Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1)
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After all, 200 years was a long time to search for your fated.  As I stood motionless in the apartment, the tiniest frisson of relief uncoiled in my stomach.  If I had found her today, I would have burst in unannounced.  How would have she reacted to my brutish display?  Perhaps this was yet another lesson, a learning experience.  I had already loved this woman for two centuries.  In my mind, I was committed to this creature in body and soul.
It was second nature to recall my vision, and I could picture her as clearly as if she was standing before me. Willowy and lithe, her eyes eyes tormented me, wavering between a mossy green and bright emerald.  And her mouth...her pouty lips drove me to the point of distraction.
I was becoming sloppy, careless in my haste to find her.  I had traveled across the United States as she traveled city to city, never settling.  She was restless, always moving.
If I did not know better, I would have thought her to be an immortal herself, a nomad hiding and running.
Those thoughts left me with more questions than answers.
"She's not here, Stefan.  We'll keep looking."
A hand on my shoulder interrupted my internal musing and my child's voice was reassuring.  When I turned to face him, I could see the uncertainty settling in, marring his face.  He was losing faith in my vision…as my own resolve was faltering, crumbling against the crushing blow of not finding her after yet another extensive and fruitless search.
Running my fingers through my hair, I fell back against the drywall and slid down the wall, resting my forearms against my bent knees.
"She is out there…her scent is still fresh here.  Start calling airlines, checking manifests.  She is not traveling with much," I muttered as my eyes darted around the sparsely furnished apartment.  Bookshelves were barren, closet doors stood open with empty hangers lining the rods.  My head banged back into the wall and I drew in unnecessary deep breaths, filling my nose and lungs with her intoxicating scent.  She smelled of jasmine and the cloying smell of honey, rich and mouthwatering.
His heavy sigh was filled with reluctance.  "Stefan...I have to say this.  Even if I call in every favor, this could lead to nowhere.  Again."
His petulant words earned him a steely gaze laced with disappointment.  Lukas had been with me for over 150 years, loyal and steadfast.  He had searched and shared in my suffering at near misses and close encounters.  This was the closest we had come to finding her…and we had still missed her by hours, perhaps a day at the most.  It was now that I needed his assistance the most.
My shoulders tensed.  I had not moved from the floor, nor did I meet his stare.  "Do as I ask, Lukas.  I request so little from you."
Lukas squatted down in front of me, his expression a mask of worry.  "Stefan.  I'll make the calls.  Maybe we should consider other options..."
"Other options? What would you presume I do, Lukas?  Forget about her? I am not asking you to stay.  I released you 125 years ago.  It is your choice to remain with me."  I glanced up and held his gaze.  "When I turned you, I swore I would never keep you at my side against your will.  If you do not want to continue this search with me, I understand.  But do not question me if you choose to carry on."
He sighed heavily and stood up slowly, his hands on his hips in his small act of defiance.  "I don’t doubt you or your vision.  We’ve been together for 150 years and I began this search with you and I’ll spend the next 150 years looking if that’s what it takes. Let me make a few calls.” He ruffled my hair as he fiddled with his phone. “We'll find her, Stefan.
Lukas left me as he began an animated conversation.  If I concentrated, I could hear the tinny chatter of the other person on the phone.  However, I was simply too tired and discouraged to focus.  The last 10 years had been a monotonous blur of coming close to finding her, only to be called away on Council business at the last moment or such as this case; missing her by only a matter or hours.
I heard Lukas finish the call and he was a streak as he hurried into the room.  Staring up at him expectantly, I waited for him to speak.  He was deciding on how to share the information he had obtained, his mind wavering and preventing me from seeing his future.
A large grin was plastered on his face.  "I called in a favor.  Remember that flight attendant I picked up three years ago in Monterrey?  He was a hot piece, but sadly lacking in the—”
Wearily raising my hand, I halted his story before he began to spill the sordid details.  "Lukas, I remember vividly every sexual adventure you enjoy sharing with me in explicit detail.  Can you spare me the storytelling and move along, please?"
He rolled his eyes and tapped his foot impatiently.  "I'd think you’d show me a little appreciation.  I did get the information."  Lukas waived a piece of paper in his fingers.  "Such as her flight information."
Moving in a blur from my seat on the floor, I snatched the paper from his hand and scanned the paper eagerly.  His perfect script was scrawled across a Chinese Takeout menu.
O'Hare Flight 8511 to Singapore, departing at 6:45pm.
"Singapore?"  I mused.  Glancing up from the paper, I was already turning on my heel to stop her.  As I hurried towards the car, my thoughts wandered.  She was leaving the country?  This was new...even for her.
“Stefan!” Lukas’ voice rang out from behind me.  Increasing my speed, I was opening the door when he finally reached the car. “Stefan!  How are you going to do this?  You can’t just pull her off the flight.  What will you tell her? Are you going to use some line like, ‘Hey girl, I had a vision of you 200 years ago.  Oh and by the way, I’m a vampire?”
“Get in, Lukas.”  I slid behind the wheel and gunned the engine.  As I pulled into traffic, I glanced at the dashboard clock.  5:55 p.m.  We were at least thirty minutes from the airport.  If I drove fast, possibly twenty.
Lukas was surprisingly quiet during the ride.  He was sulking, weighing his role in detaining her.  He was torn.  He wanted me to be happy, yet worried about the consequences of a mortal finding out our true nature.
Giving Lukas a quick look, I gripped the steering wheel tightly.  “It will be fine, Lukas.  If she was in my vision, she will accept me for what I am.  It may take time and many explanations, yet I am positive she will understand.”
He pursed his lips as he considered my words.  “You seem so sure.”
My eyes never left the road ahead as I weaved in and out of traffic.  “I am sure of two things in this life.  This woman…she is my other half.  And I can assure you, she will accept what and who I am.”
“And if she doesn’t?” Lukas questioned.  He was never one to give up any conversation without exploring every possible scenario.  Normally, I welcomed his questions and challenges.  Not tonight.
“She will.”
“You will not spoil this for me.  For nearly 200 years I have waited for this moment.  You will not ruin this with your negativity.”  I ran a hand through my hair and swallowed.  “When we arrive at the airport, you are to stay in the car.  Understood?”
Lukas’ scowl only increased.  His already pursed lips squeezed tighter, hollowing out his cheeks.  “Fine.  You don’t want my input anyway.”
“It is not that I do not want your input, Lukas.  I value your opinion and have for many years.  This is my destiny,” I pleaded for his understanding.  “I must find her.  She is human, not immortal.  She is susceptible to illness…”
Lukas tensed beside of me.  He himself had almost died if not for my intervention.  “Say no more.”
Sliding to a stop in the unloading zone, I let the engine idle and turned to Lukas.  His striking face was nervous as he watched me prepare to leave him.
“I will be back.  If all goes well, she will be with me,” I murmured softly.  Apprehension filled me at the realization that I would possibly find her in this busy airport.  Truth be told, I was concerned about her reaction to me.  I had years to prepare…she would be completely unaware.
Lukas placed his hand on my arm.  “Good luck.  Bring her home, Stefan.”
Simply nodding, I did my best to walk at human speed as I exited the car and headed into the airport.  My eyes scanned the departure and arrival board.  It took me mere seconds to find her gate and flight information.
Pushing through the crowds with more force than intended, I ignored the stares and angry utterances from the throng of humans.  They meant nothing to me.  They were a hindrance, nothing more.
By the time I approached her gate, the flight was boarding.  A flash of dark reddish blond hair filled my vision and her distinctive scent saturated the air.  Her bright, colorful peasant blouse and faded blue jeans disappeared into the gate.  I attempted to push through the line, only to be stopped by an attendant.
A balding, miserable man halted my stride with a push against my chest.  "Ticket?”
Craning my neck for another look, my attention was not on the man.  "I only need to speak to a woman that just boarded.  If you will just allow me on for a moment…”
“No ticket, no access.”  The man droned.  He reached around me to collect another ticket.  “If you want to board, you need to purchase a ticket.”
Frustration festered into rage.  This peon of a man was preventing me from the only thing that mattered.  He knew as well as myself that there was no feasible way to purchase an international ticket at the last moment and be able to catch the flight.
Deciding to try another ploy, I attempted to play on his emotions.  “I beg you.  The love of my existence just boarded this flight.  If you will just give me a moment to say goodbye…” My voice tapered off as I noticed the attention my outburst was drawing.  If not for the queue, I would have simply put the man under my thrall and simply ordered him to let me on the plane.  With this many humans, that option was sadly out of the question.
“Look, buddy.  Buy a ticket and you can express your deep love for the entire flight to Singapore.  Either leave or I’ll call security.  I’m sure you don’t wanna spend two hours being detained by TSA.”

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