Here's a handy guide to get you started on color basics. People with fair skin, light hair, blue eyes, and soft features (You know, cute like me!) look great in soft pastels: pale pink, pale blue, ivory, lavender. We don't always look good in black. Don't be afraid of pastels. Remember, wearing pink doesn't make you gay. And if you have blue eyes, wearing bright blues just intensifies them. It's the next best thing to getting laid.
If you're one of our dark and swarthy friendsâmmmm my favorite!âand have strong features, you generally look great in strong colors: black, chocolate brown, warm orange, aubergine (That's French for eggplant!) The darker your skin, the more you can get away with wearing those bright reds and yellows and oranges.
What if you're stuck in the middle, with mousy brown hair and medium-tone skin? Life's not so bad, my friend! Put those pills down. You can wear any color under the sun, including those yummy muted earth tones like English khaki, taupe, and my favorite, loden green.
Just like finding your colors, dressing for your body type is so very personal. God made you unique, just like everybody else! You have to experiment to see what works best for your body's proportions and shapes. If you're shaped like a pear, you've got bigger problems than knowing what to wear.
All this mumbo jumbo about what you should do for a round face, square face, etc. is preposterous. Everybody's shaped differentlyâlike snowflakes! You're really going to have to experiment. Contrary to what most people say, unless you're rocking a body like Jabba the Hutt, loose-fitting clothes are rarely the right answer. But you don't want to look like a human hot dog, either. You just want clothes that fit your body.
One good general rule, though, is that if you're on the large side, you should wear more subdued colors and patterns. Because when viewing them, your eye doesn't have a reference point as to scale. If I see a large man wearing a rose print, and I can count at least a hundred roses on his shirt, I know enough to hide my Twinkies. If he's just wearing black, my eye doesn't have anything to compare it to, so he'll look more proportionate and less overwhelming.
Here are some fun alternatives to old standbys:
Instead of a pocket square, use a faded blue bandanna.
Instead of a sweater under a blazer, try a denim jacket.
Instead of dress shoes with a suit, try a Chelsea boot.
Instead of penny loafers with khakis and a blue blazer, try flip-flops.
Let's Make Fashion Happen, People!
AttitudeâBe Like Winona and Carry It Off
When you've finally found your personal style, having the right attitude and confidence will be the cherry on top of the proverbial sundae.
So how do you get there? Well, it helps to be
. And that doesn't mean you have to watch the Style Network twenty-four hours a day or jet off to Milan twice a year for fashion week. (See sidebar, below.) It could mean going to museums, where you might see a painting that has certain colors that appeal to you. You might see the interior of a high-end carâand the leather and piping might inspire you to buy a cool leather jacket. It could mean buying the Italian fashion magazine
L'Uomo Vogue
once a year, which is the
Sports Illustrated
of clothing. It could be looking through a book about motorcycles and seeing pictures of authentic motorcycle gear. All those things are inspiring. I'm not saying you're going to put on a whole head-to-toe motorcycle getup, because you'll look like some jackass NASCAR mascot. But something you see might inspire you to take your style to the next level, to put it in a new light and really have fun.
and not the Hokey Pokey, is what it's all about. It also helps to have a fashion role model who already has it altogether. You know, like me! Start looking around. The world is filled with great sources of fashion inspiration . One great resource is your local Blockbuster. No, not the uniform, silly.
are full of men whose style is worth emulatingâCary Grant, James Dean, Steve McQueen, Pierce Brosnan. Rent the original
Thomas Crown Affair
and see what Steve McQueen could do with a blue blazer. Rent
Ocean's Eleven
and see how a tuxedo should be worn. Rent
On the Waterfront
or Rebel Without a Cause (or
!) and see why a classic motorcycle jacket is always the right answer. Rent
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
, just for giggles!
A Word of Caution About Fashion Shows
Fashion shows are put on by designers as the height of fantasy and high concept. Just like art shows, they're meant to showcase signature pieces that make a statement and show a designer's point of view for that particular season. They're meant to generate buzz and excitement, not to show you clothes you would actually go to the mall in Peoria to buy.
Here's a comparison I know you'll understand: Fashion shows are like auto shows. You don't go to the auto show expecting that the next week you're going to buy the $300,000 prototype Bentley Azure you saw. You go there to see what's out there, to have fun, to be entertained, and most importantly to be inspired. You may not drive off with the Bentley, but you might go and buy the new Toyota Celica, which has some of those elements and features to which you reacted.
So when you see that $3500 cashmere-and-goat-suede jacket in a fashion show or high-end fashion magazineâyou know, the one that can only be cleaned with Alaskan Malamute dog urineâit's not that you're supposed to buy that exact jacket. But six months later, in H&M, you might find a more palatable, watered-down version of it in faux shearling for $150. The touch, the color, the feel of it might be similarly styled. That, my straight friends, is what we call being inspired. It's not about fashion. It's about personal style and about looking good.
Or just go to the record store. Look at Lenny Kravitz or Tim McGraw and see how they pull together a look that works for them. Think about what they're wearing, why it looks cool, and what about it might inspire you. Once again, I'm not talking about copying an outfit down to the exact number of wrinkles in the socks; I'm talking about using that outfit to spark something, to stir something deep within you. A fashion chubby, if you will.
Some Magazines You Should Check Out . . .
GQ ⢠Details ⢠Esquire ⢠Rolling Stone ⢠Men's Journal ⢠Cargo ⢠L'Uomo Vogue
News flash: Buying fashion magazines doesn't make you gay. Wallpapering your bedroom with the Abercrombie & Fitch catalog makes you gay. If you were looking to invest in a new car, you'd go out and buy
Motor Trend
to get some ideas, wouldn't you? If you're going to invest in a suit or a new fall wardrobe, you should do the same thing: Buy yourself a copy of
GQ, Esquire
, or
. Pay attention to details. Tear out pages with looks that you like. If you're not confident enough to go out and get them on your own, build a relationship with a salesperson you trust at a store with a good reputation. Bring the salesperson the tear sheets and say, “Do you have something like this?” or “Where can I find this?” and he or she will be happy to help you. That person will want your repeat business and won't steer you in the wrong direction.
Shopping: Hunting and Fishing for Fashion
The road to fabulosity can be a long and arduousâbut ultimately satisfyingâjourney. It might, however, involve some shopping. And a lot of straight menâegads!âjust don't like to shop.
Why not? In our culture, it's women, not men, who are taught to do the shopping. They go grocery shopping, they go clothes shopping, and they learn how to navigate the retail landscape of this great land of ours. So they are just more comfortable with it and efficient at it. If you had no idea how to operate a car and were asked to get on I-95, you would be petrified, too.
Shopping is uncharted territory for a lot of men, a place where they feel uneducated. And we all know men don't like being out of control. It's straight out of
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
. Men like things to be organized and in order. And nowadays shopping is not organized and well ordered. Department stores are crazy and the Internet is huge. It seems very chaotic, and men don't like that. They don't have the vocabulary and the training to articulate what they're looking for and find it efficiently.
What Makes a Classic?
A classic is an icon. It's something that always looks good on everyone. A classic two-button blue blazer looks good on almost everybody because of its silhouette, how it's made, and the materials. Same goes for cowboy boots, Levi's 501s, and Ray-Bans. But you don't even have to look to clothes for inspirationâbeautiful design can be found in everyday objects.

Polaroiding, Not for Amateurs
In one of my favorite films of all time,
Legally Blonde
, the main character, Elle Woods, would always take a friend shopping with her so the friend could take a Polaroid of her in each outfit. It's something we did when I worked fashion shows, too. If you want, you can photograph outfits that look great on you so you can remember how to reconstruct them. I would suggest you do this only if it's a special wardrobe item that you don't wear very oftenâlike your favorite wedding suit/shirt/tie combo. If it's an all-time favorite, yeah, go ahead and take a photo of it and keep it in your underwear drawer. A meddling girlfriend can break up with you over it. Let me repeat: This is not for amateurs or the average guy. Honestly, who is going to have the time?