Oceans Untamed (2 page)

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Authors: Cleo Peitsche

BOOK: Oceans Untamed
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She shook her head as she sat up.

He laughed again and moved her light brown hair from where it draped around her neck and down to her waist. The slow, sensual tickle made her shiver. He looped her hair around his fist and pulled her head back.

“I could tell by the way you walked,” he said.

“You could not!”

“It’s hot when you’re nervous and breathing hard,” he said, a smile in his voice. “You take smaller steps when you’re bare under your clothes. And you know what?”

“What?” she whispered as she tried to steady her breaths.

“You’re turning me on,” he said. He pushed her down flat and pressed a finger along her slit, not entering her. She arched, her mouth opening.

He needed no further invitation.

His first kiss had been a promise, a reminder that no matter what he was and what he was capable of, she was safe with him. That she could trust him.

This kiss, however…

His tongue swept into her mouth, his lips hard against hers. Before she could kiss him back, he’d pulled away and was raking his teeth down her neck.

She cried out as he bit her and then soothed the stinging bruise with a

Before, she’d wondered how he’d guessed her neck was so sensitive. Now she knew the answer; he could smell, hear, and feel her. When her pulse accelerated, when her excitement hummed higher, he knew.

He was swirling his tongue in the notch at the bottom of her throat, and it reminded her of that other place he liked to taste and lick. That place his hand was currently ignoring despite
the desperate rocking of her hips.

She tried to beg him to fuck her, but she was too far gone to speak intelligibly. He bit her neck, starting at the side and working his way toward the front, then dragged his hard, masculine jaw lower, forcefully.

He could end her at any second. One snap of his jaws would crush her windpipe. He could rip out her throat—

She cried out, her eyes wide in the
darkness. “Koenraad,” she gasped, and the wind whipped his name from her lips.

It didn’t matter. He would have heard.

“You like this?” he murmured into the almost ticklish stretch of skin below her ear. “I like it, too.”

She could feel the pounding of her pulse between her legs. Her entire body seemed to throb. Impatiently, she grabbed his wrist and tried to hurry his fingers inside her.

It would have been easier to move the pier itself. He would not be hurried. He would not be controlled. He’d previously said he could make her beg, and he was right.

“Enough torture! We didn’t even have sex last night,” she said as he loosened the sash at the front of her dress and started to work on the buttons.

“I think we did. You bruised my fingers.”

Even a human probably could have felt
the heat from her sudden blush. She licked her lips. “That only counts as sex if you’re still in high school.” The night before had been… surreal. He’d finally allowed her to see both his cocks in their natural state. Once the spurs were out, apparently he couldn’t retract them, and so sex had been out of the question.

The heat in her face intensified as she remembered how she’d pleaded with
him to fuck her anyway. Despite the hungry fire in his eyes, he’d refused. As horny as he was, he’d jerked off rather than risk hurting her even though his shark’s blood, with all its healing powers, was coursing through her veins, keeping her from lasting harm.

He’d gotten her off, too, his fingers knowing when to rub and when to thrust.

Which made it all the more frustrating that he was taking
an eternity unbuttoning her dress.

“I want you inside me,” she said.

His hand froze. “You do?” he asked, and she could tell he was going to mess with her.


He plunged a finger into her snug, slick hole. She nearly orgasmed from the sudden sensation of being penetrated. His finger twisted and stroked. It wasn’t what she’d had in mind, but it felt damned good.

“Is this what you want?”
he growled.

If she said “no,” that would have obvious results. If she said “yes,” he’d probably restrict her pleasure to finger-fucking. She wasn’t sure why she thought that… just a hunch. He was dominant, probably because he was a shark, and while he wasn’t controlling, he definitely had a control freak streak about a mile wide.

And it seemed to come out at times like this, when she
was half undressed and helpless under him.

A small, pleasant shudder traveled down her spine. “I want to have rough sex with you,” she said. And then, in a fit of inspiration, she locked her hands around his neck and pulled herself a few inches closer. “I want to feel you come inside me,” she said in a throaty whisper.

Oh, she wished she could see his face better, but when he spoke, she knew
she’d hit the mark. “You’ll feel it,” he growled as he rolled on top of her. He was heavy, and for a moment she couldn’t breathe.

His hands tightened around her wrists as his stone-hard thighs pressed under her knees, spreading her legs and leaving her utterly helpless.

“Koenraad?” she whispered. The throatiness was gone, and her voice had gotten tight with worry. “I want to feel them both.

“We’ll have to work up to that,” he said.

“Why not get it over with? A moment of pain and then it’s all good.”

He pulled away and sat up. “Now isn’t the time to talk about when you lost your virginity, but obviously the guy didn’t know what he was doing.”


“Your ass is virgin territory, Monroe. And before you ask, I could tell by the way you tensed when I first put my thumb
into you. Do you have any idea how much damage I could do if I just shoved myself in there? It wouldn’t be a passing moment of pain. It would hurt.”

“But I’d heal.”

“I don’t know why my blood is still potent in your veins, but we can’t count on it. In any event, I’m not going to hurt you just because it’ll heal later.”

He leaned in close and moved her arms over her head. She loved the warmth
of his arms on top of hers. “If and when I hurt you, it will be deliberate. It will be because it’s the right time for us both, and it won’t be something to suffer through. If I ever hurt you, you’ll love it. You’ll beg for it.”

He rocked his hips and thrust, shoving his cock deep into her warmth and stretching her mercilessly.

She moaned as pleasure crashed over her. She hadn’t been expecting
it, hadn’t realized he could enter her so easily.

His rhythm was slow, dragged out. Each thrust seemed designed to torment her, but with her arms pinned over her head and her legs pinned by his weight, there was nothing she could possibly do.

And then his teeth were on her neck, nipping her sensitive skin.

The beginnings of an orgasm swirled, hot and heavy in her core, gathering speed even
though he stayed true to his maddeningly slow rhythm.

He opened his mouth wider and took her throat between his teeth. She gasped, arched, offering her throat to him. “More,” she moaned. “Faster. Please, please, please—”

“More?” He bit harder, and the unexpected and sharp edge of pain made her tremble. “Faster?” He picked up his pace, his hips slamming into her loud enough that she could hear
it over the wind on the ocean and the crashing waves.

“Yes!” Her body was alive with lustful energy. If he hadn’t been holding her down, she would have wrapped her legs around his waist and locked her arms around his neck.

But he was holding her down, and as her orgasm waned, she was powerless to stop his hard, fast thrusting.

Within seconds, she didn’t want to. He’d proven before that he could
give her multiple orgasms, and now she was learning that it hadn’t happened by accident. He controlled her pleasure, meting it out according to some schedule she couldn’t begin to guess at.

In his grip, her fingers struggled, wanting to grab him as the agonizing bliss of another orgasm exploded like fireworks.

“Gorgeous when you come,” he said. “I’ll never get my fill of your curves, your ripe
body.” He moved faster now, but it was less to make a point. He was going to come, and that set her off again. Her hands curled into helpless fists, and her feet pressed hard on the pier as she tried to arch under his heavy male weight.

He bit the top of her shoulder, and she could tell he was holding back.

The difference between this time and all the previous times was that now she knew what
he was fighting. The spurs.

She rolled her hips against his and clenched her muscles. “Let go,” she urged him. She didn’t care how much it hurt; she wanted to know. Wanted to feel it.

But he didn’t. He probably never would, she realized. And despite all the pleasure he’d given her, by the time he’d pulled himself free from her soaked channel, she was disappointed.

“Will you ever—”

“I don’t
know,” he said. “Can I clarify something I said earlier?” he asked as he tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. “When I said I didn’t want to disturb you while you slept, I didn’t mean by making noise, by turning on the television and watching documentaries about cute sharks. You were on your stomach, the sheet clinging to the curves of your perfect ass. It was putting dirty thoughts into my

She almost told him to go ahead and act out those thoughts the next time, but the amused, cocky look on his face told her he’d figured out how she felt. She was going to have to learn to control her reactions around him. Or not.

She laughed. “There are other cute sharks besides you?”

“You don’t think Spencer is cute?”

She shrugged, but then she realized that even though she hadn’t had
a sexual reaction to Koenraad’s best friend, she’d certainly been charmed by his good looks and carefree demeanor. Koenraad might have been able to tell. Or maybe he was honest enough to admit it when another man was attractive to women. She wasn’t going to ask. And she wasn’t going to answer his question, either.

He was chuckling lightly, and she had that disconcerting feeling that he was reading
her mind. Oh, he’d sworn up and down that he wasn’t psychic, but damn if it didn’t feel like it to her.

He pulled away. To her surprise, he pulled off his shirt and shorts. That would have made so much more sense if he’d done it
they had sex.

“It’s getting light out!” she said.

“You saying you don’t like my body?”

She twisted to scan the beach behind them. There wasn’t anyone in sight,
but wasn’t dawn about when people went running—not that she’d know anything about that particular kind of insanity—or scoured the sand with metal detectors?

A shudder passed through her. “For all you know, someone is standing on a hotel balcony staring at your dick.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

If her ex happened to be watching, yeah, it was. But Koenraad didn’t know that Thomas had
flown down from New York to get her back. She swallowed nervously and forced herself to think about something else before Koenraad asked what was bothering her. “What exactly are you doing, anyway?”

He was peering intently at the water. “Going to find your sandals.”

A shaft of moonlight cut through the clouds, illuminating the gazebo and the surrounding water. The bumps on his lower back were
like a mountain range.


He looked at her, his huge pupils reflecting silver. “Monroe…” he said, teasing her.

“Those new scars… You got into a fight with the shark that attacked me, didn’t you? Did you kill it? I hope you did.”

His face went blank in shock, like he’d been sucker-punched, and then his features turned hard.

Instead of answering, he dropped into the water.

Chapter 2

Koenraad kept half his attention focused on the enormous truck in the rear-view mirror. His security gates were set to close quickly, and the man driving the truck was most definitely on island time, in no hurry at all.

Even when they were safely through the second set of gates, Koenraad still didn’t relax. Something told him he wouldn’t be relaxing until he was back with
Monroe. He brought the car to a stop in front of his mansion and got out.

Now for the fun part.

Forcing a smile, he walked back to the truck. The driver cranked down the window.

“Give me a few minutes first,” Koenraad said. “I just want to get my dogs inside the house, then I’ll show you the trapped shark and we can figure out a humane way to get him… get
into the truck.”

The driver nodded;
he didn’t care. He was being paid quite a bit extra to handle this. Koenraad had set it up with the aquarium’s owner, but no one except Spencer knew what he was really up to, that the trapped shark he needed removed wasn’t just a shark.

Koenraad was halfway to the massive front door when he smelled her. Victoria. It was faint, very faint, but this time he knew he wasn’t imagining it.

Time stopped
as the realization sank in: despite all his precautions, Victoria had found him, and she’d somehow gotten past his security system.

No doubt she’d been pissed that he wasn’t returning her calls. When he’d promised to search with her for Brady, he’d intended to show up. But then Monroe needed him, and he hadn’t bothered to give Victoria a reason for canceling. He didn’t want her knowing about

He inhaled deeply. Her scent wasn’t strong. With any luck, she’d quickly gotten tired of waiting and had gone away.

But experience told him she wouldn’t give up so easily. She was an investigator for the Council, for her uncle, really. If she’d tracked him here, she’d snoop.

The moment he stepped across the threshold, he smelled the awful truth. Victoria had gotten inside.

Head slightly
lowered, he ran down the long hallway that cut through the mansion. For a moment he lost her scent, but then he caught it again, stronger than ever.

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