One Choice (29 page)

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Authors: Ginger Solomon

BOOK: One Choice
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Leann walked into her dorm room after her last final and flopped onto her bed with a sigh of relief. As difficult as it was to face the uncertainty of a month-long break without knowing for sure where she'd be staying until she returned to school, she was glad the semester was over. Knowing she'd be spending Christmas with Josh and his family brought an extra bit of joy.

With thoughts of her boyfriend running through her mind, she dug her cell phone out of her pocket and tapped out a quick text to him to let him know she was free. He'd taken his last final that morning, and he'd promised to take her out to celebrate the end of the semester when she finished her last final.

She sat up and removed her coat, then pulled her suitcase out of the closet to pack. Thanks to Josh providing a calming influence and encouraging her to talk to Cindy, she would be spending the first part of the break in Pendleton. Then on the twenty-third, she'd be going with Josh to his parents' place in Illinois. After that... she refused to consider that uncertainty, although she'd probably end up back at Cindy's until they returned to the dorm.

As she set a sweater in the suitcase, her phone chimed with a text. She opened it and smiled as she read Josh's reply.

Party at my place tomorrow night. Wanna come?

She clicked reply and entered her response.
Consider me there. Are you busy right now?

His reply came a moment later.
Nope. Just chillin. Wanna do something?

As if he had to ask.

Be there in ten.

Leann set her phone on her desk and tossed a few more clothes into her suitcase. At some point she needed to do some Christmas shopping, but she still had to figure out what to get Josh. Most of the guys she knew loved video games, but Josh didn't play them often. A movie seemed too impersonal, although he'd probably enjoy it. Maybe she could convince Cindy to let her steal a few minutes of Danny's time to pick his brain about gift ideas. The two men were good friends, so he might be able to think of something.

A quick glance at her alarm clock revealed Josh would be there any minute. Leann grabbed her coat and phone then headed downstairs. As she stepped into the lobby, she spotted Josh coming through the glass doors leading outside. His smile when his gaze fell on her sent her heart into a frenzy. How lucky could a girl get, with a guy that gorgeous caring so much about her? His short blond hair, hazel eyes, and fit body attracted a lot of female attention, but he never seemed to notice. That lack of awareness of his good looks made her like him even more.

“Hey,” he said as they met in the middle of the lobby. He gave her a quick kiss. “What do you say to going to a movie?”

“Is the theater showing something good?” Leann took Josh's hand as they headed for the exit.

“Surprisingly, yes. It's that new holiday comedy you said you wanted to see.”

“Cool!” She briefly laid her head on his shoulder. “I was hoping we could watch it together. I bet you'll enjoy it.”

“Probably. It looks pretty good.” Josh glanced at her as they reached his car. “I talked to my mom earlier. What do you think about going out there on the twentieth and staying for a week or so?”

“I'm fine with whatever you want to do,” Leann said, trying not to worry about spending so long with his family. What if they didn't like her? She forced the thought away. “The only plan I have at this point is getting through the break and moving back into the dorm in January.”

He hugged her and then opened the passenger door for her. “My family's going to love you.”

“That doesn't make me any less nervous about meeting them.” She kissed his cheek then slid into the seat and smiled up at him. “But I'm sure I'll love them, too.”

Josh chuckled and closed her door. Once he sat behind the steering wheel, he reached over and stroked her cheek. “I couldn't be happier that I get to spend Christmas with you instead of having to settle for some phone calls and texts.”

“You and me, both.” Leann settled back in the seat as Josh pulled out of the parking lot. As much as she looked forward to spending more time with Josh, she still wished she could see her mom. She'd never experienced a holiday without at least one family member, and being forced to do it so suddenly this year hurt.

She shoved her depressing, anxiety-inducing thoughts to a back corner of her mind and gazed out the window as she prayed for the strength to keep them there. Somehow, she would find a way to make this Christmas special for Josh. He'd admitted to missing last year with his family because of a snowstorm that left him stuck in an airport. The year before that, he'd been in Colorado for a friend's funeral. Before that, his military service had kept him from going home more often than not. The end result was that this would be his fourth Christmas with his family in ten years, and Leann was determined to help him enjoy every moment.

Now, if she could shake her worry that his family wouldn't approve of her, everything would work out beautifully.

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