On a Rogue Planet (12 page)

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Authors: Anna Hackett

BOOK: On a Rogue Planet
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Malin leaned into him, her shapely bottom rubbing against him. He hissed out a breath.

When the Rahl groaned, it snapped Xander out of the sensual spell. He took hold of Malin’s arm and pulled her left, toward the opposite door and out of the room.

As they passed into yet another corridor, she kept her gaze resolutely ahead. “Which way?”

“Ahead and to the left.”

They hadn’t gone far when Dathan’s voice came through again. “CenSec, you there?”


“They’ve found the shuttle.”

Xander bit off a curse. “We’ll find another shuttle.”

“I won’t risk my cousin—”

“I’ll take care of Malin.” He looked down into turbulent amethyst eyes. “You have my word.”

“I’ll hold you to that, CenSec. If you don’t get her back to us safely…” Dathan didn’t need to finish his threat.

“I’ll keep her safe.” And as the words crossed his lips, Xander realized keeping her safe had become vitally important to him.

“What’s going on?” Malin asked.

Xander hurried her down the hall. “The Rahl found our shuttle. We’ll need to find another way out.”

“We’ll have to steal another shuttle.”

“The Rahl are patrolling the landing pads.”

“Any secondary pads?”

He ran through the overlay glowing over his right eye. “No.”

“Wait a second.” She drew to a stop. “Do they have a salvage yard?”

“Yes. A small one.”

“Then there should be pads there.”

He scanned the schematics. “Yes! Including record of a small starfreighter.”

“Let’s go.”

They made it out of the building. Xander was grateful Rhage had a breathable atmosphere, with only a slightly decreased oxygen content. Surprisingly, he and Malin made it out into the courtyard in front of the arena without encountering any other Rahl.

“Look!” She pointed ahead. A high electro-link fence cordoned off a small salvage yard.

They’d only gone a couple of steps when a Rahl guard rounded the corner of the building. When he saw them, his eyes flared and he bared his fangs.

Xander leaped high and came down on the top of the guard. He gripped the guard’s head and with a violent twist, broke his neck.

He dropped the body and looked at Malin. “Keep moving.”

They sprinted across the open courtyard. Behind them, he heard the sound of running footfalls.

Malin glanced over her shoulder and her mouth tightened. “They’re coming.”

His sensors detected thirty Rahl in pursuit.

They passed a large statue of a Rahl set to attack—fangs bared, large fists raised. Ahead of Xander, Malin stumbled on her precarious heels. Without breaking stride, Xander swung her into his arms.

They neared the glowing fence. Xander searched for an entrance and then assessed the height in case he had to jump. Luckily electro fences didn’t carry enough voltage to do much harm if they touched it.

Malin cursed. “Xander, look at the freighter.”

He looked beyond the fence’s blue mesh. The small freighter sat on the landing pads. He swallowed his own curse. It had been sitting there a long time and wouldn’t be leaving any time soon. It had been partially dismantled and listed to one side.

Xander set Malin down, running through their options. He looked behind them and saw the Rahl racing toward them. Some were bounding on all fours like giant cats.

“Run.” He flexed his hands, letting his system run through the best attack plans. None of them had a hundred percent chance of success.

But he could distract them, take down enough of them to allow Malin to get away.

“What?” she stared up at him.

“Run. Get out of here.”

“I’m not leaving you.”

“Then you’ll die.” He gripped her chin, wished for more time with her. “I don’t want you to die, Malin.”

Her lips parted. “They’ll tear you apart.”

“As long as you’re safe.” He stroked her smooth skin. “Go, find your cousins, and if you can, find the Antikythera.”

The growls and yells of the approaching Rahl filled the air.

Malin closed her eyes. “Xander—”

Then a new sound blasted around them.

The roar of starship engines.

Xander and Malin looked up.

, with its distinctive scorpion shape, hovered above them.

Malin pumped a fist in the air with a smile. The blasts of air generated by the engines whipped up the debris around them and sent the Rahl into chaos.

Xander saw a thin metal line lower from the ship. “Come on.” He pushed Malin ahead of him.

They sprinted together. The line finished descending but was still far above their heads. The nearby buildings were preventing the ship from descending lower.

“Not enough,” Malin yelled.

Xander took a second to assess, then he grabbed Malin and swung her onto his back. She let out a short scream, but instantly realized what he had planned. She wrapped her arms and legs around him.

Xander ran, took three large steps and leaped into the air.

His enhanced strength took him high into the air. He grabbed the line with his mechanical arm, then used his other to reach around and secure Malin’s slight weight.

Below them, he saw a few of the Rahl warriors attempting to jump up and grab them.

But then the line was retracting, whizzing upward, sending them higher and higher.

Niklas pulled them aboard the ship. “You two okay?”

Malin’s eyes were squeezed shut. “Fine.”

“Dathan—” Niklas slammed the ship’s hatch closed “—get us out of here. Before the Rahl can scramble any ships.”

“You got it,” came Dathan’s cheerful reply from the cockpit.

Xander cupped Malin’s face, looking her over. “Are you sure you’re fine?”

“I’m okay. Just don’t love heights.” She smiled. “Thanks for the rescue.”

“You’re welcome. I’ll put it on your bill.”

Her mouth dropped open. “Oh my stars, Xander. Did you just make a joke?”

“CenSecs do not joke.” He savored her smile and glanced at Niklas. “We found the location of the Antikythera. A planet called Technis.”

“Never heard of it.” Niklas frowned. “Where is it?”

Xander ran the name through his databases. Nothing. “I have no idea.”

Chapter Twelve

Mal stood in the shower in her cabin longer than normal, washing the grime of Rhage away.

She pressed her hands to the plas-stall and let the water flow over her head. Well, technically it was more mist than water—a water-saving feature all starships utilized—and the water had a faint chemical tang of the water recycling unit that she hated.

But she was clean again. That’s what counted.

With a sigh, she flicked off the spray and grabbed a towel. She’d left Xander glued to a computer console running every known search trying to find any reference to a planet called Technis.

Before her eyes, he’d morphed into an obsessive demon. After ensuring the Centaxian women had gotten away safely and were headed to a friendly planet nearby, he’d thrown everything he had into finding Technis.

Mal dried off, tucked the towel around herself, and dug into her duffle bag for some clean clothes. Clothes that actually covered her. She never wanted to see that tiny skirt again.

Images of Xalla and those poor Centaxian women hit Mal like a blow. And Trax. Where was he? Was he still alive?

When she turned around, she yelped.

Xander stood in her cabin, watching her.

He’d showered, too. His hair was damp and he’d removed the temp tattoos. He was back to clean-cut CenSec, and stars, he was gorgeous.

She glanced at the door. “I didn’t hear the door chime.”

He shrugged. “I’m a cyborg. I can disable things easily.”

His green-gold eyes were watching her with an intensity that made her breath catch. There was heat burning there. A lot of it. She hitched the towel higher. “Did you find anything on the planet?”

“Not yet. The searches will take a few hours to run.” He started forward.

Mal’s heart was thundering. She felt more like prey now than when the Rahl had been chasing them. “What do you want, Xander?”

“I want to touch you.”

She pulled in a shaky breath. “I—”

“And I want to put my mouth between your legs.”

Stars save her from straight-talking cyborgs. He wasn’t even trying to be seductive, but she was wet in a flash.

With a sudden movement, he grabbed her and carried her to the bunk against the far wall. She could feel the tension vibrating off him. He dropped her and she bounced once, losing hold of her towel. He stripped it away and threw it on the floor.

He studied her, his gaze running over every inch of her naked body until she wanted to writhe. There was an intensity there, burning bright. No doubt fueled by the fear and frustration for his planet, feelings he’d kept bottled up too long.

Mal wanted to help him find a release for them. And for her own fury and worry.

“You are very beautiful, Malin.” Xander dropped to his knees beside the bed. “Your skin is so smooth and creamy.” He circled his fingers around her ankle, then ran his hand up her calf, seeming to marvel at the contrast of his dark hand against her paler skin. “And you are perfectly formed. Slim limbs, delicate curves.”

“Some men like lots of tits and ass.” At his blank stare, she laughed. “Big breasts and bottoms. Lots and lots of curves.”

One of his palms cupped her breast, covering it. “It seems a waste when just the perfect handful is enough.”

Then, as though the contact triggered something, his hands were all over her body, like he couldn’t stop caressing her. Mal closed her eyes and enjoyed it. Her legs moved restlessly against the covers. His hands skimmed down her sides, leaving no part of her untouched.

“My systems control my fertility and health, so you don’t need to worry about pregnancy or disease.”

She tried to focus. “I have a Namah implant.” Which protected her as well.

In one of his signature fast moves, he grabbed both her knees and yanked her toward the edge of the bed. She gave a quiet yelp, watching as he nudged her thighs apart.

“I’ll taste you now.”

And without another word, his dark head lowered and he pressed his mouth between her legs.

Malin let out a cry and her hips surged upward. Stars, the heat of his mouth was…wonderful. He licked at her, strong steady laps that were driving her close to climax already. She managed to pry her ten-ton eyelids open. Saw he was watching her, adjusting the pressure of his mouth at her response.

Her thoughtful, efficient cyborg.

“What else do you like, Malin?”

His deep, husky voice ran though her, leaving goose bumps. “Tongue. Put your tongue inside me.”

He followed the direction, stabbing inside her, again adjusting to what she liked best.

“What else?”

She was shaking, riding the fine edge of arousal, the end a shining promise to come. “My clit…clitoris. It’s the most sensitive.”

He licked at it instantly and she nearly flew off the bed.

“Suck it.” Her head fell back under the onslaught. “Nip it. Gently.” She could barely get the words out.

He’d told her he didn’t follow orders, but he followed hers just fine. A second later, the most intense orgasm of her life ripped through her and she screamed.

When she recovered enough she could see, she lifted her head and saw him still kneeling, his cheek pressed against her thigh. His face was flushed and sheened with perspiration. It was impossible to tell from his expressionless features, but she suspected he was immensely pleased with himself.

“That was a truly brilliant experience, Malin.”

A giggle escaped before she slapped a hand over her mouth. She never giggled. “I think that’s my line.”

“Next, I would like—”

When he broke off, his attention focused off in space, she frowned and grabbed his arm. “What is it?”

“One of the searches has found some possible references for Technis.”

Mal swallowed a sigh. “It’s okay, tough guy. Go check it out.”

He hesitated for a second, then rose. “Thank you.”

Mal took her time dressing, her body still tingling from Xander’s touches. He was enjoying discovering sexual pleasure with her. Stars, and she was too. But she had to remember he would never let it get in the way of his mission. She’d be a momentary experience for him, nothing more.

After taking her time to dress, Mal eventually joined him in the cockpit. He sat hunched over the console, completely focused, but she sensed his monumental frustration. “Anything?”

He shook his head.

Mal looked at her cousins. “What’s the plan?”

Dathan shrugged. “For now, we’ll head back to Khan and keep trying to locate Technis.”

For the rest of the journey, Mal caught up on some sleep. But Xander stayed at the computer, running searches, wading through data. A man possessed.

Correction—a cyborg possessed.

Several hours later they were back on Khan. Mal didn’t realize just how glad she was to be home until she strode into the rec area. Dathan was sprawled on a couch with Eos tucked beside him and Nik sat at the computer console.

“Anything come up on this Technis yet?” she asked.

Dathan shook his head. “Nik’s got BEll working on it now. She’s checking all known star systems.”

Mal sensed rather than saw Xander enter the room.

For a second, she found herself staring at his handsome face, remembering the insane pleasure of his mouth on her. For the moment, crazy or not, he was hers.

“I’ve found no records of this planet in my databases.” Something dark flickered in his eyes. “I also hacked into some older CenSec databases. Nothing.”

Mal moved to him and smoothed a hand down his arm. He didn’t pull away. “We’ll find it.” She paused. “Maybe the Taskmaster lied?”

“No. I was monitoring his vitals. He was telling the truth. Or at least what he believed was the truth.”

Lala bounded into the room. “Okay, everyone. Dinner’s served.”

Xander’s brows pulled together. “Dinner?”

Mal shrugged. “Hi, Lala.”

“I had the urge to cook a meal to welcome you back.”

Mal had experienced the dubious pleasure of Lala’s cooking before. “That’s really not necessary—”

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