Read Offside Online

Authors: Bianca Sommerland

Tags: #Erotica, #Romance, #Hockey

Offside (6 page)

BOOK: Offside
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She reached out to touch it, then pulled her hand back. One did not simply
a Dom. Not without permission.

“Go ahead, little doe. As long as your hands are free, you may touch me whenever you’d like.” The edges of Zach’s lips twitched when she hesitated. “Not something you hear often?”

“Not really. Usually a Dom’s all about touching me. Getting me naked as soon as I’ve agreed to scene with them” Her cheeks heated. She lowered her hand to her sides, fiddling with the hem of her dress. “Not that I’m complaining.”

I need you to touch me. But only if you want to.

“You make me wonder how many ‘real’ Doms you’ve been with, sweetheart.” He tossed his shirt aside and placed his hands on the table by her hips. “They sound rather selfish.”

She shook her head. “Not at all. They gave me what I needed at the time.”

His head tilted to one side. “So you never needed to touch them?”

An ache settled between her eyes. She wasn’t sure what to say to that. Yeah, sometimes she wanted to touch them, but once they shackled her wrists, she didn’t really think about it. It was all about the scene they orchestrated. And in pleasing them, most of her needs were met.

He took her hand and pressed it to the center of his chest. His skin was smooth, cool, like velvet molded over flowing steel. His pecs tensed slightly as she explored the fine, dark curls covering his chest. He rested his hand on her shoulder as she continued touching him, massaging lightly as she trailed her fingertips over the tattoo on his arm, then grazed them up his neck and along his jaw. Freshly-shaven, nothing hiding the sharp angles of his face. The rich, warm scent of cologne with dark, earthy tones, drifted in the air, so alluring she had to fight not to press her face against his throat to breathe it in. She smiled as she felt the small cleft in his chin.

Sweet mother, he’s gorgeous.

“Go ahead. Say it.” Zach tugged her hair, light creases forming around his eyes as she looked up, the only evidence she could see to prove he was actually a couple of years older than she was. He was the type of man who only improved with age.

“Say what?” She ran her thumb over his bottom lip, soft and silky and warm in contrast to the rest of him.

He kissed her thumb. “It’s a shame.”

“Why? Do you hear that a lot?”

“Yes. All the bunnies are in mourning since I ‘came out.’”

“I believe it.” She laughed. “Actually, I was thinking you’re one of the most handsome men I’ve ever met, but it’s probably a bad idea to say so. Your ego doesn’t need any more stroking.”

He grinned, gathering her hair in one hand, using it as a handle to tip her head back. “I have a feeling that mouth of yours has gotten you into a lot of trouble.”

She made a face. “Umm . . . not really. Not at the clubs anyway. I don’t usually—I’m sorry.”

“For what? If I didn’t want you to talk, I’d gag you.” He leaned closer. “Or find another way to keep you quiet.”

His hand framed her jaw as he slid his lips over hers, brushing back and forth, light as the caress of a feather. Her lips tingled, parted slightly as the tip of his tongue teased them. She closed her eyes as he kissed her, gently at first, then deeper, tasting her, holding her jaw and hair firmly so she couldn’t move. Her pulse raced as he pressed his body against hers, stealing her breath. He teased her upper lip with one last flick of his tongue, then eased back.

The room spun like a carousel out of control, with her at the center, Doms in leather with whips and chains taking the place of the pretty ponies, the music a hard-core beat pierced by screams. The atmosphere of a club usually brought her closer to the right headspace than the Dom alone, but with Zach, it wouldn’t matter where they were. If he could do this with just a kiss . . .

“I won’t restrain you tonight, Becky.” He stroked his hand down her spine, watching her face as he laid her down on the padded table. “I’d like to see how well you can follow basic commands. Like, ‘don’t move.’”

What is this, Submissive for beginners?
She knew better than to frown at him, but by the way his brow rose, she’d come close. “I’ve never had a problem with restraints.”

“Good. Then you should do just fine without them.”


He put a finger over her lips and shook his head. “Come to think of it, I believe we
have some speech restrictions. You are permitted to speak to discuss limits. To use the club safeword—though I doubt you’ll need it during this scene. If you don’t understand a command, you may ask me to clarify, but I think I’ve been clear so far.”

Don’t scowl at him, dummy.
She inhaled slowly, then nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

“Do you have any limits I should know about?”

“Ah . . . no blood, scat and such, no heavy impact or anything that leaves marks that last more than a day or so.” Her cheeks heated, but she knew she had to be honest. And her last limit could end things before they’d even started. “No anal.”

The edge of his lip twitched. “Was that something you expected me to want?”

“Well, you’re . . .”
I really hate this part.
Negotiating with someone new meant talking about embarrassing things. She preferred writing it all down and letting the Dom read the list ahead of time. Discussing only what she’d marked as “uncertain.” But Zach hadn’t even asked Dean for her limit list. “Do I have to say it?”


“You’re gay. I figured the only way you would . . . I mean . . .” Hell, she didn’t even know if gay men did that with women. But he wanted to play with her, so he had to be getting something out of it. “I understand if you’re no longer interested.”

He sighed and bent over, bracing a hand on the table by her head. “There will be no penetration of any sort tonight, little doe, but once we reach that point, I will enjoy your body, however you are willing to give it to me. If that is a limit, I will respect it. However, we will discuss why you’re not open to trying it.”

“I have tried it.”

“I see.”

“I didn’t like it. It hurt and I’m not into pain.” She spoke in a rush, not sure he could possibly understand since that was the only way he could be with most of his lovers. “That’s another problem, actually. Some Doms aren’t interested in a sub with no tolerance for pain. Not that I mind a light spanking now and then, but—”

“Shh.” Zach kissed her, then let out a light laugh against her lips. “It’s okay. That’s enough for tonight. I know you’re not comfortable sharing all this. But I will tell you one thing.”

She swallowed, her whole body trembling as she realized he wasn’t ending things and sending her off to someone else. He still wanted her. She dented her bottom lip with her teeth, hissing through them. “What?”

His lips grazed her cheek. He spoke quietly in her ear. “It doesn’t have to hurt.”

She shivered as he straightened, leaving her arms slack as he drew them up to lay on the table above her head, stretched out much like they would be if she
been restrained. He did the same at the bottom of the table with her ankles, setting them far apart, making her all too aware of how short the dress she’d borrowed from Silver was. Thankfully, Dean hadn’t told her not to wear panties, because the dress was snug enough to bare her to the hip with her thighs spread. Since she hadn’t planned to play tonight, she hadn’t thought to shave during her shower this morning. Her legs weren’t too bad, but she’d have been humiliated to show any Dom that she’d neglected to shave her privates.

If I’d known Zach would be here—that he’d want to—

“You stiffened up. What’s wrong?”

I did?
She tried to relax. Zach had already decided on no penetration. But as much as she didn’t want him to see her unkempt, she couldn’t help being a little disappointed. It had been a long time since she’d wanted a man this much. A thought of Scott had her rolling her eyes. Okay, not
long, but Zach was the first one she wouldn’t feel cheap with in the morning. She had a feeling he—unlike Scott—would still be there when she woke up.

“It’s nothing.” She forced a smile. “You just have me feeling a little reckless.”

“Do I?” He chuckled. “Don’t tempt me, Becky. It would be easy to forgo the whole scene and simply make love to you, but that wouldn’t satisfy either of us.”

She nodded. “Because I’m a woman.”

His jaw hardened. “No. Because I’m a Dom, and I need to give you more.” He raked his fingers into her hair, tightening his grip to the edge of pain. “As you said, you could have had that with a phone call. I could have had it with less.”

Perfectly still, needing to show him, at very least, she could follow instructions, Becky wondered exactly what Zach’s relationship with Scott was. There were whispers that Scott would do anyone, anywhere, but was he really bisexual? Zach didn’t seem the type of man to take on casual lovers, but Scott wasn’t the type of man to take on anything but. Her attraction to Scott was frustrating as hell, because she knew nothing could come of it. How much worse would it be to be used by him when he was also a friend? A teammate?

Scott had been seen with more women over the summer than in his whole career. A different one every night. It had started not long after Zach had come out to the press.

If the two were connected, Scott wasn’t just a player. He was a coldhearted son of a bitch. He’d blatantly rejected Zach. And that had to hurt.

, I didn’t mean to . . . I didn’t think that you and Scott were—”

“Serious? We’re not.” Zach sighed. “Please don’t apologize. You have the right to know if I’m involved with anyone—I’d expect you to tell me if you were. Can we agree that we’re both single, that we both have similar interests, and that neither of us is interested in a one night stand?”


“Good. Then shall we start? Do you understand what I expect from you?”

“Don’t move. Don’t speak unless for clarity or to safeword.”

“Excellent.” He gave her a slanted smile, then slowly circled the table, his hand moving in an outline of her body without touching her. “That dress looks lovely on you.”

“Thank you.” She groaned when he clucked his tongue. “Sorry, Sir.”

“Do you often have difficulty submitting?”

She shook her head.

“Hmm. I see.” He stopped by her side. Drew his finger up her arm from her inner wrist to her elbow. She twitched. Clenched her fists. “But you are finding it difficult to obey me?”

“No, Sir.”

“Neither safeword or clarification.” He smoothed his hand over her cheek. “All the Doms you’ve been with haven’t asked for much, have they? No, don’t answer.” His tone was rough, but not with anger. More . . . carefully restrained. “I’d love to push you. Challenge you. But not yet. First you have to prove you can handle this.”

She almost said, “I can,” but then remembered she wasn’t supposed to say anything. The restrictions suddenly felt more imposing than any gag or restraint. She settled into the sensation, relaxing because giving him what he’d asked for was really very simple. No guesswork involved.

The approval in his eyes was like a bright golden star bursting in the center of her chest. She inhaled deeply and held her breath, waiting to see what he’d do next.

He circled the table again, stopping at her other side. Hooking his fingers into the thick straps of her dress above her shoulders, he pulled it down, moving her as he pleased, taking one arm, then the other, until both were free of the dress. Only the neckline covered her breasts as he placed her arms. Her nipples tightened into sensitive little points as she waited for him to expose them, but instead he walked to the end of the table and traced his fingertips down the soles of her feet.

A giggle escaped her, and she squirmed as he did it again.

“Be still.”

And again. It tickled, but she pressed her eyes shut, ground her teeth, and fought not to move. His hands curved around her feet and she bit back a groan as he pressed his thumbs into her soles. He stroked, massaged, then tickled, alternating until the pleasure edged on torture. Yet, somehow, she kept still. Sank into a place where all that mattered was his touch. As it moved up to her calves, she sank even deeper, responding to his slow, even breaths, to his soft praise. She needed to know she had it in her to please him. To be everything he needed and wanted by doing nothing but what came naturally.

“I was right. You are precious.” He kissed her bare shoulder, then rolled the material of her dress down over her breasts. “This isn’t just sex for you. It’s so much more.”

“Yes.” She absorbed the satisfaction in his tone like earth soaked in rain after a drought. She knew she shouldn’t speak, but she had to make sure he wasn’t just doing this for her. “Am I . . . do I make you happy?”

“More than I can say.” He lowered his head to her breasts, resting his forehead between them. He kissed the side of one breast and she shivered. The sensation was both tender and erotic. Lingering, building as he kissed his way up to her nipple. “Don’t forget what I’ve asked of you.”

Don’t move.

Pleasure speared her as he sucked her nipple into his mouth. Her eyes teared as she struggled not to arch up. As she pressed her lips together.

“No man or woman has pleased me as much as you have.”

He pinched her nipple between his finger and thumb as he sucked the other.

“I won’t be easy on you, little doe.”

He shifted down her body, drawing the hem of her dress up over her hips, over her belly, kissing the exposed flesh as he worked his way down.

“But if you are mine . . .”

His fingers traced the edge of her panties, along the sides of her pussy lips, close to where the material had grown damp. He bit down just above the slight swell of her stomach, rubbing her panties into her clit.

“I will give you what no one else can.”

The muscles in her thighs tensed. Pleasure curled up in her core, sizzling like a live wire in a shallow pool, electricity zipping across the surface.

“Come for me, little doe. Lose yourself. Give up control. It belongs to me.”

BOOK: Offside
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