One Night With You (11 page)

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Authors: Gwynne Forster

BOOK: One Night With You
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With his head thrown back and his teeth bared, he let her have him, and she stroked and squeezed him until he cried out, “Stop it, baby, or it'll be over in a second.”

“I thought you would like it,” she whispered.

“I loved it, and I love you. I want to take this thing off you.”

Why did he ask her? Couldn't he just hurry up and do it? “There's a zipper in the back.”

He had her out of it within a second, turned back the cover on her bed, stopped and looked around at her as if he'd forgotten something. “Good Lord, you're beautiful.”

Her breasts nearly spilled out of the tiny yellow bra that was meant to shield only her nipples, and when his hands went to the back of the bra to unhook it, she covered them with her hands. He stopped. He picked her up and put her in bed, and she struggled to keep her hips from swaying as her body hungered for him.

“Don't be shy,” he said. “I've longed for this moment.”

She held out her arms to him, and within a minute, he'd slipped out of his clothes and stood beside the bed. Realizing that he was waiting for an invitation, she grasped his thigh, pulled him closer to the bed, peeled off his bikini shorts and ran her tongue around the tip of his penis.

“Ah, sweetheart, no more of that right now.” He removed her bra, wrapped his arms around her and sucked her left nipple into his mouth, but when she began to thrash in passion, he left it and kissed her forehead. When he'd satisfied himself with that part of her, his lips skimmed her eyes, worshipped her ears, her nose and her throat. She swung her body up to his, but he restrained her.

“I want to feel you,” she said. “I want you inside me. Let me hold you.”

“In a little while.” His hot breath on her nipple sent rivulets of heat cascading along her limbs, and she began to moan when he sucked the nipple into his mouth and stroked the other one in a double assault.

“Please, honey. Get in me,” she begged.

“I will, sweetheart, as soon as you're ready.”

“I'm ready. I'm on fire.”

His tongue trailed down to her belly and then skimmed the inside of her thighs. Nearly out of her mind with desire, she tried to take his penis into her hand and force him, but he moved down until his feet hung over the bed, hooked his forearms beneath her knees, rested her knees on his shoulders and licked the inside of her thighs until, frustrated beyond caring what she did, she raised her body to meet him. He plunged his tongue into her, sucked, nipped, kissed and thrust until screams poured out of her.

“I'm so full. I need to burst. Get in me, Reid. I want to feel you in me.”

“I will. It's what I want, baby.” He sheathed himself, crawled up her body, placed an arm around her shoulder and the other beneath her hip. “Take me.”

She took his penis, thick, hard and throbbing, into her hands, stroked it lovingly and led him to her vagina. He thrust gently, but couldn't enter.

“How long has it been?” he asked her.

“Years. Push a little harder. I don't care if it hurts, I want you in me.”

He put his hand between them and let his talented fingers dance at her portal until a gush of liquid covered his fingers. Holding his penis in her hands, she swung her body up to his, and he slowly eased into her.

She had him at last, completely inside her, and he gazed down into her face and kissed her lips. “Look at me. You're mine now. Mine, Kendra, and you'll always be mine.” He moved slowly at first, and she began to feel his power as he stroked in and out, moving faster and faster.

“Do you feel me? Am I in the right place?” he asked her. “Talk to me, sweetheart.”

“Yes, I feel you, but I have this awful ache, like if I don't burst, I'll die.” Her feet seemed on fire, and a surge began beneath them, crawled up her legs and her thighs, and…“Honey, do something. I can't stand this. I'm hanging out here…Oh Lord, I think I'm going to die.” Her thighs began to tremble. “What are you doing to me?”

“I'm loving you, and you aren't going to die.”

She thought her vagina began to swell, and when a pumping and squeezing gripped it, she tried to steady herself by locking her ankles at his back and tightening her arms around him. All of a sudden, she could feel the walls of her vagina gripping his penis, squeezing, caressing and then she couldn't stand it. She was drowning.

“Reid. Honey. Oh, Reid!” She flung her arms wide and gave herself to him, and he rode her furiously, showering her with stars, giving her the sunrise, the sunset and all the colors of the heavens until she burst wide open. “Oh, Reid. I love you so.”

Shouting his release, he gave her his essence and collapsed in her arms.

He didn't have the strength or the will to move. Locked in her arms and legs, he would willingly remain as he was forever. For the first time in years—long before Myrna had walked out—that sense of loneliness did not plague him. He belonged to a woman who belonged to him deep in her heart, and he'd felt it in every sinew of his body the minute she gave herself to him. He didn't ask himself whether the power of his release came from his years of celibacy, because he knew better. It came from knowing that he was wanted and loved for himself and not for the jewels, perfumes and furs that he could buy.

He raised himself up, his elbows taking his weight, and stared down at his beloved. “I love you,” he whispered, and when she opened her eyes, smiled and tightened her arms around him, his heart seemed to slide down into his belly.

“How do you feel?” he asked her.

“If I didn't know better, I'd think I'd died and gone to heaven.”

Her hand at his nape brought his lips down to hers, but instead of the hot kiss he expected, she gave him a little peck. “It was wonderful,” she said. “After the way I felt with you, I know I can't ever be as I was before.”

“What do you mean? How were you before?” he asked her. “I'd like to know.”

“I guess it's…I feel like a woman, a woman with a man who can make her soul sing. It's…I can't explain it, but I'm different. It's like I'm whole for the first time.”

“I feel something similar,” he told her. “I've been celibate since my marriage broke up, and not because women weren't available. They're always available. But after Myrna's treachery, I didn't want anything to do with women. I saw them and looked through them. I spent six years on the estate here and never once left it. It was my respite from the world.”

He separated them and lay on his back holding her hand. “That's one reason why I was able to save almost all the money I made while I worked here. I didn't have any expenses, didn't smoke or drink. Philip stocked the men's quarters with daily newspapers, magazines and books, and we all had library cards. Drinking and gambling weren't allowed, and we had a house master who valued his job, so nobody broke the rules.

“I'm lucky or blessed, however you see it, and when Doris told me tonight that she'd never seen me look as I do now, I realized how far I've come. She said you're the proof that I'm on the right track.”

Kendra sat up and leaned over him. “I'm glad she's happy for you, but you don't need me as evidence of what you've accomplished. You're as much man as Philip Dickerson or the president of this country. Which of them was ever flat on his back, down and out? Yes, you had help, but many men have passed through my court several times, because they wouldn't or couldn't use the help given them. You are not an ordinary man.”

She patted his chest. “Why don't we drink the rest of that champagne? And you used up my energy. I'm hungry.”

He pulled her into his arms. “Don't change the subject. You were saying nice things about me. I'm listening.”

Her lips brushed his. “Don't get carried away.”

If she only knew how great she made him feel! “All right. Let's see what's in this basket.” He rolled off the bed, got their glasses, filled them with champagne and handed her one. “Do I still have to stay sober?”

She lowered her lashes, pulled the sheet up to her neck and glanced at him. “It's up to you, but what'll you do if I decide I want to…That I want some more?”

Play with him, would she? He felt a grin teasing his lips. “More of what? There won't be any champagne left?”

“You know what I mean,” she said, pretending to pout.

“No, I don't. You have to give it to me straight, baby.” He took a long sip of the champagne. “And you'd better do it soon, because this champagne works fast.”

“Maybe I'll just lie here right beside you and suffer.”

Laughter streamed out of him. He couldn't help it. “Sweetheart, don't even think it. That's the least of my worries. When your engine heats up, you ignite. So what do you think you might want more of?”

“Does it matter? You've just finished off the champagne.”

That was enough of a challenge, and the champagne had warmed him just enough, like a tantalizing whiff of perfume fanning his libido. “Do you want any more cheese and crackers?”

“Later, I might.”

He took her glass from her hand, put it on the table, joined her in the bed and pulled the sheet down to her waist. All he had to do was get one of her nipples into his mouth, and he lowered his head and began to suckle her vigorously the way he knew she liked.

“Reid! Oh, honey!” He let his hand drift down to the apex of her legs and linger still there until she crossed her knees in frustration.

“Open your legs. I want to get in there.” He eased his hand down until it cupped her. “Am I sober enough, or do you want me to stop right here?”

“Honey, please don't tease. I was joking.”

“Good.” With his forefinger, he rubbed the nub at the entrance to her vagina until she began to squirm and wiggle. Then he let his fingers have sway, playing her as a lyrist plays his lyre, strumming and picking until he could feel her give in to him. At that moment, he knew he had to have it all, so he lifted her, kissed her and, excited by her moans and cries, he sucked on her.

“Please,” she begged. “Let me come. I can't stand it.”

He lay on his back and pulled her on top of him. “You want it. Take it,” he said. “Do anything to me that you want to.” He began to rub her nipples. “Go ahead, sweetheart. I'm yours.”

To his amazement, she bent to his chest and circled an aureole with her tongue. He flinched slightly, and she sucked it into her mouth. Her hand trailed down to his belly, and she let her fingers stroke and tease him. If she was going any further, he wished the hell she'd do it. Then she was kissing his belly, the insides of his thighs, ignoring his fully erect penis. He struggled to remain still and let her have her way, but with her slow tease, he felt as if he would erupt any second.

Her tongue replaced her lips on the inside of his thighs, and he wanted to shout his frustration. Then he felt nothing, and he realized that she was looking at him. After that long pause, her fingers clasped his penis the way one grasps an object that may be hot.

“Take it in your hand, baby.” But instead, she left it and ran her fingers gently over his testicles, exploring them. He'd scream any minute.

His whole body tensed when he felt her warm breath on him, and he nearly jumped out of bed when her tongue rimmed his penis.

“You didn't like that?” she asked him.

“Oh, baby. I've been lying here dying to feel you take me into your mouth. When I tell you to stop, you stop.”

She said nothing, and he wondered if he'd ruined it. Then she kissed the tip, and he told himself to relax. But a second later, she took him in and began to suck on him, gingerly at first and then greedily, as if she loved it. He struggled to remain still, but his body began the classic undulations, and she locked her arms around his hips and tortured him.

“Kendra. Honey, stop.
I don't want to make a mistake.” He reached down and pushed her away from him. She stared at him until he pulled her up. “You were about to make me explode.” He fell back.

“Crawl up here,” he said, “and straddle me.” She did, and he eased into her.

“Lean forward, sweetheart.” He suckled her while she took them on a fast ride to oblivion. When at last he shouted his release, he felt as if she'd drained him of his energy and of his will to do anything but what she desired.

Cradling her atop him, he pulled the sheet up and told himself to sleep, but he didn't want anyone to discover that they had spent the night together. He wanted to protect her reputation. He reached over, got the clock and, without awakening her, managed to set it to five o'clock. That would give him half an hour to get into his room before Philip awakened. But was that the real reason why he couldn't sleep? How would he manage when they returned to Queenstown? So close to her, but unable to have her.

“I've traveled rockier roads,” he said to himself and drifted off to sleep.

“Why do I have to get up, and why are you talking to me on the phone?” Kendra mumbled the next morning. “Reid?” She sat up in bed, gazed at her surroundings and remembered where she was and why. “Why didn't you…? Oh. I don't remember when you left.”

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