Read One Millhaven Lane Online
Authors: Bliss Addison
"If he isn't, he'll be back."
It occurred to Nate he hadn't heard the Chief arrive. Snow machines were noisy. If Asia was that much of a distraction for him, perhaps he should think about back-up.
"How're the roads? Still closed?" Nate asked.
"The plows have been out for the last couple of hours. How'd you think I got here?" Carter drew his bushy eyebrows together. "What you been doing that you didn't hear the racket?" Then as though he experienced an epiphany and understood the reason for Nate's preoccupation, he held a hand in the air. "I don’t need to know. Nate, if what I think happened, happened, are you able to stay objective?"
"I won't let anything happen to her, Chief."
"It isn't Asia's well-being that troubles me. I know you'll keep her safe, no matter what it takes. I'd hate to lose my replacement. Sean-Michael will be senior man then and you know how I feel about him. Tell me I shouldn't worry."
"I can handle the job, Carter." He could virtually see the Chief's brain dissecting Nate's statement. The Chief needed to hear the words.
"Don't worry," Nate said, remembering the conversation he’d had with a police officer on the Portland PD. O’Connell said Bobby supported his drug habit by robbing Mom and Pop convenience stores and twenty-four hour gas stations and he was always their first stop after a break-in or burglary.
Carter let out a deep breath. “I put out the word that Bobby’s back in town and to notify us if anyone spots him or has a lead on his whereabouts. The town folk know not to approach him. I made it clear that anyone would be an enemy to Bobby's drug-induced mind and everyone would be a source of revenue to feed his habit. No one in the Grove is safe until he’s behind bars again. Hopefully, for a long, long time.”
“Amen to that. Bobby will react like a rattler if caught in a situation he can't see a way out of. If he needs a fix, he’ll be all that much more dangerous, striking without a moment's hesitation.”
"I made that clear, as well."
Nate nodded. Of course, he would. Carter was nothing if not professional and fastidious in every undertaking.
"Bobby will make another move on Asia the moment he can crawl from his hiding hole," Carter said.
“I’m ready for him,” Nate said, thinking Carter was right. Bobby couldn't stay in hiding forever.
The Grove PD didn't get to work many crimes. Definitely nothing like attempted murder. The citizens were peaceful people, rich on community, sharing and love. They had a few bad seeds, but they'd either sown their oats and settled into a quiet life or taken up residence elsewhere to continue their wayward life, like Bobby McDevitt. Folks had believed the Grove had seen the last of him and his philandering ways when he fled town after Donna Rice accused him of rape.
"When do you plan on telling her?" Carter asked.
"She already suspects he attacked her. I'd like to hold off telling her. She's still shaky."
"Don't wait too long. She needs to know asap."
"I hear you." Nate dreaded giving Asia the news. It would devastate her knowing for sure her brother tried to kill her. But she needed to know and like Carter advised, soon rather than later.
Carter grasped Nate's shoulder and squeezed. "Be on your toes."
Nate nodded.
"I can spare Sean-Michael, if you feel you need back-up."
"I can handle Bobby."
Nate showed Carter out and locked the door behind him. His thoughts focused on Bobby and the danger he presented to Asia. He hesitated a moment to collect himself, then walked upstairs.
On the landing, he announced his presence. "Don't shoot. It's me." He could hear Asia's giggle from where he stood, the sound brightening his heart.
In that moment, there was no psychotic brother wanting to kill the woman he loved and everything was well with the world. Then reality returned.
On a sigh, he entered the bedroom and found Asia in the same position as he'd left her. He decided now was as good a time as any to give her the bad news and attempted to keep his expression neutral. He couldn't fool Asia and watched her study him.
She narrowed her eyes. "You learned something," she said. "What is it?"
"It was Bobby's blood." He sat beside her.
She inhaled deeply and let out the breath, shaking her head. "I was hoping it wasn't him. The spot of blood could have been mine. It's possible a drop flew off the knife and into the dining room. It's funny how the intellect reacts. Our hearts tell us the truth, but our minds refuse to accept. God. It's still hard for me to believe. I don't know why. Growing up, Bobby was always doing something to hurt or upset me. Remember the time he poured honey in my hair while I was sleeping?" She shook her head again.
Nate stretched out beside her and wrapped her in his arms; thankful he was there to comfort her.
He didn't have siblings and could only imagine how difficult this was on her. There was no love lost between Asia and Bobby, but she would never intentionally harm him. Bobby had no remorse, scruples or limits. Nate saw long ago, as did most everyone in the Grove, that Bobby had no conscience.
"I won't let anything happen to you," he said. "I promise."
Against his chest, she bobbed her head, her tears soaking through his shirt and dampening his skin.
For hours, Nate held her, soothing her when her shoulders shook and rocking her when her cries turned to sobs.
Chapter Seven
Nate lay still, silently grousing that they were no closer to making an arrest than the day of the assault. Nothing of any importance had happened and if he didn't know better, he'd think Bobby had given up.
The past week of forced sitting had grated on Nate's nerves. He thought too much, worried even more, second-guessed himself, reacted like prey to every sound and pretended everything was kosher.
Feeling out of sorts, he shifted in bed, trying not to disturb Asia who slept soundly at his side.
She was growing stir crazy also. Like him, she thrived on purpose. Now, with her wounds partially healed, he had a difficult time encouraging her to sit and rest. Later that morning, he'd take her to ER for the doctor to check her wounds. Asia had wanted Nate to take her to her doctor in Boston, but Nate had already made the arrangement. The ER doc seemed only too happy to accommodate them.
They both looked forward to getting out of the house, even if it was to the hospital. The one good thing that came from waiting for Bobby to make his next move was that he and Asia grew as close as two people could. They'd spoken openly about their pasts, their misgivings and fears. His greatest dread had been living the remainder of his life without her. He'd taken her by surprise saying that, but what he couldn't determine was whether the admission shocked her or if she shared the sentiment.
He suspected it was the latter, and one day, when this Bobby business was done, he would ask.
"How long have you been awake?" Asia asked, spreading her arms wide and yawning.
"Not long. Sleep well?"
"Like a newborn. You?"
"The same." Truth was, he'd slept fitfully. He had only to close his eyes to envision Asia's mutilated body lying in a pool of blood, her expression frozen with the shape of fear she'd experienced in the seconds before her death.
He'd jolt awake then, his heart pounding like a jackhammer.
"I've been thinking," she said.
"Oh. Oh."
She punched him playfully in the arm. "I'd like to go into the city after the doctor finishes with me."
He opened his mouth to answer, then promptly closed it when she held a finger in the air.
"Before you answer, you should know I really need to check on
. Crystal and Dorothy are doing an excellent job of running the shop and they're keeping me posted by phone or text, but there's only so much they can do. I need to pay bills, write checks, make last minute orders, do inventory and customer catering. Christmas is right around the corner. The store is usually decorated by this time. I have personal invitations to extend. Every year I have a soirée for my customers — "
"And...what did you say?" She raised her head and looked at him.
"I said okay. But on one condition."
"What's that?" She bit the inside of her lip and narrowed her eyes.
"That I drive you."
"You got it!" She swallowed. "There's something else we should get out of the way."
"What's that?" His body tensed. He didn't know why. It just did. The idea crossed his mind then that she'd rethought her marriage proposal and wanted to rescind the offer. But he'd said 'yes'. She couldn't make him take back his response. Already he thought of ways to persuade her not to cancel or postpone their wedding. He couldn't lose her again. Not for anyone. Not for anything.
"I intend to keep my shop after we're married. Do you have a problem with that?"
"None." He wouldn't try to talk her out of the decision nor would he attempt to change her mind once they were married.
meant a lot to her. In good conscience, he couldn't ask her to part with something dear to her heart. It just wouldn't be right. "Anything else?"
"Our living arrangements."
"I'll meet you half-way. If we can't find something to our tastes, we'll build." He had the perfect property in mind.
"Great." She looked at him and smiled. "I'll delegate more at the shop and spend your days off with you."
"And I'll cut back on working extra shifts and arrange some time with you in Boston."
Nate knew he handled that well. His mother had always coached, 'Give a little, get a little'. But even if he weren't being diplomatic, he'd gladly give Asia any indulgence, he loved her that much.
"I can't wait for you to meet the Quints."
"My friends. We call ourselves the Quints."
"How did you meet?"
"At bingo, of all wonders. Seven years ago, after my divorce, feeling lost and alone, I went for a walk to clear my head. As I was passing Stella Maris church, I heard an announcement for everyone to take their seats, bingo would begin in five minutes. How could I refuse such a summons?"
He enjoyed hearing Asia's stories, her melodic voice brimming with energy and vitality.
"I look forward to meeting them," he said.
They had more catching up to do and probably more concessions to make, but they had years to do it.
Nate helped Asia into an examining room in the ER and onto a bed.
"The nurse said the doctor will be right in," he said.
"Hopefully, he'll be able to take out the stitches."
"Yes, hopefully." He hid his true feeling on the subject. Asia hated being an invalid. Once she worked more mobility into her leg, he'd have a difficult time holding her still and in one place for long. She already had full control of her arm.
"You don't have to stay with me," she said. "I know you have calls to make."
"Are you sure?" There were some things he should check on, but he figured she needed him more.
"Go on." She slapped his arm. "I'll be fine."
He dropped a kiss on her nose and headed into the corridor. He found a quiet spot away from the traffic of hospital personnel and patient care, one that also afforded him a direct line of sight into the examination room area. From there, he could see anyone entering or leaving. He wasted no time calling the station. Stacey answered on the first ring.
"It's Nate. Is the Chief free?"
"He is. I hear the stitches are coming out today."
"Maybe." There were no secrets in the Grove, which made Nate wonder how Bobby managed to sneak into town unseen. Someone should have seen him. On further thought, Nate recalled how Bobby could expertly disappear and reappear.
"Asia must be antsy to reclaim her life. I can't imagine having a killer stalking me, knowing he's out there but not where, knowing he's going to strike but not when. The both of you must be total wrecks."