Once We Were Kings (Young Adult Fantasy) (The Sojourner Saga) (45 page)

Read Once We Were Kings (Young Adult Fantasy) (The Sojourner Saga) Online

Authors: Ian Alexander,Joshua Graham

Tags: #Young Adult, #rick riordan, #percy jackson, #c.s.lewis, ##1 bestseller, #epic fantasy, #Fantasy, #narnia, #christian fantasy, #bestseller

BOOK: Once We Were Kings (Young Adult Fantasy) (The Sojourner Saga)
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There are so many people to whom I am indebted, and despite my best efforts to acknowledge you all in this section, I shall have to beg your grace for not listing every one of you here.  But know that in my heart, I am convinced that I would not have made it here without you all.

I would like to thank my copyeditor Christy Giangreco, who has now worked on three of my novels and for this one put up with hours of foreign fictitious fantasy names and names of places.  I would also like to thank Anna Steinbauer of Austria, who painted the stunning cover art for this book.

No writer is an island, despite what it often feels like.  I would also like to thank my Online Writing Trio members, Susan Wingate and Michael Bellomo for all their encouragement, not just in the process of writing this book, but in my writing career in general.  I've learned so much from you both.  I would also like to thank Dean Wesley Smith (my first editor ever) and Kristine Kathryn Rush, my mentors in writing and the publishing business for years. The effects of their generosity and wisdom will remain with me always and I can only hope to pay forward as much as they have poured into me.  And of course, my fellow Fall 2009 Master Class alums, who have given me invaluable feedback and cheered me on as I embarked on this journey of writing.

I would be remiss if I neglected to honor the people from The City Church San Diego, my second family.  Pastors Jerry and Tami McKinney, the Business Owners Prayer Group, Tom Giangreco, Patrick and Connie Montoya, Chris and Carol Essex, Kerry Layton, and my connect group members, Brandt and Jennifer Strieby, Reza and Kathy Namvar, Ken and Lisa Lako, Cary and Tammie Gilmore, Tom and Trish Vesneski, and Farshid and Marisol Farokhi.  Also, my very close friends and relatives William and Ckristina Sutjiadi, Michael and Patricia Goh, Stephen and Vivien Tseng.   Thank you all for your fervent prayers through some of the most challenging times of my life.

In all my books I wish to honor the memory of my mother, Anna, as well as my father Paul, who at the time of this note continues to race across the planet preaching and teaching the good news of Christ at the age of 83!  God bless you always.

Of course, I must save the best for last.  I want to thank and honor my beautiful wife Katie for standing by me all these years from my first short story sale to the publication of this book.  You are my muse, my best friend and my wonderful helper in life. 

And now, let it be known that in the saga of the Sojourners, the scribe Joshua Graham shall be known henceforth as Ian Alexander.








Thank you for taking the time to read Once We Were Kings, one of the most personal books I’ve ever written.   Some of you may already know me by the suspense fiction I’ve written as Joshua Graham, and for some this is the first you’ve ever read.

Did you know that you could be responsible for this book becoming a bestseller?  This happens by word of mouth.  So again, if you enjoyed this book, won’t you please recommend it to your friends and family?  One day, when Once We Were Kings becomes a bestseller, you can say that you made it happen!

And, if you enjoyed this book enough, may I also ask you to kindly leave a review at Amazon.com, BN.com, Smashwords, or wherever you purchased your copy?  If you’re on facebook, would you kindly leave a review on the official facebook Nook and Kindle fan page too?


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