Of Heroes And Villains (Book 4) (33 page)

BOOK: Of Heroes And Villains (Book 4)
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“What are friends for?” Aidan chuckled.

“Well, this is highly suspect,” a pleasant, sweet voice muttered from the shadows between the two cabins. The boys turned, half-worried too much had been heard when the intruder stepped into the moonlight. Isaac smiled with glee.

“Morrigan! How good it is to see you! To what do we owe the pleasure of being able to bask in the glory of the marvelous, radiant, magnificent – “

“ – put a lid on it, Isaac. I’m sick of your false praise,” she snapped, pushing her maroon, thick, horn-rimmed glasses further up the bridge of her nose.

“But I thought you like that sort of thing. Sucking up,” he grinned. “Or is it only acceptable when you’re the one doing it?”

“I love people sucking up to me,” she smiled through her rapidly blinking eyes and thick green lipstick, “but I would hardly consider you a person. Something between a virus and a deformed toad is more precise.”

“Yet I’m still on the evolutionary chain. There’s hope for me yet. Oh, Morrigan!” Isaac pretended to swoon as he pranced around her with clasped hands. “Your compliments are like the kiss of snowflakes upon the cheek.”

“That wasn’t even remotely intelligent.”

“So, what do you want?” Aidan said bluntly, crossing his arms. “Ms. Head of the Discipline Squad. Here to follow up on some rumors?”

“Are they rumors, Aidan?” she said, leaning close to his face. “Considering every single person present at that presentation is ready to testify against you?”

“Oh, is that how many people I have to kill tonight?”

“You’re not funny.”

“Murder never is.”

“You have a subpoena tomorrow morning at 8 a.m,” she said, handing him a folded packet of paper. Isaac whistled at the size. “I assume you know where the Squad’s chambers are located.”

“You assume wrong. I’ve never been there in my entire life.”

“And afterwards, I can tutor you in the library on proper use of the Obsidial language. It can help with whatever…backwards, wild man grunting thing that’s dribbling off your lips.”

“Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s not green,” he said, gagging at her lipstick. She gave a false smile, her cheekbones raised as high as they could go.

“Language doesn’t have a color, imbecile. See what I mean about having to tutor you?”

“That’s the second time you’ve mentioned us getting together,” Aidan raised an eyebrow. “Are you asking me out on a date?”

“I would rather choke on my own vomit,” she said with an up-curled lip. “And I would never do such a thing as to taint my reputation.”


“Do you even know the meaning to -” she turned to Isaac. “Can you please enlighten your dense friend here?”

“Enlighten? What poetic enunciation is this?” Isaac batted his eyes. “Perhaps the lady cares to educate this backwards gent on the particulars. You know green happens to be my favorite color.”

“Go jump off a bridge,” Morrigan said flatly. She shoved them aside and headed back towards the village center where the crowd was enjoying themselves. Both of them couldn’t help staring at her strange, multi-layered clothing ensemble and bouncing pink pigtails as she walked off.

“You think that’s her natural color?” Aidan asked, but Isaac ignored him.

“Her speech loses some of its bite everyday,” Isaac sighed. Aidan unfolded his arms and glanced at him. He didn’t know what to think of their strange relationship. Sometimes he was sure Isaac was in love with her, and then in the next second, it couldn’t be anything but loathing. What went on in that head of his?

“All of Lowsunn knows I’m not going to that hearing,” Aidan declared out loud. Isaac nodded in agreement as he continued staring off where Morrigan had long disappeared to.

“She knows too, but it’s part of the job description. Has to keep up a good standing for the higher-ups. She is the only villager our age to gain their favor. She probably has an exemption.”

“Ugh,” Aidan gagged. “Then who would want to be here a moment longer? I’ll never understand women like her.”

“You don’t understand women, period.”

“Oh, and you’re one to talk!”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You drive me nuts every time I see the two of you interact,” Aidan shook his head. “Your eyes study her like she’s a new species whenever she walks by but then your lips say otherwise.”

“I’m maintaining my distance until I’m sure of who she is, that’s all. I know what I’m doing. Unlike you.”

“Are you talking about Leah again?”

“You said her name. Not me.”

“I know her well enough,” Aidan said, glancing away and re-folding his arms.


“We have a class together. Woodworking.”

“Right. I’ll make sure to check the roster and see if it exists.”

“We were partners. The teacher put us together. She made me a practice sword.”


“You don’t believe me?”

“I didn’t say that. I just suspect there’s more to the story than you’re willing to admit. Don’t you remember who you’re talking to?”

“Right,” Aidan said, closing his eyes. “The last thing I need is to be thrown on your radar. I don’t know what’s worst. Being a part of your conspiracies or listening about them.”

“I would say listening, because then we can work together. We’ve yet to figure out the mystery of the disappearing chocolate cake.”

“I already told you,” Aidan sighed, slapping his forehead. “The head of the dining commons ate it whole.”

“But she’s so nice.”

She’s fat
,” Aidan stressed. “And noticeably fatter after the incident.”

“That’s stress from the job.”

“For someone who’s paranoid, you sure are willing to dismiss those you like.”

“She could be pregnant.”

“Yeah, you go ahead and ask her.”

“I’m a gentleman. I wouldn’t think of it.”

“Uh-huh. Or is it because she gives you the leftover cookies after hours?”

“You saw that?”

“Now who’s part of a conspiracy?”

“At least you’re not,” he smiled. “You’re not on my radar…yet.”

“Lucky me,” Aidan said as he began heading inside the cabin. “Lucky me.”


*              *              *


The nightmare was more vivid than usual, and what made it worse was that for the first time, Aidan couldn’t wake himself up. He was back home again, falling out of bed over the piercing screams he heard coming from outside. He thought it was all a figment of his imagination, that he had just conjured it up in his sleep, but the shrieks didn’t let up. Disoriented, he staggered to his tiny, clay hut window, and scanned the area.

His neighbors were outside his window.

And they were on fire.

Aidan rushed out the open door, so concerned with the plight of his neighbors that he didn’t even think of whether his parents and little sister would be okay. They had been outside the safety of their home.

As soon as his feet the dirt, however, he was paralyzed.

The sky had turned a blood red. The clouds - a lightning blue, and a sickly yellow rain drizzled from the heavens, slowly corroding the clay of their homes and withering their bountiful harvest even faster. Aidan stepped back inside as soon as he realized the yellow rain’s effects, but it didn’t appear to affect his skin any more than regular water did. Still, he took off his shirt and wrapped it in a turban around his head for protection, rushing back out and searching for a solution to the fires. A way to save his people.

Water, sand, blankets – nothing worked.

And as he watched them all stumble and fall, with no more than a twitch once they hit the soil - he wondered why he was the only one not afflicted. He felt like throwing up, and the only thing that prevented him was the sudden boom in the distance, sounding as if the planet itself had just cracked in half. He ran to the source, past the smoldering clay huts and the recently deceased until he hit the edge of what was once his home, now just a land of fertilized soil, sitting atop the second mountain of Tilkin.

A firestorm was coming towards him, rolling across the adjacent mountains and valleys with a mix of thunder, flames, sand and destruction. Aidan stayed frozen in fear as it approached with a deafening roar. Nothing he did could save him. His fate would be no different than those of his people.

And he didn’t mind at all.

He closed his eyes as he felt his skin begin to singe and crackle, the hairs on his arms and head already gone. He winced and grit his teeth through the tears, accepting his certain fate when unexpectedly…

A voice asked him a question.

“What do you wish for right now?”

Without a moment’s hesitation, the sole survivor of Quinn spoke.

“I wish I was protected from the fire!” he cried aloud.

Just as the firestorm descended upon him, he screamed, not over the incoming storm, but the intense ripping sensation that came from his right arm. Three seals appeared in an instant. Two illuminated, signifying wishes yet to be granted, and one dark – blackened over the words he had just uttered. He had no time to examine the symbols. The pain in his arm was too great. All he could do was roar within a cloud of mixed emotions as the firestorm engulfed him, destroying his village, his friends, and everything he had ever loved within seconds, leaving no trace behind. As if his life had never existed.

He screamed and screamed and at one point, he went mad.

But then it was over.

The storm subsided, vanishing into thin air as if it had achieved its sole purpose…and only Aidan remained amidst the smoking ruins. Two tornadoes of fire, as small as bracelets, circled his wrists at an increasing rate of speed, but he wasn’t looking at them or the devastation at his feet. He couldn’t contain his rage any longer.

It erupted like a solar flare and in an instant, everything within a five mile radius was reduced to flat land, mountains and all. The village of Quinn and the mountains of Tilkin were wiped clean from Obsidian.

Aidan barely survived the fall from the mountaintop as it crumbled beneath his feet like an avalanche. Even after he awoke, all he could do was breathe in the soot, and cough, and swear.

What had happened to his people…his village – it could not have been an act of nature. Nature had been a catalyst, but it was surely not the cause. Red sky? Yellow rain? No, this was a biological attack of some sort. And someone had definitely spoken to him before the firestorm had arrived. That voice…that voice would know what had happened to his people.

It would know who was responsible for their deaths.

It would know who had to die by his trembling, eager hands…



Continued in:

Obsidian Sky (Book #1 of the Obsidian Saga)

(Now Available)





Novels by Julius St. Clair:



The Last of the Sages

The Dark Kingdom (Book 2 of the Sage Saga)

Hail to the Queen (Book 3 of the Sage Saga)

Of Heroes and Villains (Book #4 of the Sage Saga)

Obsidian Sky (Book 1 of the Obsidian Saga)

End of Angels (Angel Story, Book 1)

Angels of Eden (Angel Story, Book 2)


Supernatural Thrillers:

The Deadly Ones


Science Fiction:

Upgrade (The Androids Trilogy, Book 1)


Paranormal Romance:

My Immortal Playlist





Short Stories:

Face Punch

Shepherd of the Wolves

Sanctuary (A Short Love Story)

Reluctant Hero: A Superhero Story (Champion # 1)

Brothers of Fire and Rain (The Weather Brothers # 1)

The First and Last Kiss (A Modern Day Fairytale)

Static Rain

I saw God in a crazy dead toothed Hispanic kid

Girl of My Dreams




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Table of Contents

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1 – Talented

Chapter 2 – The Order of Things

Chapter 3 – Say That One More Time

Chapter 4 – Reenactment

Chapter 5 – Intervention

Chapter 6 – Search

Chapter 7 – The Well

Chapter 8 – Hide and Seek

Chapter 9 – Letting Go

Chapter 10 – Push

Chapter 11 – Nightmares

Chapter 12 – First Day

Chapter 13 – Equals?

Chapter 14 – Old Weapons

Chapter 15 – Just In Case

Chapter 16 – Promotions

Chapter 17 – Ancient

Chapter 18 – Them

Chapter 19 – Deliberation

Chapter 20 – Our Darkest Hour

Chapter 21 – Under the Moonlight, We Fight

Chapter 22 – For Your Soul, I’ll Die

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