Olive - The Chosen One (18 page)

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Authors: Daisy L. Bloom

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: Olive - The Chosen One
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It still didn’t seem real!  The fairy Queen Henrietta was coming to visit the fairies in the olive fields of Salento.  They were visiting incognito.  Destiny had told all the local fairies that her distant Zia (auntie) Sophia and Zio (uncle) Jules were coming to visit. They had apparently met up in London and they were keen to visit southern Italy.

    Destiny had high expectations that this was going to be an unforgettable experience for them all.  Plans were put into place which were full of fun and laughter.  They wanted to experience the colours of Salento.  The boys were flying in from L.A. along with Renesmee.  A local Pizzica band had been booked to welcome the auntie and uncle.  They would play the
which was a dance of love, crazy love!  The music was wild and had the beat of Salento.  The dancers would move around each other without touching in a seductive manner.  The local fairies would join in.  They would all dance till exhaustion set in.

    Sophia and Jules were keen to stay in an olive tree house as they thought that if they stayed in a hotel, it may draw attention to them, after all the fairy Queen and her Duke were known all over the world.  Sophia had a special wig made for her disguise of fiery red hair.  She brought some local clothes which were suitable for the olive fields.  She wanted to blend in with the local residents.  Her English accent would not give her away because after all they were Destiny’s auntie and uncle from England so they wouldn’t speak Italian anyway.  They learnt a few words
- Good morning or hello,
Buona Sera
- Good evening,
Un bella giornata
- a beautiful day - that sort of thing, they were prepared.

    Destiny planned to do some home-made Italian style cooking for her visitors, she wanted them to enjoy Italian cuisine at its best.  They would not be disappointed as Destiny was an amazing cook.  She had planned to make
, aubergines cooked in the oven with parmesan cheese, chicken with potatoes, pasta with muscles along with Pizzas cooked on the wood stove, so many dishes…….

    There are some beautiful restaurants in the area and as for the
( ice-cream) they just can’t be beaten! Her auntie and uncle were in for a treat.

    Destiny had planned several days out.  The fairy Queen Henrietta and the fairy Duke would have to visit the beautiful
especially the famous Alberobello along with Ostuni.  This is a big city on top of a mountain where all the houses are in white.  A trip to the beautiful historic city of Lecce was a must along with a trip to the port of Otranto.  It was going to be a blast……..

    Destiny began to put her plans into action.  The fairies joked ‘‘anyone would think you were throwing a royal party!!!’’

     Luna had offered his olive tree abode to the guests as he was happy enough staying in the Olive Hilton hotel.  He wanted the visitors to really feel like they were just ordinary people not, that his fairy pad was anything but ordinary.   He was very glad that he had just had the whirlpool Jacuzzi installed, it was the best way ever to relax especially with a glass of
.  Also it was the largest of the olive tree houses, it boasted four luxurious floors, one for each of the bodyguards if they so chose.

    Destiny was dizzy with excitement but, she was also a little apprehensive.  Should she curtsy or shouldn’t she? Probably best not to.  After all, they wanted to be treated like ordinary visitors on holiday and her last curtsy didn’t exactly pan out the way it was meant to.  She shuddered at the thought.

    Everything was ready.  Luna and Dandy had flown in with Renesmee and their nanny.  The private fairy jet was ready at the fairy Queen’s disposal.  The pilot had been informed that the visitors were ready to be collected from the very private and secluded airport in the grounds of a private mansion not far from Buckingham Palace. The fairy Queen and her husband had travelled up the night before along with their two bodyguards and were waiting in anticipation when the plane landed.  The fairy Queen Henrietta stifled a little giggle as she could not believe that this was really happening.  It was something she had always dreamt of!  To be normal for just one week! She had left her ball gowns at home, this little fairy Queen was going casual!

    They boarded the plane and were on their way to Salento in no time at all.  Champagne was served along with a few canopies.  The fairies already felt relaxed and they hadn’t even landed yet. 

    They got permission to land in the private airport not far from Brindisi.  It felt so good to walk down the steps of the plane to the awaiting helicopter with no photographers around.  Luna was there with Cielo to welcome the fairies to the land of Salento.  The fairy helicopter landed with ease onto the olive field heli-pad.  A big sign was flapping in the breeze saying ‘welcome to our homeland -
!’ in big gold letters. 

    The fairy Queen felt she wanted to do a little hop of excitement but, felt she had to hold herself back as after all she was still the fairy Queen of England.  Instead she flapped her little wings just a little.

    ‘‘I am just stretching’’ she said ‘‘and breathing in this magnificent air.’’ 

    Destiny walked down the red carpet towards the helicopter.  A lovely warm breeze was in the air.  She hugged the fairy Queen and said ‘‘welcome
and gave her a wink.’’

    She took her
arm and said ‘‘welcome to the land of sunshine and olives.’’ 

    She led them towards the barbecue that was ready and waiting. 

    ‘‘Don’t worry’’ she said ‘‘you have plenty of time to freshen up and even take a little siesta if you wish.’’

    ‘‘Oh no!’’ said the fairy Queen ‘‘I feel so alive and am ready to taste those delicious ribs I can smell.’’

    Destiny had thought of everything.  She had laid a couple of tambourines on their bed ready for the Pizzica dancing.  The fairy Queen was impressed by these amazing little homes built in the olive trees.  She loved the way they were simplistic yet, luxurious.  It was very clever how the interior decorator had managed to infuse the two elements together and it appeared to be done with so much ease.  Luna and Dandy had made their home contemporary but, it hadn’t lost the feel of homeliness.  It was the little touches of Salento that made it unique, the local oil paintings and pottery, the beautiful colours along with amazing ornate furniture.

    ‘Italian furniture has so much class’ she thought to herself. ‘maybe I should import a couple of pieces for the palace.’

    The palace was so dull in some places, everything was not always to her taste!

    The fairies had a quick shower and put on some loose clothes as the evening was quite humid.  They wanted to chill.  Yes, even royals like to chill from time to time.

    A long table had been set out for all the family to join them.  Straight away there was an atmosphere of an Italian family enjoying a night of feasting and music.  All the visitors felt that they were a part of this.  They didn’t feel like outsiders at all.  It felt great to feel a part of a big Italian party and as for the food, it just kept on coming.
was for served starters.  It was a lovely selection of starters followed by an amazing feast from the barbecue along with a few Italian mouth-watering side dishes.  It is a well known fact that no-one returns home from holidaying in Italy without those few extra kilos…..

    The pizzica band ‘Tarantula’ which means Spider started to play whilst the deserts were being served.  The sound of the mandolin was beautiful, such a lovely heartfelt tone.  The music just made you want to get up and dance, it had such a strong beat which echoed throughout the olive tree fields.  The auntie and uncle just sat back watching and were overcome and amazed how everyone was up on their feet dancing.  It didn’t matter whether they were young or old, everybody felt the music, it was a sight to see.  Several had their own tambourines which they used to play along, even Sophia and Jules had theirs.  This was a night to be remembered forever.

    The next day, Destiny had planned a visit in the helicopter to
La Grotta
- the caves of Zinzulusa.  This is one of Italy’s most unusual tourist attractions boasting strange formations which are not seen anywhere else in the world along with some rare species of animals. They were taken on a tour to see the attractions of the area from the sky.  The fairies from England were in awe of the amount of amazing buildings that surrounded them and the beautiful turquoise colours of the sea.

    They went to Gallipoli and walked through the new and old historic part of the town.  They bartered at Gallipoli market.  This was something the fairy Queen had never done in her entire life.  It was great to experience what it was like to be an everyday person.  It was an experience they would never forget.  The fairy Queen bartered.  She saw a fabulous leather pair of Italian made shoes for just fifty euros but, a bargain was always there to be had if you had the nerve. 

    ‘‘Forty euros’’ she shouted hesitantly.

    The Duke smiled to himself thinking ‘this is exhilarating!’

    ‘‘Noooo’’ shouted the seller ‘‘forty seven euros!’’

    ‘One last offer’ thought the Fairy Queen.

    ‘‘Forty five euros’’ she said waving her hand.

Va bene
’’ (Ok) said the seller ‘‘but, only because you are English.’’

    ‘Oooh, I love this!’ thought the fairy Queen.

    They went to the local fish market.  The royal couple were amazed at all the different types of fresh fish that were on display.  They went to the wine
and tried out the local
their favourite was the local red wine called

    ‘‘This is how to live’’ they chuckled to themselves. ‘‘
Vivere La Vita
’’ they shouted in chorus.

    ‘‘Yes, live the life!  What better way than in Puglia, Salento?’’ they uttered.

    They went to the beautiful white sandy beach in Torre San Giovanni.  They swam to the island in the beautiful luke warm crystal clear waters.  They went on the sea pedaloes. They enjoyed the many flavours of Italian ice-cream.  They walked for miles.  They danced until the stars went in.  They shopped till they dropped!

    Everyone was so friendly, it didn’t matter who you were, you were just another visitor from far away shores.

    The fairies had the time of their lives but, before they knew it, the week was up and they were returning home to the UK but, they had a desire to return again one day incognito.

    Destiny and Cielo would never forget the time the fairy Queen of England came to stay in the olive tree fields of Salento.  It was almost like a fairy tale.  Her auntie and uncle had promised to hang their tambourines up on their bedroom wall as a reminder of when they danced to the Pizzica!  Pizzica in the olive fields of Salento.

    ‘Did it really happen?’ they wondered ‘or was it all just a dream?’











Olive had been feeling sick for a while now.  She was feeling nauseous and not herself.  Both she and Oak had wanted a fairy baby from the outset but, for some reason Olive just didn’t conceive.  They had accepted that maybe a fairy baby was not on the horizon after all.

    Olive had been wishing and wishing but, she knew that it was not fair to use one of the wishes that had been granted to her.  She felt that they all had to be used wisely to help others rather than taking one for herself.  She knew that she could, if she wanted but, she felt as the chosen one, she would rather put others before herself. Lately she noticed that her tummy was slightly swollen.  She could feel tiny little fairy butterfly movements.

    ‘‘Do you think?’’ she said to Oak ‘‘do you possibly think I may be
?  Pregnant?’’

    Olive and Oak were afraid to wish the impossible as Olive believed that she couldn’t have children.  They made an appointment with the fairy doctor.  One could wish, couldn’t they?

    Olive felt that she had been so very blessed in life and this would be the icing on the cake.  She had found true, real love with Oak, she had a wonderful loving family.  She was the chosen one and now maybe a fairy baby! 

    ‘‘Please dear God, let it be true’’ she prayed.

    The fairy doctor was lovely.  The first thing she did was a pregnancy test and it was confirmed that yes, Olive was pregnant!

    ‘‘But, are you sure?’’ they said in unison.

    ‘‘I am going to do an ultra sound’’ she said ‘‘as you already have a swollen tummy, maybe we will be able to see a heart-beat and have it all confirmed.’’

    Olive wanted her mother Destiny there so said they would come back that afternoon at 3.00pm if possible.  The pair of fairies were bubbling over with excitement when they went running into the olive tree house of Destiny and Cielo.

    ‘‘You are never going to believe it’’ they said ‘‘you are going to a
again.  We have a scan booked for this afternoon and we want you to come.’’

    Destiny smiled.  She knew that her daughter and fairy son-in-law had wanted a fairy baby from the moment they married.  They were so in love and wanted to seal the union with a fairy from heaven.  A big surprise was in store for them all when they arrived to the fairy hospital, there wasn’t just one but, two heartbeats…….

Mio Dio
- OMG!’’ they screamed ‘‘no way!!!!! We are having twins!’’

    Olive was crying, Oak was crying,
was crying. 

    ‘These fairies are very emotional’ thought the nurse as she also felt tears rising.  These fairy babies were certainly a gift from up above.

    Olive was already twenty weeks pregnant and didn’t even know it!!!!

    ‘‘Praise to the fairy God up in the skies!!’’ they shouted.

    ‘‘Would you like to know the sexes?’’ the nurse asked.

    They looked at each other and said ‘‘well we don’t really mind as long as they are healthy fairies with strong wings but, yes it would be nice.’’

    ‘‘Guess what you lucky little fairies?  You are having a fairy boy and a fairy girl!’’

    ‘‘That’s amazing’’ they said between more tears.

    Preparations for the nursery began almost immediately.  Destiny said she felt a shopping trip coming on and told Cielo to get the helicopter ready for the very next days.  They were off to Fairies ‘R’ Us which was located in the shopping centre Arcadia plus Wings and Dazzle had some amazing baby outfits fit for her

    They were up bright and early the next morning.  Cielo assured Destiny that he had his credit card at hand…….

    Destiny licked her fairy lips in anticipation.  Willow also came along.

    ‘‘All aboard’’ shouted Destiny excitedly.

    Landing was granted quite swiftly as the landing crew at the shopping centre were becoming used to these fairies expeditions.

    ‘‘Fairies ‘R’ Us, here we come’’ they shouted.

    They almost flew along, they just couldn’t get there fast enough.  Cielo was happy to spend this money, it was such an exciting time for everyone.  Fairy twins had not been born in the olive tree fields ever before, it was totally unexpected.  A fairy miracle!

    Destiny beamed in on the most amazing fairy carrier ever.

Mio Dio
- OMG!  Look at this!’’ she shouted to Olive ‘‘we have to have it, imagine those two adorable fairies sitting in it……’’

    With that she spotted a cot.  To be honest, what didn’t she spot?  She wanted everything for her fairy children and grand-children, everything!  And why not? ‘‘Look at that pram over there’’ she shouted ‘‘it’s made especially for twins, it’s adorable, we have to have it.’’

    She brought out the shop, even a huge cuddly zebra along with matching outfits for the fairies.  Cielo bit his lip nervously ‘‘ok’’ he said ‘‘have whatever your heart desires.’’ 

    He knew his wife liked to spend but, my God, that was an understatement!  The understatement of the century!  He swallowed hard but, the smiles on everyone’s faces were well worth it.

    Olive and Oak had already decided on names. The little fairy girl was going to be called Stella after the stars in the sky and the little fairy boy Elvis.  It was a little tribute to Priscilla as she felt she had something to do with this wish being granted and whoever heard of a fairy boy called Elvis?  He would be unique.  Olive knew in her heart that he would have a music talent like no other and her little Stella would always shine bright like the shiniest star in the sky. 

    Then it was off to Wings and Dazzle where some cute little bibs caught Olive’s eyes.  She smiled to her

    ‘‘I love them’’ she said ‘‘how divine.’’

   Destiny didn’t need much persuasion and decided to have the exquisite bibs made with the fairies names emblazoned across them, fairy pink for Stella and fairy blue for Elvis.

    Not to mention all the cutesy ditzy fairy clothes.  The cutest babygros and even the dazzling maternity wear were to die for!  Olive felt she had missed out on these as she was already half-way through her pregnancy.  It is well known that when a fairy is pregnant with twins, they never go to full-term so Olive knew she might as well make the best of it.

    They returned to the heli-pad laden down with clothes.  The furniture would be sent later as there was way too much to take them with them.  They were all exhausted and decided to stop off at Fairy Heaven for some cup-cakes and a lovely non-alcoholic fairy cocktail.  It was made with the fresh fruits that were in season this time of year.

    It was straight onto plans for the nursery.  This didn’t take Destiny long to put them into action.  Olive wanted the fairies to be in the same nursery for the first year after all, they bonded in the womb and she did not want them to be separated.  The nursery had to be straight off their bedroom as she wanted them close to them both at all times.  One wall of the nursery was going to be painted just like the sky with stars and the colours of the rainbow splashed over it, the other wall would be one of music, dreams and fairies.  Destiny had already commissioned a famous painter Angelo Michaelo Di Burre to fly in from Rome to do this amazing master piece.

    Olive was still working as a music teacher which she loved.  She decided to carry on as she felt healthy enough and her
had promised she would take care of everything, she knew she was so very fortunate and lucky to have the parents she did.

   Luna and Dandy shared in the excitement from across the seas and promised to throw the most amazing baby shower for Olive in four weeks time. 

    Renesmee kept saying ‘‘fairy bubbas!  Fairy bubbas!  Me want cuddles with the fairy bubbas!!’’

    ‘‘When they are born my little one, when they arrive…….’’ said the boys.

    ‘‘I want cuddles now!’’ shouted little Renesmee.

    She was getting to that age, she knew her mind already.

    ‘‘Kiss, kiss,
baci, baci
’’ she said blowing kisses.

    Luna and Dandy hired Paulo.  He was well known in Hollywood for being the best fairy for throwing spectacular fairy baby showers.  Paulo liked
at its best, this suited the fairy’s tastes.  The boys liked everything over the top and sparkly, fit for fairy babies of the chosen one.

  The local sculpture to the stars was commissioned to make two huge storks.  One in blue and one in pink.  These would be flown to the olive tree fields and placed outside the entrance to Olive’s olive tree house.  They would be unveiled when the fairy bubbas were born.

    A huge hall was hired for Olive’s baby shower.  Tables and high-backed chairs were flown in from a top designer in Rome, beautiful table cloths adorned the tables, large ornate candles were put everywhere and an amazing six tier cake was made.  The cake was covered in sugar flowers of pink and blue.  There was a table purely for those with a sweet tooth, a chocolate fountain was in the centre where one could choose what to put under it, strawberries, marshmallows, your choice!  A separate table was set along the far end wall.  This was covered in gifts for the fairy mother-to-be.  The christening gowns laid centre of pride in the middle of the table they were amazing!  No one held a shower like Paolo!  Olive and Oak loved every minute of it.

    The last weeks of pregnancy flowed by.  As expected the fairies came into the fairy world earlier than they should have.  At thirty three weeks, Olive was experiencing strong labour pains, she was rushed to the fairy hospital.  Two adorable fairies came into the world, they were tiny, very cute and very small.  It was totally amazing.

    These two fairy babies were going to be loved by all and were special from the outset. Their lives were already pre-destined as after all their
was none other than THE CHOSEN ONE!

The End

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