them.  She swallowed the knot of nausea forming in her stomach,
reached down, and pushed a button on her iPod.  Rock music exploded in her ears, deafening the whispers. 

Knowing there was no hope of enticing her now, the three advanced.

She smiled.  She was in the zone.  The rock beat raged on.  Waiting…waiting…just about…now.  Remy leapt into action.  Her body spun in the air as she completed the roundhouse, making contact with the head in front of her.  Feet hit the ground and she repeated the process in the other direction.  Two flew several feet back on impact.  Bringing her sword around with her, she cleanly sliced through the remaining abomination’s stomach.  Its body shimmered before a dark mass of protoplasm erupted from its eyes, nose, and mouth.  Vomiting out and upward, it raced into the sky. 

The demon spawn
drew back into the darkness.  A flash and puff of smoke was the only indication that a gun had been fired.  Remy’s body kicked into overdrive.  The distinct tink of deflection filled the night as her sword moved so fast it became a blur.  Small flashes of light appeared as the projectiles hit and bounced off the metal blade.  Face set, her blue eyes sparkled in the night. 

The demons glanced at each other and separated. 

Remy leapt to the roof of the car behind her, watching as they circled around.  She glanced over her shoulder to confirm the leader’s position.  Motionless, his red eyes flickered like miniature rubies in the night.  Under her feet, she felt the car shudder before it began to bounce wildly.  She jumped from the roof and somersaulted through the air, keeping her arms extended.  The car turned on its side and flew behind her, crashing into the building on the far side of the lot.  Flames erupted from the engine.

her feet hit the ground, they closed in.  The tallest slid behind her and grabbed at her head.  Unable to grasp her short hair, the motion threw him off balance.  He stumbled and attempted to regain his footing while the other launched himself at her legs. 

She threw her elbow back, simultaneously bringing
her knee up to meet with the other man’s face before his arms could wrap around her legs.  Pain and a dull thud told her she’d made contact with the man behind her.  The demon in front lay stunned on the ground; blood gushed from its mouth and broken nose. Thrusting her sword through his midsection, she forced the blade up and to the side.  The thing behind her grunted.  Remy pulled a bowie knife from a sheath attached to her thigh and spun.   His face registered nothing but shock.  A thin red line formed across his neck.  For a moment he stared at her, then grabbing his neck, his body shuddered as he gasp for air.  Blood spurted through his fingers and he crumpled to the ground.  Darkness erupted from both as the song on her iPod changed.

Remy turned to face the watcher.
  As she figured, he was gone.  “Shit,” she said under her breath and shut off the music.  Eyes darting around the lot, she made sure there was no sign of him.  “Control?”


“Three down.”

“Did you get any intel?”

Remy sighed.  “I told you--”

“Come home, Remy.  The admiral wants to debrief you.”

“I’m sure he does.  Send in the cleaners.”

“Copy that.”

Placing one foot on the chest of the human shell in front of her, she yanked on the sword.  It came free with a strange sucking noise.  Remy bent down and wiped the blade against the pants leg of the corpse.  “Too bad,” she thought.  “He was really cute.  What a waste.”  Scanning the empty lot one last time, she disappeared into the night.   


Remy bent at the waist, allowing the green light to scan her eye.  Stepping back, the small metal door in front of her made a swishing noise as is slid back into the doorframe.  Once she made it through the short white tunnel to the second door, she began stripping away the small armory attached to her body and deposited the deadly items into a large white drawer that had opened beside the door.  It took a few minutes to remove all her weapons. 

“Rem?” A voice came over the loud speaker.

“I’m hurrying.  This is a stupid rule.”  She said as she dropped the last knife in the drawer.

e into the mechan--”

“I know.”  Lea
ning over, she blew into a plastic cylinder.

“Thank you.”

“Whatever.  Hurry it up, would ya?  I have to pee.”

The door slid
open.  Stepping inside, she met a small raven-haired, extremely pallid girl.  Shane’s blue eyes sparkled, but she managed to keep a smile from showing.  The likeness between the two was uncanny.

Remy grinned.  “Dad’s pissed, huh?”

Shane nodded and a soft giggle escaped.  “Rem, why can’t you ever follow orders?  Dad specifically told you--”

“Dad wasn’t there
.  Hurry up.  I have to pee.”

Still trying not to laugh, the young girl ran a small hand held gadget up and down Remy’s body.  “Well you’re clean.  Though why they’d think a demon would even want to enter a bitter old crone like you, I’ll never know.”

“Ha!”  Bringing her arms out from her sides, Remy shouted, “Look folks, we have ourselves a comedian.  Anyone want to buy a ticket?”

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