OffsideChanceFormat2 (27 page)

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left you a note,” Levi said in a sing song voice as he passed over the hand
written list of daily demands Will had grown to expect from his roommate.
Today’s missive included a command to wash the sheets—which he’d planned to do
anyway—and a long list of numbers to call that included the architect,
contractors, and the president of the home owners association.

was an additional reminder of which plan they’d decided upon and a list of
modifications to ask about. “It’s a ‘honey do’ list, which is Jude’s version of
a love letter,” Levi teased with glee. “He did everything but put little hearts
over the Is. He even left you a stock tip, aww how sweet, such a considerate

crumpled the note up and tossed it in the trash. He found the half chewed up
blue pen on the table and tossed it in as well. There was no fucking way Will
was jumping through the hoops that man held up for him. “He’s not a boyfriend,
Levi. I wish you’d just let that go. And leave it alone. I don’t need you
sticking your nose into this and complicating more it than it already is.”

wasn’t one ignore a direct challenge, and true to form he couldn’t just butt
out for once in his life. “You’re having sex with my brother in my bed and it’s

it, Livy.” Tracy cut him off with a shake of his head. “Just, back off, okay?”

appreciate it,” Will said humbly as he leaned over his coffee mug and inhaled
the steam. He couldn’t look either man in the eye. His leg bounced as memories
of that morning came back. “I think he kissed me. He’s never kissed me before.
I don’t know… I’m… confused.”

dragged a chair out and sat down beside Tracy.

and Tracy shared a look and Levi shrugged. “You like him. And before you tell
me to shut up just hear me out,” Levi said softly, his voice almost soothing.

of that ‘Will and Jude kissing in a tree’ shit from last night. I don’t care if
this is your house, I will throw you out. Because that shit… Levi, just don’t,
okay? And don’t lecture me about hurting your little brother, because the man
is a stone cold asshole, nothing pierces his armor.”

have,” Tracy interjected as pulled the pastry plate to him. “I’ve known Jude
for several years now, the grown up Jude, not the kid Levi thinks he is. And
yeah, he’s a stone cold asshole. He comes into a room and takes command. He
looks out from behind those glasses at you as if he could freeze you cold.
Doesn’t matter the situation. The only time I ever saw him off his game was the
night Levi was arrested. He was scared. That was the first crack I saw in his
armor. The second was a couple weeks ago when you were being an ass out at
Bo’s. The way he watched you, like you were this flame and he was a moth. And
then last night. I’ve never seen him behave like that, Slater. Drinking like
that, all because you were off chasing skirts. He was so fucking jealous. And
confused, I imagine, because he’s straight, yet there he was, glaring at you
and ignoring any woman who tried to get his attention. He didn’t so much as bat
an eyelash in their direction. But you, he followed you to the back as soon as
you beckoned. You, my friend, have Judah Brody so fucking charmed that he
actually smiles. I didn’t know he even knew how to smile.”

you finished?” Levi asked, fidgeting with the salt shaker. He picked it up then
set it back down. He seemed absorbed in the table. Will had seen him do this
type of thing many times and never really realized why.

and stop fidgeting with the salt, he’s not a monster, Levi,” Tracy said,
placing his hand on Levi’s to still the nervous motion. “He’s just… he’s more
like you than you realize. Maybe worse for never really having anyone but
himself to lean on. You did have your mother until she—“

talk about our mother like you know,” Levi interjected with scorn. “You don’t
know. She was a kid when she had me. Not much more than one when she had Jude.
What happened to her wasn’t her fault.”

what happened to Jude isn’t your fault. He grew up to be a scarily capable
adult who overcompensates for the lack of love in his life by being the best at
everything he tries. He fucking toasted me on the golf course. Beat me so badly
I was crying for
mother. Your
mother wasn’t there for Jude because life finally wore her down, Levi, I do
understand that. Jude does too. He just chooses to close that part of his life
away. He’s not like you.”

know he’s not like me,” Levi responded. “He’s not gay, either. So pardon me for
wondering what is going on with him and if Will is just using him for sex now
that he’s decided he bats for our team.”

not gay,” Will defended. “I don’t bat for your team. I just… why can’t he be
using me for sex? Have you ever thought of it that way? Did it ever cross your
mind that maybe he seduced me?”

even for a second.” Levi didn’t blink an eye. “I mean, come on, Slayer, think
about it for a moment. You’ve been overcompensating for something ever since
I’ve known you, always chasing the girls with the least substance and the
biggest tits. You never dated anyone seriously. I’m not sure you’ve ever dated
at all. You just hooked up. And then your injury and suddenly you can’t
perform. For five years. And then Jude comes along and he’s the first person I’ve
seen you with twice. How long has it been since you’ve needed Viagra? How long
has it been since you had sex with a woman, for that matter? I’m thinking that
there are some things that you’ve conveniently overlooked about yourself. Like maybe
your lack of interest in—”

am not gay! I have never looked at a man’s junk and thought about—well, I
haven’t ever looked at a man’s junk. Never.”

Not even in the locker room? Or the shower? If you seriously are saying you
never looked… Oh, my god…you never did. You didn’t look. You always looked
straight ahead. Almost as if you were… Oh, Will. I think I understand now.” There
was pity in Levi’s voice.

nothing to understand because I’m not gay! Just because you’re a flaming queen
doesn’t make me one.” He knew he’d crossed the line, he didn’t need Tracy
hauling him across the room and slamming him into the wall to tell him how
badly he’d just fucked up. But that’s exactly what Tracy did.

“Don’t ever!” Tracy exclaimed. “He doesn’t
deserve that shit from you. You are always so close to stepping over the line.
Always just shy of out-and-out homophobic name calling. Why is that? Usually,
people behave that way when they recognize something about themselves that they
don’t like or understand. You need to figure out which side of the fence you’re
on, because if you ever call him that again, I will tear you apart.” Will had
to look up, way up to see the anger simmering in Tracy’s eyes. The hand wrapped
around his neck was fucking huge. He’d forgotten just how big the man really

sorry,” Will said, shaking his head solemnly. He didn’t fight, any of it.
“You’re right. I started this with Jude. I don’t understand… he makes me… I’m… I
like being with him, he… I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

is wrong with you, Will. There’s nothing wrong with being attracted to him,” Tracy
reassured looking calmer and more composed let him go and left him trying to
catch his breath and gather his composure.

don’t know what I’m doing right now. Last night… I’ve never felt like that with
anyone. Sex with Jude…” Will faltered. He had no idea how to explain anything.
“It’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced. It’s different each time. It’s… like…
there’s nothing or no one in the world but him. I don’t know how to deal with
that… Tell me how to deal with that? Tell me how to… when he comes… when he
looks at me as if… I’m so fucking out of my mind! I watch Jeopardy with him for

what’s wrong with Jeopardy? I like Jeopardy,” Tracy asked looking confused
while Levi laughed.

watching it with Jude and you’ll understand,” Levi explained when he could
control his laughter.

knows every answer. He doesn’t even look at the screen. He’s sitting there
reading or writing or something and just spouts out the answers as if he’s some
damned robot. It’s demoralizing, man. And I get off on watching him. I’m—”

love, Will. You’re in love,” Levi said quietly.

I’m not in love. This is just a friends with benefits thing. We get along. He
cooks I do the shopping. He does his thing. I do mine. He doesn’t interfere in
my life. He doesn’t ask me where I’m going or when I’m coming home. He doesn’t
care that I watch sports or porn in front of him. He minds his business. We had
sex a couple of times… he does this incredible thing where he comes without out
actually coming. How does that work? God, he clawed my back up.” Panic set in,
and Will found himself pacing the room. “That didn’t sound right. He gives me
stock tips every day. Hell, I’ve made money from those tips.”

kissed you, this morning, remember.” Levi looked at his phone after it buzzed.
He checked the screen then glanced hastily away, almost guiltily.

was Jude wasn’t it? Is he okay?” Will asked. For some reason, he needed to
understand why Jude had left, if it was something he’d done. Or said… “Fuck, we
kissed. He kisses. He’s a good kisser. It was nice.”

it was Jude. He wants to meet if I’m still in town to discuss the purchase of
the club. I think I’m going to go alone, if that’s okay with you?” Levi asked,
speaking to Tracy, not Will. Will realized he didn’t count in this. He stood
there with his hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans, trying not to think
the absolute worst about Jude’s disappearing. “It’s business, Will, I promise.
You know how he is. You’ve lived with him long enough to know that much at
least.” Levi zipped up his hoodie and donned a hat, scarf, and gloves.

nodded and reached for a pastry from the plate. “We need to leave around four
to beat the traffic out of town. Will and I will find something to keep us

need to go shopping,” Will said. “There’s no food, and we’re out of beer.”

likes Stella—“

I know, Levi. Just go, okay. I have too much to think about without you hanging
around.” Will didn’t like that he knew exactly which brands Jude preferred. Levi
blew him a middle finger kiss. “Kiss my ass, Slayer.”

leave that for the jolly blond giant over here,” Will responded playfully. He
rubbed at the prickle of heat that climbed up his neck.

look, he’s tried rimming,” Levi observed as he kissed Tracy on the mouth and
then walked past Will. Levi stopped in his tracks as he said, “Fuck I just
realized who’s ass you would have tried that on. Jesus, Slayer, I have never
seen you blush. I thought you weren’t capable of any human emotion.”

shit and die, Brody.”

laughed, and with a twirl and a flourish, danced out of the room. When the
front door closed, Will’s smile faded. “I didn’t use protection last night. We
were both drunk. This is a cluster fuck. It’s not love.”

“I see.” Tracy leaned back in his chair with
his arms crossing his chest. “Is there a chance that you…? Well, I know you’re
a horn dog, everyone knows that.”

spent the last twenty years terrified of getting some chick pregnant. I don’t
take chances. I’m not prone to getting drunk and picking up women. I like to be
in control of who I take home. So no, there’s no chance. He didn’t say
anything. I never know what he’s thinking. We fight, then we fuck. That’s the
extent of it all.”

the best I can say is get tested, and keep it wrapped up. And talk to him,
Will. If you have any doubt, he needs to know.” Tracy leaned the chair back on
two legs. “And about Levi. You need to mend fences with him. It’s been months
since I forced him out. And I’ll tell you right now, the only thing that still
bothers him is that he thinks he’s lost you.”

that why he thinks I’m using Jude? As some way to punish for him being gay? Why
would he think that?”

you’re his straight homophobic friend, who went completely cold as soon as you
found out, and Jude is like a prettier version of him. I’m still amazed he sees
Jude as some guileless basket of kittens when in actuality the man is a
But this is Levi we’re talking
about, have you seen his bedroom?”

I have. And to be honest, it’s growing on me. Well, except for the pink and the
feather boas. Besides that, he actually has great style. And that I knew long
before I saw the quarterback princess’s inner sanctum,” Will said. Tracy
laughed and leaned the chair back onto the floor. For a moment, Will worried he
might have crossed the line again.

be sure to tell him you like his decorating sense… and that you called him a
princess.” Tracy stood up, his head narrowly missing the light fixture over the
table. “Now, how about we go get the groceries? I have a feeling this meeting
is going to run late, and I am not a fan of sitting around doing nothing.”

thing, Thor. Should I go get one of Liv’s boas so you’ll feel comfortable out
in public with me?” Will asked, waiting for the sign that he’d gone too far.

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