On Ice (26 page)

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Authors: J. D. Faver

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Thrillers, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

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I have no opinion of Mr. Desmond, Ma’am. I check out everything.” He took the small notebook from his jacket and flipped to a particular page. “You told me that Mr. Desmond abused Mrs. Desmond, yet we’ve received no calls for assistance from that address.”

She was too frightened. He totally controlled her.” Maddy sank back on the pillows rolling her eyes up to stare at the ceiling.

How did this frightened, controlled, abused woman gather the courage to run away?”

His plain flat face and plain flat voice infuriated her. She stared up at a pattern made by the holes in the ceiling tiles.

My wife assisted her. She led him to believe Rene had gone to Europe, when in fact--”

In fact,” Maddy interrupted, “she went elsewhere.”

And where is she now?” The pencil poised over the little pad in the big meaty hands.

She’s somewhere safe,” Maddy said belligerently. “That’s all you need to know.”

I’ll need to talk to her.”

I don’t think so.” She glared at him. “She’s not involved in any of the incidents you’re supposed to be investigating. She wasn’t around when Mark attacked Terrence in the garage, nor when he broadsided my car. And today when he put the dead rose on my tray, she’s safe and sound in a place far, far away.”

Yes, Ma’am. Have you talked to her lately? Does she know about these incidents?”

We haven’t contacted her. It would serve no purpose,” Ted said.

It would only worry her. We don’t want to lead Mark to her,” Maddy said.

So, you contend that Mr. Desmond is harassing you, because--?” His voice trailed off.

Because he must know we helped Rene get away and he hopes we’ll lead him to her,” Maddy said. “He knows how close we are.”

You haven’t talked to her in--” He gazed at her with the flat affect that made her want to come out of the bed and slap him.

That’s right. I haven’t spoken to my sister in some time, but there’s a reason for that.” Tears glinted in her eyes, but she refused to cry in front of this oaf.

I think you’ve upset my wife quite enough, officer.”

Detective, if you please,” the flat face gave what passed for a smile.




Mark arranged to meet Detective Ambrose in the same location as the previous night. He circled the block once and Ambrose appeared at the curb.

Ambrose slid into the nondescript car and pulled his collar up as before.

Did you take care of it?” Mark tried not to appear too anxious.

Do you have the rest of my cash?”

He passed him an envelope bulging with hundreds.

Ambrose examined the contents, his stubby fingers leafing through the bills. His flat face wrinkled into what passed for a smile. “It’s all taken care of. Mark Edward Desmond is not in the system.”

Mark took a deep breath and let it out slowly. His whole career in the legal profession had been in jeopardy. He could have lost his license to practice law and kiss his aspirations to become a federal judge goodbye forever. He didn’t care about the cost. Money was no object. Now he could concentrate on his beloved sister-in-law and making her life miserable until she told him where his wife was hiding.

What can you tell me about the listening device you planted in the Sanders house? Can I hear what they’re saying?”

Only the telephones are bugged.” Ambrose gave him the receiver and a set of headphones and showed him how to use it. He carefully wiped his prints off the equipment before sliding out of the car.



Rene lay propped on pillows in the guest bedroom at Brett’s house. She gazed out at the swirling snowflakes. Everything appeared to be covered with a light dusting of powdered sugar. Her children’s voices filtered in from the living room. Brett came to the open doorway. Turning, she smiled in spite of the twinges incurred in the effort.

Lorelei’s gone?” he asked. He sat on the edge of her bed, then took her hand in his.

She removed the drain tube and put on a pressure bandage. She said the hole would close by itself.” Lorelei had also asked her about the old fractures that showed up on her x-rays. When Rene couldn’t come up with a quick answer, Lorelei gave her the talk about spousal abuse.

Don’t worry, honey,” she had said. “You’re safe now. I don’t think Brett would let anyone hurt you and I’d be plumb put out myself.”

How do you feel?” Brett asked.

Exhausted. I could sleep for a hundred years.” She managed a smile. “Lorelei said it’s because I’m not breathing deeply enough. Not getting sufficient air.” She touched the nasal tubing looped around her ears providing a steady flow of oxygen. “She ordered a Respiratory Therapist.”

You just stay hooked up to that thing for a while.” Brett pointed to the bubbling oxygen concentrator.

Makes me feel like I’m swimming under water.”

Float, and that’s an order.”

Don’t make me laugh.” She held her ribs.

I’m sorry.” He turned solemn. “I came close to losing you. If Father Paul hadn’t heard the crash, you wouldn’t have made it. You couldn’t live long with a collapsed lung.”

I learned a new word. Pneumo-thorax, that’s what the doc called it.”

You hit the steering wheel hard. And the truck only has a lap belt, not a shoulder harness. It wouldn’t have been so bad if the truck was newer.”

Not your fault. I haven’t driven in bad weather in a long time. In fact, I really haven’t driven at all lately.”

Why not?”

Rene shrugged her shoulders slightly, wincing as the pain registered. She didn’t answer.

He didn’t press. He put her fingers to his lips and then held her hand to his cheek. “It’s all right. I don’t want you to leave here. Whoever’s out there, whoever’s frightened you, I’ll protect you. You and the children are safe here.”

I wish it were that easy.” She heaved a small wheezy sigh, wondering if Lorelei told him about the old fractures.

It’s easy. I love you, Rene. I want you here with me.”

Tears stung her eyes, spilling over onto her cheeks. “I can’t let you get involved in my problems. Either they’ll work out or they won’t. If they don’t work out, please make sure the kids get to my sister Maddy Sanders in Houston.”

You’re scaring me,” he said.

I’m already scared, but I’m trying to make things right. Maddy’s husband is Dr. Ted Sanders. She’ll know what to do. She’s much stronger than I am.”






Mark entered the smoky bar. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. Across the room, a line of purple neon reflecting on a silver background illuminated the back of the bar. Several people turned to him with openly curious stares. He needed a drink to get through this. He headed for the bar.

A man wearing black leather pants looked him over. His well developed upper body bulged out of a white ‘wife beater’ undershirt. A slow grin emerged, softening his hawk-like features. “Hey baby. Buy you a drink?” He held out his hand.

You just stay away from him, you big freak.” Tommy caught Mark by the arm. “Marky is all mine.” Tommy wore snug jeans and a teal tee shirt with the sleeves and hem torn off, baring his soft white midriff.

The hawk-man drew back, his eyes shuttered, he returned to his drink.

I got us a table,” Tommy said. “I’ll introduce you to my friends Lawrence and Candy. They’re really fun people. The band starts at nine. They’re so hot. You’ll just love them.”

Tommy pulled Mark to the far wall, proudly displaying him like a well-groomed trophy. Many heads turned as they passed. Mark smiled and tried not to make eye contact.

Here we are dear one. Just plop your little tushie right here.” Tommy held out a chair for him and patted the seat.

Mark sat and glanced across the table at a man and woman who looked fairly normal. He took a deep breath and felt a little of his tension drain away.

Marky, these are my friends, Candy and Lawrence.” He turned in his seat. “Can we please get some drinks over here?”

Mark nodded to the woman. She had a cute, turned up nose and wore her honey colored hair in a June Allison bob. “Hello Candy.” He held out his hand to the male. “Hello Lawrence.”

The man kissed his hand.

The woman smiled and gave him a finger wave. “You got it backwards honey. I’m Lawrence and this is Candy.” Lawrence had a deep whiskey and cigarettes voice.

Pleased to meet you, I’m sure.” Candy gave Mark’s hand a squeeze before releasing him. “I have a little antique shop and Lawrence is an architect. What do you do?”

Mark swallowed something tasting like bile but it was probably his pride. “I’m currently unemployed.”

A waitperson in desperate need of electrolysis appeared wearing short shorts.

Do we all want Margaritas?” Tommy asked. “Seriously, Marky, the Margaritas here will just knock you on your ass.”

In that case, give me two.”

The others laughed.

This is so going to kill my diet,” Tommy said. “Just look at this.” He raised the edge of his torn shirt displaying his milky white stomach with a naval piercing. He pinched the soft fat and groaned aloud.

Oh stop complaining, Tommy.” Lawrence gave Tommy’s flab a little pat. “You’re absolutely delicious, like a yummy marshmallow.”

So, Marky, what brought you to Houston?” Candy leaned toward him, squinting through the smoke drifting from Lawrence’s cigarette.

My lover left me,” he said. “Just disappeared. We were together a long time.”

C’est tragique!” Lawrence raised his eyebrows and drew down his lips in an elaborate pantomime. “Tell us all about it. What was his name?”

Rene. My lover’s name is Rene.” Mark took the frozen Margarita from the waitperson’s hand. He drank it too fast, bringing a stab of pain to his temples. It was a good pain. Something he knew and understood.

What did he do?” Candy asked.

Stayed home. Took care of me.” Mark drained the last of the Margarita. “I asked very little of Rene.”

Poor baby,” Tommy said. “I didn’t know you were on the rebound.”

You need another Rita.” Lawrence waved at the waitperson, raising Mark’s empty glass. “That’ll fix-a-rita you right up.”

Candy placed his hand on Mark’s arm. “So you moved here to forget about Rene? We can help you forget that bitch.”

I won’t ever forget Rene. I want to find Rene.”

Oh, honey,” Tommy said. “Do you think that’s wise? When someone leaves it’s never the same, even if you try to patch it up. It’s best to make a fresh start.”

Rene can’t survive without me.” Mark reached for the next drink. “Rene is just waiting to be found.”

Good luck, honey.” Lawrence raised his glass. “To lost loves.” The others clinked their glasses to his and drank.

Ooh, look! The band is here.” Tommy pointed to the raised stage and bounced up and down in his seat. We’re gonna rock this house tonight!”

Mark smiled, wondering how far he had to go to maintain anonymity in his hiding place. He just had to blend in until he could get a line on Rene.



Who knew breathing could be so difficult? The Respiratory Therapist came out each day and made her breathe into a machine to increase the depth of her respirations.

Rene contemplated the flames crackling in the grate. Brett’s fire blazed behind a gleaming brass and glass screen, much nicer than the ancient black one in front of the smoke charred fireplace at the cabin. Somehow, her heart longed to return to the cozy little place she had come to think of as home. Her wound was healing nicely, but she still felt exhausted from the ordeal.

Mom?” Seth came to stand beside the sofa, where she sat with her feet on an ottoman.

The baked warmth on one side of her face tingled as she deprived it of its heat source. “What’s up?” she asked, stifling a yawn.

Mrs. Jolly said to ask you if you need anything.” He propped his cheeks on his fists as he leaned on the overstuffed armrest.

She thought a moment. “I don’t need anything Mrs. Jolly can give me.” She smiled sadly at her son’s quizzical expression. “Just tell her I’m fine.” Seth returned to the kitchen where Mrs. Jolly banged pots and pans. Rene had almost become used to the delicious smells emanating from this center of culinary delights.

Another great meal.
Doesn’t she know how to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?

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