One Tree (74 page)

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Authors: Stephen R. Donaldson

BOOK: One Tree
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Slowly the spectators turned back to their ship. When Linden looked past Vain toward Covenant, she saw Findail standing with him. She wanted to be angry at the
, would have welcomed any emotion which might have sustained her. But the time for such things had passed. No expostulation would bring back Covenant’s hope. The lines engraving the Appointed’s face were as deep as ever; but now they seemed like scars of pity.

“I cannot ease your sorrow,” he said, speaking so softly that Linden barely heard him. “That attempt was made, and it failed. But one fear I will spare you. The One Tree is not destroyed. It is a mystery of the Earth. While the Earth endures, it too will endure in its way. Perhaps your guilts are indeed as many as you deem them—but
is one you need not bear.”

Findail’s unexpected gentleness made Linden’s eyes blur. But the pained slump of Covenant’s shoulders, the darkness of his gaze, showed that he had passed beyond the reach of solace. In a voice like the last drops of blood, he replied, “You could’ve warned me. I almost—” The vision of what he had nearly done clogged his throat. He swallowed as if he wanted to curse and no longer had the strength. “I’m sick of guilt.”

Honninscrave remained huddled over Seadreamer. Sevinhand and Gale wrath looked to him for instructions; but he did not respond, did not notice them at all. After a brief pause of respect, the First told the Anchormaster what to do.

Wrapping his old melancholy about him, Sevinhand rallied the crew. The anchors were raised, the sails set. In a short time, Starfare’s Gem swung away from the grave of the lost Isle and headed northward into the open sea.

But Covenant did not stay to watch. Bereft beyond redemption, he left his companions, shambled in the direction of his cabin. He was dying with a knife in his chest and no longer had any way to fight the Despiser. Linden understood. When he turned his back on her, she did not protest.

This was her life after all—as true to herself, to what she was and what she wanted to become, as the existence she had left behind on Haven Farm. The old man whose life she had saved there had said to her,
You will not fail, however he may assail you
. The choices she had made could not be taken from her.

And that was not all. She remembered what Covenant had told her about his Dead in Andelain. His friend, High Lord Mhoram, had said to him,
Do not be deceived by the Land’s need. The thing you seek is not what it appears to be
. The same prophecy was true for her as well. Like Brinn, she had found something she had not come seeking. With Covenant after their escape from
, she had let some light into the darkness of her heart. And in the cavern of the One Tree she had found a use for that part of herself—a use which was not evil.

Since Covenant could not bear it now, she accepted from him the burden of hope.
You will not fail—
Not while she still believed in him—and knew how to reach him.

Yet she did not try to keep the tears from her eyes. Too much had been lost. As she went to stand beside Honninscrave, she folded her arms over her heart and let the long grief of the quest settle in her bones.

Here ends
Book Two of
The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant.
The story concludes in Book Three,


a supreme


Alif, the lady: a woman Favored of the

Anchormaster: second-in-command aboard a Giantship

Andelain: a region of the Land free of the Sunbane

Appointed, the: an
chosen to bear a particular burden

Arch of Time, the: symbol of the existence and structure of time

Auspice, the: throne of the

Bahgoon the Unbearable: character in a Giantish tale

Banefire: fire by which the Clave wields the Sunbane

Bannor: former Bloodguard

Bareisle: island off the coast of

Benj, the Lady: a woman Favored of the

Berek Halfhand: ancient hero; the Lord-Fatherer

, the: a people who live on the verge of the Great Desert

the town of the

Harbor: the port of the

the land of the

Bloodguard: former servants of the Council of Lords

Brinn: a leader of the
; protector of Covenant

Brow Gnarlfist: a Giant; father of the First of the Search

Giantish ordeal of grief by fire

Cable Seadreamer: a Giant; member of the Search; brother of Honninscrave; possessed of the Earth-Sight

Caer-Caveral: Forestal of Andelain; formerly Hile Troy

Caerroil Wildwood: former Forestal of Garroting Deep

Cail: one of the
; protector of Linden

Caitiffin: a captain of the armed forces of

Callowwail, the River: stream arising from

Ceer: one of the

Chant: one of the

Chatelaine, the: courtiers of the

Chosen, the: title given to Linden Avery

, the: demesne of the

Clave, the: the rulers of the Land

: The Grieve; former home of the Giants in Seareach

Colossus of the Fall, the: ancient stone figure formerly guarding the upper land

Council of Lords: former rulers of the Land

Courser: a beast made by the Clave by the power of the Sunbane

name for Lord Foul

Creator, the: the maker of the Earth

: mysterious creature of power with which Kasreyn bargained for his longevity

Dancers of the Sea, the:

Dawngreeter: highest sail on the foremast of a Giantship

Daphin: one of the

Demondim-spawn: Vain

Despiser, the: Lord Foul

Despite: evil

: Giantish liquor

: a Giantship

Drool Rockworm: former Cavewight

During Stonedown: home of Hamako; former village destroyed by the

Earthpower, the: source of all power in the Land

Earth-Sight: Giantish ability to perceive distant dangers and needs

eftmound: gathering-place of the

: home of the

Elena: former High Lord; daughter of Lena and Covenant

, the: a faery people

: a gathering of the

Favored, the: courtesans of the

Findail: one of the
; the Appointed

Fire-Lions: fire-flow of Mount Thunder

First Circinate: first level of the Sandhold

First of the Search, the: leader of the Giants who follow the Earth-Sight

Foodfendhall: eating-hall and galley aboard a Giantship

Forestal: a protector of the forests of the Land

Foul’s Creche: the Despiser’s former home; destroyed by Covenant

, the: sovereign of

Garroting Deep: a former forest of the Land

Giants: a seafaring people of the Earth

Giantfriend: title given first to Damelon, later to Covenant

Giantship: stone sailing vessel made by Giants

Gibbon: the na-Mhoram; leader of the Clave

Glimmermere: a lake on the upland above Revelstone

Gossamer Glowlimn: a Giant; the First of the Search

graveling: fire-stones

Great Desert, the: a region of the Earth; home of the
and the Sandgorgons

Great Swamp, the: Lifeswallower; a region of the Land

, the: a destructive storm sent as a curse by the Clave

Grimmand Honninscrave: a Giant; Master of Starfare’s Gem

Guard, the:
; soldiers serving the

Guardian of the One Tree, the: mystical figure warding the approach to the One Tree; also
ak-Haru Kenaustin Ardenol

Harbor Captain: chief official of the port of

, the: a people who live in the Westron Mountains

Heft Galewrath: a Giant; Storesmaster of Starfare’s Gem

Herem: a Raver; also known as

Hergrom: one of the

High Lord: former leader of the Council of Lords

Hile Troy: a man formerly from Covenant’s world who became a Forestal

Hollian: daughter of Amith; former eh-Brand of Crystal Stonedown

Home: homeland of the Giants

Horizonscan: lookout atop the midmast of a Giantship

Horse, the: human soldiery of the

: partly human soldiers bred by Kasreyn to be the
’s Guard

Illearth Stone, the: green stone; a source of evil power

Infelice: reigning leader of the

Isle of the One Tree, the: location of the One Tree

Kasreyn of the Gyre: a thaumaturge; the
’s Kemper

Kastenessen: an
; former Appointed

Kemper, the: chief minister of the

Kemper’s Pitch: highest level of the Sandhold

Kenaustin Ardenol
: a figure of
legend; paragon and measure of all

Kevin Landwaster: son of Loric; former Lord; enactor of the Ritual of Desecration

Kevin’s Watch: mountain lookout near Mithil Stonedown

, the: knife of power formed by Loric Vilesilencer

Land, the: a focal region of the Earth

Landsdrop: great cliff separating the Upper and Lower Lands

Law, the: the natural order

Lena: daughter of Atiaran; mother of Elena

Lifeswallower: the Great Swamp; a region of the Land

Lord Foul: the Despiser

Lords, the: former rulers of the Land

Loric Vilesilencer: son of Damelon; former Lord

Lost, the: Giantish name for the Unhomed

Lower Land: region of the Land east of Landsdrop

lucubrium: laboratory of a thaumaturge

lurker of the Sarangrave: a swamp-monster

: open land around

Marid: a man of Mithil Stonedown; Sunbane-victim

Master, the: captain of a Giantship

the Dancers of the Sea

Mhoram: former High Lord

Mistweave: a Giant

Mithil Stonedown: a village in the South Plains of the Land

Mount Thunder: a peak at the center of Landsdrop

na-Mhoram, the: leader of the Clave

na-Mhoram-wist: middle rank of the Clave

Nassic: father of Sunder; inheritor of the Unfettered One’s mission to welcome Covenant

: great sea-monsters; said to be offspring of the Worm of the World’s End

Nom: a Sandgorgon

One Tree, the: mystic tree from which the Staff of Law was made

Pitchwife: a Giant; member of the Search; husband of the First of the Search

Pure One, the: redemptive figure of

, the: the Roveheartswind

Rant Absolain: the

Ranyhyn: great horses formerly of the Land

Ravers: Lord Foul’s three ancient servants

, the: fiord into the demesne of the

Rawedge Rim, the: mountains around

Revelstone: mountain-city of the Clave

Rider: a member of the Clave

term of reference for Covenant

Rire Grist: a Caitiffin of the
’s Horse

Ritual of Desecration: act of despair by which Kevin Landwaster destroyed much of the Land

Roveheartswind, the: the

: iron talisman by which a Rider wields power

Saltheart Foamfollower: former Giant

Saltroamrest: bunk-hold for the crew in a Giantship

Sandgorgon: as monster of the Great Desert

Sandgorgons Doom: imprisoning storm created by Kasreyn to trap the Sandgorgons

Sandhold, the: the
’s castle in

Sandwall, the: great wall defending

Santonin: a Rider

Sarangrave Flat: a region of the Lower Land

Search, the: quest of the Giants for the wound in the Earth

Seareach: a region of the Land; formerly inhabited by Giants

Seatheme: dead wife of Sevinhand

Second Circinate: second level of the Sandhold

setrock: a type of stone used with pitch to repair stone

Sevinhand: Anchormaster of Starfare’s Gem; a Giant

Shipsheartthew: the wheel of a Giantship

Sivit: a Rider

soothtell: ritual of prophecy practiced by the Clave

Soulbiter, the: a dangerous ocean of Giantish legend

Soulbiter’s Teeth: reefs in the Soulbiter

Spikes, the: guard-towers at the mouth of

Spray Frothsurge: a Giant; mother of the First of the Search

Staff of Law, the: a tool of power formed by Berek Halfhand from the One Tree

Starfare’s Gem: Giantship used by the Search

Starkin: one of the

Stonedownor: inhabitant of a Stonedown

Stonemight, the: name for a fragment of the Illearth Stone

Stonemight Woodhelven: a village in the South Plains

Storesmaster: third-in-command aboard a Giantship

Sunbane, the: a power arising from the corruption of nature by Lord Foul

Sunbirth Sea: ocean east of the Land

Sunder: son of Nassic; former Graveler of Mithil Stonedown

Sun-Sage: title given to Linden Avery by the Elohim; one who can affect the progress of the Sunbane

: inhabitants of Sarangrave Flat

Swordmain/Swordmainnir: Giant trained as a warrior

The Grieve:
; former home of the Giants in Seareach

Thelma Twofist: character in a Giantish tale

The Majesty: throne room of the
; fourth level of the Sandhold

Tier of Riches, the: showroom of the
’s wealth; third level of the Sandhold

Triock: former inhabitant of Mithil Stonedown who loved Lena

: a Raver; also named Herem

Unbeliever, the: title given to Thomas Covenant

Unhomed, the: former Giants of Seareach

Upper Land: region of the Land west of Landsdrop

ur-Lord: title given to Thomas Covenant

ur-viles: spawn of the Demondim; creatures of power; creators of Vain

Vain: Demondim-spawn; bred by the ur-viles for a secret purpose

Vow, the: Bloodguard oath of service to the Lords

Wavedancer: Giantship commanded by Brow Gnarlfist

Waynhim: spawn of the Demondim; opposed to the ur-viles

Woodenwold: region of trees surrounding the

Worm of the World’s End, the: mystic creature believed by the
to have formed the foundation of the Earth

Würd of the Earth, the: term used by the
to suggest variously their own nature, the nature of the Earth, and their ethical compulsions; could be read as Word, Worm, or Weird

white gold: a metal of power not found in the Earth

wild magic: the power of white gold; considered the keystone of the Arch of Time

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