One Night with an Earl (13 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Haymore

BOOK: One Night with an Earl
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Papa gazed at the little girl, then looked back to the duchess, clearly unsure how to respond.

“Now,” the duchess said, “back to the problem of Sarah. As I told you, she suffered a brutal attack from a thorned assailant. However, the housekeeper has assured me that the damage is minor. I am relieved to report to you that the scratches are not deep and, thanks to Mrs. Hope's miraculous salve, will not scar, save the one on the knee, perhaps.”

Papa gave a short nod, then cleared his throat. “My daughter has a tendency to wander. However, I can assure you that it will not happen again. She will remain in our cottage from now on.” There was a note in his voice that promised future discipline, and Sarah cringed inwardly at the sound of it.

“Oh, but Mr. Osborne, it is natural for children to wander, to explore their surroundings and to discover. Especially in an unfamiliar place. I have always encouraged my children to explore to the extent of their curiosity.”

Papa gaped a little at that, but then he gathered his wits and bowed his head, clutching his hat to his chest. “Nevertheless, ma'am, my daughter should not be gallivanting about the grounds as if she owned them. She will refrain from doing so henceforth.”

The duchess's expression softened. “Can you truly expect a child of her age and disposition to sit in that tiny cottage of yours every day while you go about your duties? No child should be constrained so, Mr. Osborne.”

Papa glanced toward Sarah again but didn't answer. Clearly he wanted to be out of this great house and back to tending his beloved bushes.

The duchess's gaze moved from Sarah to her father, an odd glint in her brown eyes. “Tell me, does Sarah know her letters?”

Papa's body jolted at the change of topic, then he straightened a little. “Why, yes, ma'am. Her mother was quite learned—she was the schoolmistress at the parish's charity school before we were married. She taught the girl to read and to write.”

The duchess clasped her long-nailed hands together in front of her. “Ah! I thought there was something about the way both of you speak…” Musingly, she turned toward Sarah, who was holding out her arm to Mrs. Hope while the older woman dabbed salve over a cut on her forearm. “Would you like to continue your studies, dear?”

Unsure how to respond, Sarah glanced at Papa. The answer was yes, of course she'd love to learn more. About everything. Especially the Trojan War Simon had mentioned earlier. If Mama were still alive, Sarah would run home and beg her to tell her the story right away.

But how would Papa want her to answer?

The duchess followed her gaze. “I see she turns to you, Mr. Osborne. Well, then, did your daughter enjoy her mother's teachings?”

“She did,” Papa admitted reluctantly. “Very much.”

“Good!” the duchess exclaimed, clapping her hands. “It's settled, then.”

Everyone stared at her, including Simon. “What's settled, Mother?” he asked.

“Starting tomorrow, Miss Sarah Osborne will join your brothers in their studies with Miss Farnshaw.”

No one said a word. Sarah watched as her father's jaw slowly fell open.

And that was how a gardener's daughter ended up being educated with the offspring of a duke.

A Hint of Wicked

A Touch of Scandal

A Season of Seduction


The Donovan series

Confessions of an Improper Bride

Once Upon a Wicked Night

Secrets of an Accidental Duchess

Pleasures of a Tempted Lady


The House of Trent series

The Devil's Pearl

The Duchess Hunt

His for Christmas

The Rogue's Proposal

One Night with an Earl

The Scoundrel's Seduction


Don't miss more from Jennifer Haymore's acclaimed House of Trent series!






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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright © 2014 by Jennifer Haymore
Excerpt from
The Scoundrel's Seduction
copyright © 2014 by Jennifer Haymore
Excerpt from
The Duchess Hunt
copyright © 2013 by Jennifer Haymore
Cover design by Claire Brown
Cover illustration by Aleta Rafton
Cover copyright © 2014 by Hachette Book Group, Inc.

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ISBN 978-1-4555-4802-6


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