Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1) (51 page)

BOOK: Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1)
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It did, but I wanted more that her sexy voice.
My eyebrow rose slightly and my lips twitched.  The speed of my hand on my cock increased.  “Tell me what you need and where you need it.”
She let out a frustrated groan and bowed her neck against the bed.  I wondered if she still felt as if she would self-combust when I touched her.  I intended to push every one of her buttons to find out.
She sat back up and focused on me so intently that I felt her slip into my mind, our thoughts fusing together. Our desire combined and fueled the craving that was burning in each of us, threatening to blaze out of control.
“I need your cock inside of me.  Now,” she said in a low growl that was worthy of a vampire.
My answering smile was triumphant.  My fangs dropped again and I lowered the entire length of my body against her.  I allowed our joining to come naturally, my cock sliding deep into her depths.  After a moment, I ducked my head to kiss her neck, my tongue licking along her jugular.
“I love it to hear you talk like that, vackra.  You turn me on,” I said into her ear before my lips drifted to the other side of her neck.  Her hands gripped my ass to keep my slow, steady rhythm from stopping.  This time when I spoke, it would be heard in her mind. 
“You are so wet for me.  Do you want more?”
“Yes!  More!” she panted.  I picked up the pace, our bodies starting to make the sounds I associated with our lovemaking: the wet sounds of flesh against flesh, our cries and moans matching the frantic rhythm we had set.  “More!”
“More?  You want more?”  I roared.  I leaned closer until my chest pressed against her breasts.
“Yes!  Harder,” she begged, pulling her legs back and letting her heels dig into the cheeks of my ass.  Growling, my speed increased, our hips meeting at an almost brutal speed.
She turned her neck to the side, moving so her throat was completely exposed.  She wanted me to bite, to take everything she had to offer to me.
In a flash, I had moved us into a new position.  She was kneeling on the bed with her back pressed against my chest, her long legs straddling my thighs.  I was buried to the hilt, my fingers rubbing and flicking her clit.  She ground her pussy against me, calling out my name with every thrust.
I raised my other arm to my mouth and ripped at the skin, presenting my bloody wrist to her.
“Drink from me while I fuck you.”
  My mental voice sounded needy, filled with unbridled lust.
Without any hesitation her lips attached themselves to me, greedily sucking on my wrist.  With every pull, my cock throbbed and I plunged harder than before.  I had to taste her, to complete the circuit. My fangs slipped into her shoulder and our blood intermingled, making a complete course as we drank from one another.
“We are one in every way, vackra.  Heart, soul, body.  Vi är ett evigt.”
It was a combination of our blood and our shared emotions that caused us to reach the crest together.  She trembled and her fluttering walls sucked me deeper, and I swelled inside of her, my body pulsating and shaking as my climax felt as if it was ripping me apart violently from the inside out.
She no longer sounded human.  Her primal grunts and growls tore at my ears and her hands clutched at my thighs as she clamped around me savagely.
She was not alone either.  My answering roar was just as animalistic as I pulsed inside of her, my hands moving to grip her breasts in my hands.  Both of our thoughts were filled with our desire to please one another, to claim what we valued above all else. Our love.
We crumpled against the bed, lacking the strength or presence of mind to do anything but stay wrapped in each other.  My fingers drifted up and down her arm.  “It does not matter what happens now or when we get back to New York.  You are mine, Josephine.  Nothing will take you away from me.  Nothing.”
“Stefan, it’ll be fine.  No one is taking anybody anywhere.  If Kian tries anything, I’ll kill him myself before I let him hurt you or take me.”
I spun her in my arms and placed my finger against her lips, silencing her.  My eyes narrowed and my expression was cynical as I stared at her.  “You and I both know it is not going to be fine.  It is a matter of how or when.  Not if.”
My hand gripped her face and I crushed my mouth against hers, my tongue slipping between her lips.  We rolled across the bed and the kiss deepened, my hands drifting to the nape of her neck, combing through tangles of her hair.  Her lips were firm against mine, her mouth hungry and insistent.  She wrapped her arms around my back, pulling me closer to her as my thoughts spilled into her mind.
“I will not lose you.  I cannot lose you.  No.  I will rip apart anyone that attempts to take you from me.  Jag kommer att titta på dem drabbas på mina händer och njuta i deras smärta.”
She broke the kiss angrily.  “Enough!  You aren’t going to lose me.  Stop talking that way, Stefan.  You’re stuck with me.”
My expression softened and I nipped at her lips friskily between my words.  “As you are stuck with me.”
I disentangled myself and stood, regretfully looking down at her.  “As much as I wish to stay here, your friends will be arriving soon.”
Groaning loudly, she covered her eyes with her hands.  “I know, I know.  The party.”
I climbed on the bed and pulled her hands away from her face.  My hair fell into my eyes as I wrestled with her playfully.  “Shower?”
Smiling, she nodded and sat up on the bed.  Satisfied that she was right behind me, I turned and strutted towards the bathroom.
“Let’s go get clean so we can get dirty again later.”
I spun to face her, shock etched on my face.  She was pleased with herself.  She had finally managed to surprise me.
Jumping up from the bed, she breezed past me, winking at me over her shoulder.  “Last one to the shower loses.”
“I do not think there is a loser if I get you in the shower,” I said, speeding up to catch her and throw her over my shoulder.
The party was for the most part uneventful.  I was still concerned about Georgia’s behavior.  She had been reserved all night, her eyes glazed over and she made no attempt to start any trouble with either of us.
It was during this time that Josephine received a crash course into the world of immortality.  She realized that in being immortal, we all had a game to maintain.  We were forced to remain vigilant in the off-chance a human became suspicious of our ethereal good looks and never-aging appearances.
The oddest part of the night happened when Georgia approached Josephine and myself.  She was watching us with fascination, and she seemed more like her familiar brassy self when she began to question me.
“You love her.”  Her statement sounded more like a question and it was directed to me.  I looked down at her for a moment before I replied.
“As I have told you many times, I love her more than my own existence.”  I paused and studied Georgia’s unsmiling face.  “If I had to sacrifice my life for her, there would be no choice.  She will always come first.”
“You’ll take care of her?”
I let out an exasperated sigh.  “Georgia, did I just not tell you how I felt for Josephine?”
“Yeah, yeah.  I just had to ask.”  She smoothed her hand over her dark hair.  “I have friends in New York, you know.  I’ll be visiting you.  A lot.”
My entire body tensed for a split second.  I’m sure Georgia missed it; but I recovered quickly.
“Josephine will be thrilled to see you.”  I squeezed Josephine’s fingers tightly.
Georgia smiled an unnatural, peculiar smile.  It was forced, as if she’d watched other people and was mimicking it, the perfect replica of a real smile with no actual emotion behind it.  An alarm bell rang loudly in my head, causing my stomach to knot with dread as I observed her friend.  Once again, this performance reinforced that whatever was happening to Georgia was not going to end well.
The most difficult time of the night was when Josephine was forced to say her farewells to her friends.
They pulled her into a group hug and I felt Josephine’s sadness and deep sense of resolve.
“I’ll miss you both,” she sputtered as she embraced them both.
“Don’t you dare avoid my calls,” Georgia warned.  She leaned back to look in her eyes, lifeless for a moment until they sparkled again.  She seemed to be operating on a 10 second delay.
“Josie, I’ll call you tomorrow.  You still need to sign paperwork to list your house,” Anna said, tugging Georgia along with her out the door.  They stood in the doorway and turned to look back at her.  Georgia crooked her fingers in a small wave and Anna winked.  When they disappeared into the Bali night, she let out the breath she had been holding all night.
“This is it, isn’t it?”  Josephine said aloud.  Lukas and I flanked her on both sides as we watched their departure.
“For their sake it has to be, Josie,” Lukas replied.  He placed his hand on her shoulder and patted it affectionately.  “The sooner you let them go, the easier it is for you and for them.  This is the hardest part.  After 50 years or so, this won’t be so difficult.”
“Is it still worth it?”  My soft voice questioned her.  Deep down, I would never lose the fear that at any moment she would run or come to hate the life she had in front of her.
“For you, it’s worth it,” she replied, leaning into my embrace.  And with those words, she temporarily eased my fears.

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