One Rainy Day (36 page)

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Authors: Joan Jonker

BOOK: One Rainy Day
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‘I haven’t forgotten, Mam. Peter is calling for us at half seven.’ Poppy glanced at her brother. Are you going out tomorrow night, David?’

‘I’ve nothing planned, sis, but I’ll probably find something to do, or somewhere to go. Why the sudden interest?’

She shrugged her shoulders. ‘It was just a thought, my dear brother. I know what your answer will be, but I’ll ask just the same. Why don’t you come to the Grafton with us, to make a foursome?’

‘You must be joking, sis! I’ve known Sarah since the day she was born. I can’t take her out on a date!’

‘It wouldn’t be a date, soft lad! Sarah is pretty enough to attract partners; she wouldn’t have to rely on you.’ With a sly wink at her mother, Poppy went on, ‘You don’t half think a lot of yourself, if you think Sarah would swoon if you asked her for a dance. The only reason I mentioned it was I thought she might feel like a gooseberry with me and Peter.’

‘Of course he’ll go with yer,’ Eva said. ‘He’s only playing hard to get. Tell yer sister you’ll go with them. And try to do it with a smile on your face, sweetheart, so she’ll know you mean it.’

‘Shall I get down on one knee, as well, Mam?’ David asked, adding, ‘Just to add a bit of drama to it, like?’

Eva flicked him lightly on the head. ‘Don’t be sarcastic, son, or your sister will be sorry she asked you.’

‘Oh, I’ve given up, Mam,’ Poppy said, knowing it was all in good humour. ‘I don’t want him to come now.’

‘Too late to change your mind, sis, for I’ve already put it in my diary. Seven thirty Tuesday night, escort Sarah to the dance. And in brackets I’ve put, as long as she pays for herself.’

‘If you don’t enjoy yourself, my dear brother, then I will reimburse you for any losses incurred.’ Poppy drank the remains of her tea and put the cup on the tray. Then she kissed David’s cheek before hugging her mother. ‘Would you mind if I went up to bed, Mam? For some unknown reason I feel dead tired.’

‘It’s a long day for you, sweetheart, going to night school after working all day. How did you get on tonight? Was the teacher pleased?’

Poppy nodded. ‘He said the hours I’ve put in have really paid off, and he’ll give me a good reference. He suggested I’m ready to start looking for a job, so I’ve begun buying the
every night.’

‘You’ve done well, sweetheart, and I’m proud of yer.’

‘So am I, our kid,’ David said. ‘You’ve done what you set out to do, and completed it in record time.’

‘I’ve got Jean to thank for that. Without her help and encouragement, it would have taken me twice as long.’ Poppy’s wide mouth stretched in a yawn. She was tired, but it was more mental than physical. She had Peter on her mind, hoping that things worked out for him. She wanted him to be happy, and prayed tomorrow night would show him the way.

Chapter Twenty

George Wilkie-Brook looked up when his secretary knocked on his office door and poked her head in. ‘Your daughter is here, Mr George. Shall I show her in?’

Looking at his fob watch, George saw it was half past twelve. Charlotte had said one o’clock sharp. Still, he wasn’t busy, for he had put everything in the hands of his secretary in anticipation of his daughter’s visit. ‘Show her in, Miss O’Brian.’

Charlotte came in like a breath of fresh air. Smiling and cheerful, she flung her arms round his neck. ‘Hello, Papa.’ She kissed him on both cheeks. ‘I know I’m a little early, but I only called for a quick visit. I’ll have to leave in ten minutes to catch Poppy and Jean as they leave their office. They are going to be very surprised because they won’t be expecting me.’

‘If you only have ten minutes, dear girl, can I get a few thoughts off my chest?’ George saw the smile fall from his daughter’s face, and he was quick to assure her he hadn’t had a change of heart over meeting her friends. He was curious, and doubtful, but would keep his promise. ‘If they are not expecting the plans you have made for them, won’t they miss having lunch? If I am to interview someone for a position in my office, then it will take some time. I don’t employ someone because they have a pretty face, or a nice figure. I run a business, Charlotte, not a charity.’

‘I know that, Papa, and I’ll make sure, somehow, that they do get some lunch. But I’ve called in now to thank you for not giving away my secret to Mother. You will see for yourself that my friends are good people. And I want to keep them as friends, Papa, so if Jean is not up to your standard, you will tell her nicely, won’t you, that she hasn’t got the job?’

George couldn’t be guilty of taking the smile off his daughter’s face, or dousing her excitement. ‘I will be the perfect gentleman, my dear, have no fear on that score. I will even send out for sandwiches, so they won’t die of hunger. And Miss O’Brian will sort drinks out for them. Now don’t you think you should go, so you don’t miss your friends? Oh, but before you do, let me write their names down so I’ll know how to greet them.’ He pulled a pad towards him. ‘Who is the woman you would like me to interview for a position?’

‘That is Jean, and she is the oldest. Jean Slater her name is. And my very best friend is called Poppy Meadows.’

‘Have you told Andrew what you are up to?’

‘Not yet, Papa, but I will do tonight. He doesn’t know Jean, but he does know Poppy.’ Her infectious laughter filled the room. ‘Well, he would do, wouldn’t he, Papa, because he knocked her over.’ Charlotte had her hand on the office door when she turned her head. ‘Don’t tell him I told you, Papa, but Andrew likes Poppy.’

With that she was gone, leaving George rubbing his chin. He really didn’t know what to make of it all. And he’d never been asked to keep so many secrets in his life. He hoped Jean Slater was qualified as a private secretary, for he would hate to disappoint Charlotte. She had never been so happy or animated as she seemed to be now. And although his wife wouldn’t agree with him, his daughter was old enough to
choose her own friends. And if he found they were good for her, teaching her about real life in general, then he would welcome them. But now he must ring for his secretary to organize sandwiches and tea. And a selection of cakes from Coopers.

After Miss O’Brian had written down a list of what George thought would be sufficient to quench hunger and thirst, he sat at his desk and wondered what he’d let himself in for. To give his daughter whatever her heart desired was one thing, but employing a private secretary as a favour to her was something else entirely. He thought of asking Andrew if he could offer any advice, but Charlotte had asked him not to tell her brother. Oh dear, he was beginning to dread the afternoon. He really should have been firm with his daughter and refused her request. Still, it was too late now for regrets. At least it wouldn’t be a dull couple of hours; Charlotte would see to that.

While her father was wondering what he was in for, Charlotte was standing outside the offices of Sutherland and Son. She was very excited, but also a little apprehensive, in case she had done the wrong thing. She wanted to help Jean, for she didn’t like anyone to be unhappy. But if Jean wasn’t suitable for her father’s firm, Charlotte’s action might have sad consequences for her.

There was no time now to worry, as Poppy and Jean were coming down the steps. Poppy was the first one to spot her. ‘Hello, Charlotte! Twice in two days! You really must love soup and homemade bread. But it’s lovely to see you.’

Jean was about to link arms when Charlotte said, ‘Can I talk to you for a minute? I didn’t come to have lunch with you. I have some news for you, Jean, which I hope will please you.’

‘Oh, ay,’ Poppy said. ‘This is all very mysterious. And why is Jean the lucky one to have news? Don’t I get a look in?’

Charlotte told them her father was waiting to meet them so it would have to be a quick version of what she’d been up to since seeing them the day before. When she had finished, Jean’s face was drained of colour, and she was shaking her head. ‘Oh, I couldn’t do that. You’ll have to tell your father I’m grateful but I’ll keep the job I’ve got.’

Poppy stared at her. ‘You will do as you are told, Jean Slater, and I say you are going after that job if I have to drag you there. I’m surprised you’re not jumping for joy, as this could be a chance of getting away from Mr John. I think Charlotte is wonderful to have gone out of her way to help you, and you’re throwing her kindness back in her face! Shame on you, Jean Slater.’

Charlotte didn’t know what to say. ‘Come and meet my father. He is expecting you and Poppy. He is very kind, and he won’t bite your head off.’

‘What time did you tell him we’d be there, Charlotte?’ Poppy asked. ‘We’ll drag Jean there, even if she cries all the way. But I think she’ll calm down in a few minutes, after the shock’s worn off.’

‘I told my father we’d be there at one o’clock.’

Poppy gave her a nod. ‘You take one arm, I’ll take the other. We’ll be ten minutes late, but you can say we were late coming out of the office.’

Taking an arm each, Charlotte and Poppy moved so fast that Jean’s feet hardly touched the ground. And when they reached the Wilkie-Brook’s offices, Poppy took in the names in gold on the window, but shut them out of her mind for the time being. Her friend Jean had the chance of changing her life for the better, and Poppy wasn’t going to allow nerves to
prevent her from seizing the opportunity. ‘For heaven’s sake, Jean, straighten up and put a smile on your face. The man isn’t going to eat you. And remember, you may never get this chance again. That isn’t to say you’ll get the job, but at least you will have tried. You are very efficient, and you show him that by walking in there as though you own the place.’

When the trio walked into the front office, the receptionist smiled at Charlotte and said, ‘Go through, Miss Charlotte. Your father is expecting you.’

George came from behind his desk to greet his daughter’s friends. Jean had been pushed forward by Poppy, with a whispered, ‘Look happy, Jean, and make me proud of you.’

‘Ah, you must be Miss Slater?’ George smiled as he shook hands. ‘George Wilkie-Brook.’ He waved a hand to one of the chairs he’d brought into his office. ‘Please be seated.’ Then he moved to Poppy, his hand outstretched. He smiled into her face, and was so struck by her beauty, he was silent for a few seconds. He had never seen such perfection before. Every feature was perfect, as though chiselled by a craftsman. And when she took his hand and smiled, her eyes were bright with laughter.

‘My name is Poppy Meadows, and I work in the same office as Miss Slater.’

‘Yes, I have your name written down. My daughter gave it to me.’

Charlotte linked Poppy’s arm. ‘Poppy is my very best friend, Papa. And she’s been going to evening classes to learn shorthand.’

‘I’m sure your father isn’t interested in me, Charlotte. It’s Jean he wants to talk to. And we don’t have much time because we only get an hour for lunch and an hour soon flies over.’

‘I have organized some sandwiches and tea for you and Miss Slater,’ George told her. ‘My secretary will serve them in her office. If Miss Slater will kindly come back in here when she’s eaten sufficient to keep her going, then we can have a chat.’

‘I feel like an intruder,’ Poppy said. ‘I only came to give Jean some moral support, for she is quite shy. I didn’t expect to stay, certainly not for lunch. My being here will slow things down, so I’ll slip away and leave you to go about your business.’

‘You are not intruding, my dear,’ George said. ‘And I believe you are no stranger to the members of my family. You have met Andrew, have you not? And not in the best of circumstances, I was told. Nevertheless you know him.’

Poppy stared at him for a few seconds, then a slow smile gave way to a hearty laugh. ‘Poor Andrew, is he never going to be allowed to forget what was a pure accident? I was mad at the time, I admit, but I soon got over it. No harm done.’

‘Don’t go, Poppy,’ Jean begged. ‘Have a sandwich with me, then stay until I’m ready to leave. I am very nervous, even though I have no reason to be. I can’t help the way I’m made.’

‘Okay, I’ll wait. But if we’re both late getting back, Mr John will be in a right temper. We could both end up losing our jobs.’

‘That won’t happen, I assure you,’ George said. ‘Please go and have something to eat. Charlotte will take you to my secretary’s office.’

After several sandwiches, a cake or two, and two cups of tea, Jean was feeling well enough to return to the man she knew now as George Wilkie-Brook. ‘You will wait for me, Poppy, won’t you? I couldn’t face Mr John on my own.’

‘I said I’ll wait, Jean, and I don’t break a promise. All I ask is that you promise me you’ll sell yourself to Charlotte’s father.
Be confident. You’re as good a private secretary as anyone, and more loyal than most. I want you to let that show. But don’t forget we haven’t a great deal of time.’

Although she hadn’t let it show, Charlotte was like a cat on hot bricks. She couldn’t wait for Jean to leave so she could put another little plot into play. She’d never enjoyed herself more, or had as much freedom, in her whole life. ‘Poppy, you haven’t forgotten that you promised to come with me one day to have a cup of tea with Andrew, have you?’

‘No, I haven’t forgotten, Charlotte, but I’ve had a lot on my mind, with one thing and another. But I haven’t forgotten. I’ll come with you one day, when I have time.’

‘We could go up now, and surprise him. He doesn’t know we’re here, or about Jean.’

‘We can’t just walk in on him, he might be busy. Besides, time isn’t on our side. Leave it for another day, eh?’

Charlotte was not going to be put off. She was feeling in a very helpful mood. She’d helped Jean, and now she wanted to help her beloved brother. ‘You won’t have much time any other day with going to the café for lunch. So why not come up with me now to say hello to him? That’s if he’s in, of course. If not we’ll come another time.’ She pulled Poppy off the chair. ‘Come on, you know time is running out. Just a quick hello, and out again.’

Poppy was halfway up the stairs and still protesting. ‘Charlotte, we can’t just walk in. It’s very rude, and very annoying if he’s busy.’

By this time Charlotte was in Andrew’s secretary’s office. ‘Is my brother in, Wendy?’

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