Read Offside Online

Authors: Bianca Sommerland

Tags: #Erotica, #Romance, #Hockey

Offside (68 page)

BOOK: Offside
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“As an aspiring Dom, can I tell you to suck my dick?” Ford balanced the tray on his hand with experienced ease, a dark scowl on his face.

Zach gave him a biting smile. “Not unless you plan to follow through. Don’t forget, you want to be acknowledged as a Dom here in the future, you have to go through me as well. So play nice.”

“Got it. And no.” Ford shifted away from Zach. “I’m cool with you swinging both ways, but I’m not going there.”

“So noted.” Zach drew Becky away from the bar, watching Ford until he handed his keys to Scott. “You’ll have your bike back tomorrow morning. With my thanks. And Becky’s and Scott’s as well.”

“Hell, you’ve got my thanks now.” Scott grabbed Ford’s shoulder, then pulled him in for a rough hug. “You’ll be fine. And give me a call later. I get what it’s like—trying to prove yourself.”

Becky wanted to wrap her arms around Scott. Remind him he’d succeeded. But Zach was already leading her out. He retrieved their jackets, then held her hand as they crossed the small parking lot beside the bar. By his bike, Zach took her helmet off the handlebar and placed it on her head. The face shield was dark enough that she couldn’t see much at night with it down, so she was surprised when it was lifted to reveal Scott, instead of Zach.

Not that she minded, at all, but she couldn’t help but glance over to make sure Zach hadn’t left without her. The idea of playing out her fantasy had her feeling a little uncertain. Sex in the club was the closest she’d ever gotten to exposing herself in public.

Scott leaned close, speaking against her lips. “If you don’t want to do this, you should tell him now.”

Straddling his bike, Zach met her gaze with a reassuring smile. He would accept whatever choice she made.

I want this. I want to take his lead and not worry about where he’ll take me. Because no matter where it is, I’ll be safe.
She took a deep, bracing breath and smiled at Scott. “I’m good. Was that all you wanted to say? Because I wanted to tell you—”

“You did tell me, Becky.” Scott gave her a soft kiss. “The way you looked at me when I mentioned proving myself made it clear that I have.”

“Yes.” She pressed against him, catching his bottom lip with her teeth. He still tasted like salt and lemon. Delicious.

Scott groaned, deepening the kiss, chuckling when Zach revved his bike’s engine. “We better go before he decides to play right here. My fault. I’ve been teasing him with erotic details about the scene we planned whenever I get him alone. His dick’s probably rock hard in his leathers.”

Becky grinned mischievously, stroking Scott’s erection through his pants. “He’s not the only one.”

“Oh, you’re mean!” Scott laughed, tapping down her face shield. He gave her a playful shove toward Zach before going to mount a big black and gleaming chrome Harley parked a few feet away.

Zach reached back to help her up onto the bike behind him. He looked at her over his shoulder. “Everything okay?”

“Everything’s perfect!” She shouted to be heard over the purring engine, hugging his waist. “I just had to get back at him for teasing you!”

Chuckling, Zach brought his hand down to squeeze hers. “That’s my girl!”

The ride in itself was thrilling, with the dark aroma of Zach’s leather jacket mingling with the damp ocean air, the wind whipping at her as they sped through the night. Streetlights danced in a yellow blur for the first few miles, but then there was nothing but the headlights from the bikes to illuminate the street. No sound but the animalistic roar of the engines. The vibrations beneath her had her blood racing to her core where it pulse with a steady, needy rhythm.

She tightened her grip on Zach’s waist, wondering if his bike would get her off before he could. The arousal winding up within made it likely. Memories of the dream, no longer as frightening as they’d once been, had her whimpering. She knew the feeling of both men’s hands, their mouths, on her body. But not both together.

Zach pulled to a stop just as she pressed her eyes shut, ready to let go. He killed the engine, then lifted her right up without warning, holding her flush against his body as he lowered her to her feet. Her heels made her unsteady on the rocky surface. She squinted as Zach brought up her face shield, the headlight of Scott’s borrowed bike practically blinding her.

“You were driving me insane back there, clenching your thighs, moving in that way you do just before you’re about to come.” He studied her face, his pale green eyes glowing with passion. The wind rustled through the leaves of the trees around them, but the space where they stood had an aura of stillness as though Zach controlled the very atmosphere around him. “Did you?”

She shook her head, licking her lips as her core gave a mournful throb. “No, Sir. But I was close.”

Sliding his hand up between her breasts, he held her gaze as his hand curved around the base of her throat. He added a bit of pressure, enough to make her gasp at the rush of fear. Of desire. “Let’s cool you off a bit then.”

As he stepped back, Scott moved forward, his lips slanting slightly as he unbuttoned her blouse. Then unclasped her bra for the second time that night. He tossed both to Zach, then took a knee to remove her pants, drawing her panties down with them. He left the helmet on, which made watching what he was doing a little challenging. But she could feel him. Becky’s legs shook as he remained on his knee, his face so close that his breath caressed her freshly shaved pussy. He couldn’t resist touching her, tasting her—could he?

But he did. He stood and took her things from Zach and went to stuff them into one of his bike’s saddlebags. Zach removed his leather jacket and dropped it at his feet.

He pointed at the jacket. “On your knees, little doe.”

Movements unsteady, Becky went to him, finding some practiced grace as she eased down to her knees. The leather kept the rocks from cutting into her knees, but the hard, jagged edges still dented her flesh. Not bad enough to complain about—
—but she would tell Zach if he intended to keep her like this long. She also wouldn’t be
upset if he took off the helmet. It wasn’t heavy, but the way it restricted her vision annoyed her. She couldn’t see where Scott had gone.

She turned her head to look for him.

Zach clucked his tongue, then patted the top of the helmet. “Eyes on me, pet. He’ll join us in a moment.” He gave her a slow, positively wicked smile. “Not that you’ll see much of him. Or me.”

One headlight went off. Then the other. The silence, increased by the padding of the helmet, gave her the sensation of being deaf. Her pulse quickened as she stared up at Zach.

“You seem nervous, pet. Perhaps uncomfortable?” Zach arched a brow. “What color do we use?”

“Yellow.” She didn’t even hesitate before saying the word. She trusted him, but she needed an idea of what they were going to do to her. “My knees are a little sore on the rocks. And . . . where are we? What if someone—”

“We’re on a stretch of property owned by Mr. Keane. He was generous enough to let us use the place for the weekend.” Zach placed a hand on her shoulder. “And you won’t be on your knees much longer. Can you handle another minute or so?”

Privacy and a limit to how long she’d be on her knees. She inclined her head. “Yes, Sir. That’s fine.”

“Good.” He held out his hand beyond her vision. “Thank you, Scott.”

“You’re welcome, Zach,” Scott said, a hint of humor in his tone. “Now hurry up.”

Zach shook his head, letting out a soft laugh. He winked at Becky. “He’s so impatient. Maybe we shouldn’t let him play.”

Batting her eyelashes, Becky gave Zach her sweetest look. “I’d like him to play, Sir. But only if it pleases you.”

Scott snorted. “Suck-up.”

“If it pleased me to have him leave, would you object?” Zach asked, his tone indecipherable. “Would you still do anything I ask?”

Becky frowned. That wasn’t even funny. But Zach wasn’t laughing—or even smiling anymore. Did he seriously expect her to let him get rid of Scott when they’d all been anticipating their first time together? Did he think putting his ring on her finger made her love Scott any less?

If he does, he’s got another thing coming.
“No, I don’t think I would,

“Wouldn’t object, or wouldn’t do anything I ask?”

“Zach, that’s enough.” She scowled, shifting to stand. “I don’t know what you’re trying to do, but—”

“Relax, firecracker.” Scott’s hands were on her shoulders from behind her, keeping her in place. “I think our big, tough Mr. Dom here just needs some assurances. We’re all in this together. Agreed?”

“Yes! I love you both!” Becky met Zach’s eyes, relieved that there was no doubt in his. “Sir, I would have told you if I was unsure of him. Or you. I’m not. Not anymore.”

Zach let out a rough exhale, as though he’d been holding his breath. “Good, because you may kneel for me, but you both stand by my side. I wouldn’t feel right putting this around your neck if it made him any less to you.”

The collar.
Becky’s vision blurred with tears as Zach brought the collar to her throat. Clasped it even as Scott lifted her hair out of the way. The leather felt soft and warmed readily to her flesh, but it was the implication that made her heart swell. She’d managed to regain Zach’s trust. They wouldn’t play a timid kinky game with him. He was truly taking his place as her Master.

“All right, up with you.” Scott helped her to her feet, then smacked her butt. The shield went down over her face. “This is all lovely, but if we keep you out here too long, you’re gonna start getting cold.”

The temperature was mild for fall, but Scott was right. Even though her skin flushed with pleasure, with arousal, the slight breeze wasn’t exactly warm. There were so many ways she could say what the ring, the collar, and both men meant to her, but she needed to do more. She needed to show them.

Without another word, one of the men lifted her up by the hips. She was carried a few steps. Placed sidesaddle on the motorcycle seat. Chain clinked behind her. Cuffs were placed on her wrists and ankles. Then she was leaned back until she was draped over the seat, her arms spread wide, her feet resting on the pipes which were still warm, but not hot. Testing the restraints, she realized she was securely bound to the bike.

“Fuck, that’s hot.” Scott made a low sound of admiration in his throat as fingertips trailed along her inner thigh. “I’d love a picture. Would you mind, Becky?”

Becky relaxed her neck as much as possible, the helmet weighing enough to put some strain in her muscles if she tried to lift her head. She envisioned Scott standing by Zach, both their eyes on her, seeing how open and ready and wet she was for them. She needed them near her, touching her.

But first, she’d give Scott his answer. Maybe surprise him a little. “As long as they’re just for you and my Master, I don’t mind at all.”

“Damn straight,” Scott said. Footsteps moved around the bike, softer than the heavy clunk of Zach’s boots. A faint click came, telling Becky Scott was taking pictures. “I’ll use these to torture him while we’re on the road. I guarantee he’ll beg me to suck his cock after just one look at them.”

Her entire lower half had become pure liquid heat. She hissed in a breath at the image Scott painted in her mind. “He’ll beg you to suck his cock because you’ve got an amazing mouth.”

“Oh yeah?” The footsteps stopped in front of her. Between her parted thighs. And she felt Scott’s breath on her stomach as he spoke. “Not sure I’ve used it on you often enough for you to say for sure, sweetheart. How ‘bout I fix that?”

His smooth cheek slid along her thigh. Her pussy moistened a little more as she pressed her eyes shut, waiting for the touch of his tongue. His lips, then his teeth, teased the shallow along her hip. His hands curved around her inner thighs.

Another set of hands stroked just above them. Zach’s. She let out a little pleading noise as he used his fingers to part her pussy lips. To hold her wide open as Scott’s tongue finally came to her, licking along one side of her folds, then the other. He homed in on her clit, and her hips quivered as she struggled against the restrains to rise to him. To demand a bit more pressure . . .
. Right there!

“Scott!” She snapped her lips shut as something slapped the top of her thigh. Zach’s hands had left her. Scott was holding her open himself now, but the sting of the slap couldn’t have been from Zach’s hand. It was too long, too thin.

It wasn’t until the sting faded to a length of pure, painful heat that she was able to really react to the sensation.
That hurt!

“Be still, pet. And speak only when spoken to.” The heat of Zach’s body covered one thigh and her hip, as though he was leaning over Scott to look down at her. “Do you like the cane? I enjoy the marks it leaves on your pretty, pale skin, but I have other toys to play with if you prefer.”

Becky wasn’t sure how to answer that. The cane was a bit much without warm-up, but she did like how the bite of pain drew her back from the brink of climax. She wanted this to last. “I’m not sure I like the cane, Sir. But I do like that it helps me not be so easy.”

“Easy?” Scott nibbled lightly on her outer labia, then sucked the flesh into his mouth. He breathed out a laugh when she clenched at the sensation of his feasting on her. “Hmmm, not sure I’d call you easy. Tasty. Responsive. Not easy.”

Scott speaking with his lips on her pussy sent jolt after jolt of pleasure deep inside her. He lapped up her folds like they were covered in honey, delving into her with his tongue as though he wanted more.

“Ah!” Becky’s lips formed a wide O as he thrust in faster and deeper with his tongue. Another snap of pain hauled her away from the edge. She whimpered at the next strike, which hit her other thigh.

Snap! Snap!

The pain was almost unbearable. Then . . . not. Heat spread from each lash, melding with the fire Scott stroked with his tongue.


Her body quivered. Her resistance became a twig, bending and bending until it finally splintered, breaking in two. Her screams echoed in the helmet as her pussy milked Scott’s tongue, which he kept inside her until her inner muscles undulated weakly around him.

BOOK: Offside
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