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Authors: Emma Jay

Off Limits (11 page)

BOOK: Off Limits
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After long moments—God, he was a good kisser—his fingertips drifted down her throat to rest on the strap of fabric that looped around her neck. She held her breath in anticipation, but instead of cupping her breast, he found the fastener beneath her hair. With a deft move, he unhooked it, and the bodice drooped, pinned between their bodies. He made no move to free it, instead finding the zipper at the small of her back with no hesitation. Of course he would have noticed how to get her out of her clothes. He’d probably been planning this move all night. Only then did he put enough space between them so that the dress fell to the floor. He gave her that heart-stopping grin and lifted her out of the puddle of fabric, one arm around her naked waist, one behind her knees.

Her heart hammered—no lover had carried her to bed before. But Zach swept her into his arms as if she weighed no more than the dress she left behind. With one hand resting below her breast, he carried her down the hall to his dimly lit bedroom and lowered her to the soft cotton comforter. He leaned over her, still completely dressed, grin fading just a bit as lust took over. She shoved at his jacket until he helped her peel it off, along with his shirt, and she arched her back to rub her aching nipples against his chest.

He allowed that for only a moment before he shifted away, bending his head to her throat, following the line to her collarbone, to the hollow at the base of her throat. His breathing was ragged as he dropped kisses down her breast.

“I didn’t pay these enough attention last time. You have gorgeous breasts, Paige.”

She fisted her fingers in the comforter to resist the desire to drag his head to her flesh. Finally, finally, he parted his lips over her tight nipple and sucked deep.

Wetness flooded her pussy at the sensation she’d longed for, as his tongue curled, his mouth pulled, his teeth nipped.

“Touch me. God, Zach, I’m so close.”

She thought he would deny her, because he turned his head to her other breast and gave it gentler attention, his tongue moving in swirls and licks that almost distracted her from noticing his fingertips gliding down her stomach to slip under the elastic of her lace panties. She whimpered and lifted her hips toward his touch. He stroked her curls, and with one finger, he parted her, gliding over her slick flesh, the petals, the swollen bud. When she rolled her hips up, he withdrew his hand and raised his head, touching his fingers to his lips.

Tasting her.
She couldn’t stop the groan at the eroticism of the gesture. Her own desire overwhelmed her, and she shoved at his shoulders until he took her meaning and turned onto his back. She straddled him, her fingers fumbling for the snap of his slacks, reaching inside to close around his erection as she nuzzled his nipple, savoring the brush of his chest hair against her cheek.

She released him only long enough to drag his slacks over his muscular thighs, moving down his body until the cap of his penis tapped her cheek. She gave it a promising kiss and continued farther, helping him get naked, then moved back up to cup his cock in both hands, her gaze on his face, feeling the catch of his breath as he watched her. She rose on her knees and lifted his erection so he’d have a good view as she opened her mouth over the head of him, savoring the musky taste, sliding her tongue around the ridge of flesh, lingering on the sensitive underside that had his whole body tensing. The tendons in his throat tightened as she glided her lips down his length, her tongue sliding along the pulsing veins, her fingers slipping between his thighs to toy with his balls, her thumb rubbing rhythmically over the seam of flesh separating them.

His cockhead bumped against the back of her throat, and she hesitated before opening her throat, closing her lips around the root of his shaft. She slid her mouth up to kiss the head of him.

He curved his hand around the back of her head. “Your mouth—Christ, Paige.” He lifted his hips, pushing deeper, stretching her lips, her throat, before pushing her away, his erection sliding free.

In one smooth movement he sat up and took her mouth, the kiss deep and carnal, his tongue thrusting, rubbing along hers as he held her. Finally he released her head and cupped her hips, drawing her forward onto his lap so that the hair of his thighs rasped the insides of hers, his cock, hard and hot and heavy, rested against the top of her sex. She needed him inside her, now.

“Condom. Hurry,” she demanded, her lips feeling ungainly after being stretched around his shaft.

He twisted, careful not to dislodge her, and opened the nightstand drawer. He snagged one, opened it and rolled it on. He’d barely secured it before she lifted herself over him, taking him deep in a slow slide. He watched her—not where their bodies joined, but her face, his hands resting lightly on her hips as she rose, savoring the caress of his cock along every nerve in her channel. She placed her palms on his chest and felt him holding his breath as she took him inside, squeezing her muscles along his length, watching his nostrils flare. She angled her hips forward with each thrust, letting the hair of his groin tickle her swollen clit, wanting his touch, but wanting to savor every stroke of his body, the rhythm she’d been aching for.

He leaned forward to kiss her, his teeth scraping her chin, her throat, his stubbled chin nuzzling the tops of her breasts.

“Beautiful,” he said against her skin. “Gorgeous. Jesus, Paige.”

He flexed his hips into hers, deepening the thrusts, making her gasp. She folded her arms around his shoulders and held on as he drove into her, his fingers gripping her hips, spreading her legs wider so her pussy was completely open to him. Each thrust caressed her clit, sending heat shooting through her blood, winding her up until she couldn’t breathe. Then, his head tilted back so he could watch her, Zach brushed his thumb over the aching bud.

Despite her earlier claims that she’d go off the minute he touched her, the suddenness of the orgasm shocked her. That little caress sent fire spiraling through her blood as her muscles gripped along his thrusting shaft, trying to grasp every sensation, trying to draw out the orgasm.

But there was no time to catch her breath before he tilted her onto her back, spreading her legs wider, and pounded into her, balls-deep. She stroked his damp temple, watching the intensity in his features soften to pleasure before he dropped his forehead to hers, buried deep inside so she could feel the pulsing of his cock as he came.

“Give me a few minutes,” he managed at last, rising on shaking arms and withdrawing from her with a reluctance her own body echoed. “And we’ll go again. I can’t get enough of you.”

Paige drew in a breath as he rolled off the bed and headed into the bathroom to discard the condom. She couldn’t ruin tonight by wondering what that meant—if he was talking about sex tonight or if he had something more lasting in mind.

No, she wouldn’t do that to herself. She’d enjoy the time they had, and she’d see what the morning would bring.



Paige blinked against the sunlight that streamed through the window. She lifted her head from the pillow and looked around. Zach’s bedroom. No Zach. She stretched on the very soft, no-doubt-expensive white sheets and sat up to look around.

The room was impeccably neat—even her dress hung on the hook on the closet door. Curiosity getting the better of her, she slipped out of bed and peeked into the closet. Suits were lined together on one side, with dress shirts beside them, and on the other side, jeans and more casual clothes. Did most men have this many clothes? She was certain most weren’t this neat. She selected a denim shirt from a hanger—Ralph Lauren, of course—and slipped it on before stepping into an equally neat bathroom lined with pricey shaving products. After she attended to business, she took a deep breath and padded into the living room.

Zach sat at the breakfast bar with a bowl of cereal in front of him. He was dressed for work, minus his jacket and tie, and completely uncomfortable. Right away, she knew. He was shutting her out again.

He pushed to his feet but didn’t look at her. “Want some cereal? I’m not much of a breakfast person, so that’s all I have on hand.”

She took a deep breath to ease her shaking and put on what she hoped was a cheerful smile. Maybe if they got out of here, he’d relax, since he clearly didn’t want her in his space. “I’m already going to be late for work. Why don’t we go out for breakfast?”

His answering smile was more of a grimace. “I’m not much of a go-out-for-breakfast person either. And all you have is your red dress.”

She shrugged, though her shoulders were so tight she thought they’d snap. “We could go by my apartment so I could change.” But she already knew it wouldn’t happen, even as he said her name on a sigh. She straightened. Pride wouldn’t allow her to release the tears that burned the backs of her eyes. He’d had her so convinced he wanted her, beyond the bedroom. Fool her once, and all that. “Right. Well, I’ll get dressed and you can call me a cab.”

“I’ll take you home.”

She didn’t think she could hold on to her composure that long. “No need.” She’d hoped for a breezier tone, but heard the strain in it. She turned toward the bedroom, unable to look at him.

“Paige. I just don’t—no one ever spends the night.”

Temper took over and she whirled on him. “You could have easily woken me and taken me home. Then I wouldn’t be late.”

His jaw tightened like he wanted to say something but didn’t, and he stared at a spot over her shoulder. That only made her angrier. She strode across the room toward him. Her inner five-year-old wanted to shove him in the chest with both hands.

“You think you want your sacred space.” She spread her hands to encompass the apartment. She hoped he didn’t see how she was shaking. “This is what’s important to you. But you’re lonely, trying to fill something that’s missing, or you wouldn’t go out every night. You want everything so orderly so you can be in control, and I’m messing that up. But you’re the one who came to my apartment, Zach Purser. You came to me. You think you’re Mr. Aloof-and-Cool but you really don’t like to be alone. You came to spend time with me twice. Twice, Zach. I didn’t worm my way in here. You came to me.”

His lips pressed in a thin line but he said nothing, just kept his eyes lowered. She wanted to snap her fingers in front of his face, anything to get a response.

Stepping back, she yanked his shirt over her head, hearing the rip of fabric echo in the silent room. A flicker of distress darkened his expression as she dropped the shirt in a heap in the middle of the floor and marched naked back into the bedroom for her dress. She grabbed it off the hook and dropped it over her head, then looked around the immaculate room. She wanted to knock things off the dresser, tear garments from hangers, but she calmed herself. She’d known what she was getting into here. She knew who he was. That she wanted him to be someone else was her own fault.

He stood by the front door when she strode out of the bedroom.

“Let me take you home,” he offered in a maddeningly calm voice. “I can even take you to work if you’d like.”

God. Work. She wasn’t going to be able to hold herself together at work. She’d have to call in, but damned if she’d let him know that.

“I can take care of myself, Zach.” She positioned herself in front of him so that he had no choice but to look into her eyes. “I’m all grown up now. I’ll wait for the cab downstairs, if you’ll be so kind as to call. I’m sure you have their number on speed-dial.”

He stepped back and lifted the phone. She didn’t wait to see if she was right about speed-dial. That would have just been too much. Instead, she swung open the door with as much aplomb as she could gather and marched down the stairs.

She didn’t let the tears come until she was home in her room.

Chapter Seven

Matt and J.R. had decided they didn’t want separate bachelor parties, but one big party the week before the wedding to celebrate the, well, the celebration. Which meant Paige would see Zach this weekend, like it or not. He’d called—she’d give him that—but she’d let the three attempts go to voice mail. The first time, he hadn’t left a message. The other two were stilted apologies, but no invitation to meet face to face. Maybe he was scared she’d go to Adam and tell him to kick Zach’s ass.

No, if anyone was going to kick it, she was. She might get her chance at this party.

Now she just needed a shield. So she bought a new eat-your-heart-out dress and shoes way beyond her budget. And she asked Matt to fix her up with one of his friends from work. She loathed the idea of a blind date, but she trusted her brother, and she needed something to occupy her thoughts, which would otherwise be filled with seeing Zach.

She didn’t tell Matt that, of course.

“I know just the guy,” Matt told her over the phone. “Handsome, well-dressed, successful.”

“So why doesn’t he already have a date?”

“He may be a little gay. He just doesn’t know it yet.”

That surprised a laugh from her. Maybe she wouldn’t be as occupied as she hoped.

“Should I tell him to pick you up?”

“No, if things don’t work out I don’t want to have to worry about getting home. I’ll just meet him there.”



Matt and J.R. had rented an upscale restaurant downtown for the occasion. Paige arrived about halfway through the cocktail hour, wishing she hadn’t fallen quite so in love with shoes that hurt after walking three blocks from the only parking space she’d been able to find. She smoothed her skirt and scanned the place for Zach—she’d looked for his car on the way here too—but didn’t see him. She ordered a martini and accepted it just as Matt called her name.

Her brother looked radiantly happy as he hugged her, then pulled her forward, toward the row of windows overlooking the city.

“Your date’s here.”

Nerves tickled her stomach, and she inspected the tables, looking for a man alone. She found one, his back to her, thick brown hair impeccably combed, expensive suit neatly pressed, and familiarity kicked those nerves into high gear. She dug in her heels, pulling her arm free from Matt’s.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

BOOK: Off Limits
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