Off Chance (16 page)

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Authors: Sawyer Bennett

BOOK: Off Chance
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With Flynn sitting on the bed, my face is at the same level as his. Our bodies are perfectly aligned for me to kiss him soundly. I could just lean forward, ever so slightly, and my lips would touch his. I can tell that is exactly what he expects me to do.

I take one step in further until the outside of my thighs graze the inside of his and our chests touch. The closeness demands I wrap my arms fully around his neck and I do so. I hold my head back just a touch, so our lips are the last thing that will touch.

We stare at each other, silently. Our faces are so close, my eyes glaze over a bit trying to look into his.

“I’m going to kiss you now,” I whisper.

His arms wrap around me, squeezing me closer.

“Okay,” he whispers back.

I don’t waste any time before I press my mouth against his. We mutually open up to each other and I tilt my head sideways. Our mouths move against each other, tasting... testing boundaries.

One of Flynn’s hands moves from around my back to hold the back of my head, pushing me in tighter to him. His tongue slips into my mouth at the same time and at the first contact with mine, both of groan loudly.

The kiss turns more fevered and I’m riddled with the need to touch more of him. As if sensing the urge within me, Flynn’s hands drop and grip under my ass. In one smooth move, he scoots his butt further back on the bed and hauls me onto his lap. As my legs part to straddle him, my gaze travels down and I see the towel has opened completely. A moan of appreciation slips out when I see how hard he is.

“Fuck,” he hisses. “If you keep looking at me like that, I won’t be responsible for the way you walk tomorrow.”

His sinful words shoot lust through my body as I imagine Flynn fucking me so hard I can’t walk and my eyes slam back into his. The gaze only lasts a second before his mouth is back on mine and his hands are tangled in my hair.

I’m completely overwhelmed by the intimacy that swirls around us. Flynn’s mouth is almost inducing catatonia in me while his hands are causing mini-volcanic eruptions everywhere they touch.

Falling, falling, falling... fast.

I struggle to clear my head, and remember that we are friends.

Just friends.

I should pull back and stop this before we both do something stupid and ruin our friendship.

Yes...pull back. That’s what I should do.

I will.

In just a moment.

After we kiss for just a bit more.

I’m into the second day of my three-day shift and I stare at the loudspeaker on the wall, willing it to crackle and spit to life with a call. I’m jonesing for a call... even if it’s to get a fucking cat out of a tree.


Anything to get my mind off Rowan.

We had made out like two sex-starved teenagers the other day, both of us too hesitant to move past second base. I’m not sure why we didn’t go further, because there was nothing more that I wanted to do than strip Rowan naked, lay her out on the bed, and make her come hard. I wanted her to reach down between my legs, take my aching dick in her hands, and give me the same pleasure.

But none of those things happened. We kissed... deep, long, hot kissing. There was plenty of moaning, lots of tongue, but our hands still remained on good behavior and didn’t venture too far. I kept mine mostly on Rowan’s head, sometimes stroking down her back and, yes, once... I gripped her ass and reveled at the groan she rewarded me with.

Rowan ran her hands over my shoulders, down my arms... digging her fingers into my biceps. She touched my chest, laying her warm hands flat against my pecs, and lightly stroked my skin. It drove me crazy and I silently begged her to touch my nipples.

I have no clue how long we made out. It could have gone on another five hours and I would have been deliriously happy, despite the fact I would probably be sporting the biggest set of blue balls in the history of mankind. But at some point, Rowan pulled back, her hands resting on my cheeks. She looked at me... the deepest, softest look she had ever bestowed my way... and she said, “We should slow down.”

I groaned. I couldn’t help it. Guys are conditioned to involuntarily groan when a woman puts a screeching halt on our sex-capades. I flexed my fingers open and closed with frustration, wanting to just pull her back in and start kissing the fuck out of her.

But then, I realized it was Rowan sitting on my lap... a girl that I was apparently willing to lay my life down for on two occasions so far, and I knew that she was right. We should slow it down. Starting an intense relationship under the already bizarre circumstances that threw us together was probably not a good idea.

So I kissed her lightly, one more time, and I gently pushed her off my lap. Her face was flushed, her lips were swollen, and her chest was heaving. I still get a rush of satisfaction over that image. She merely gave me a small nod of her head—after sneaking a glance down at my erection—and walked out of my room. I got up, headed for the shower, and jumped back in so I could jerk off...
... to thoughts of Rowan.

After that, the rest of our night was uneventful. We ate dinner and played cards. I wanted to kiss her again but she put up a wall and maintained a slight level of aloofness that told me it wasn’t going to happen. She went to bed early and was still sleeping when I left for work the next morning.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, startling me from my thoughts. I pull it out and my heart leaps a bit when I see it’s from Rowan.

Met Food called. I didn’t get job. Back to the drawing board.

My heart now hurts for Rowan. She was so excited yesterday about having an interview at a grocery store just a few blocks from my apartment. She had texted me right after, telling me that she thought it went well and was hoping she got it.

This girl is amazing. Yeah, it’s a simple job as a checkout clerk, but her enthusiasm and pride over getting any job humbles me just a bit. I’ve never met anyone that is so intent on doing things the hard way, just to show that she can do it.

No worries. You’ll get something soon. Faith in you.

And I do... have faith in her. There is no person I know in this world that wouldn’t land on their feet with as much grace as I know Rowan will.

Thx. At least your apartment is sparkling. Bored so cleaning.

That’s my girl. Keeping busy... earning her keep. I grin inside thinking of her bent over my bathtub, and immediately start getting a boner. I need to dial it back a bit!

I start to text her back but my phone rings. It’s Buzz Matheson calling.

I connect the call. “What’s up, Buzz?”

“Got some good news. I tried to call Rowan but got her voice mail.”

“Yeah, she’s more of a texter than a talker. Tell me you got the bastard.”

Buzz chuckles. “Yeah, we got him. Picked him up this morning. He was holed up with some woman over in Long Island.”

Well, it didn’t take long for him to start fucking around. For the life of me, I can’t figure out why he wants Rowan so bad if he can just go shack up with another woman so quickly.

“How’d you find him?”

“We got a tip from an informant who actually gave us a bit more than just his whereabouts. They pulled a body out of the Hudson yesterday... apparently, a rival drug dealer of Juice’s. Rumor has it that Juice whacked him.”

I’m silent for a moment, digesting that piece of news. It makes my hair stand on end, knowing that this guy is probably a murderer. “You think that was the guy that set the house on fire?”

“Who knows? Could be. Doesn’t much matter to me since I have enough evidence on the kidnapping charges to hold him and he won’t make bail. Hopefully, homicide can build a case for the murder, too.”

“Hope so, man.”

“Yeah, well, listen... tell Rowan thanks again for talking to me but prepare her... if this goes to trial... she’s going to have to testify.”

Yeah, good luck with that
, I thought. “What do you think the chances of that are?”

“I’m hoping he’ll cut a deal in exchange for giving up his supplier. It would be best for him if he did. I’ll keep you posted, okay?”

“Sure. Thanks, Buzz.”

After I disconnect, I dial Rowan’s cell. She probably won’t answer if Buzz just tried to call her but I take a chance.

She picks up on the second ring.

“Hey,” she says, and just the sound of her voice washes over me like a drug.

“Buzz just called.”

“Yeah, he tried to call me but I didn’t answer. What did he want?”

“They got Juice in custody.”

I wait for her to respond but I’m met with silence. Then I hear it... faintly. A long exhale of relief.

“You okay?” I ask gently.

Her voice warbles just a bit when she answers. “Yeah. Just happy is all.”

“Me too. You’re safe now.”

The minute I say those words, I think to myself,
She’s going to leave now that Juice is off the streets.

“Don’t leave,” I blurt out.

“What?” Her voice is startled, which gives me a small measure of relief that she wasn’t thinking the same exact thing I was at that same exact moment.

“Just because Juice is in custody... I don’t want you to leave. In fact, I want to open up the position of roommate to you permanently. I was looking for one anyway before I met you. And once you get a job, you can split expenses with me fifty-fifty. So... don’t leave, okay? At least not until I get home.”

Man, that was a mouthful and my face heats up a bit that I just sort of bared my soul to her. She has to know I’m not asking her to stay because I want rent, right? She has to know I want her to stay because I want her to stay.

I’m met with a soft laugh of amusement. “I’ll stay, Flynn. Don’t worry. I’ll see you day after tomorrow.”

My breath rushes out in relief. “Good. I’ll see you day after tomorrow.”

I go to disconnect the call but I clearly hear her say, “Stay safe, Flynn.”

She cares... I know she does.

The loudspeaker hisses and issues a long crackle, then I’m jumping up from my rack as the call comes in.

After we return to the Station, I take a quick shower and hang out on my bunk for a while.

“Hey, Caldwell.” I look up and one of my crewmates, Gigi Scaletti, stands in the doorway. “You have a visitor out front.”

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah... tall, long hair... broody looking.” She flashes me a grin.

“Must be my cousin, Nix.”

“Is he single? Because if so, I’m willing to be all over that if you know what I mean.”

Yes, I do know what she means and I just shake my head with a smirk. Gigi tries hard to be one of the guys, when she really doesn’t have to. She’s proven her worth as a teammate a million times over, so I let her down gently.

“Sadly, he’s very taken. Engaged in fact.”

“Damn,” she says but she really doesn’t look heartbroken in the slightest. “Guess I’ll keep looking.”

When I get to the front bay, sure enough, Nix is leaning up against the truck talking to Tim. As I approach, I hear Tim say, “See ya, Nix.” They fist bump and Tim heads toward the kitchen.

“Hey, man. What brings you over to this corner of the world?”

He jerks his thumb over his shoulder. “I was just delivering a piece of art to an accounting firm here in Brooklyn and thought I’d stop by. See how things are going.”

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