Of Dice and Men: The Story of Dungeons & Dragons and The People Who (18 page)

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Other competitors weren’t so lucky. California gamer Steve Perrin had spent a year compiling fantasy role-playing game monsters from various sources, including home campaigns, game magazines, and rule books, when he received a TSR cease-and-desist letter. But instead of killing the project, Perrin edited out any monsters from official TSR sources and released
All the Worlds’ Monsters
through Chaosium Inc., a small game publisher based in Oakland. The bestiary didn’t get much attention from fans, but Perrin succeeded at embarrassing Gygax into action: Just weeks after
All the Worlds’ Monsters
went up for sale, TSR published its first Advanced D&D book.

The Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
Monster Manual
may have been a rush job, but its quality is undeniable. The 108-page volume was the first role-playing game book printed in hardcover; it had a stitched binding and was clad in the same rough, nearly indestructible material used for schoolbooks in the 1970s. Written entirely by Gygax, the manual compiled over 350 monsters from the five D&D rule books,
The Strategic Review,
The Dragon
; each entry included a few statistics for use in the game and a description of the beast’s behavior and habitat.

The beholder, a “
hateful, aggressive, and avaricious” creature, is described as having a spherical body that’s covered in chitinous plates; “atop the sphere are 10 eyestalks, while in its central area are a great
eleventh eye and a large mouth filled with pointed teeth.”
Displacer beasts look like pumas with thorn-covered tentacles growing out of their shoulders; “
the molecular vibrations of the displacer beast are such that it always appears to be 3´ (left, right, ahead, or behind) its actual position. Thus, these monsters always cause opponents to subtract 2 from attack dice rolls.” The catoblepas “
is loathsome beyond description and has no redeeming features”—picture an overweight buffalo with stumpy legs, a giraffe-like neck, and a warthog’s head. “Perhaps its habitat—fetid swamps and miasmal marshes—caused the bizarre combination of genetic characteristics in this monster, or perhaps it was due to some ghastly tinkering with life by a demented godling.” The gelatinous cube is a dungeon scavenger, a living mound of transparent jelly that’s “
ideal for cleaning all living organisms, as well as carrion, from the floor and walls of underground passageways.” And woe unto the armor-wearing adventurer who encounters a rust monster deep in some dark subterranean passage: “
They roam such places in search of their food—metals of all sorts, but principally ferrous based metals such as iron, steel, and steel alloys.”

Monster Manual
succeeded not just as a game supplement but by elevating the D&D rule book to fetish object. The solid construction made the book durable and portable, the kind of thing a kid could throw around and take wherever they went; Gygax’s short write-ups, paired with hundreds of illustrations by David Sutherland, David Trampier, and Tom Wham, made it perfect for browsing anytime, anywhere. The book became a beloved companion to a generation of gamers, something they came back to again and again. TSR initially printed fifty thousand copies of the
Monster Manual,
each for $9.95; over the next twelve years the company reprinted the book fifteen times. The
Monster Manual
All the Worlds’ Monsters
and reminded everyone in the role-playing game business that Gary Gygax was boss.

One fan-made game product had been dealt with, but Gygax was ready for war against the hordes. In a
column published in December 1977, he unloaded on what he must have seen as a sea of enemies beating on the gates:

Imitation is claimed to be the sincerest form of flattery, and D&D has ample reason to be flattered . . . Quite a few individuals and firms have sought to cash in on a good thing by producing material from, or for, D&D. Others have parodied the game. For most of these efforts TSR has only contempt . . .

TSR is quite willing to face competition. We founded our company with a bit of money, a lot of ideas, and no outside help. Our growth has been because we furnished products which gamers found desirable, not because we got any help from anyone else, and possibly in spite of suppression of what we were doing by actively ignoring all we did. These days TSR is too big to be ignored, D&D is too popular to pass by. We feel that competition will only sharpen our collective face, and because of it we will furnish better products which will be more popular still. By no means do we desire suppression of fair and genuine competition! . . .

I cannot resist the analogy of a lion standing over its kill. The vultures scream, and the jackals yap, when the lion drives them off without allowing them to steal bits of the meat. Perhaps a hyena will manage to successfully grab off a mouthful, but that is all. Other lions may also prey upon the same herd and make even bigger kills, but that is the law of the land. Pardon me,
please, if you find the picture not to your liking. From my end it seems most apropos, for I hear a good deal of screaming and yapping. TSR was the lion which brought down the prey, and we intend to have the benefits derived therefrom. If we share with anyone, it will be on our terms. The hunter which fails to bring down its kill dies itself.

It’s a powerful assertion of rights—and powerfully ironic, considering that at around the same time Gygax composed the essay, TSR was once again in hot water for violating someone else’s trademarks.

Despite the similarities between the Middle-earth of
The Lord of the Rings
and the fantasy worlds of Dungeons & Dragons, Gygax had always maintained that J. R. R. Tolkien’s influence on the game was minimal, and he’d been more directly inspired by Robert E. Howard’s Conan stories, Fritz Leiber’s tales of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, and other authors including Poul Anderson, L. Sprague de Camp, and Michael Moorcock.

The seeming parallels and inspirations are actually the results of a studied effort to capitalize on the then-current ‘craze’ for Tolkien’s literature,” Gygax said. “To attract those readers . . . I used certain names and attributes in a superficial manner, merely to get their attention.”

Superficial or not, they did attract attention. Saul Zaentz, an old-school Hollywood mogul who owned some of the rights to Tolkien’s works, filed a lawsuit against TSR alleging that D&D improperly used several protected terms, including “dragon,” “elf,” and “orc.” He also took exception to a new TSR product, a war game called
Battle of the Five Armies, which simulated an epic clash of goblins, humans, elves, wargs, and dwarves from
The Hobbit.
Zaentz alleged nearly half a million dollars in damages;
though Gygax was usually happy to debate Tolkien’s influence, this time he didn’t argue. The suit was settled out of court, TSR stopped selling Battle of the Five Armies, and future editions of D&D dropped some of the offending words. Thus the “hobbit” became “halfling,” “ent” became “treant,” and “balrog” became “balor demon.”

With competitors threatened, lawsuits settled, and the
Monster Manual
moving out the door faster than an air elemental
on amphetamines, TSR was growing fast and needed more space. So in the spring of 1978, the editors of
The Dragon
took over the house on Williams Street
and the rest of the staff moved downtown into a former hotel on the corner of Main Street and Broad.

The Hotel Clair was once a landmark. Back in the 1920s, when Lake Geneva was a summer retreat for Chicago’s rich and famous, it was the kind of place where Al Capone and William Wrigley Jr. might have shared a cocktail. In 1978, the building was a wreck. “It probably should have been condemned,” says Skip Williams, who helped move
the Dungeon Hobby Shop into a former bar area on the first floor. “The floors were sagging, and in some places . . . had broken away, so they were just sort of hanging there. It had these marvelous tin ceilings, which somebody who didn’t appreciate had painted over with four or five layers of paint. It would peel, and you could sit there and shoot rubber bands at it and knock it loose.”

On the second and third floors, employees were crammed into small offices, sometimes several people deep. When author and game designer Tracy Hickman started work at TSR in the spring of 1981, he was given desk space in the northwest corner of the building and discovered that the aging building presented some unique challenges to productivity.

“At one point one of the main support beams in the north side of the building had rusted through. They replaced that beam, but by the time they had it in place, the building sagged toward the north, which meant that all of the upper floors slanted northward, just slightly,” says Hickman. “I had your typical wheeled office chair, and because of the slant of the building, if I just sat in the chair, it would roll away from the desk toward the windows. So I got in the habit of hooking my foot around the leg of the chair and planting the toe of my right foot against the floorboard, to stop my chair from rolling away from the desk toward the windows. To this day I will occasionally find myself with my toe stuck behind the leg of my chair just to keep me in place, even though I don’t have a slanting floor anymore.”

Despite its decrepitude, the Hotel Clair buzzed with exuberance. “You had a lot of young people doing creative work, and a lot of them were on their first jobs out of college,” says Skip Williams. Employees shot each other with squirt guns, goofed around with toys, and even climbed out the windows onto the fire escape and up to the building’s rotting roof. “Somebody fell through a ceiling at one
point because they were screwing around in an unused attic space,” he says.

While they were having fun, TSR’s employees also managed to publish a lot of new games. In early 1978, the company released its first stand-alone adventure module,
Steading of the Hill Giant Chief,
and two sequels,
Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl
Hall of the Fire Giant King.
Temple of the Frog,
the loose scenario that appeared in the back of the
supplement, these three modules provided Dungeon Masters with a tightly written story, setting, and motivation for the players:

Giants have been raiding the lands of men in large bands, with giants of different sorts in these marauding groups. Death and destruction have been laid heavily upon every place these monsters have visited. This has caused great anger in high places . . . Therefore, a party of the bravest and most powerful adventurers has been assembled and given the charge to punish the miscreant giants. These adventurers must deliver a sharp check, deal a lesson to the clan of hill giants nearby, or else return and put their heads upon the block for the headsman’s axe!

Gygax wrote the trilogy after he finished the
Monster Manual
and wanted to take a break from rule books; they’re full of vivid detail and descriptions that made the adventures come alive for players.
Later in the year, he took another break from AD&D to write a sequel trilogy,
Descent into the Depths of the Earth, Shrine of
the Kuo-Toa,
Vault of the Drow,
which take the players onward to confront the force behind the rampaging giants—evil subterranean elves called the Drow. These modules are looser, more about exploration, but equally compelling. In 1986, TSR republished all six adventures along with their 1980 finale,
Queen of the Demonweb Pits,
as a single “supermodule” called
Queen of the Spiders
; many gamers consider it the greatest D&D adventure of all time.

Another module published in 1978,
Tomb of Horrors,
has a darker reputation: the deadliest game ever written. Originally created by Gygax for the first Origins Game Fair, a war-gaming convention held in July 1975 in Baltimore, Maryland, the adventure was meant to challenge out-of-control players, putting their outrageously powerful D&D characters to the test—and, hopefully, killing them. Gygax lures the unwitting PCs into the tomb of the evil wizard Acererak with promises of “rich treasures both precious and magical,” but then unloads a series of complicated puzzles and nightmarish traps on them, like a hallway where the entire floor is balanced on a fulcrum, so that when players proceed past a certain point it tips and dumps them into a pit of molten lava. Few survive long enough to collect any treasure, and even fewer manage to find their way back through the deadly maze and escape with their spoils. Once the guys in my D&D group decided to take a short break from Vampire World and spend a few sessions testing our mettle against the tomb; not a single player made it out alive. R. C. died in the tomb’s very first hallway when he jumped into a hole he thought led deeper into the complex but turned out to be a sphere of annihilation.

By the summer of 1978, TSR had eighteen full-time employees, several dozen successful products, and at least a hundred thousand devoted fans of its games around the world. A survey published in the June issue of the
Judges Guild Journal
indicated that the average role-playing game fan was a twenty-one-year-old male
college student, with all the free time for games and disposable income that demographic implies.

Finally, just in time for Gen Con XI in August, TSR delivered a new edition of Dungeons & Dragons. While the
Monster Manual
may have been the first book to bear the AD&D moniker, it collected only descriptions of creatures and didn’t actually contain much in the way of new and revised rules; in contrast, the
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Players Handbook
offered 128 pages of detailed instructions. Gygax hadn’t just revised D&D—he’d rewritten and expanded it into a whole new game.

Sure, the core was familiar. AD&D preserved all the good stuff from the original D&D rules and supplements: characters had the same ability categories (strength, intelligence, wisdom, constitution, dexterity, and charisma) and were still sorted into a few basic professions. But while the original
Men & Magic
booklet spent less than a thousand words describing the game’s main classes (fighting man, magic-user, and cleric), the
Players Handbook
dedicated more than fifteen thousand words to five core classes (cleric, fighter, magic-user, thief, and monk) and five subclasses (druid, paladin, ranger, illusionist, and assassin). Each was fleshed out and detailed: Clerics, for instance, were now required to maintain a relationship with a specific deity,
carrying its holy symbol, showing devotion through daily prayers, and behaving in a manner pleasing to that god. Failure to comply could result in the revocation of magical ability, since a cleric’s powers were bestowed in return for “
diligent prayers and deeds.”

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