One Foot Onto the Ice (17 page)

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Authors: Kiki Archer

BOOK: One Foot Onto the Ice
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Marcus moved his hands behind his back and increased his speed. “I
know all about romantic liaisons; I’ll leave you two pheromonious young adults
to it.”

“It’s fine, Professor,” said Champagne wishing she hadn’t been so

“So you don’t wanna be left with me, huh?” shrugged the boy,
easily able to match her skating pace.

Champagne looked towards the barrier at the girl in the diamante
tracksuit who was now eyeballing her with folded arms. “I’m not sure your
girlfriend likes it.”

“Mischa?” The boy made a strange b-b-brapping sound with his
mouth. “She ain’t ma bitch.”

“Okay.” Champagne spotted Priggy and Jenna supporting Madam Quinn
and tried to make some discreet eye movements in their direction.

The boy spoke again. “I want you to be ma bitch.”

Champagne tried not to laugh. “Really? I don’t even know your

The boy linked his arm through Champagne’s. “Just call me Phats.”

Champagne smelt the grown up aftershave. “Fats?”

“Yeah, I ain’t fat, but I’m Phats where it matters, you get me?”

“She doesn’t like big todgers; she’s more of a tits and tuppy type
of girl, aren’t you, Champs.” Priggy linked Champagnes other arm and kissed her
on the cheek.

“You’re dolly dykes?” grinned the boy.

“No, no, not me,” said Champagne far too quickly.

“B-r-r-rap! Wait till I tell Mischa!”

Champagne watched as the boy sped across the ice towards the girl
in the diamante tracksuit. “Great! Thanks Priggy, now she’s going to burn us at
the stake.”

“Just ignore them, I’ve done you a favour. Plus I left my
wonderful position as Madam Quinn’s personal skating support so I could come
and save my very best friend.”

“I’m not sure I wanted saving. He was kind of cute. Plus he has a
really cool name.” Champagne puckered her lips together. “He’s called Phats.”

“You’re kidding?”

“I’ve always wanted to try a bad boy.”

“Eugh, that’s so not for me.” Priggy smiled. “I know what we can
do. We can skate around arm in arm and when we’re passing Madam Quinn you can
hold me up and let me drool, and when we pass Mr Fatty Fatty Fun-Stick I’ll
hold you up and let you drool.”

“Priggy, we need to have a serious chat. I’m not a lesbian but I
tell when a woman’s hot and when she’s not. Madam Quinn’s not hot.”

“Let’s call her Susan, it’s sexier.”

“I’m serious, there’s nothing to drool over. Fantasise about Jenna
instead, she’s much nicer.”

Priggy pulled on Champagne’s arm and swerved them out of the way
of Daisy Button who was still struggling with her penguin. “You know those
American films where there’s a slightly geeky girl who gets a makeover and
suddenly she’s transformed into the hottest person at school?”


“Susan’s like that.”

“She’s not,” laughed Champagne.

“She is. I saw her in the swimming pool once and she has an
amazing figure. Plus her hair was swept back with the water and she’s got
incredible bone structure.”

“Maybe my attention’s always been focused on her dreadful dress

Priggy shrugged. “They say the naturally pretty girls don’t need

“Says you dressed head to toe in Juicy Couture.”

Priggy swooned as they glided past their teacher. “Do you think we
should help her?”

Champagne looked back over her shoulder. “No, Jenna’s strong enough
to hold her up and I need you to support me; it’s my turn to drool.” Champagne
gave an extra special pout as she passed the small group of stationary
Mossyside Comp kids, but gasped as she heard them snigger. “Quick, speed up!
Mischa’s just pushed off. She’s following us. I knew they were a couple.”

Priggy laughed. “It’s an oval shaped ice rink with a designated
anti-clockwise route. She’s not going to be going any place else, Champs.”

Champagne looked over her shoulder. “Faster! She’s speeding up.”




Jenna placed her arm under Susan’s shoulder and lifted her off the
ice for the third time that evening. “Okay, let’s try something new. I’m going
to face you and hold onto your waist. I’ll skate backwards and guide you
forwards. I want you to put your hands on my shoulders.”

Susan huffed. “Do we have to? I’d rather just sit out there and
get a coffee.”

“Trust me. I’ll be in control. You won’t have to do a thing.”

Susan steadied herself on her blades and lifted her arms, grabbing
Jenna’s shoulders tightly. She looked ahead and found herself staring straight
into the encouraging brown eyes. “What now?”

“Nothing,” said Jenna, starting to skate backwards. “Just relax
and enjoy yourself.”

Susan felt a wobble and held on even tighter. “You can’t see where
you’re going.”

“Is there anything behind me?”


“So we’re fine. Just relax and enjoy it.” Jenna took a deep breath
and smiled. “Skating’s effortless. Close your eyes and you’ll feel like you’re

Susan closed her eyes and inhaled fully, shivering slightly as the
cold air made its way into her lungs.

“MADAM!” Champagne was gasping. “Phats’s wanna-be bitch is after

Priggy swerved to the other side of the pair and joined in. “She’s
the chav in the tracksuit. Phats is the chav with the chains. We’re trying to
out-skate them but they’re pretty fast.”

Susan opened her eyes. “What a lovely interruption. Thanks for
that, girls.” She turned to Jenna. “That felt nothing like flying.”

Priggy studied her teacher and looked apologetic. “Sorry, were you
having a moment?”

“No, Jenna told me I’d feel like I’m flying but I just feel
panicked and nervous.”

“So do we!” wailed Champagne. “What should we do?”

Jenna continued to pull Susan forwards over the ice. “Stop being
so dramatic, girls. Take a break. Go and get a slush puppy or something.”

“Jenna, are you trying to get rid of us again?” asked Champagne.

“No!” laughed Jenna. “Ask them if they want a drink too. They
probably just want to get to know you girls. They seemed nice enough at the

Priggy scowled, “Yeah, nice for gun-toting, pot smoking, inner
city Manchester kids.”

“Priggy,” tutted Susan. “You of all people shouldn’t stereotype, especially
now I know about your…” Susan coughed, “…you know, about your—”

“Sexuality?” finished Jenna. “Just because me and Priggs here are
lesbians doesn’t mean we can’t bitch as well as the rest of you.”

“Ding! One point to Jenna!” laughed Champagne.

Priggy frowned. “Whose boobs did she look at?”

“What?” said Champagne.

“I look at everyone’s boobs,” laughed Jenna. “Now scram, the pair
of you.”

Champagne shook her head. “If we’re set upon by the Mossyside
posse then we’re blaming you.”

“No, you’re safe. Priggy’s a lesbian so she must be hard as
nails,” teased Jenna, directing her comment at Susan.

“Okay, okay.” Susan rolled her eyes. “Being different doesn’t
automatically mean you should be more tolerant.”

Jenna nodded. “No, being a nice person does.” She smiled. “You’re
getting the hang of this now, so take your hands off my shoulders and try and
stand a little straighter.”

“You’ll still hold my waist?”

“Of course, but you’re bending towards me and we wouldn’t want
that, would we?” Jenna grinned and glanced to the side. “Are you two still

“Fine, we’ll go and get a slush,” moaned Champagne.

“Would you like anything, Susan?” asked Priggy.

Susan laughed, “Yes, I’d like you to call me Madam Quinn and I’d
like you to book me in for an hour long body massage after this, please.”

Priggy stuttered, “I-I-I could do it for you if you—”

“Scram!” laughed Jenna shooing them away with a flick of her head.

Susan took one hand off Jenna’s shoulder and smiled. “I didn’t
realise I’d have so much fun with the girls.”

“You’re not like this at school?”

“No, I’m quite standoffish. You need discipline at school. Maybe
Marcus was right; maybe it is okay to have a bit of banter on trips like these.”

“You’re just showing them your true personality.”

Susan reddened slightly. “Do you think they like me?”

“Hey, I know they like you. You’re doing a brilliant job. You’ve
got the balance just right.” She smiled. “Now, show me some more balance and
take your other hand off my shoulder.”

Susan looked into the smiling eyes and released her grip. She
straightened her back and tried to stand tall. “Like this?”

“Yes, perfect, now—”

“AHHH!” Susan started to make a backwards running motion on her

Jenna held on tighter. “Stop, Susan! Keep your feet still!”

“I CAN’T,” she wailed, feeling her skates come from under her.

Jenna moved a hand to the top of Susan’s back and fell to her
knees, cushioning Susan and breaking her fall as she hit the ice. “What are you
doing, you crazy lady?” laughed Jenna.

“Giving up!” snapped Susan as her bottom landed on the cold
surface. “Ouch! That hurt.”

Jenna let go and rubbed her own knees. “Sorry, I tried to save

Susan shuffled forwards on the cold ice and apologised. “No, I’m
sorry, are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?”

“Nothing that a mutual massage can’t fix.”


Jenna laughed. “You’d consider it?”

“We spent the whole morning snogging on the slopes and the whole
afternoon trying to sneakily snog on the slopes. You’re corrupting me, Jenna

“You need corrupting. It’s always the good girls who end up the

“I’m not sure about wild, but I have to admit I
thrilled when the chairlift broke down this afternoon and the girls were five
seats ahead of us. They couldn’t see a thing.” Susan frowned. “You didn’t have
anything to do with that, did you?”

Jenna laughed. “I’m good, but I’m not that good.” She shuffled
closer to Susan and whispered. “Shall we have some drinks in my room tonight? About
nine? I could try and make your bruises better.”

Susan felt a rush of electricity, aware that she’d probably allow the
ever-so endearing Jenna James to do just about anything she wanted. “Okay,” she
said, “I’d like that.”

Jenna reached out and grabbed Susan’s gloved hand from the
oncoming path of Willamena Edgington’s blade. “Well you better keep hold of
your fingers then, because they’re a priority.”

Susan blushed. “What if I don’t know what to do?”

Jenna pulled herself up and reached for Susan’s hand. “Why do
straight women always say that?” She pulled hard and lifted her old classmate. “It’s
not like we’ll be swinging from the chandeliers.”

Susan clicked her fingers in her gloves. “Damn, I was looking
forward to that.”

“Come on, hold my hand and we can shuffle to the side. I’ll go and
get us a coffee.”

Marcus swished up beside them and performed two perfect stag
jumps. “Ah, that’s better! It feels so great to really let loose. The girls are
having a brilliant time. I think it’s only you who’s struggling, Susan.”

“I’m calling it a day and going for a coffee,” she said.

“No no no,
mon amie
. Let me show you how it’s done.” He
shunted behind her and wrapped his arms around her stomach, pushing his cheek
against hers and pining both of their heads forwards.

“No! Marcus, stop it!” Susan tried to wriggle free and reach out
for Jenna’s hand but Marcus had already started to push off.

“She’s been holding you wrong,” he said, glancing backwards and
shouting at Jenna. “Mine’s a frothy mocha with caramel sauce if they have it.”

“Marcus!” Susan was about to protest some more when she actually
realised that she was skating, and skating at speed.

Marcus kept his legs outside of hers and continued their graceful
journey. He whispered into her ear. “Close your eyes, you’ll feel like you’re

Susan ignored the brittle feeling of his stubby moustache tickling
her ear and closed her eyes trying to focus on the cool air that was racing
against her cheeks and the smooth ice that was moving gracefully under her
blades. “It actually feels like I’m floating.”

Marcus pushed his body tighter into Susan’s, sure that she’d be overcome
by the swell of his huge erection. “Can you feel anything else,
mon amie

Susan felt a miniscule poke in the small of her back. “Not a
thing,” she said.




Champagne nudged Priggy. “Should we just call them over?”

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