One Night Only (11 page)

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Authors: Violet Blue

BOOK: One Night Only
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Heidi Champa
y cell phone beeped, the tinny electronic sound mixing in with the din of the people in the office. As much as I wanted to look at it right away, the computer screen in front of me and the voice on my landline were demanding my attention. As soon as I could break free from actual work, I picked up my iPhone and brought up the screen I had been waiting for. That much-anticipated beep signaled the presence of the best food truck in town: Jared's Bad-Ass Cheeseburgers.
I had fallen in love with the burgers the very first time I tasted one. I had never really been a fan of hamburgers: too many bad memories of burnt patties from family barbeques. These were not your run-of-the-mill hamburgers. It very well might have been the best food I had ever put in my mouth. The burger itself was magical enough. But, Jared, the incredibly hot guy who ran the food truck, didn't just do plain old burgers. Each one was a masterpiece of flavors, made to order and served with just a few thick-cut fries.
Since that first taste all those months ago, I had been stalking Jared and his burgers using a specialized application on my phone. It would alert me to Jared's proximity to both my home and office. I had gotten lucky a few times, the truck showing up at just the right time, the burgers falling right into my lap like a little slice of heaven. Those were the best days. But, most of the time, like now, I couldn't just drop everything I was doing and run out into the street to get a burger. As much as I wanted to, I was trapped behind my desk, and I would have to forgo one of Jared's burgers for yet another day. I set my phone down and sighed, turning back to the report that remained unfinished on my computer screen.
It wasn't only Jared's burgers that had me so drawn to that silver and black food truck, practically turning me into a psycho stalker. The man himself kept me coming back for more. The other thing my smart phone was really good for: finding out more information about our local celebrity chef. I devoured information about him as readily as I ate up his food creations, desperate to know more about him. My obsession grew every time he served me, his dark eyes piercing me through the truck window. His smile made me melt faster than his twenty varieties of cheese did on those smoking-hot burgers. The tattoos that covered his muscled forearms were almost too much for me to bear.
I started wearing low-cut tops every time I visited Jared, because the height of the food truck meant he would get the chance to look down my shirt. I caught him doing just that a few times, and the thrill of it kept me buzzing for the rest of the day. I never really talked to Jared, other than to place my order. I would form whole conversations with him in my head, but I always chickened out at the last minute, choosing instead to focus on my burger and casting a stray glance his way as
I ate. On the plus side, I had visited Jared's truck so often he seemed to remember me. Or, at least, he remembered my order. That had to count for something. Secretly, I wished for him to make the first move, but that hardly seemed practical, given that every time I saw him he was working at an intense pace. My desire continued to grow from afar; every wink, smile and accidental touch throwing another log on the fire inside me. Just like the double jalapeño burger I loved to order.
My phone had been strangely silent for days. I checked it a million times, just to make sure the thing was still functional. I worried at first that I had finally dropped it one too many times, but everything was still working properly. Jared had seemingly disappeared off the map, the app I had no longer giving me the information I so craved. I expanded the search area to include the areas I had never bothered to go to and I found him, all the way across town, serving burgers miles and miles away from me. That bastard. How could he forsake me like that?
I was pissed. Not just because it had been way too long since I'd savored one of his fabulous burgers. I missed him, in a weird way. This was a guy I barely spoke to, but he had become such a part of my consciousness, it was hard not having him close at hand. I didn't want to have to drive so many miles to satisfy my urges, both for him and for food. Resigned, I tried to forget about him and his stupid truck, even going so far as to eat burgers from other places. But they paled in comparison, never quite scratching my itch the way Jared could. I had given up hope, but every time I thought about dumping the food truck app from my phone, something stopped me. I just couldn't turn my back on him completely.
I was jonesing hard very late one night, almost to the point where I was ready to drive to the twenty-four-hour market and
try to duplicate Jared's magic in my own kitchen. About to settle instead for the leftover Chinese food in my fridge, I paused when I heard a familiar sound coming from the depths of my purse. It couldn't be, could it? I practically ran across the room, digging in my bag like a wild woman, hoping against hope that it wasn't just some pointless text message from a friend or a bill reminder from my service provider. When I looked at the pristine flat screen, I saw the flashing red light I had been waiting to see for weeks. Jared was back and just a few blocks away.
Throwing on whatever clothes I could find, I charged into my car, racing to the spot where my crush and my burger were waiting for me. My car was the only one on the street, and I was so relieved when I noticed that Jared's truck had no one standing in front of it. In fact, we were the only two people on the road at that moment, the city quiet for a change. It took every ounce of strength I possessed not to run screaming toward that black and silver oasis, choosing instead to walk as casually as I could to my destiny. My breath caught as I saw Jared busily working behind the slightly steamy windows. He looked up and saw me, his smile nearly making me turn and run. But, I pressed on, taking each step slowly as I made my way to the truck's order window.
I opened my mouth to speak, but Jared beat me to the punch.
“Hey there, stranger. Haven't seen you in a while. Let me guess, double jalapeño burger with extra cheese.”
I don't know why I hesitated, the word
was just a breath away, but for some reason I just stood silent in front of him, letting his eyes roam over me. I took one more step closer, the metal counter right underneath my chin. I stared up into his eyes, letting the delicious smell coming from inside the truck waft into my nose. Finally, I managed to find my words.
“Not tonight. I'm thinking I should try something different. Something a little adventurous. What do you recommend?”
He smiled like a mischievous schoolboy, wiping his hands on a heavily stained rag. Picking up a silver bowl, he dipped a spoon into it and offered it to me. I opened my mouth without thinking, letting the cool metal spoon slip between my lips. The flavors exploded on my tongue, spicy and sweet mixing to perfection as I swallowed the cool liquid down my throat. I put my hand on his to steady the spoon as he pulled away, touching him for the first time. The combination sent a shock down my spine and made me just a little wet.
“It's delicious. What is it?”
“Just a new sauce I've been working on. I thought you might like it. I started using it last week. It's a shame you haven't been around in a while.”
“Well, you haven't been on this side of town in a while.”
“And, how do you know that? Are you having me followed?”
“Not exactly, Jared.”
I blushed, not wanting to admit that I was basically stalking him electronically. I just shrugged, refusing to embarrass myself any further.
“Well, you're right. I haven't been over in this part of town for a while. I'm trying to expand the business a little. But I didn't forget about you, Celia.”
I must have looked shocked, as I had no idea he remembered my name. He had never used it before. He crossed those tattooed arms over his chest, the black shirt he was wearing streaked with sauces and spices. Suddenly, the last thing on my mind was a burger. All I could think about was how those strong hands would feel on my body. But I had to at least pretend I was just there for the food. After all, I truly did want both.
“So, can I get a burger with that new sauce, Jared?”
This time he hesitated, standing stock-still as he seemed to process my request. He finally started moving, cooking and constructing my burger as I watched. He placed the gorgeous creation into a container, but instead of handing it out the window to me, he just set it aside, leaning down to look me in the eye instead.
“Can I have my burger now, Jared?”
“Sure, sure. In a minute. But I thought you said you were looking for some adventure tonight, Celia. I don't think you're really after just a burger tonight, are you? I think you want something more than that. In fact, I think you've wanting something more from that very first day. Well, am I right, Celia?”
My throat had completely dried up, but I managed to shake my head yes. For the first time ever, I was standing in front of that black and silver truck and the last thing on earth I wanted was that amazing-looking burger he'd just made.
Jared didn't need any more encouragement; he set about closing the order windows and drawing the small shades that covered them. I heard him unlatch the small door at the back of the truck. I practically ran around to it, moving quickly up the two small steps that led into the makeshift kitchen. My heart was pounding, my fingers beginning to tingle at the thought of what was about to happen. I looked around the shiny interior of the truck, the tiny space filled to the brim with cooking supplies, food and a comically large grill.
Before I could do another thing, Jared had me in his arms, his lips on mine. It was the exact thing I had wanted to do but had been too timid to manage on my own. Thank god for Jared's forcefulness. He tasted like a mixture of his secret sauce and beer; clearly he'd been sneaking a few during the late-night hours.
My hands dug into his strong back, clutching on to him as he moved me toward an empty counter near the front of the truck. Hitched up onto the counter, our mouths still connected, I wrapped my legs around his back. His hands ran up my back, one hand wrapping securely in my hair. With my neck exposed, Jared went in for the kill, nipping at it with little bites. Each one made me gasp; the way he mixed pleasure and pain was yet another perfect concoction.
Moving on quickly, as if we were both starving, he yanked my shirt over my head, leaving me bare, as I hadn't bothered with a bra. I tore his T-shirt from his body, tossing it aside with haste. I pulled him back to me, wanting another taste of his mouth. I also took a moment to admire his chest, more tattoos now exposed. He dropped to his knees in front of me, the thud echoing through the metal box of the truck, making quick work of the button and zipper on my jeans.
I was naked before I knew it, the metal counter cold on my ass, but his large hands pushing my thighs apart felt hot. He tugged me forward on the counter, until my naked cunt was right in front of his face. I looked down at him, hardly able to believe that all my stalking had finally paid off. Jared licked his thick lips, dragging a thumb over my swollen clit, toying with me for just a moment before he lowered those moist lips to my slit. I let my head fall back, careful not to crush the bags of buns that were on the shelf behind me. Jared's tongue swirled circles over and around my clit, a thick finger dipping inside me.
I clutched at his head, keeping him close, grinding my hips into his face as he wrapped his lips around my clit and sucked hard. I moaned in the small space, the echo catching me off guard. Two fingers fucked me, my cunt clenching around him each time he entered. He pulled away, his thumb replacing his tongue on my clit, his eyes meeting mine. His face was still wet
with my juices, his eyes focused with desire. His words shocked me, made me want him even more.
“You taste amazing. I should put you on the menu.”
His fingers pushed and pulled, twisting slightly as he fucked me slowly. His other hand reached up and teased my hard nipple, adding a pinch of hurt to the bliss he was serving me. I steadied myself on the counter, suddenly feeling very close to the edge, literally and figuratively. Jared stood up, shucking his pants off, pausing long enough to retrieve a condom from his pocket. My eyes went straight to his cock, which stood at attention, the thick length of him making my mouth water.
I moved to get off the counter, but he stopped me, clearly wanting me just where I was. I reached out and snatched the condom from him, tearing it open with my teeth. I took his cock in my hand, jerking him, enjoying the feel of him. Part of me wanted to take my time, torture him a little, but it was beyond me at that point. I rolled the condom down, my hands trembling just a bit. He wrapped a hand around my neck, kissing me roughly. I moaned into his mouth as he entered me, his thick cock spreading me open. He stayed still for a few moments, our eyes meeting, before he started to pull back out.
I could actually feel the truck starting to rock as he fucked me, my legs once again around his back. The thought of the giant black and silver truck swaying made a small giggle bubble up in my throat, but Jared swallowed the sound with another kiss, pulling on my bottom lip with his teeth. I hung on to him for dear life; the muscles of his shoulders were tense under my fingers. Jared was grunting and so was the truck, its creaking axles keeping perfect time to our frantic pace. His forehead rested against mine as he began to slow down, easing us back from the brink. He took my hand, guiding it between our bodies until my fingers were right above my clit.
My fingers slid over the swollen nub, but he was controlling my every move, matching our tempos. It was so intense I could barely stand it, the last of my resolve slipping away. I don't know how I did it, but I managed to speak. Well, sort of.

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