Read One of the Guys Online

Authors: Ashley Johnson

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary Fiction, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction

One of the Guys (19 page)

BOOK: One of the Guys
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I managed to say all that without losing my shit but the minute I finally quit talking, I couldn’t even look him in the eye. I put my head down sobbing quietly wondering whether this was a good idea or not. I couldn’t stand this moment of awkward silence, he wasn’t saying anything and that’s what scared me. My fears are becoming reality. He wants no part in any of this mess I call my life. I want to just find the strength to be able to stand on my own two feet and walk out with what little dignity I have left but Cole cupped my chin and slowly raised it until our eyes met. Again, he wiped the tears away as I closed my eyes. “Open your eyes Sam, please.” He asked in a soft voice.


My blue eyes opened, taking in his chiseled face. His eyelashes were wet with unshed tears and his lips were slightly trembling. I hated he was upset because of me. I seemed to be pretty good at upsetting people.


“I’m so sorry Cole.” I whispered.


“Stop. I wish you’d told me before now but I’m not even close to mad at you.”


“You’re not? Do you think any less of me?” I asked quietly. In the back of my mind, I was waiting for him to tell me I had way too many issues for him. I have too many issues for myself and to have to burden him with it, I couldn’t bare to put him through that.


He squeezed my hand before pulling me closer to him. Our faces were merely inches apart. I could feel his breath on my lips and suddenly my heart rate was up. “I can’t stand not being near you. I’m not going anywhere; I want to be with you. I love you Sam.”


Whoa. Did Cole just say he loved me? The ‘L’ word, damn. I knew I felt this way about him but I had no idea he felt the same way. “What did you say?”


He leaned in brushing his lips against mine. My breathing became ragged and as he spoke the words I love you again, between each word he planted a kiss on my lips. No way is this happening. This has got to be a dream and if it is, I don’t want to wake up.


My heart is hammering in my chest as I stare into his eyes. “Do you mean that Cole? Don’t say it if you don’t mean it.”


“I do.” He whispered before laughing, “I can’t believe you busted the windshield out your truck.”


I grinned leaning forward letting our foreheads rest against together, “I can’t believe it either. You must think I’m crazy.”


“Well you’re lucky, I like crazy.”


I continued to grin as I crushed our mouths together finally speaking the words out loud I’ve been wanting to say for so long. “I love you too Cole.”

Chapter 27




I’m finished. My life is never going to be the same. Ever. Again. Everything about Sam made sense as she told me every single thing. Her Dad needs help, no father should ever put their hands on their child like that. She’s stronger than she knows.
And I admire the hell out of her for that. She’s beautiful and I’m hooked on her.


This wasn’t the way I imagined telling her I loved her but it just came out. The moment felt right. And here we are, faces inches apart both breathing heavily after that last kiss.


“I’m pretty sure I loved you the first time I saw you. I knew I wanted to change because of you. I didn’t want to be that person anymore.” I admit to her. She smiles the sweetest smile as she pulls me in for another life changing kiss.


“I don’t know how I ever avoided you Cole. Every time got harder and harder.” The look on her face shows me just how much she means what she’s saying. She looks so damn innocent and sweet.


“None of that matters anymore baby. You don’t have to run anymore, I’m here and I love you more than anything.”


I cup her face with my hands and pull her in crushing our mouths together. She parts her lips just enough for my tongue to intertwine with hers. She leans into me, melting her chest against mine. Holy shit, as if my breathing wasn’t already abnormal it was definitely much more ragged. Her soft hands reach under my shirt and run all the way up my chest and then down again. All the blood in my body rushed south and she could definitely tell. Her hand continued to slide down and as much as I wanted her to touch me, I didn’t let her. I whispered into her ear, “Not out here.” No way out here, not our first time. Any other time, I’d definitely go for it but I want our first time together to be special and not just on the couch.


I scooped her into my arms, her legs wrapping around my waist just like they were made to be there. As I carried her to my bedroom, I silently thanked the heavens above for placing this beautiful woman in my arms. I ran into an end table knocking one of Wendy’s favorite lamps down, shit. She shouldn’t have left it here. The sound of the base of the lamp shattering scared her, which I thought was too damn cute. Sam just giggled as we entered the bedroom. I’ve never brought a woman here; she would be the first and the last. If this didn’t work with her, I was going to completely shatter like that lamp and I’d never be fixed again. Gently, I sat her on the bed. Before I could help her, she raised her shirt over her head tossing it onto the floor.


The devilish grin she gave sent me straight to seventh heaven. I watched as her chest began to rise and fall with every breath she took. That lime green bra she’s wearing is nice and all but it’s got to go. She must have read my mind because she beat me to it. Damn I love this girl.


My mouth immediately showered her neck in kisses and moved south to those gorgeous peaks that stood at alert just for me. She moaned as I pulled them into my mouth one by one. Her back arched once or twice, she wanted me as bad as I wanted her. Confirmation was made as I removed her jeans and felt the outside of her panties. Shit, this was already way better than any bar lay I’ve ever had.


“Cole,” She whimpered. “Touch me.”


Begging wasn’t necessary but damn did it turn me on even more than I already was. And she didn’t have to ask twice. I couldn’t for long though or I was sure to come right here without having even been inside her. She was more than ready for me. Sam fumbled with my shorts pulling them down, ah shit. I want her to touch me but I’m so damn scared I’ll explode.


“Do you have a condom?” She asks so innocently. I lean in and kiss her before I tell her yes.


I grabbed one out of my wallet on the nightstand. I’ve never been so nervous to put a condom on in my life. I just wanted to be inside her so damn bad. Once it was on, I glanced at her a little nervous out of fear she would possibly change her mind or regret this. “Are you sure Sam?”


“Yes Cole, please.” She whined.


That’s all I needed to hear. Carefully I slid into her almost losing myself right there. I set the pace slow at first until she leaned into my ear begging me to go faster. Our eyes never left each other as I thrust into her again and again. As she closed her eyes, her mouth formed an ‘o’ and she looked absolutely angelic. Hearing her moan my name was the icing on the cake and not long after, I lost all control and collapsed on top of her.


“I love you so much Sam.” I continued to shower kisses on her as we tried to level our breathing out. Boy did I ever and it felt so good to be able to say it.


“I love you too Cole.” She can’t say it without smiling, my heart is soaring.


Not able to wait any longer, I decide to ask what I’ve been waiting so long to ask. “Go out with me tonight. As my girlfriend.”


She studied me intently as if she was looking for the punch line in a cruel joke but this was no joke. I felt a lump in my throat as I waited for her to answer. I was waiting for the jeopardy song to start playing in the background.
Please let her say yes.


“You’re asking me to be your girlfriend?” She’s baffled and who can blame her? She’s heard about me and how I don’t date, I’ve even made it clear to her.


“Yes I am.”


She sat up wrapped in the sheets as if they were a cocoon. Her eyes lit up as she smiled, “I’d love to be your girlfriend.”


The sheets dropped and I pulled her towards me holding onto the best thing that’s ever happened to me. After we made love the second time, she smiled as she made her way naked to my bathroom. “I’ll be just a minute; I’ve got a hot date to get ready for.”


I flew off the bed trying to get to her but she shut the door and turned the lock. All I could hear was her giggling as she turned the shower on and if I didn’t lease this apartment, I swear I would have kicked the door down to be in there with her.

Chapter 28




Getting up and walking into the bathroom to take a shower was a bold move on my part. I’m surprised he didn’t come after me but I guess he couldn’t since I locked the door.
All I could imagine was him coming and wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into the shower with him or back onto the bed. I stand in the shower letting the warm water hit my body at the same time the butterflies are wreaking havoc in my stomach. Cole asked me to be his flipping girlfriend! Wait until I tell Wendy, she’s going to scream for joy.


I step out of the shower and take a look in the mirror. I feel so truly happy for the first time in forever.
You deserve to be happy
, I keep telling myself. There’s a knock at the door and before I can protest, I hear Wendy. “Let me in Sam.”


I laugh as I throw on my jeans and a purple sleeveless blouse. As I look in the mirror, this is the first time I notice there’s actual definition in my arms from training and fighting. Nice! I stand there grinning and doing my best Hulk impersonations when she knocks again. I also couldn’t help but make a few jokes to myself about feeding the pythons. Sue me.


“I’m coming.” I yell as I turn the doorknob.


She practically barges in as soon as the door is open. “We’re totally going to be sisters one day how freaking awesome!! You hear that little bean? I’m talking to your Aunt Sam!”


I couldn’t help but roll my eyes as she began making assumptions. All he did was ask me to be his girlfriend, the wedding wasn’t being planned yet. At least I wasn’t planning it; Wendy on the other hand probably had it already figured out from the dress all the way to the food we would have catered.


“We came by to check on you. Cole told us you smashed your windshield. Girl, you are some kinda brave.”


“If that’s what you want to call it. If I can’t have the truck, neither can he.” I care to not relive that little moment from earlier. Time for a change of subject. “So we’re going out tonight, as a couple! I’m so excited. Am I dressed alright?”


“You look fabulous!”


I began drying my hair and decided to scrunch it up a little. After applying a little eyeliner and mascara, I smiled at Wendy. “Thank you. I love him Wendy, so much. I wish I’d acted on it sooner.”


“Better late than never, I always say. So I take it you’re probably going to stay here tonight right? The offer still stands with Rocky and I just so you know.”


I pulled her in for a hug holding her there for a minute or two. “Thank you so much for everything Wendy.”


Before I could get all emotional and teary eyed, I opened the bathroom door and as I walked out, I locked eyes with Cole. His smile was infectious, my insides turned into a puddle of goo as I made my way to the living room.


“You look beautiful Sam.” He whispered in my ear. I couldn’t help but blush, this was so unreal.


Rocky gave me a nod of approval as he grabbed Wendy’s hand. “We just wanted to check on you two, have fun on your date and stay out of trouble.”


“Bye guys, thank you.” Was all I could come up with as they walked out, Cole’s mouth attacked mine and I was more than willing to surrender.


He wouldn’t tell me where we were going but that was fine with me. He opened the truck door for me like a gentleman and shut it once I was settled in. Things have turned out way more than I ever imagined they would. After losing Marsh, I wasn’t sure I could ever love again. Even when he had clearly moved on and even told me he was in love. From the time I met him, all I could see in my future was him and at one time I had very much looked forward to that. Now, I’m Cole’s girlfriend. Girlfriend. Cole who didn’t used to date anyone at all wanted to date me. Just thinking about it made me so happy, I could float on clouds.


He pulled up at Olive Garden and after hearing we had an hour wait; we just sat comfy at the bar where he nursed a beer. The bartender offered me a glass of wine and I was hesitant but after a small taste of white merlot, I accepted the glass. It’s not like I needed to loosen up with Cole, but the wine helped. I laughed a little easier and it took the edge off of what was our first date. Our first date, wow. It is a little surreal, that I have to admit. I wasn’t nervous though.

“I hope I’m doing ok, I’ve never done this before.”
I’ve never seen Cole nervous since I’ve met him. This is definitely a first. It’s pretty cute, that I can admit.


“You’re doing amazing. The perfect gentleman.” And he was. We talked about nothing really but everything all at once. I learned his favorite color is royal blue and his favorite comfort food is spaghetti, hence why we’re at Olive Garden. I admitted my favorite color was pink and he dramatically rolled his eyes and then swore I’d never tell him another thing about me again. He leaned over from his chair at the bar inches from my ear. I kept waiting for him to whisper something but instead, he nibbled on my ear lobe sending my body into a frenzy. What a damn tease. Inside I was hot, wanting him right here and now at the Olive Garden but yeah, that’s not happening. We were brought back to earth when we were told our table was ready. I stuck my tongue out at him before stepping away from the bar. The food was amazing even though the wine pretty much filled me up. I broke a breadstick in half offering part of it to Cole. He grabbed it, keeping his hands on mine for a brief second. Heaven, oh yes this definitely is.



My phone
rang and I looked to see Brenda’s name. I should answer but I don’t want to seem rude so I hit ignore. I could call her tomorrow. I heard the voicemail notification go off and figured I could check it later. I expected Cole to pry into the phone call I chose not to answer but he didn’t.


Once the bill was paid, he drove us to Joe’s. The crowd was a little larger than normal for some 80’s cover band that was playing. Immediately we spotted Trey and made a beeline for him. He was busy convincing this girl that he had superhuman powers. He stood there trying to guess what color her panties were. Cue my eye roll.


“Really Trey, you haven’t perfected that yet? Shouldn’t you know most of these women are here commando?”


He smiled eagerly as he looked me up and down. “Are you trying to tell me you’re commando right now Sam? That’s kinda hot.”


“Whoa there Trey, back off my girlfriend. That’s all mine to know.”


Trey’s eyes bugged out of his head as he grinned from ear to ear. Even he was shocked by what his best friend just told him. “Holy shit, tell me I heard you right. You said she’s your girlfriend?”


“She is.” Cole’s face lit up just saying those two words and I found it absolutely adorable. I couldn’t help but keep a grin plastered to my face.


“Never thought I’d see the day, all I have to say is it’s about freaking time.” He pulled him in for a man hug and I announced I had to go pee. Trey mentioned something about going to scope the crowd for some ladies while Cole told me to meet him at the bar when I was done.


Fighting the crowd to get to the bathroom was quite the chore. I noticed the blonde from that one night and she simply smiled at me. I hate those kind of smiles, never know what the hell they are up to. I don’t think I’ve ever peed so fast in my life, I don’t trust that blonde haired bimbo at all. I peed half standing because well for one I don’t sit on public toilets and the other reason was the blonde bimbo. I made my way back to the bar to find her hanging onto his arm trying to talk to him. He looked a little aggravated. I told myself I wouldn’t get angry. There was nothing to get angry about but the more I stared at her from the back, the more I wanted to go pull her hair back and tell her to back the hell off. Before I could carry out the plan that was beginning to formulate a little better in my head, I heard the five words that made my whole night, “I’m waiting for my girlfriend.”


Confidently, I stepped up wearing a megawatt smile and leaned in giving him a long kiss on the lips. I heard her mumble something as she stomped her stilettos away.
That’s right
, I wanted to say,
you heard him right bitch
. “That was hot babe.”


“Well, you’re mine, you’re finally mine. I love you and everyone needs to know that.” I couldn’t help but keep smiling as I told him that. But never were words truer than that spoken. I’d shout it from the top of every mountain in the world.


“I love you too. Keep talking to me like that, we may not be here long.” His hungry eyes looked me up and down as I tried to control myself inside the bar.


I winked as I grabbed the shot of patron he had sitting there in front of him and threw it back. I bit into the lime and smiled, “Maybe that’s the plan.”


He just stared at me in disbelief wearing the most wicked grin on his face. “Oops, was that yours?”


He chuckled lightly as he pulled me towards him enveloping me in his strong arms. Just gazing into his eyes was enough to set me off and I was on edge ready to fall. The band took a small break giving the DJ a chance to take over. Trey was on the floor trying to do his best impersonation of the Dougie. My whole body shook from laughing; this was definitely the highlight of the night. I fumbled for my phone to capture this rare moment that I would be sure to hold over his head for the rest of his life. Like, when he gets married one day, I’ll be sure to play it at his reception and then when he has kids I’ll definitely make sure his children see. A few painstaking minutes later, “Fall Into Me” by Brantley Gilbert began playing and Cole looked into my blue eyes with such love in his as he asked, “Dance with me?”


All I could do was nod yes. This was one of those moments with him I wanted to be able to reminisce on one day.


He led me towards the dance floor and as his arms wrapped around my waist and began swaying to the music, it felt like we were the only two people here. My head rested against his chest listening to his heart beat. That soft patter put everything inside me at ease. Everything in this moment feels more than right, it’s more than perfect. Seriously I could go on all day trying to find the most perfect word to describe this and it would still never come to me. Am I lucky? Hell yeah. This tender moment was one I would never forget for the rest of my life. As the song ended, I knew there was nowhere I wanted to be but alone with him. Sitting in here in this bar wasn’t working for me anymore. “Ready to get out of here babe?”


His eyes sparkled as he replied, “I never thought you’d ask.”


After that comment, we didn’t stick around too much longer. We sat in the truck making out for what seemed like an eternity in the truck like a couple of horny teenagers until the windows fogged up and someone knocked on the window telling us to get a room. His hands were all over me but we’d managed to keep all our clothes on. Once we got back to the apartment was a different story. The minute we walked in, clothes began flying off in every direction until we were naked in bed and as he made love to me; my whole body felt like it was in a different world.

BOOK: One of the Guys
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