On the Auction Block (14 page)

Read On the Auction Block Online

Authors: Ashley Zacharias

Tags: #Fantasy, #orgy, #Bdsm, #discipline, #bondage, #Slavery

BOOK: On the Auction Block
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Grenfeld parted Flame’s legs and lowered
himself between her thighs. He penetrated her gently,

When she closed her eyes, Grenfeld felt no
different than James had felt on their wedding night. Why had her
husband not continued to make love to her throughout their
marriage? Wasn’t that the duty of a husband? To keep his wife
satisfied? If only he had done for her what Grenfeld was doing now,
even once a month, she would never have enslaved herself.

“You give your husband so much pleasure,” he
said. “And so generously. I can feel your love flowing through my
whole body.”

“James,” she whispered. The name had come to
her lips, unbidden; an old habit resurrected by the feelings that
Grenfeld had resurrected. She hugged him close. “I love you,
James.” She meant it.

“I love you, Irene,” he whispered back.

She responded to his slow, rhythmic pressure
against her vulva and rocked her hips to receive his thrusts.

He moved a little faster and harder and she
responded more dramatically.

He kept working her until he made her climax.
She screamed James’ name when she came.

Grenfeld had his ultimate triumph over the
lady who had snubbed him.

When he climbed off, she was weeping bitter,
salty tears.

He grabbed her ankles, flipped her over on
her belly, and pulled her down the mattress until her waist was at
the edge of the table.

She was too broken to resist.

He dropped her legs and kicked them apart to
open her ass and cunt to all.

“Here’s the other one. Two more holes to
fill. Gentleman’s choice. No waiting.”

A line formed behind her. Someone penetrated
her cunt and started pumping into her. It hurt because it was still
hypersensitive from her recent orgasm, but her heart was hurting so
much worse that she cared little about her body.

After a time, that cock was replaced by
another. And then someone reamed out her ass with yet another

She never bothered looking back to see who
was using her. She didn’t care.

At some point, Grenfeld pulled her hair aside
and whispered into her ear. “If only James could see his sweet
Irene now. Some wife you turned out to be. Legs splayed wide to
offer your asshole and cunt to any man who can get it up. He’s
going to hear what you’ve become. I promise you that. He’s going to
hear every disgusting detail.”

As he was talking, someone pumped a load in
her ass, pulled out, and made way so that another thick cock could
be rammed into her cunt.

Flame never stopped weeping.

It wasn’t long before every man in the room
had sated himself in one of the available holes. They stepped off
to sitting or standing around quietly. Flame and Sapphire were both
still bent over, gaping and available, but no longer being of

Sapphire judged that the time had come to bid
all a good night.

She rose and then took Flame by the hand and
helped her to her feet, and led her to the brightly-lit area by the
door where they had entered.

“Gentlemen,” she said, “you have honored us
with your enthusiastic attention tonight. In gratitude, we request
the further honor of offering cleanup service before you dress
yourselves for your ladies.” She sank to her knees, pulling Flame
down to kneel beside her, and then raised her hands in a gesture of

Anthony stepped in front of her and Sapphire
proceeded to lick his limp cock gently and thoroughly until it was
shiny clean from base to tip.

Flame did the same for one of Dodge’s unnamed

Grenfeld hung back and waited until the other
six men had been serviced and were getting dressed again. Then he
stepped before Flame and said, “Get cleaning, slave.”

She licked every bump and wrinkle until his
male equipment sparkled.

Then he turned and thrust his ass into her
face. “Backside, too. Get your tongue all the way in there. I want
to feel as fresh as a newborn babe.”

She pressed her face deep into his crack and
began licking.

This was less humiliating than being treated
as the lady that she no longer was.

The other six men in the room looked at him
in admiration. Grenfeld was a man who knew how to get proper
service from a slave.

Sapphire and Flame stayed on their knees
until the last man, Dodge, had left the room.

He glanced back and grinned at them. They had
made him a happy man.

Flame noticed, but she didn’t have the heart
to raise her head and acknowledge his success.


* * *


Sapphire had to help Flame to her feet.
Flame’s body ached to her bones and her spirit had been crushed to
ash. Sapphire felt only physical exhaustion.

As she gathered up the dresses, hairpins, and
shoes that had been discarded at the beginning of the
entertainment, Sapphire said, “That wasn’t too bad. You were cuffed
for a while, but nobody got paddled. Or worse.”

Flame looked at the shelf of toys. She saw
paddles, floggers, dildos, vibrators, clamps, and a variety of
ropes and chains. Except for the cuffs, they hadn’t been used.

“An evening of straight sex is about as good
as entertainment gets,” Sapphire said. “But even that leaves you
pretty sore.”

Flame nodded and took some of the clothes out
of Sapphire’s hands.

As they padded down the stone corridor back
to the kennels, Flame in bare feet and Sapphire still in red
stockings, Sapphire said, “That baronet had a special hard on for
you. For a while, I was afraid that he was going to do something
terrible to you.”

He had, but Flame would never be able to
explain it was so that Sapphire would understand. “Last year, when
I was a lady, I refused a dance with him.”

Sapphire giggled. “As a slave, you’re never
going to refuse a dance with anyone again.”

Flame managed a bitter laugh. “That’s what I
volunteered for.”

“We say that any ill a slave does to a man
will be visited on her a hundred fold in return. That doesn’t start
when a woman is enslaved, it extends all the way back to her
birth.” Another cruel truth about the life of a slave. “I’ve had
hundreds of strokes of the cane visited on my back and that was for
doing only what I was commanded.”

Flame looked at Sapphire and felt ashamed by
her weakness. As cruelly as Grenfeld had treated her, Sapphire had
lived through far worse. Flame was no longer a lady who had the
luxury of delicate sensibilities. A slave had to be tough enough to
survive any humiliation, no matter how sharply it cut.

“How did you become a slave?” Flame

“I didn’t become a slave. I was born to it.
My mother’s owner decided to breed her for profit. He withdrew the
contraceptive injections and let her get pregnant. She dropped a
new slave every year for ten years.”

Flame knew that some were born into slavery
but she’d never thought about the horror of it. “Were you… As a
child, were you… You know… used… like tonight?”

Sapphire shook her head. “No. That doesn’t
happen much. Few men are interested in children. Especially slave
owners who can get fucked any time they want by a woman who’s far
more compliant than any child. Also, the government keeps an eye on
child slaves to make sure that they are treated properly. No one
cares about adult slaves but children get inspected every month.
And they get surprise inspections on top of that. Child abuse would
start a scandal that would blacken the name of every slave

“When were men first allowed to use you?”

“I was sold at fifteen. I’ve been owned by
twenty-two different men since then. I saw my value rise from
nineteen thousand to a high of thirty-one and drop down to twelve.
Every slave knows what she’s worth to the nearest plaq.” Sapphire
glanced at Flame. “How much did you fetch?”

“Dodge paid a hundred thousand for me.”

Sapphire’s eyes grew wide. “I’ve met
seventy-five thousand plaq slaves before, but never a hundred

“I was a novelty. But I wasn’t the most
expensive. My husband paid a hundred and fifteen for a slave at the
same auction.”

“Really? That’s the highest price that I’ve
ever heard. You’re sure? A hundred and fifteen thousand plaquettes

“I saw the bidding myself.”

“She must have been something special.”

“She was a felon. She’d been convicted of
adopting a false identity for the purpose of sedition.”

“Oh. She was high-born.”

“How did you know?”

“You know what that means? Adopting a false
identity for the purpose of sedition?”

“That she was some kind of

“Hardly. Every so often a highborn woman is
adjudicated into slavery on that charge. It’s always a lady who was
engaged to someone of rank – a lord, at least, or maybe even an
earl – and tried to run away. The running away is the false
identity – she was pretending that she wasn’t a fiancée – and the
high rank of her fiancé made it sedition. An insult to the
nobility. The highborn punish disrespect and disobedience severely,
especially from their own. You didn’t know that? I thought that you
were highborn.”

“I didn’t try to run away from my engagement.
I never heard of anyone who did. It’s something that just isn’t
done. Every lady that I know respects and obeys both her father and
her husband. Within reason.”

“I guess not many try to strike out on their
own when getting caught means getting adjudicated into

Flame thought about that the rest of the way
back to the kennel. For her entire life, she had been told, every
day and in every way, what it meant to be a highborn lady. No one
had ever mentioned that there would be consequences for
disobedience. It had simply never been an issue.

Until it did. Until she couldn’t stand being
a lady any longer and fled into a life of slavery.

“You shower first,” Sapphire said. “You look
like you’ve been racked.”

Before she stepped into the bathroom, Flame
looked hard at Sapphire. “When we were giving a show at the
beginning. When I was licking you. Did you … you know … really

Sapphire blushed. “No. Just part of the act.”
She spoke too quickly for that to be true.

Flame smiled. “Pity. I know how hard you
worked to save me from the worst tonight. You deserve all the
thanks that I can give you.”

Sapphire blushed a deeper shade of red. “Just
doing my job.”

Flame felt good about having given Sapphire a
few moments of pleasure, job or not.


* * *


In the morning, Sapphire was gone before the
Flame awoke. The kennelman didn’t arrive until later in the

“How did it go last night?”

“The entertainment?”

“What else? I have a note that it was your
first. After an entertainment, you need a full checkup to make sure
that nothing is torn or broken.”

“Your advice about keeping my asshole loose
and lubed saved me a lot of grief. Thank you.”

“Just part of the service.”

“My jaw is pretty sore. I want to thank you
properly but I’d like to wait until tomorrow so that I can do a
proper job. Do you mind?”

He smiled. “I’ll look forward to

Dodge didn’t seem too bad for an owner, but
Barry was the only man who treated her like she was a human being.
She was grateful for that more than for any specific help or favor
that he extended.

“Your lessons helped a lot,” she said, “but I
learned a couple of new tricks from another slave last night. I
think you’ll like them.”

“Now I’m really looking forward to

As usual, Barry tidied her cell while she
showered and brushed her teeth.

After she dried off, he examined every part
of her and pronounced her fit for service.

Dodge stopped by at noon and brought some
lunch for her.

“You did well last night. My friends were

“Thank you. Sapphire turned out to be a real

“You were right to borrow her.”

“Mrs. Dodge borrowed her.” Flame looked at
him carefully. “May I give you some advice?”

“If it’s about proper comportment, then
always. That’s your primary job.”

She was pretty sure that her primary job was
sex toy and that etiquette tutor was secondary, but she wasn’t
about to start an argument with a man who owned her and a cane and
a whipping bench. “Mrs. Dodge has to phone Lady Hoffman and thank
her for lending the slave. She should do it today between three and
four o’clock. This is really important. It’s easy to do but she has
to do it right and she has to do it today. She can’t wait to take
care of it.”

“Don’t tell me. Go up to the house and tell

“Yes, sir.”

“Make sure that she does it right.”

“Yes, sir.” And she would undoubtedly get
kicked around the house for her efforts. Mrs. Dodge was fond of
putting her boots to her.

After Dodge left, Flame decided that it was
best to get the painful task over with right away.

She found Mrs. Dodge in the parlor.

“Mrs. Dodge?”

The woman stared at her in disgust.

“Mrs. Dodge, Mr. Dodge asked me to talk to
you for a minute about Lady Hoffman.”

The woman gestured to a chair.

Flame had never been invited to sit in her
presence before. She didn’t know what that meant.

“Lady Hoffman did you a kindness last

Mrs. Dodge sniffed. “Some kindness. Lending
me a slave to … entertain my husband and his cronies.”

“I know. I always hated it when I had to do
it, too. Always. But there’s a protocol to follow. A fiction that
must be maintained.”

“Tell me.”

“You have to phone Lady Hoffman this
afternoon to thank her. It would be best to call between three and
four. That’s long enough after lunch that she’ll be finished with
her early afternoon chores but early enough that she won’t be too
caught up in preparing for any evening events. The favor that she
did for you was considerable.” Flame didn’t mention that she had
sent the most badly-scarred slave that she’d ever seen. To lend any
slave to a woman with no title was generous. “Your gratitude can be
effusive. Within reason. You have to be sincere. You can’t sound
like you might be sarcastic. Then you have to offer her a favor.
Don’t be specific. Just say that you would be happy to help her in
any way that she might desire in the future. She’ll know exactly
what you mean.” Flame couldn’t meet Mrs. Dodge’s eyes when she said
that. She was instructing Mrs. Dodge to offer her for a night of
entertainment at the Hoffman manor. Another night when she would be
available for any kind of sex that was desired by any man in the

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