One Sexy Daddy (17 page)

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Authors: Vivian Leiber

BOOK: One Sexy Daddy
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The ceremony went by in a blur, but something about Stacy, Adam and Karen—and maybe even the whole town—changed. It wasn't that Stacy became Mrs. Tyler and Adam became a husband. It wasn't that Karen got herself a mom or that Marion and Jim got themselves in-laws. It wasn't even that there was love, although it was there and there was lots of it.

No, a funny thing happened at this wedding.

A sort of amnesia swept over the guests. Perhaps it was the droning voice of the reverend. Perhaps it was the heat. Perhaps it was the humidity.

But when the reverend at long last said that the couple could kiss—and then told them a minute later that they could stop kissing and a minute after that told them to stop that stuff right now!—in that time, Adam became a Deerhorn man.

And nobody in Deerhorn, not even Mrs. Stacy Poplar Tyler, could ever remember a time when he was not their home-town boy.

ISBN: 978-1-4592-8115-8


Copyright © 1999 by Arlynn Leiber Presser.

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