On Wicked Ground (Solsti Prophecy Book 4) (34 page)

BOOK: On Wicked Ground (Solsti Prophecy Book 4)
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“Want me to go after her?” Mathias asked.

“Nah. They went through a portal, and I know you can follow the trail, but it takes longer.” He ran a hand through his dark hair. “We stay here. She’ll be back.”

“She’ll bring reinforcements,” Caine said.

“Let her. Every Watcher will be primed for a fight. We’ll be ready.”

“She’s crazy, remember. And she wants something we have. She’s already killed in pursuit of Alina and Sebastian.” Caine’s blood heated at the thought if this crazy bitch vampire trying to harm his woman.

His woman
. Because she had to be. It couldn’t be any other way.

He’d die before letting her get hurt, and that had nothing to do with the oath Arawn had made all the Lash vow to protect the Solsti.

No, it had to do with the very real and very simple fact that he’d fallen in love with her. Now he just had to make her see that they belonged together.

Would she?

There was something else about her, something he couldn’t describe, something that simmered below the surface and occupied her mind. He’d sensed it even before they’d slipped up and had sex without a condom. But she hadn’t shared it. Did she worry about her dad being alone? Hell, Arawn would probably offer Sebastian a place to stay, here at HQ. The vamp might be able to teach them a few tricks.

Caine wondered idly if he should talk to Sebastian and tell him he planned to mate his daughter. It was an old custom, not practiced much on Torth anymore. Caine frowned, unsure of how traditional Sebastian was. From what he could tell, not very.

“We can handle crazy.” Arawn’s voice drew Caine from his thoughts. “And we have the Solsti.”

If Caine didn’t know his leader better, he’d swear he was looking forward to this showdown. “Alina can open the earth,” Caine said, still in awe of her power. “And don’t forget the Makara warriors are apparently at her beck and call.”

Arawn grunted. “That’ll be a nice surprise to have in our pocket.” He glanced beyond Caine and Mathias at a noise near the perimeter. “There’s Brenin and Scorpio. I need to check in with them. Mathias, get with the rest of the inner circle Watchers. Tell them Operation Sunrise is a go in thirty.”

Mathias nodded. “And the Solsti?”

“Ideally, I want them to stay here in the yard, within our wards, until we need them. Try to fight this vamp and her crew on our own. But realistically, I can tell those four are going to fight me at every turn.” He glared at the grass beneath their feet. “So, I’m going to have them work in teams with their mates. Unless they want to work as a team of four or in pairs. Whatever shit they can do with mixing their powers is fine. And Caine, you keep an eye on Alina.”

Caine nodded. He would have done so anyway. But his perceptive leader probably knew that.

Arawn jogged to meet Brenin and Scorpio.

Mathias and Caine headed toward the main building. Mathias typed rapidly and ten seconds later Caine’s screen showed his message. “Operation Sunrise in thirty minutes.”

“Think the girls are still with Whysper?” Caine asked.

Mathias took a deep breath as they strode through the back door. “No. They’re in a different wing. Hang on.”

They walked deeper into the facility, toward the rotunda. Mathias drew another deep breath and made a face. “They’re in your room.”

“All of them?” Caine asked. What would they all be doing there?

“No, just Gin and Alina.” Mathias pushed open the door to the stairs.

“Good idea,” Caine muttered. “Sick of riding in that damn elevator all day.”

In seconds they were on the fourth floor and heading to Caine’s door. “She have a key?” Mathias asked.

“Nope.” Caine couldn’t keep a note of pride out of his voice. Something as simple as a lock wouldn’t stop his Solsti.

Mathias slid him a glance. “I doubt you leave your door unlocked, so…how is she inside?”

“She picked the lock.”

“No shit?”

“She did it before. Been breaking and entering for years.”

“Hell, you know how to pick ‘em,” Mathias rubbed a hand over his jaw. “A thief who also commands an undead army?”

Caine shrugged. “Yeah, about that, don’t know exactly what we’re—”

His door opened just as they reached it, and Alina and Gin stepped out. They gasped in unison when they saw the men. Difference was, Gin melted in Mathias’s arms while Alina stood there looking guilty.

“I’m sorry I broke in.” She looked at her feet. “Again.”

“It’s okay.” He couldn’t fathom what she would want in there. “Looks like I need to get you a key.”

“Or not.” A tiny grin played across her face and she held up a pen.

“Hey, um, we’ll see you two in a bit. We’re going back to our room,” Gin said, tucked securely to Mathias’s side.

“In a bit? What’s going on?” Alina asked.

“Operation Sunrise is in play.” Caine guided her back into his room.

“Operation what? What do you mean?” Her eyes widened. “Gin told me what you and Mathias discovered outside the barrier, but I didn’t realize that meant things would unfold right now.”

“Arawn is ready. We’re ready. Elegia’s bringing the fight here.” He watched different emotions flicker across her face: surprise, worry, guilt, and puzzlement. “Talk to me.”

She backed up and sat on his bed, frowning. “How are you guys ready? You just discovered her sneaking around.”

“Arawn’s a planner. For months, he’s had a plan in place to fight something big, either at home or away.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Though no one ever thought shit would go down here.”

She blew out a breath. “I’m the reason it’s happening here. She tracked us.”

“So what if she did? Either way, we’re prepared.” He crouched in front of her. “There are things in life that are certain. And fighting her is one of them. We can change the place or the day. But it was still bound to happen. And you’re here with your sisters. You have the best backup in the realm.” He gave a low laugh. “I’m not just talking about the Watchers. You have the Makara warriors at your back. Everyone is ready. The question is, are you?”

A minute ticked by and she studied him intently. “Yes.” She squared her shoulders. “You’re right. Gin told me almost the exact same thing.”

“And I’ll be at your side. Boss’s orders.” He ran a hand down her back, to the delicate dip at her waist.


“Yep. Arawn figured you girls would do your own thing and not listen to instructions from him. So you’re stuck with me.”

A smile tugged her lips upward. “I can live with that.”

“Good.” Gods, he was proud of her. She’d just found out her true destiny and embraced it wholeheartedly. She’d gone from living on the run to finding her place in the world. He knew determination when he saw it, and she wore it now.

Just like when she’d used her power near Ravenbane. Just like when she’d thrown her knife into the targets in the ring. Everything about her distilled down to determination and survival, and she was about to get her most challenging moment yet.

He cleared his throat. Who knew what battle would bring? He needed to tell her how he felt. “Alina, there’s something I need to say.”

The determined set of her eyes changed instantly to one of apprehension. “Oh. Um, right now?” Her voice was higher pitched than usual.

He studied her, concerned by the change in her tone. “Yeah. Before things get ugly.”

“Shouldn’t we go outside and go over fight stuff?” She tried to stand.

He held her by the waist. “No. It can wait a minute.”

She swallowed and looked at him like she was being marched to the gallows.

“What’s that look for? It’s nothing bad.” He took one of her tiny hands. “Hell, we were just talking about the battle and I thought you felt ready.”

“I’m just worried about what we’re about to do. I’ve never fought on a big scale, and—”

“You didn’t seem worried a second ago.” He cupped her jaw. “Right here, right now, it’s just you and me.”

She looked at him with a mix of fear and need that he couldn’t understand. And that made him keep going, to make her understand how much she mattered to him.

“I know we haven’t known each other long. But I’ve never, ever, felt like everything was right in my world since I lost my family. Until you.”

Her breath hitched.

“You’re tough and you’re a survivor. You’re smart and you’re sexy as hell. I want you.” He nuzzled her ear. “All the time. In my bed, in my shower, and it has nothing to do with the season. It’s only you. I—”

“Stop,” she whispered, and it was the saddest word he’d heard her say. “Just stop. We don’t know what will happen out there. Let’s not talk about the future.”

“It’s because we don’t know what will happen out there that I want to talk about the future. Alina.” He stared at her. “You are my future.”

A strangled sob tore from her throat.

What the hell?
“I need you to know, now. Before we go and fight the worst things any of us have ever seen. If something happened to me, I want you to know. You’re not just a lay and a pretty face.” He tilted his head. “I’ve never taken anyone to see the butterfly fly-over. No one.”

“That was beautiful.” she sighed, and somehow seemed to shrink in on herself.

beautiful. From the minute I saw you at Mulvari’s party, I couldn’t forget you. I followed your trail and hated, just fucking hated that you got hurt that night. Then when I saw you at Hell’s Gate, I knew. There was no way I would let you slip away again. And damn if I’ll let that happen out there today.”

She covered her face with her hands. “Caine, stop. I can’t be…that.”

He pulled her hands away, revealing eyes bright with unshed tears. “Don’t have to be anything but yourself, babe.” He kissed her hands, one and then the other. “I love you.”

Her eyes went saucer-wide and her skin paled. She looked…horrified. Not exactly what he expected. Not that he’d ever told a woman he loved her before.

Her mouth opened, then closed. She tried again. “I…um, thanks.” She shot up from the bed like it was covered in fire ants. “I have to go.” She bolted for the door.

What the fuck?
He leaped up after her and grabbed her arm. “Alina. What’s wrong?”

A tear trickled down her porcelain cheek. “I can’t…I can’t do this.” She yanked open his door and ran.

“Alina!” He chased into the hall after her, only to see empty space. She’d cloaked herself. Why? Why hide from him, when she knew his sense of smell would always lead him to her? He stalked toward the elevator, determined to get answers. She’d always seemed to enjoy their time together, whether it was in bed, or whether it involved training, or just hanging out. No, she didn’t get to tell him—

His phone buzzed with an alarm. At the same time, the fire bulbs in the hall all winked out, leaving the flashing orange alarm lights. Shit. He was needed at the barrier, and had managed to scare off the one person he was supposed to protect.

Would she keep up this charade of hiding? She couldn’t, not from him. But if she did her best to stay away, and if the fighting broke out in all its ugly glory, he might need someone else to hunt her down. And if she wasn’t visible, they would need a scent trail.

Ducking back into his room, he walked to his dresser. He shoved aside the piles of T-shirts, uncovering the red velvet bag at the bottom. He wouldn’t lose her. But if she was determined to give him hell, he’d make sure one of his brethren was watching her. He tucked the bag into his pants pocket and stalked out, following the fresh scent of moonflower.





. D
and deep, it pulsed with energy. She pushed off the dizziness of the portal and welcomed the buzz that always came from being in her element. A warm grip locked on to her right hand. Kai.

You okay, Sprite?

Her other hand was free, and it had been holding her sister when they stepped into the portal. She looked around, but a watery wall of black met her eyes. Her hair floated in her face and blocked her vision.
Where are Nicole and Gunnar?

On your left.

She reached and propelled herself, her hand cutting through the water and finding nothing.
I can’t find them! Nicole won’t be able to breathe!

Kai wrapped his arms around her from behind and pushed her until she bumped something solid. Nicole. And Gunnar, one arm wrapped around her waist. Thank goodness.

Brooke grabbed her sister’s hand and pointed up. Nicole’s blond hair floated around her head and she nodded, eyes wide with restrained panic. Brooke knew her sister was brave and trusted her, but getting zapped into the ocean depths was scary no matter what.

Take us up
, she told Kai. She took a breath, using her ability to separate the oxygen molecules from the hydrogen and drew them into her lungs. Kai’s powerful legs kicked beneath them, propelling them up in a rush of bubbles. In seconds they broke the surface. She gulped air, salty and cold, and pushed her hair out of her eyes.

Gunnar and Nicole popped up a moment later. Nicole gasped and clung to her mate. “Oh my gosh. Are you okay?”

“Fine, love,” Gunnar said. “But you better hang on.”

A wave churned toward them and Nicole ducked her head against Gunnar’s shoulder as the swell washed over their heads. When it passed, Nicole took a deep breath. “It-it’s s-so cold.”

“I can heat things up. Well, I never tried to do this in an ocean before.” Brooke gathered her energy, visualizing the molecules that comprised water and instructing them to speed up.

“May not need to, Sprite.” Kai stared in the distance ahead of them. “You see that, G?”

Gunnar turned around. “Sure do. It’s not that far.”

“I don’t s-see anything,” Nicole said.

“Three islands, straight ahead.”

“Is that the right spot? The Orion islands?” Brooke asked.

BOOK: On Wicked Ground (Solsti Prophecy Book 4)
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