Read On a Rogue Planet Online

Authors: Anna Hackett

On a Rogue Planet (18 page)

BOOK: On a Rogue Planet
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Then he was lifting her up and lowering her to the mats. His big body followed her down, pinning her to floor. His hips fell into the cradle of hers and she circled her legs around his waist.

He groaned. “You feel so good. Soft. Curvy in the right places.” He plucked at the top of her coveralls. “I love how you look in these. Competent, hard-working. Makes me crazy trying to guess what you have underneath.”

Mal laughed, pleasure flooding through her. “Coveralls are not sexy, Xander.”

“They are to me. But only if you’re in them.”

He kissed her again and Mal went wild. Her hands ran over him, her nails scoring what skin she could find. He reared back and she helped him yank his shirt over his head.

Instantly, her fingers went to those intriguing silver implants.

“You don’t find them repulsive.”

It wasn’t a question, just a statement said in a voice holding the faintest edge of bemusement.

“I find them just as interesting as the rest of you.” She stroked the solid muscle of his chest, flicked a nail over his nipple. Smiled when it hardened and he groaned.

“Malin, I have to warn you.” He lifted his head. His green-gold eyes were intense. “Since I met you, I’ve spent considerable time accessing records on lovemaking.”

Of course he had. She smiled. “Really?”

“And sex. And fucking.” His lips took on a slightly feral edge. “I intend to do all three to you.”

Her smile disappeared.
Oh, stars
. “Well…well…”

“I have a list. It has a lot of things on it.”

A list? He was going to kill her. “Xander—”

“No more talking,” he growled. He gripped the neckline of her coveralls and tore them right down the middle.

“Xander!” Mal wanted to laugh but her stomach got tight just looking at his face.

As his gaze roamed over her chest, his eyes darkened. He tore her tank and black sports bra away as well and this time she felt a spasm between her legs. He leaned down and took one nipple in his mouth, treating it like a sweet candy. Sucking, licking, tugging. Her hands tangled in his hair, her back arching beneath him.

The sensations were…shocking. So, so good.

He moved to the other breast and she felt one hand sliding down her side. Then his weight was gone.

“What? No—”

“Need you naked.” He reared back far enough to strip the ruined coveralls off her along with her underwear.

Then she was completely naked and from the look in his eyes, he thought she looked damn fine. Better than fine.

He spread her legs, nudging her thighs wide. “I am a very fast learner. I think I can do this even better than last time.” His mouth pressed against her pubic bone.

“By the stars.” Mal’s head fell backward.

He gripped her ass, yanking her toward him. He threw her legs over his shoulders. Then he devoured her.

This time he wasn’t hesitant, wasn’t taking his time. The feel of his mouth and tongue, working her hard, tasting every part of her was so good she wondered that she didn’t just shatter apart right there. He lapped at her like a starving man and she dug her heels into his back, pressed up to his mouth for more.

“So good.” She looked at him now, loving the shocking sight of him holding her, eating her and enjoying every second of it.

The orgasm was building inside, harder and faster than ever before. Her hands scrabbled across the mats, searching for something to hold onto.

“Xander.” The last conscious thought was his name. Her orgasm hit like a starship at full speed. She screamed.

When she’d recovered enough to focus, he was crouched over her, a purely masculine look on his face.

“Yes, you did great. Beyond great. I loved it.”

“I got that.”

She snorted. “Well, round one was good. What’s next on your list?”

Heat flickered in his eyes. “I want you to suck my cock.”

Malin felt another spasm at the juncture of her thighs. She looked down his body. He was still wearing his trousers but the large bulge at the front told her everything she needed to know. She licked her lips. “I’ll—”

“No. I changed my mind.” He pushed off her and stood. “We’ll save that for next time.”

She raised up on her elbows and watched him strip off his trousers and boxers with quick efficiency. His stomach was all rock-hard muscle and his cock was large and heavy, curving upward toward his belly.

And right then, she wanted it in her mouth. To taste him and drive him crazy.

He read her intent. “No.” He was back on top of her, nudging her legs open again with his hard thighs. “I want to be inside you. I need it.”

All the loose muscles from her orgasm tightened. “I’m up for that.”


Xander couldn’t think.

All he could do was feel.

He was acting on instinct, breathing through the heavy need he had to claim Malin and the desperate need he had to ease the burn inside him.

He slipped a hand between her legs and spread her sweet, plump lips. He remembered he had to check she was ready for him. She was so wet from his mouth there. He tried to remember everything he’d read, but most of it was a jumble and he didn’t want to access the records. Not here, not now. Right now, he was just a man, loving his woman.

He eased a finger inside her and she let out a cry.


Her hips pumped against his hand. “Don’t stop.”

She was perfect. He pressed another finger in, stretching her. He had no idea how he’d fit inside her. His cock was a lot larger than his fingers. But he knew it would. His jaw clenched. It would.

Suddenly, he couldn’t go slow anymore.

He withdrew his hand and dropped his full weight on her. Her arms and legs wrapped around him. He gripped her thigh, tugging it high on his hip. The head of his erection touched her soft entrance.

He swallowed a groan and watched her face. He wanted to watch her as he entered her.

He meant to take his time, but driving need overtook him. He thrust into her, hard, in one big slide.

She arched, her mouth open. But her eyes, they were glittering and locked on him.

Xander felt sweat on his brow. She was warm and hot and so tight.

He wanted to say her name. Something. But he had no words.

“Move,” she whispered. “Take what you want.”

He pulled out and slammed back inside. That driving need coiled inside him tighter, demanding everything.

He stopped thinking completely and for the first time in his life, his body took over. He drove into her, hard and so fast. He heard grunts, realized they were from him.

She writhed beneath him, her hips slamming up to meet his urgent thrusts. “So…good.”

He thrust harder, something electric building at the base of his spine. He grabbed her legs and pushed them out, trying to get deeper inside her. To embed himself there.

He raised up, looking down to see where he was joined with her, where his thick cock was splitting her, connecting the two of them.

More power flooded into him and he thrust faster, losing his rhythm but it didn’t stop him.

She moaned and came again. He felt the hard clench of her internal muscles and with another wild thrust, his own orgasm tore through him.

Xander took her mouth, kissing her with wild abandon. He felt his release flood inside her.

He thrust into her one last time, holding himself there, planted as deep as he could. He moved some of his weight off her but stayed connected.

Her mouth pressed to the side of his neck, a slow, lazy slide. She let out a relaxed sigh and hugged him with her arms and legs.

He felt a warm glow inside him. Some unnamed emotion he couldn’t place. He held her tighter. It felt good.

“How’s that list you mentioned coming along?” she murmured.

“Very well. It is quite…long.”

Her chest shook with silent laughter. “Not very exact for a cyborg.”

“There are eighty-five items. Well, eighty-four now.”

Shock made her mouth slack. “Eighty-four. We might not survive!”

“I don’t care.” He turned his head and buried his face in her hair. “I’ll be the first CenSec to die of too many orgasms.”

She laughed out loud now, her hands sliding through his hair. “It’ll be a good way to go.”

Chapter Seventeen

Stars, she was coming.

Malin gripped the bed covers, staring blindly at the gunmetal gray wall of her cabin. She was on her hands and knees, with Xander’s large palm pressed to her lower back. His other hand was on her hip, holding her as he hammered inside her from behind.

He felt even larger this way, his cock stroking deeper. He was like a man possessed. And she loved it.

“Xander, don’t stop. I’m close.”

That palm slid up her spine and gripped her short hair, he tugged her head back, his chest covering her back as he took her mouth.

He thrust again and she came, his mouth swallowing her cry. Three more deep thrusts and he gripped her hips and held her still as he poured his orgasm into her.

They collapsed on the bed, wrecked, panting.

After their session on the mats in the gym, Xander had carried her to her cabin. She’d suggested a shower and she’d shown him just what you could do when you were slick and wet in a tight shower stall.

Afterward, she’d flopped face down on the bed, naked, damp and wrung out.

Clearly the sight had inspired him. He’d nudged her up on her knees and fucked her brains out again.

Mal had lost count of the orgasms he’d given her. Five, maybe six?

Slowly she regained control of her body again. A hand smoothed down her spine and she smiled. The man loved touching her.

“I think I could sleep until we get to Technis.” She turned her head and studied him as he lay there, taking up most of her bed. “But I’m hungry.”

“I can get some food from the mini-printer here in the cabin, or would you prefer something from the galley?”

She stretched lazily, enjoying all the pleasurable aches and pains. “Galley. Printer food’s okay, but I don’t care that it’s made of all the same molecules, it doesn’t taste as good as the real thing. Zayn keeps a pretty neat little hydroponics garden on board.”

“Galley it is.” Xander rose and pulled on his clothes.

She watched him dress and her mouth went dry. She could watch him all day long. All those glorious muscles covered in his gorgeous bronze skin and those intriguing implants and mechanical arm. To her, he was a work of art.

She even found the way he dressed in quick, economical movements fascinating.

She wanted to keep him.

Her throat closed and on that thought, she left the bed and went to her small closet. She pulled on underwear, a tank and clean coveralls. “I need to finish work on those parts. I promised Z.” And she needed to get out of the cabin for a bit and clear her head of crazy thoughts of Xander being hers…permanently.

“I can help.”

So much for alone time. “Sure.” Who needed alone time when you had a sexy cyborg lusting after you?

After they grabbed some snacks from the galley, they headed for the bay where she’d been working. There was no sign of her cousins and the ship lighting was dimmed. She figured they were sleeping and BEll was monitoring their transit.

Mal and Xander set to work. Xander finished the dismantling while Mal got to work cleaning and fixing the parts. They worked mainly in silence, but it was an easy silence. She loved that he anticipated what she needed, the tool there beside her before she even asked.

“What do you think we’ll find on Technis?” she asked.

“I think it’s best to be prepared for anything. Certainly Forge will have the Antikythera well-guarded.” Xander stared at the engine parts intently, but she knew he wasn’t seeing steel and grease. “I’ll do what I have to do to get it.”

The strong lines of his face were so beautiful. And his dedication to his planet was too.

“We’ll get it.”

He looked her way. “If things go wrong, get dangerous, I want you off the planet.”

“You think I’m just going to leave you there?”


“I didn’t leave you to die on Centax and I didn’t even know you. I didn’t leave you on Rhage.” Did he really value his life so little? “What makes you think I’d leave you now that I’m in—”
Oh, stars
. She broke off, blinking rapidly. “Now that I like you. Especially that body of yours.”

She set her multi-tool down and sauntered slowly his way.

He watched her coming, his eyes darkening.

Mal sank to her knees in front of him.

“What are you doing?” His voice was the tiniest bit wary.

She liked that. The big bad CenSec afraid of her. “I thought we’d try the next thing on your list.”

“You don’t know what’s next.”

“Oh, I know men, this has to be somewhere on there.” She pressed her cheek to the growing bulge at his crotch, breathed against the fabric. “And I saw the way your watched that Rahl on Rhage. You imagined us like that, didn’t you?”

He jerked, his hands clenched around the sonic hammer in his hands.

“Has anyone ever taken your cock in their mouth, Xander?”

He shook his head, a shiver snaking through him. “That…wasn’t part of my training.”

Sensual power filled her. She loved that she could make this strong man tremble. She reached up and undid his zipper. “Would you like me to suck your cock?”

“Malin.” The hammer clattered to the ground and his hands sank into her hair. “I want everything with you.”

Her heart gave a happy little spasm. She knew he didn’t mean it the way she wanted, but it was nice to hear.

She pulled his hard cock out of his trousers. Big, thick but silky smooth.

Pressing one hand to his muscular thigh, she leaned down, stopped with her lips a breath from the wide head of him. His heavy breathing rasped in the air around them. She licked.

He jumped, his hands clenching in her hair. Automatically he relaxed his grip.

Mal took her time, licking along the length of him. Then she sucked him in. Hard and deep.

He groaned, his entire body strung tight. She worked him, up and down, loving the musky male taste of him. Loving that she was the one showing him a pleasure he’d never had before.

BOOK: On a Rogue Planet
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