Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers (72 page)

Read Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers Online

Authors: Lillian Faderman

Tags: #Literary Criticism/Gay and Lesbian

BOOK: Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers
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. ACT-UP demonstration reported in
August 8, 1990, p. 24.

. Laura Briggs, “Birth of a Queer Nation,”
Gay Community News,
August 5–11, 1990, pp. 3 +.

. Quoted in Guy Trebay, “In Your Face,”
Village Voice,
August 14, 1990, pp. 34–39-


Accommodation, politics of
ACT-UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power)
Adam, Margi
Addams, Jane
Adult bookstores
Affection, sexuality versus
Air Forces policy on homosexuals
Alcoholics Anonymous
Aldrich, Ann
Alger, William
Alice B. Toklas Democratic Club
Amazon image
Ambitious Women
American Civil Liberties Union
American Psychiatric Association
Anderson, Cora
Anderson, Sherwood
Andrew, Kathy
Anthony, Katharine
Anti-war movements
Arnold, June
Asch, Sholom
Asian-American lesbians/147
Atkinson, Ti-Grace
Austin, Texas, lesbians in


Babcock, Charlotte
Bad Attitude
Baker, Sarah Josephine
Baltimores lesbian bars in
Bankhead, Tallulah
Bannon, Ann
Barnes, Djuna
Barney, Natalie
Barrow, Marilyn
Gay bars
Bathhouses, lesbian
Bay Area Career Women
Bean, Babe
Ben, Lisa
Bentley, Gladys
Bergler, Edmund
Bernhard, Sandra
Berson, Ginny
Berube Allan
Betterment work
Big Money, The
(Dos Passos)
Birth control, in 1920s
Bisexuality; Depression and; Greenwich Village of the 1920s and; Harlem blacks in 1920s and; lesbian-feminists and; 1920s; 1930s; 1980s; roots of experimentation; wealthy women and
Bisexual support groups
Blacker the Berry, The
Black lesbians.
See also specific persons
Blacks: homophobia among; white homosexuals in Harlem and
Blackwell, Alice Stone
Blackwell, Emily
Blues songs, Harlem homosexuals of the 1920s and
Blush Productions
Book publishing, feminist
Bookstores, women’s
Boston marriages
Bourdet, Edouard
Bowers v. Hardwick
Bowles, Jane
Bowles, Paul
Box-Car Bertha
Bradley, Katharine
Briggs, John
Briggs Initiative
Bright, Susie
Bronski, Michael
Brown, Rita Mae
Brown, Rusty
Bryant, Anita
Bryant, William Cullen
Bryn Mawr
Budapest, Z.
Buffet flats
Burnton Widows, The
Butch/femme roles: feminists and; Greenwich Village of the 1940s and; kinship structures and; lesbian-feminists and; minority lesbians and; 1930s slang and; 1940s; 1950s; 1980s; police harassment and; prisons and; sexual radicals and; wealthy lesbians and; working-class and young lesbians and
Butches; flipped; gay bars and; 1950s roles; post-feminist


Califia, Pat
Cameron, Barbara
Cannabilistic fantasies
Caprio, Frank
Captive, The
Carhart, John
Carpenter, Edward
Carpenter, Louisa Dupont
Casal, Mary
Casual sex
Catharsis, sadomasochism and
Cather, Willa
Catholic Church
Catt, Carrie Chapman
Chambers, Jane
Chauncey, George
Cheap Amusements: Working Women and Leisure in Turn-of-the-Century New York
Cherry Grove
Chevalier, Julien
Chicago: 1920s bar scene in; 1930s bar scene in
Childhood homosexuality, Freud and
Childrens acceptance of
Children’s Hour, The
Chisholm, Shirley
Christian, Meg
Christian, Paula
Christopher, George
Churches, gay groups within
Civil rights movement
Civil War, female transvestites in
Clackum, Fannie Mae
Clarke, Edward
Clean and sober movement
Clenched Fists, Burning Crosses
Cleveland, Rose Elizabeth
Clift, Montgomery
Coastal cities, lesbian life in 1940s and
Colleges: McCarthy era persecution and; turn of the century.
See also
Women’s colleges
College Settlements Association
Comfort, Alex
Communal farms, separatists and
Communal living, lesbian-feminists and
Companionate marriage
Complex marriage
Confrontational tactics
Congenital theory: lesbians accepting; 1980s revival of.
See also
Sexual inversion
Consciousness-raising (CR); language and; radical lesbian-feminists and; sadomasochism and; women’s music and
Contract with the World
Converse, Florence
Cook, Blanche
Cooper, Edith
Copper, Baba
Cory, Donald Webster
Cotton Club
Council on Religion and the Homosexual
Country women
Cousins, Norman
Craigin, Elisabeth
Crawford, Joan
Credit unions, women’s
Cultural feminists; 1970s; 1980s; sexuality and; shared intimacy and
“Cures” 1940–50s
Cushier, Elizabeth
Cushman, Charlotte


Dark Laughter
Daskam, Josephine Dodge
Daudet, Alphonse
Daughters of Bilitis
Davis, Allen
Davis, Elizabeth Gould
Davis, Katharine
Dell, Floyd
Demeter Flower, The
D’Emilio, John
Democratic National Convention, lesbian delegate to
Depression era; sexual freedom and; working women and
Devoted companions, lesbian sex between
Diana Victrix
Dickinson, Anna
Dickinson, Robert Latou
Dickinson, Thomas
Direct action peace and environmental movements
Disabled lesbians
Dlugacz, Judy
Dobkin, Alix
Dodge, Mabel
Dog shows, lesbian couples at
Donisthorpe, Sheila
Donovan, Frances
Dos Passos, John
Double standard
Drag balls
Dreir, Mary
Dress: gay bars of 1950s and; lesbian-feminists and; middle-class lesbians and; 1940s; 1980s career women and; upper-class lesbians and; working-class women and
Drug abuse
Dunbar-Nelson, Alice
Dundas, Annie
Dylan, Bob


Eagles, Jeanne
Economic independence; lesbian-feminists and; nineteenth-century transvestites and; 1980s; nontraditional jobs and; World War II and
Education: escape from domesticity and; marriage after; professional women and; upper-class women and.
See also
Women’s colleges
Education levels, lesbians versus heterosexual women/136
Either Is Love
Ellis, Albert
Ellis, Havelock
Episcopal Church
Ermayne, Laurajean

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