On Tenterhooks (48 page)

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Authors: Greever Williams

BOOK: On Tenterhooks
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Okay, here’s the deal,” he said, sitting down on the couch.
“I’ve been thinking about wha
t we’re up against.
Bottom line is
we don’t know. Biker couldn’t tell us a whole lot, except that Preacher is
a nasty twisted pit of evil with one purpose only
His whole drive is to find us and keep us from fulfilling some good thing or other
When Biker drops our shield, we know Preacher is going to come gunning for us.
So even though we don’t know for sure what to expect, we still can’t hang out just waiting.”


“I don’t know about you all,” interrupted Martin

ut I am not gonna sit around and be a pawn in someone else’s game
If that sonuvabitch had something to do with my
’s death, he’s gonna get the busi
ness end of me before I am done
Pounding a palm into his fist for emphasis, he concluded,

found some
makeshift weapons in the shed.”


Steve picked up a rusty axe
from a pile of tools at the edge of the couch
“I’d suggest we all take one and keep it with us at all times.
, you still have the gun Biker gave you


“Always,” she said, patting the butt of the gun that stuck out of the waist of her jeans.


“Good,” Steve replied
“How many shots?”


one in the chamber and seven in the clip
Might not kill him,
but it’ll do some damage
I bet.


rifled through the pile and
picked up a machete in a
leather scabbard
He pulled on the handle and
a bright metal blade.
“Ah, bolo!” he said.
The blade glinted in the lamplight as he twisted his wrist to test it.
the blad
back in
to the scabbard and tied the straps around his belt loop and thigh
“This’ll work for me.”


Abby pulled a small hunting knife from her jacket pocket.
“I got mine,” she said. “I found it in that trunk in the attic. It’s perfect for me


Steve frowned at first
It was small, but so was she
Besides, he had to remind himself that he had no idea what was or wasn’t going to work against Preacher
There was no sense destroying confidence
when he didn’t know the truth himself.


“Okay, good.
Don’t let this stuff out of arm’s reach then
We don’t know when things are going to go south
Which leads me to my next point
: w
e need to sleep in shifts
I’d recommend four hours each
We all need sleep, but we don’t want
him to catch us
off guard
need to sleep with the bedroom doors open.
This house is small enough that we should be able t
o hear anything from anywhere.”


No one argued, or even spoke

just thoughtful nods of agreement.


“And finally, w
hen things start to happen, I’d recommend we hole up here in the den
if we can
. We’ve only got that one small window to deal with
,” he said, gesturing to the window in the front wall of the house.


nd we can close off
door to the hallway and the kitchen and move the furniture over to block it
If we have to, we can put our backs to th
, so
he can’t sneak up on us.”


“Good,” said
. “So
who’s up first
for guard duty


“I’ll take the first shift.
You guys go get some sleep
,” Steve said swiftly.
He stood up
and the others joined him.


“No argument here, I’m beat,” said
, yawning


“Martin, I’ll help you with the kitchen,” said Abby.


“No girl.
It’ll keep ‘til morning
. You go do like Steve said and get some shut-eye.”


“You sure?”




“Before you leave,” Steve said. “I was thinkin’
. Should
we do some sort of group prayer
I’m not sure I have the words, but


“We don’t need words,” said Abby. She moved close and put her arm around Steve. Martin and
stepped forward. For several moments, the four stood close together in a quiet embrace.


“Amen,” Martin whispered.


Steve cleared his throat as he broke the circle.
you guys.”


Martin smiled and
sat down in the chair by the window
. Abby and
headed down the hallway.


“Goodnight,” Abby called.



you up for the second shift?”
Steve asked.


But make sure you announce it’s you coming to wake me up
so I don’t bust a cap in your ass.”


Steve chuckled. He sighed and sat down on the couch across from the fireplace
was peering out
the gathering night in the clearing. St
pawed through the rusty tools piled on the couch.


“See anything i
out there
he asked.


“Nope.  All quiet.
Hey St
eve, let me ask you something.
Have you thought about what’s going to happen in the future?  I mean, if


we get through
all of




“I mean, think about it man.
How am I gonna go back to being a pharmacist? How are you gonna be a computer guy knowing that this kind of evil mess walks the earth with us?”


“I don’t think that far ahead right now
One day at a time is about a
I can afford to do
at this point
I was kinda already operating in that mode after Julie died, so it’s come natural
to me lately

e shrugged as he continued

I do think
eventually I’ll be able to look further ahead
I don’t intend to wander through the rest of my life one day at a time, but
, that’s working out well for me.”


Martin grunted an agreement
The house grew quiet
very noise was audible
could hear the muffled tones of Abby and
whispering in their room
He heard the small hiss of the fire in the kitchen. He could hear the chorus of chirping crickets and night
birds outside. Long minutes passed. Martin’s
breathing was shallow and steady
and his eyes were closed
Steve slid himself to the edge of the couch
He was planning to do a perimeter on the house every
20 minutes or so
to check things out and to keep himself awake. As he picked up his axe and headed for the kitchen, Martin’s voice caught him off guard.


“I always knew
that there were angels among us,
never thought
about the
It makes
But the worst part of this
is that
even if we beat this thing, it’s k
nd of like a hollow victory. ‘C
ause they still maintain a balance, with us caught in the middle
a war that has been raging
since the beginning of time.
How’re we supposed to deal with that one?”


Steve leaned his axe on the couch
He walked to Martin’s side and put a hand on Martin’s shoulder.
“We just do
, man
We take it one little bit at a time.


Martin looked up at him.


If we can defeat Preacher, it means that we ourselves and anybody else he’s been after can breathe a sigh of relie
f,” Steve continued. “
Even if it isn’t permanent, at least we’ll know we knocked him down
When it comes down to it, we’ll figure out how it’s done
And if we can do it once, we’ll do it again
if need be.”


Martin was tired
He nodded at Steve’s comment
but made no response.


the dishes can wait ‘t
il morning

go get some sleep


“Mmhmm,” was Martin’s reply
He rocked back in the chair and leaned forward to stand with a groan
, before he
the hallway.
wake me in time to make some breakfast for you people,” he said over his shoulder.




Martin waved over his shoulder without looking back.


Steve retrieved his axe and headed through the kitchen and out onto the back stoop.
he faintest trails of purple in the sky behind the house
were the only hint
that the sun had recently been up
The night air was already growing cool.
Steve was grateful for it
because it would help keep him alert
at guard duty


He questioned himself as he walked the perimeter of the house
. Was there
point in setting a watch? 
Was the rusty axe in his grip just a prop to make him feel more comfortable?
ow would he raise an alarm?  What was he even looking for?  Would Preacher just stroll out of the woods
and announce his arrival?  C
make himself invisible?  There were so many things that Steve wished he’d had a chance to ask Biker about before they left

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