Once Forgotten Twice Loved (7 page)

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Ash had stopped eating, studying what Jonas had said. “How far away is the Nortic Pack from here?”

Larken returned to the table and looked concerned when he had seen the sad expression on Ash’s face. “What’s wrong, Ash?” Larken asked.

Ash was still waiting for Jonas to answer her question. “Nothing.” Ash looked back at Jonas waiting for him to answer. This was her field of expertise. She quickly needed a distraction from Larken. She had smelled his scent as he passed her, walking back to the table.

“The Nortic Pack is two counties south of my pack. We are sixty miles south of here.” Jonas frowned because he could tell where Ash was going with this.

“Before you left, did you instruct your pack not to let any kids go anywhere without an adult?”

Jonas knew Ash was a cop so her instincts were kicking in. “Wouldn’t be a good Sheriff if I didn’t.”

Ash smiled then looked down at her food. Ash knew she was pushing too hard trying to give suggestions. This was supposed to be a relaxed get-to-know-you dinner, but Ash loved this, and it was happening right next door. “I’m sorry, Jonas. I didn’t mean to imply that you were not being a good Sheriff. It’s the cop in me. I would like to help if I could. This is what my expertise is in, finding people and then helping them. I guess I’m so used to giving out orders at home.” Ash looked at Jonas with apologetic eyes.

Jonas smiled knowing Ash didn’t mean any harm.

“It’s fine, Ash. I asked Jake Paul, the Alpha of the Nortic Pack, to come tomorrow. We will pull all the people like us out of the conference room and meet in another room to discuss this incident. There should be ten more Alphas showing up tonight for this meeting. It wouldn’t hurt if you were part of the meeting. Since this is your expertise and all.” Jonas smiled and winked at Ash. Then Jonas looked over at Larken, who was fuming.

Larken didn’t want Ash anywhere near the other Alphas. He couldn’t come out and say it to her for fear of her running away. He figured he would let everybody know she was his. He would have his own meeting beforehand so no one would try anything. He didn’t want to hurt anyone. Larken was too busy plotting when he heard Jonas calling his name.

“Where are you at, buddy?”

Larken looked up and found that everybody was staring at him. “Hmm?”

Larken looked over at Ash. She could feel the imaginary magnetic pull. Those eyes were breaking her down every time she looked at him.
Please stop with the magnetic pull. I have never felt this attracted to anyone in my life. Why is this happening to me?
He knew it too. He was using everything he had.

“Yeah, yeah, the meeting tomorrow. It will be at 11:30 a.m. while everyone is going to lunch.” Jonas was about to say something when Larken kicked him under the table. The look Larken sent Jonas said ‘shut up.’ Jonas just looked back at Ash, who was watching the interaction between Larken and Jonas.

She knew Larken was keeping something from her, but she didn’t know what it was.
What is that about? Yeah, I see what you are doing. You don’t want me involved.
Before she could ask what was going on, Betty Jackson, the waitress, showed up with their entrees. Shoving this conversation to the side, Ash and the others started eating their dinner.




“Ugh, I can’t eat any more,” Ash groaned as she leaned back in her chair and rubbed her stomach.

“Well, what did you think about the food?” Larked asked, hoping she would like the food here and that would be something else that would make Ash stay in Freedom.

“I loved it. Thank you,” Ash responded and Larken smiled.

“Save room for dessert.” Larken pointed at the pushcart being pushed around with desserts on top.

“They look fantastic, but I will have to run ten miles extra if I eat that,” Ash replied.

“You look great, Ash,” Nash said as he pointed at the double fudge chocolate cake then smiled at the young girl, and thanked her as she gave him his piece of cake. “It won’t hurt you to eat a little bit.” Nash grabbed his fork and started digging in.

“Seriously. You are going to sit there and eat my favorite cake in front of me?” Ash said as she smiled.

“Hey, you know me. I never pass up on a double fudge chocolate cake,” replied Nash.

“Ash, if you don’t mind sharing with me, that way, you won’t have to run so far if you only eat half.” Ash nodded at Larken.

She knew no matter how full she was she never passed up on double fudge chocolate cake.
Can I just smear it on you then lick it off?
Ash cleared her throat trying to get the image of Larken smeared in chocolate out of her head. “Sure, that would be great.”

Larken smiled as if he had won the lottery. Larken asked for a piece of the double fudge chocolate cake then pulled his chair closer to Ash. He pushed the cake between them and then asked Rebecca, the young girl, for two forks.

Ash looked at Larken when he pushed the plate closer to her, encouraging her to take the first bite. She pushed her fork through the moist piece of cake, brought it to her mouth, and closed her eyes. When the moist, decadent piece of sin hit her taste buds, she couldn’t control the moan that came from within her. Larken watched as Ash made love to the cake. She opened her eyes when she heard the small growl, and looked over at Larken, whose eyes were drilling into her. She could feel the fire that was flashing in his eyes, and knew exactly what he was thinking, because she was thinking the same thing. She couldn’t take her eyes off him.
His magnetic pull started again. Please someone just pour water on me.
He was pulling her closer to him just by looking at her. She was about to reach out and touch his cheek when Nash cleared his throat. Ash shook her head, trying to break the pull he had on her. She looked away from him.
What are you doing, Ash? Control yourself.
She turned and looked over at Jonas, who was watching the interaction between Larken and her. Jonas smiled and winked. Ash blushed because everyone at the table was watching her, including Nash.
Now you’ve done it. They all know you are attracted to him. Lord, girl, this goes beyond attraction.

Ash put her fork down and wiped her mouth with her napkin. “Well, it’s getting late and I’ve got to get up early. The dinner was great along with the company. I guess I will see you gentlemen tomorrow.” Ash started to get up when Larken jumped up, a little too eager. Ash smiled as Nash and Jonah got up, too.

“Ash, I will walk you to your room,” Larken advised. Ash smiled then waved at Nash and Jonas as she left the table. She sucked in a deep, nervous breath as she walked with Larken to the elevators. When the doors opened, Larken let Ash walk in first. They stood beside each other, standing so close Ash could feel the heat coming off Larken and couldn’t help but think of the imaginary magnetic pull bringing them together again.
No, no, I won’t touch him. Don’t do it, Ash
. She was about to ask Larken if he felt it, too, but two women walked onto the elevator before the door closed. One of the ladies, who had blonde hair, asked Larken if he would push the button for the fourth floor. Ash watched as Larken pushed the button but never looked back at the ladies. The ladies didn’t mind staring at Larken. They were rude as they stared at him, pushing their breasts higher in the air, trying to get his attention
. Really, I’m standing here with him. He is mine. What are you saying, Ash, he isn’t yours.
It didn’t work because Larken continued to look down at the floor, taking sneak peeks at Ash.
Yeah, that’s right, he is with me and doesn’t even want to look at you. You big-breasted hoochie mama.
The ladies couldn’t stand that Larken wasn’t looking at them. Finally, one of them got brave—or stupid, Ash didn’t know which one—and tried to start a conversation with Larken.

“So, do you work here?” the lady on the right asked. When Larken looked up, she pushed her chest out further. Ash thought she was funny since the lady’s breasts were already popping out of her shirt. Apparently, this lady had no shame.
This lady beats all I have ever seen. I’m going to say something, just keep it up, bitch.

Larken knew he couldn’t be rude since he was the owner and actually had a shirt on that had the lodge’s logo on it. “Yes, ma’am.” Larken smiled, but it wasn’t a wholehearted smile.

“Well, I think my sink is clogged up in my room. Do you think you could come to my room with me and put some type of pipe in it and unclog it?” The lady next to the blonde started giggling.

The lady looked over at Ash and smiled.
Really? And no, you just didn’t say that. Now you are a slut.
Ash didn’t smile back this time and looked over at Larken, waiting to see what he was going to say.
Wow, what the hell. Did this woman not see that he wasn’t interested in her?
Ash couldn’t believe how blatantly rude this lady was. She was standing right there.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but I’m going to help this lady with a problem. If you will give me your room number, I will have maintenance send someone up to your room and unclog your drain,” Larken said.

Yeah, take that, Bitch.
Ash smiled this time, enjoying the look on the lady’s face since Larken had turned her down. Ash could tell the woman was never turned down. The elevator stopped at the third floor, and before the door opened, Larken grabbed Ash’s hand, and looked at the lady, then asked what room he needed to send maintenance to. The lady didn’t smile this time and muttered she was in room 434.

They exited the elevator, walking toward Ash’s room. Ash was grinning as they walked toward her door. She then pulled her key from her clutch bag and placed it in the door. Larken never spoke as she inserted the key, waiting for the lock to flash green. As Ash pushed the door open, Larken cleared his throat. Ash turned around and said, “Thank you for dinner and walking me to my room.”

“Ash, can I kiss you?” Larken asked, uncertain.

Ash blushed, but the man was too much to deny.
Thank you, Lord
. She nodded as Larken leaned over and she titled her head toward him. He leaned over more and lightly skimmed his lips across hers. Ash loved the softness of his lips. He didn’t touch her body; just his lips ever so lightly touched hers. Ash couldn’t take it; she dropped her bag to the floor, reached up, grabbed his head, and pulled him closer to her.

Larken growled as he grabbed Ash by her waist and pulled her closer to his body. She could feel just how much he wanted her. His erection was pressing against her stomach. He pulled back, shaking his head. Larken opened his eyes with fear radiating from him. “I’m sorry, Ash. I lost myself for a minute. I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Ash giggled, making Larken feel better.

“You did see me pull you toward me, didn’t you, and then kiss you. No, Larken, you didn’t hurt me. I enjoyed every bit of that kiss.”

Larken smiled.
he thought.

“I will see you tomorrow, Ash. Sleep well.” Larken made no move to kiss her again as he adjusted himself. He bent down, picked up her bag, and handed it to her. Then he turned around and walked to the elevator.

Ash watched as he walked away and got into the elevator.
Girl, you are in trouble now.
She walked into her room and went straight to the shower.




The next morning, Ash walked out into the reception area, getting ready to go to class. She decided it would be safer if she stayed in her room until she could get control of these crazy thoughts and dreams. Running into Larken was becoming more and more prevalent. She would eat something later.
They were sure to have snacks at this thing
. Larken looked too much like a perfectionist and a control freak not to have a spread laid out for the people at the conference.

She walked toward the room that would hold the conference. People were mingling around outside getting coffee and food. She looked around and saw the food laid out on the long table. Ash laughed. She knew it.

Looking around and hoping she knew someone, Ash pulled the door open and heard Jonas calling her name. He had saved her a seat at the back of the room. She waved and walked over to him. He stood as she walked up to the table.

“Hey, beautiful?” Jonas said.

“Hey, yourself. Thanks for saving me a seat.” Ash sat down at the table, looking around at all the people talking. She turned and spoke to Jonas. “Did everyone show up for the meeting today?”

“Everyone showed up, so it looks like it will be a full house. Some of them will be in here with us, too.”

Ash looked back at the crowd flowing into the room when she noticed a tall man walking toward their table. He was good-looking so Ash figured he was probably a wolf, too. She laughed to herself thinking about the werewolf population and how good-looking these people were. Even Miss Betty, the waitress, was beautiful. The man made eye contact with her as he stalked toward the table. When he got to the table, Ash looked over at Jonas.

Jonas looked up and smiled. The good-looking man was smiling down at Jonas. “What are you smiling at, you old goat?”

The man walked over and shook Jonas’s hand then looked down at her. “Well hello, beautiful?”

Ash blushed, but she was used to cops, especially the flirting kind. “Hello,” Ash said smiling.
What do they put in the water here? Is everyone beautiful? Do they have any ugly or average-looking people in the packs? I need to drink from this well.

“So what is a pretty lady doing here with an old goat like Jonas?”

“Hey, I may be old in age years, but I’m still a young one compared to you, Marcus.” Ash smiled at the bantering going on between the two Alphas.

“Marcus, this beautiful lady is Ashland Peters. She is a detective for the New York Police Department. She grew up with Nash Wilder. They are best friends.”

Marcus was looking at Ash as if she was a piece of meat, and he wanted to tenderize her. She looked away, feeling uncomfortable. She felt like she was betraying Larken. Ash shook her head thinking how stupid that was. He didn’t own her or say who she could talk to.
You have done nothing
wrong, Ash. Why do I feel like I’m betraying Larken by talking to another man?

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